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Pages: 29_ 30.:J 1 & 33

Electricity: TeN management contract may collapse rpH E contact ~ tht Fcdrr.U 1 (;Iy.~mmt and a Omadian lirm. Mamtnba. lot the- maMgnnmt of 1M Transmission Company of NiJ,eria Imy &0 awry follo ...;n& the stnPl"n~ of Manitoba of 1""''ttS to contrnl human RSt.IUftt and fina~ It lbe mmplfl}'. In\~tlOll by our CDmSjJOndmt soo..'td thaI the: Catlildgn linn, lIi1ich 10 .Iutv sealed a N1:"2hn deal 10 ma~e TCN, one of tht su('(~.·;or cnmpanlt'l caf'o'td oot of thf' r(l'\\'l"r HoIdl", COOl!»ny of NivriJ. had }no;! i~ J'IO'O'ftS In manasl' the: OlpmAlm lit the: lmistme!' ofPIICN 1O'Odm; WIth thIS dt\'elnpment. the Pllm workm art to alOtmi boIh the human and filUlwl fl'$OUra!Slll theromlMny, while Manlloba emplo\'te !'.t(nntkd 10 NivrU win ht rftJlOflSiWe fnr the: ItchnDl 8p8no;ion of the: rIIltinn-s

responsihle if the (J)IllOO fRiled The Chid Eucuti\~ Offim ~t to 'J"CN by Mllllltot.. Mr I.'lnn f'rif'mnm. kiid on Friday, Aid two month5 into the ronlr&d, the Fe&oral rp(J\~menl Ml yet II) issuI" the caMliian linn Ihl' DeleJ;lItf'rl



it reljllirt!d 10

The I'.lI:trutll't' Ow"",n, N~n ~nctv Pqubtol'V CommlWOO, Or ~m Amadl.tnld o"r~1 In Itelerhorte mten"lnll'lhat he ",-as ,",lIll' of lhe fight by the worker-; 10 stnll Manitoba of the principal functions. ~I OOn', know IO-hnher am'bodv Iw n'fTlO\'td the function! Of r t but cmamlv not from ~'ERC The 1O'OIicm weteprmmg IDtthis. lherontrad said

Mamlohli IS In charge: Amadt sax! The Presidertt. NatioollJ llnion of Elcdncl\ F.mpJo,1!e5. Fcdmtl CaJlltai Trmlorv Oup(t'I'"_ Mr WISdom NlOlIChukwlI. ahn loid OIlr ro~1 on tht> telephone that the "vrker; pres.,,"1 ror Mlnitobol tn Or

~1Sion of tht rontract I don't know whal ,Itt q,uatton I:! now htal~ 1 had btm sick.nd ,-,"bll~ • Thl'''fIOkt';ITIIO for8ul1"illl ofJ"ubhc Entf'l"J' Mr ClmholllM Nwnkoh, did rtOt pick. ails ma!k to his mnhile

'\tnpped 01 the pnoopal functxHlS. lie said, -101110111),. U- tMt

'fheC.anadian linn. which '<1&n"'tt tJle BPEon Juh' 2J. 2()12, Iw al~!Iem p;lIid. qgnificant pan of i~ mana!ll'lTlfTll II ha-'i a1so 'l('nilin ttgl!1-m.,n tPam 1ft lhe rounlrv fur the turnarollnd ofTCN, .'t"nhng 10 Ihp 1erms nfthel"Ontr.W'l Within tMthreMTJlf ptriod of Iht deal. NI#ena.n IOl'If"kn-s 111' f:XPI'C'Il"C! II) U~\K'" lhe npnalion.<; of the unadtlln finn

their rontract 1O'lt5 ('lOll tedJmcal We

,QId tM,' should SMlO' 1&5 a cop'o' of lhe rontract aod Ihl')' did rtOt. It was 1~I~r thai wt' fOlInd that thtlr cootrart inclttdftl




idmltllstrauon ~'t ~

that if lhose- fundinn.~ IO~ ~UI from us, dInK IOtlIlld rtrn.'iln of PIICN. We prcRd fN thl'

pI~ ~,contnrtdeal lO,th


While """"''''''

17 other PIICN .succemr companies WI!rt slattd fur (,Ither pmllhsaliM or ~n in


los-A,,: 06_50_ 1330. 1630: 19,45 (MoN-FRIiSATlSuN); 12_30 (SUN) 16:45 (SAT)_ All-los: 07:30: 13.00: 19:00 (MON- FRiISAT). 1030. 14:30. 19:30 (SUN. 1830 (S,,). los-BEN: 07.45; 11 .00 , 15.30 (MON-FRoiSATlSuN)1230 (SUN. 15.30 (SAT) BEN-l os: 0915; 12:30. 1700 ~1iS!J<) 17 (,.1).1400 r.;...) O ~HILAHD

tRWU! - -

los-Il,,: 0715 (MON-FIII). l os- laA: 07'00 (MON·FRt). I&A-Aau: 08:00 (MaN-Fill) 1&A·los: 16.30 (MOtI-FRI); ILR·ABU: 08.30 (MON·FRI) lUI-l os: 1700 (MON-FRI).



JlO""er sector refl)nn prror;rarttmt of J'residml Goodluck Jonalhan. the: Feder..! r_~nmlenl retliil1ftl 100 pe- eml OIOneshlp In

10:00 (MaN-



14 :15 (MON-



Asa- los: l1 :30 (MON-FIII); los-AslI:13:00 (MON-Fllt): ABU- luI: 16:00 (MON-FIII)

HI)¥,'t'\'N. monlerloensurterrecti\~ man~t as ...-dl as expansion (If

the: nalwmaI pid, TeN 1O'lt5 sialM for m.:I~ mntrw;! lOr an initial pmodolthl1!'e~~~

TIll' manaK!"fTIr!lt mnlnlClor t'XpKtM not


OIlly to opaod the: grid

",ilhin the: penod of Iitt contact, bul also 10 ensurt that N"~n woritm; IO~ ~1'Ctn'th. tn.J~ '0 liD the: .wll PIP that had bt1:on idelhfied IIO\\~, the: PHCN ",'OIicm; had rormstmtJy (I(l'J'IOSed ttlt planntd tru.:f'Il\'eI' of the human r5lIII'U! ;!ond nultr! oponlor functions of 'J"CN by the: Canadilln linn. ItJUinS that it would rmdrt- the:m mfund.1nt They feamI th;!ot Iht C.aNdi;J!n lirm Olllid alsonnhar'l on ruttJ~ doIIIlIU1e st;!off sirmsth of thf' OIpnisation as well 15 dlfllhc lOinp (If tI~ ",mm In detmnlnu~ lOtto sets Gi\'ftI the:CWQSitionflfthelO,,",~


FedI!-'r.tI ~I lH'Kja


forme!" MinISter of ~, Pmr. Bart Nf1:ljl. llsed !leCUnty Ilmts. Including Jl(IIicr and army officm to ensure that Manitoba look cha~ onJuly 30. HO\O~oer, II w&!Ilumt thlll folkn.,ns the: eIII of Nn.ap, the: workm resufT'led thnr Of'P'l51IJOn -rfI111-o;i Mamloba untl1 the Frtkral r,(J\'em~15ucOlmbrd 10 their pm.$llrt and stripped Manitoba of the human n:souru and market opmitJOn rUf"liIlll5. Thf' wotkm; had pen:'ri\~ NnaJi 115 a hanlliner, "iIo 1O'aS not rNdy If) MUft po51tlOll In the purstut of the pIl"v sertor rebm. and tmplnyrd ~'ef) stIllt~tl) rro!.tnle him. Our t'\"'Im'<pf)ntJent Inmt th:tl

y,;tMut tilt mattet ormlKln and human

reQUrtIe functlOl1&, man.ll~1 rontr.Jd ~ nnpty


and it would be difficult In hold Mlllllt0b3

Exerutillt D1rn:to,., .'Imto,. Achltllemtnt NllJl'no, Mrs Regional COOI'dHlnlo,.. JUnlO,. Arhlel't'mt'l'lt NIYUla, /01,. Adeybola Abiooun, durinq Ihl! opening oj Ih(' l ... nluno in entnpng alld manoqemenf pl'ogmmme, /II J.oqm ., on /oIo/lc/ny Photo: ScxIiq Adria/CUll

large-scale rice mills to be constructed - Minister


P production

LANS are on to ronslmd 100 mills to boosl ria' in tht counl~', the Minisltr


ofAp1cullurtand Run" 1)eo.~1. Dr AlonlOlInmi AdetnI. tau said. Arlf'sIna gid this in Ahujl on Moodll\' at the Nallnnal AutrullllraJ

Commodity Otain Ik\'fiopmt'nt ~inarorprused bv thl- llann-based Aykuhural and Rural MAnagelllf'nt T raini~ Institute, -xnrdinstoa report by lbe Ntll.''J A9'!"CY of NIqtnIJ. lit reitmlm the F~I ~mml'nt's detemllnatlOn \0 meet its Ilflel nf making th~ mtlnlry R'lr· sufficient In nee production bv 2OJ.S. Adesmasaid, ~ 0I'f' mills. IW'II (tIO-ned ~, lhe- ~'mIll"If'nl, but owned by the pri\Olll' StCIIJf. lOill pilI In pbr:P the n1p;ic1t)' or 2-1 mlllifln tonT1f:5. "'al mtaM Ih~t the rice \1!.lut chilO In Ni!erla will, for the lil""1 tlntt In 01lT natIOn·, histon'. make us In ha\~ fun industri;!ol ClIp;aaty, bf' mtemalionaJhC.l.n1llr!ltl\.t. ~nd apahlfonf rxpnrtmgtotm- ~ nfWest

Africa Acamhns 10 tM mmlSler, 13 n.,.. ncr mJ1l!; ..ith lotal capaol\' of 2.40,000 ttmne'l. III tIWnCd In Iht rmOl.le sertor. ha\'! been cn:alf'rl in Ihe bst 12 mnnths. In hl!i ",marks, the E.leelll"l' DIrt'drIJ, AR?m, Mr. S~mul'l Molayan_ saKI ItIt institutt had f'mharUd on. study oftht pn'\lIihng ~itll.1ticm




rommodJl\ \Ol.Iue chaHl~

lit -';lid the aim "''l!..'i to prll\ilk .~ veritabl!! lalinchlnK·polnt for ;!o knfM-kdge--ba.<;('({ lakHill' of the rommodity \OIIlue ch;!oin deo."tIopment m Nigtria~ AntIrilinc tn Afnla\OIIn. 1M \lIlue cham dt-.~Iopment II1\M'!l5 partnt'rshlp. rt'l:ttIOMhIP, tnl~1. rommilmentandgm-emanc:etoensurt' tht ~1IS1runabiJity of DJri.hllSlnt:!>5 "'These an he ~hl(!\,~ Ihml1gh rDL-'i1 rt!durtion, h'K~ qualIty nf pmducts. ~ -.oc:iaI re'ponsihlhty Hml new 1Q\"li of roonlinal1n~IICIi\'t~


agncultul1.': h~ '\.lid.

l ,,-ABJ: 9:45 . 11 45. 2:45 (MOII-FRI); 930.1245 (SAl & SUN). Au -l os: 11 .30 , 345. 445 (MON-FRI). 12:00. 1430 (S.l & SUN) l os- lUNo: 6:15 (M"",FRI). 1630


F-s1 8_ tOCTOBER 31

MoI~)'1In alV! Aid he was ophmlSlic Ihlt tht' (Kltc:om~ (If ItHo ~mmt would ndd the desimt n:sults. especialll In the progrm of t~ A&nrull\l~1 TD11-QtXlTlllt1(}n AJ!tnda -I knov> thRt ~ outmmf' this two·day ses!\10fl ..ill product:' II. hal"'t'SI thai ",in fonn a 'i(lild bast on whd! 10 Ie\~~e the Khle\'t'ml'nt I'f 1M ~ Ind ~ "'edeo;l", thmuJh the ,;dot chain cko\-dnJ'ment ptflt"eS undt'l'" Ihr- A&ncultuDI TransfofTl\~t.,., Alenda: the e:cI'CtJIJ\1! dirtdor QI<I lit said th~ preentallon of 1M findings. a.~ I\"C'n IS inpuL~ tnllm~. dlsc:ussiom .nd tl--iibf!ntliol15 thaI woold kill,,,",, ...1>I1ld 11:0 to f':1l.'iUT'! tnal efforts ~ hRm~ and dunlM'iled II.pproprull'h 10 \1f'1d I rommon pMl. NAN rt'IlIlrt~ lhat the t..."tHIav pm,;ramme IllIractf'rl I1\f)I1.' than 200 partlcll)anlS, mcludtng Fadama and IFAO rrflJl'd ronniilUtnrs fmm the JfI ~te5 ofthl' ftdenitlOO"~ ,,-dl L<;oIh<-r ~akehokk'n; In thf' .~hu", uoctor





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CBH (OCTOBER 31.21112)

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.e7 §524




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