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industCY._ __ Nigeria spends $3.7bn yearly on wheat flour importation ilE Inlernational Institute for Tropic,,1 AJnC1lltuT'l' ha...~ ~td thnl Ni~erill l'\pt'nds $3.7bn )'earlv on the importalion of wlll'al flour "1(~ IIcau. lI otei II IIU Cnlering S('rvireo; of Ihe 1O"lIIu!t". Mr Sam;rn n r.ht7.lllI1dnr. ~id 111111 0 11



in U)'o at Ihe of II Iwo-da" trninlllg programme for Master Hilker: from South, 01M!lIill~

Soulh rl1lioll '111e lraining is a ~h'p forward ill the ('x('clItion o f the fedeml GO\.'l'mment's Ilt'W J'IOlity on the 20 PE'r (1'l1t indusion of CA."''''WII

flour In bread b.,kIOJt MnlllTnclilr ~id thai \1lriOll<; I.'OI.llllri~ had diffl'rtlll 1VJlt'" of hn"ad made from diffett'nl croP!; Arronling II) hlll1, It 15 l1olnhnorm1l1 for Nij1.('rilllfl ha\'c il!; btt'i'l(l mad(' from c:t."'~wa UOIII' "II j" ~hrmt 0111' "'"n;\'31

and l'rarlicatlOlI of hllnj1.t'r. il will bring down tht' CDSI nfbrt"nd and nl"O$'IILc:f\: Ihe ron<;1LlIler.; "It is in Ollr h~nds 10 ha\.... n hettertnmorrnw, maintain food ""fel\' a nd enslIn" that our Jlt'Ople consume lhe I)('<:t" 111e calennl/; el1'l)l"rt

e,<plained Ihnl rn ..<;in'1\ flour ha.." Inw ~upr cont('nt lod TICh in fiu~ Mat.lIlTwlilT .... id Ih;1t il W:lo; a(h,;«:Ihlr for di.,bt-li(' 1)''1l1enls to (':II lilt' ca<;..~\'a hread In a1llM..",111.(', Ih.. Mllu~I('1' Ilf A~.rlCL1lt1lft' and Kuml 1)eo.'t'Iopmrnl, J)r AtlewlIllIi Adl'",inll ....,i<l Ihl1l Nl~"nll wao; rmc of the I(";)din,. pnxIIlCl"'f'C .. f (':I""IO'IYn in Ih" wllrl.1 Th.. 1111111"1('1' 1'1':11 rpp""""nl"ll It\' 111<1 Sl'l'ri;d Ad\'l"l"l on r('{"itlllrni Mnl1(' ..... Mr To", F.~ttll l1 e ""'11.1 Ihat II w:t,4 Ihl' polin "r Ihr F,.,If'1':'1 (,;.o\'t'rT1lllf'nl I.)",M \'3111"10 (':It'''~:t\~ ol1l",.dl' (''''11111. il :I'" fonfon or pri AtI ..... na ...,iu Ih11l NI~l'n:t fllrn"nlh pmduf't'll 17 lIIi11ion IOlln~ IIf rn~ ...'\';1 tlllJ('f"(\'t'lIrl\ II I' !;;wl Ihal il "n~. Ihf'refof'{', nt"('(''''''.1TV 1(1 a,Id V';tll1rTor"~<:"m 11""j1.('1IIIhr counln


IITA h~< prmu....n bn".an ,,;tll <III 1)("1 ('('III ('3~\7l flmn lit" 11T'j!.1'fI1"~rllrir~nt'" I"

tllkr thl' Irmnin/t ~rioll~h ~II a~ tn :'1I;,lli('\'I' Ih,· :w 1"'1' Cf'nl mdll~1011 ('3~<.;I\'1I flour in Ill(' htt'lld l"'1kin", III hi~ II"l11ari.:... Ih(' Solltjd~'11tlh t'ool1lmalur "I Tlll1~lrr IL,J.,.r,... A.~"' ... illlilln. Mr R.,lph ..lllll. :11'1""'].-(\ In th" F,.,!('lnlt;m'rrnmf'nl 10 d'·, .... tilt' lr:1ininl!: I'r'l\:.T.. m"I'·~ Ill' ;t1~1I ,..~tll' "1 .. 1 11ml Ih(' 1'1'<"1'" I", 1I1'~m)!. Ihl' ":I""'-,\,:, 1"".,.1 hI' n,.1.1" ~1"11.1hl<.. ilh n.~'r. in .... n!i\'1"< U,lIn ('\I'H--.I Ih,' n";triinf'<;S nf nl.'~I"r I..,"........ 10 .. mhf';l('f' II ... ",,11"'\ hI I1dol'tin~ IhfO 20 I""'f lVnl fa"<:'I\" illdu"i"l1 in 1>n-;t,1 lIlalane: 11(', h"w('wr. ~l'r~ Ihf' ltol'" Ih~t NAFllAC rrr\lfi"d r:l<:<:"\ ~ IIn"r "~,"I"l h.. m:'llk In-ailllM{'


Euro Global introduces new p"oduets URO Glnb,,1 rood:>! illld llislil1('riM linllll'ti lIDS introdl1rf'rl 11mOf' II!'W pnxlnrt"'. SaVll03 al'plf' drink. Julill'" tonic wint' lind Telllpranillo WIne. Euro Global FlIOll4 1.'1 a mf'mber of Sona Graul' of Companif"li. a con/tlomrrnle with inlere!\l!! in Ihl' \'lIMI!! ~ors of th(' NiRt'ri:t ceononn Thr nf'W produt1-'" Wt!I"t' u",Tiled at lin ei~borale ('\'{'nl heid Itl IItt- Airport 1I0iei. IkejA, durin!: tllt' compo,n;>,'s 2nd Partners' Furum nirf'f'lor of Snlt'!i. ": lIro Glm",1 Foods, MI' Feiix Aighol)lllti, $lid il WIIS part of the company'!! mis.~io n 10 all"I\\,5 pl'O\ojde qU!llil)' prodUCT' for !Ill



Food technologists decry non-inclusion of relevant stakeholders

il E NIgerian Instil lilt' of food SclerKT and T«hool,,,;y, has dtcrird I.he ntm-indtLc:ion 0( rcle\':Jnl



bodies in the podtar.i"l of tlH" FI!'dernI Government's Nationa1 Ar.rieullural Trall5'£nnnal;on A.p!IKIa NIFSTnoioo th.,1 thoug.h the NATA IItttnda was Ihe n~!'d tala 1)'51 for IK'hievi IIi food ~rily Tn tht cou ntry, but the non-inclusion of ~1l"\'lI ot ~lakeholderj~rol1l's,

Ilt.5titullonll, Aca.demia., policy makers and indh'iulIAls in Ihe food industry while ngncuhllTAI

packaging the concept was II mis.~inr; link Ihat could threaten Ihe effec:lh'eness Alld 'rustainllbility of Ihe programme. l1'tt' in"ilitllie :<1n""i.'led Ihal Iht' docllmt'nt placed ,'CI) low emphllsis o n food proa-o:"'IIIJt. \'lIlue IIdelillon and '1u"'tainM lrainintt of IIttfl{'ulltlral praclllmnl.'r'I - all of which Ille motl\'(: forft'$ Ihnt dri\'f' and IIItt'n"lf,' 3/triC'lIhural

prfldllfli\'tl\' In II coll1mllni(llIe l'ii/tnt"'d iI\ Ih .. National Prf";"irlrn l nfthe inslit11te, Prof I,aleef S.,nni, at Iht' t'nd of il"i :ifoth Annunl C(Jnfrrencf'/ ( neral Merlllltt Tn I..,g(l~ f~IIII)'. Ihl' holi) ~ajd the d('arth Ilf fl'mlll',rt'ial IIrn«'uin~ hll~III("<~M on.l poor rO' nt't\\ork 1)('lw{'en

fanners. pl1lCeSSOl'5 And rollSu m tl'S asWl!'lIas limited aCftSS to funding we~ idt'nlified as key causes of po."iI ha~ 10S5e$.. The body also lamented thai the d~-astatin& effeclS of m:ent flood dill'i'lslers 011 fannlands Ind mfrnslructllR' would worsen the slate of rood insecurily in the. counlry, if nothmg po5ili~ Wl\..'" done' 10 impro\'e Ihe conditions of agro-based jndllSl.ri~ It said, "NATA is Ihe' needed calalyst for achieving food security in

Ihe counlry. Uowever, lherC' ",hould bt Prol)('T inclusion of all re1~'lInt profr~iona1s and s takeho lder bodies in Ihe Imcka~ing of the concept because Ihey arl! lhe moli"r fort'M Ihlll will dri\'~ And inlcn<;ir" a&ricultural pnxil1cthity ~Nn·'ST slrongly ad\'ocllics tlit' f't"\'iew 111111 implementAtion of the. National rolicy Food Hygiene lind Safely to promote Ihe adOI)lion of internalional besT food practi~ in food handling. We call on rclC\'lInt


o~anisa lions

s11ch as Raw Ma lerial.. RC"iCllrch Bnd Developmenl Council, ..-t'deral Institule of Industrial Rec:ea n:b. Oshodi, agricultural fl"'Warch in~lit\1lrs elc 10 netwo rk "iO a..'" 10 ensllre the surcessful irnple.rnentnlilln of NATA. "AI!;() tlie slIIlIll nnd 'nt'dinm scale enterprises lin" tht' pillars of any I!t:onomy and should 1)(' su pported to esillbli!;h food pf'OCCSS1Il1I: enlerwises thai win ~pawn new jobs and IIl1eviatt pcJ\'Crty: it lidded.. NII~T.

Bobo organises compe tition for Lagos schools A DOlIT



.rl.ha\'C qualified rOT tJle p~liminal)' o;e;sion of the 20 12 8000 Annllal Kiddies 8rnin Tes1 meant for both pri''1I1~ and publk primary schools in l..altos Stale.. The compctmon. \\hich i'" held annuallv, i." to rewaru Ihe immt:'diate. communihwh~re fSobo Foods and IlC'o.~ragt"S Limiled

loralt"d. To qualitY

for til!' I'rehmillArics, each '<Chool <mbmittffi 1.000 el1lpl\ rnps o f Hobo 2001111 Itl dr-;igllatt'd col1t"t'tion cl'lItl""l ~trnl f'f;ically locllted III di"ilrihul£lT £luI 1M..

TIle lital

300 tlUlllifll't1


sehoul'" f'Ir Ihl' hare l>een

grouped inlo four wnes (A-O) in line wilh lhe n ea~ of each \o(-al ~O\-ernlll('ni 10 qualifierl ..-..chooIs. Ollt of Ihe 300 ~hool", thllt qualified for 1mpr('!illllnarirot. 40 w1l1 mo\"t' 10 ll~qu3rter final o;ltIr;r. 20 school~ will qu.,lih' for the ~l1Ii final whilC' 10 '«'hools Art' expecled to bc in tiM' r;rand finale. Attonliu!I: loa "'\ntrmelJl ltv Robo, Ihc !I:~ll1rt' i'" tht' COII1I"1nv',, ronlrihulloll

('(lucation:!1 OM'f'IOJl11lt'nl inlit(' Nl1l1lln wherr 11 lla~ be<-n 11\ Ihl'



of pfTl(ludnr; r~~1 mminl/, NlII"lIt1lt'r g"ol:io; rnr Illf' 1'1\~1 ",j'( \'I'3r< !hil' i~ a !>uhll ... \0 ~I .. f

ellsl1rill!l; thlll the child~n II~ fl1l1y equipped for Ihe I a"h n~irnl r haliengl'S aheAd of their dcvelopmenl m 11111" ",ilh global l'IAlldards, ~it added Hobo Anmml Kiddie<; Hmm T~t L~ an Annu31Tm

01'J<, nis(od b\. &bo Food.5 And Be\'{"mg~ l.imlled IJC)w('rro b\' Boho, a fruit drink for kid~ _ 11 is held in f":tfh of Ihl" "'ale rnpilal~ I1f th(' federalion Ahollt suoo School!;~",

i0\11ro for Ihe 2012 Edition in I.a,,~ '1111.' m.1iden edilion "f Ih e I'mgrnnl1l1f' In :./(110 \\,II~ woo h)" I'llvir Inl(,nlnlionAI &hool wilil" III(' 2011 F.dillon \''{Ie wnn h\' ('"mm:'lI,,1 School Unllm t .1111(\



According 10 111m, Ihe




in\'eSting in tht' ~Inle-of-th('­ art equipment 10 m~1 Ihe demand for qunlil' ilem~

He' """d. ~Wf' :In" \'\"1') eXfilrd at Ih(' l't'acl;"l1<1 of 0111' Jtul""it'\ In I~ nt"W produl"l'" 11lf" rm1hK1'" repTJ:'"'('nl Ihl"hl~ht"'il 11I1Alil\ from Ihp I"rOO1H1inn 10 it.. pad:lI~m/t.

\ij1.hllbahi "'!lid thaI Iht' ~'('nl hilll hl'ljwod till' coml')"n" In build "Iron~ ",ll1tion~hip'" wilh it~ cl1~lom"f"'i amI dl~lnlll1lo"" tocllllrt'(,l1'cilin/linfnnmtion IIIJCI11Ithf'nf' W I)rn<ll1rl" 11(' "<lid. ~w(' nh,'il\'<i; Tt't'I·i\t" "f'f":'ll r<'f'<l1",<'k 11\11 rl1~I"III(,"" Ih,t


fmllier It''lp 11!< mt"f'\ tlwir 1'\11'I'('tllll"1I~

WI' ~n'alh 1I1'1',,.,.IIIIf' til(' tim.: nm r\i<lrilllltnT

IIml C\1~tOlllf'ro; II:'l~p lak"n to allt'l"l lIlIT 2011 1'1Ir111f"l"< Forum ~ Nill;"nal S:'ll.~ Mlln:l~"r , Furo Glnh~1 f"",k 1\.11' Ikl1t'Chukwu lIchq;lnl. said Ih.. prodUt"l~ Wf'11" ha.<;{"(\ on Ih.. otllcontt' of II ll·~Nrdl. willch .. hllwed 1hE- net'd for q\lalil~ prn<illctc:. "'hkh would he afforrlabl .. 1£1 mO-;l

propl. J-I~ said, 'WI' "'ill ('n.~l1re IMI thl' righl marilf'tingllnd promollon l)rOJl,r3nIlIlCS Art' canif'd oul 10 ensure Ihllt ron...... mt'r'" know thl'";(' prOOllfl"i Alld Appreciate tlwm "We hll\'r pmducro II nllllll)('T of lele\;slO n ronlln"rcilll a nti mdio ji l!&l~ 10 ",upJX1rt onr IIl1lrkelll1lt efforts li nd IhI'sr "'ill be I1n\'CilNISllnn ~ 11K' t"o"t'n l I'~nled Ihe C1lmpMI\- ..ith the o pportunih III inlernet lVith vnrioll!i ~lak('hQIdt'1"'! c:uch a~ di ... rihlll"..... '<1IWIi('1"!; amll ..'nkl' .... 11w f"nllll 110;0 ff":ltlllffi mlllfl('. n:ll'l('(' lind .Ir.tma TIl'" hi,.h po;nl Ilf Ih" {'\... nl IVa'" Ihr l>n>durl"'· (,lIdo"""nlf'nl 1,,thr l1irt'l't ..... , R'1tl"lnll"n :'IIKI R~ulal .... n Aff"i,.... National A,,"nn fflr !'nod and I\nll!. ,\dm111i"'lmtinn _'1111 ('"nltnl. MI '", (lg'lrhnJ.a'l1

111" rnl1ll1;J\I\·~ ",III!" of I'I'T1IIUd~ indl"l- A'lut! F.UI" T~hll' \\'~I"r :lnd ~1r"hf>hr




llrill~~ <. .. "It ,', \1111)h<ll':l WillN< \· ... 11 ~ "",,);il1)1

Sdll1"I'I .... 1I ...",·h \II RIlm. all'\ S~hn";1 ~'1'

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