THE PUNCH, 06 MAY, 2011

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FRIDAY, MAY 6, 2011

Cake making as an income generating venture


Beg ins with



lme Umoren


AKING money from home is not that difficul t, especially if you know the art of cake baking. Actually, some people stay at home and have built very profitable businesses by simply baki ng and decorating all kinds of cakes for weddings, birthday parties, local events and other speciaJ occasions. Cake making a nd decoration, be it for a small event or a big one, can be very tasking when one does not kn ow the knowhow. Experts say that as long as anyone has the

desire, one can become a cake decorator. According to them, what is needed is the special education . The ' Managing Partner, Magic Fingers Delicacy, Mrs. Favour Obinna, says, "First and foremost , you must have the required knowledge about the market requirements, and accordingly, you can take classes for improving your skills and a lso gaining knowledge about the add itional methods of cake decorating." Experts advise that it is vita l for anyone w.ho wants to go into cake making and decoration to have an interest in the business. Otherwise , the business will crumble before it starts, they say. According to the Chief Executive Officer, Excellent Taste Umi ted, Mrs. Annie Umoh , the whole business is a funny one. "You will be pa id for having lots of fun' And it is a lot of fun '.1.0 bake. You don't have to worry. Cake decorators design , bake a nd decorate creations that are a lmost as much fun to look at as they are to eat. It is all about creativity," she says. She adds that)1 cake • Umoh decorating has just - been a hobby, it can be turned in to a fu ll-nedged money making business. According to he r, a home-based cake decorating business is not only inexpensive but it is also satisfying, as it brings o ut you r creative side, adding tha t people a re willing to pay much for beautiful cakes.

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notes that if the capital one has is small, start with the basic shapes first. She stresses the need for continuous practice until one is confident enough about one's ability. Furthermore, she advises that the business owner should always atte nd cake decorating courses to keep abreast of new in the developments business. Both Umoh and Obinna believe that having got the required knowledge, it is important to associate

Obinna emphasises that the initial capital will be mostly for the eqUipment a nd supplies that will be needed for the preparation of the cake but subsequently, what will be needed a re materials like nour a nd other ingredients to make the cake a t different times. Umoh notes that it is important to learn how to make d ifferent ki nds of cakes. Therefore, he says there is the need to have different cookbooks and cake decorating books. Experts believe that having your own equipmen t will allow you catch up faster. It is also important to select high quality baking pans, cooking ute nsils and cake decorating

wi th other cake decorators to be ab le to keep abreast of the latest trends in the market. Attendance of upcoming social events or shows, where, ~kills can be ent , displayed is important as a Association of Small and form of advertisement. Medium Enterprises, Dr. Ike Umoh agrees that the Abugu display of one's work will help advertise the person, saying, "Words of mouth are very ingredients. good for this kind of business since it is important to remember Obinna adds that it is good to consider the type of cakes that a business needs marketing and adver tising." you intend to start making before purchasing supplies. He She adds that, just like any other type of business, one may not begin to enjoy the profit at the begin ning of the business since there may be some trial and error involved, which will be corrected after a shart wh ile . ARMERS in Yobe have advised the state governme nt to exploit the exploited if more people are empowered and encouraged, n he said . Obinna advises cake designer to potential of the Nguru Wetlands for irrigation agriculture. In a separate interview, Ali Goni, another farmer, urged the take pictures of past work done . This, A vegetable farmer in Nguru, Alhaji Mohammed Kaku, made the call government to shift emphasis from rain-fed agriculture to irrigation. on Thursday in Nguru, Yobe, in a n interview with the News Agency of Goni observed that rainfa ll in Yobe had been inconsiste nt and according to him, is to ensure that one has a catalogue to show the existing and Nigeria. . unpredictable, thereby discouraging farm ers. Kaku said that the area had the capacity to produce the food needs of Goni therefore, advised the government to provide farmers with potential ctients. He also counsels that it the state and for other parts o f the country. water pumps and other inputs to make irrigation attractive and is important tha t the business owner must have a picture of a ll kinds of cakes baked, "Th~ we tlands can produce rice, whea t and vegetables in commercial profitable. quantities to meet the food requi rements of the state a nd even for "There are farmers who depend on others for water pumps, seeds including those of naming ceremonies, export," he said. a nd fertiliser. Govern me nt should come in wi th full force to e mpowe r retirement parties, graduation , birthday and wedding occasions. He expressed regret that the potentia l of the wetlands were not fully these young farmers," he said. Also, experts advise that how well exploited to e nhance agricultural production and reduce unemployment On his part, Musa Shuaibu, a casual labourer on irrigation farms , among the populace in the area. said that he needed fin a ncial resources to establish his own farm and you make the cake will sell itself as you are sure to have people call up to "For now, o nly few people are engaged in small-sc<lle vegetable buy impleme nts such as water pump. production of carrots, o nions, tomatoes a nd pepper, a mong others in Other farmers who spoke to NAN, identified cha llenges militating order theirs through the word of mouth Gashua and Nguru . aga inst their efforts to include pests, scarcity of improved seedlings advertisement gotten for your existing "The lands are very rich with good yields but, the potential can fully be a nd storage facilities. clients.

Yobe .farmers propose Nguru Wetlands for irrigation



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