TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 201!!
eco omy._________________________________ business
Nigeria passes satellite air navigation test Nigma quoted lIdoh u Sl)in&. "N'J&ml'S bold attempt ID mipate from ttm:Strial air ~ to I atellite-based llI\iption system ~ I boost &l the lfIIftIa!nd ",'ben two bapt IidiDI!s tl!5ted the new _ wdh ,.,... ""'"'" sucx:essful1y It the lAgoI and
- _. .......
i1IeEnunusauiine",'Uthe first to can}' out the IppfOKh the rnot.J Niligation SItellite System in Lap. while the IaJd rtIIXlrded the same in KIno. With thell.lCall5mxxded in our quest for lDO\ins from lerrstrW 10 I atdlite-bued air lest on
• llI\iption system. NI&!'riI has join«! thoJoooueo/lrig"""""" that Ire already opmting the ICAO-endorIId m naligation
ICAD is tht IntemalJOnal GviI Aviation Orpnisation. Udob sui the Nnamdi
Azil.iwe IIltl!rIIItJOIW AIrport, Ahuj&, and the PM IiIl't'OUrt IntlrnlnonaJ Airport were IIIlOIlB tbr four IlrporU m the _ " " " fo<tho ........ lie IIJd. 'To operate on Gt.'SS, Iinnft Ire exp!ded ID beeqwpped WIth the~
Mas on board for easy link
'fIith the satellite for
nIVlption and mmrnunication 10
d<Oon>-.I .,.",.,..
pilotll of the two fomgn airlines, while makin& Ipproach to landin& It these airpol1S, hid littJeornocontacl 'fIith the air traffic COlltrollers e:ICItpI thai they were under doee 'fI'lItm and monitoring on thUldat_~
Tht NAMA boss sUI that
the PBN
rontrol!m-' woRIoId.
Udob said NAMA bqun
~"""-'" ..,.."...
the transfortnatXXl 'fIith the compJrtion d the NJ60m
World Geodetic Swwy MGs. 84)rJN'ageria's22lU'p(lrtSaDd the pl'tlCfCiurai desip of the couony'. four map airports m 2010. He sUI that 60 workers in the I\iation indusby ~ underJomI; tnmin& on the atdlile-bued air Da\~tion
fuel during ukeoff and landiD;.
lie added that the system ""-I out.oo ....... emiDioo and air trtffic
The NAMA bo5I .said the tnmees included m traffic COIItroIIm, pilots and the pmonM d the N'q;erian Q\i1
Aviabon Authonty, N"~ Air Fonz, N"~ College d
Avimon Tedmolou aDd the cnwdthePn!:;idmtialF1ed. "Tb~ Ire
beiDa; tninai
by I PEN ~ Mr. Ed liajek. t.-om the IntmlltionaJ AJr Transpon AsIooItioo, Montreal, Canada." be saKI. UdobsaidNAMAwou1dtrlWl about 250 air traffie rontrollm on the PBN S)'Slml. NAN I'qlOrU thai lCAD 10 2007 mdoned the im~Utioa of tbe PBN I}'SU!m in Its Resolution 36/33 for aU membtr-states. including N"Jgma..
Fadarna Ill: Ondo disburses N215m to farm ers Sunday Aborisade. AJ."UJ'C
-......." .... "" NDO State Gowmor, Dr.
that hM;~ haslOfar disbwxd N2J5-4m to fartnIn 10 tbe mt! under" tbe FADAAlA m pror;ramme in tbe last thlft
,.an. MUmko ""'" ""'''''"''' tho toanother sttdFadama fanners
-"""''''''''''' m tbestate 00 Satunl.y.
The oa:asion was also ustd to inall&\lrale tbe Fadama Youth
_,"'-..,.tho Tht penor, 'fIm
the Carin& H!'.art PJ-o&ramme ri his admmistmm.
"' aha _
"'" tho
Jdta bttllnd the I!SlabishmerJt of three agnc:WturaI liDaps It
0... _
"""" and ... ..,. 1m admuusttalJOll ...... to empowtr yaung graduatts and bo!.t food
_and_ 01 !be stale and ~ • gmmtion d yourc fanners," the~said.
lie aBo said !be Fidama m
_ _ prosrammt WIS ancbortd onL
-""""- ---repre!ilIented II the ~ by his Ouef d Sbff. Dr. KoII hadpUlN 174JDasitsmunttrpan fund b- the prouamme.
MUmko .......... "'" the ~ d the slat!; lwd DO
ICPC begins payroll system review in MDAs eom.,.
resources. lIW1IIe funds aIIoc:ated u ptBOonel cost .nd eliminate prnoesses thai
ts limed at
5lItemmt issued Sunday in Ahuja by tbe spoktsperson of the commiaion... Mr. FoluOlamiti. saKi the acti.11I Chairman, ICPC. 1M. Ekpo Nta. disclosed this d1llllll • rourtl!S)' all on bim by the Comptroller·
avoiding lDfrKtions of the ICPC Ad and ensuring that the agenatS mIX1lnise buman
Service, Mr. Zabri Ibrahim. The ICPC boss. ~~,
Friday Olokor. Ahuj. HE ............' Prlcbt:eund Other Related Offtna!S Commission b.u rommtne:ed I system review of the lntqnted Pmonnel Payron lnformatioo SysIem 10 aU rrulllSlrits, drpartmmts and agencies of the Federal
Go=run<nL The otfcise
promote rorrupt practices. A
explained thaI the system reYle¥o. was not an ludit. He said, "We art canyin& Oul I system rev)ew ""th the sole ~ intention of htlpiog MOAs ,,"oid infractions of the ICPC Ad in lerms of p6"S0nntl costs and rtlated offences th~. We Ire. tbertfore. setkinr;
mmmum cooperauon across board on this issue. "We art going to dlSCUSS
findinp. best prll1ites
and how best to Implemtnt
than 'fIith mc:h of tbto
orpnisations. ~
Nta .dded thiit ICPC woukl alwa)"5 be I\-.ilabie to assist .ny organisation ~t makes I demand on the commission 10 c:ondud I m>icwin lreas where tbfy are baling difficulties.· He compare! the work of prison officials 10 thlt of uw:bers, ""lIiae uinmale mm-d is in heava! because their work IDvoMs huge sacrifice and rUk. " Nu said both ICPC and
Portland Paints partners Ondo Sunday Aborisad e, AIm... NE of the biUest paints manufadu~rs 10 the country, Portland Paints &: Products Nigeria Pic. inauprated its office In Akure, the Ondo State capital on Saturday. "'itb I disclosure that it would partner with the state gO\~ment for bettupatronage. The Maolling Director of the compa..oy, Mr. 8ayo Osibo, said on the occasion tbat the company decided. 10 go for a partnership because, ·the current Idministration in Ulcstale is unique in iu execution
projects. ~ He explained that the company was reputed. for producing quality products Ind servia!:s With warranty of at least fiveyears. Osibo said the newly inaugW1lted. office had three units for Santex Paints. Portland BlIIthroom5 and the Colour Boutique. He said the company remained the sole a&ent of Amitale Shanks .nd Ideal Standard, and that it had been supplying quality products O\~ the years. Osibo said. "We .re the major supplirn of quality bathroom products to hom<>, hotds, od>ooIs,
bospitals and factories. and the products have been tried and tested. byournumerous clients nationwide.-r1le. people of Ondo State can now create colours that truly reflect their personalities. They just need to visit Santex Paints' colour boutique wbere they can easily cI100R and mix colours for their buildinp from our exotic menu of O\'U 15.000
colours: -Our bi-tech paint di.spenser can do it in just two minules. We also offer unique products and services, and our products last lon&~. If you buy Santex paint. you haw not
wasted. )'OUr money because il is I wtiquc product; il is ~ weathu--proof; he
add«!. Ondo State Commissioner for Urban The
and Mr.
Physical Plannins. Igbekele Dawodu, promised to recommend Portland Paints to the Stale Executil'e Council for use. on the various construction projects goinl on in the stale. -As an IrdUtect, I haw tested and demonstrated Slnte:.: products in ha&pitals, pril..te and commercial buildings and so on, they stand OUI as the number ~ painls in Nigeria," he added.
NPS belonged to the Justice administration system, .dding that ·our ioter-reIauonsb.Jp must be senioed because the two must be ~ m-onlin.lcd in order to achtew: results and monitor their dients. ~ Therommission's boss took cognisance of the problems involved in movu13 I ......mngtrial inmales to couns and suggested "the nwng of mo~ coun sessions with adequale prison £aa1mes 10 dear the h".. """",,". In his presentallon, Ibnhim said anybody who had nseD to the poIltion of chid executiw: of &Dr orpuisation aDd did not ~ pesion for tbeckvelopmml dNi&triI"is not worthy to be there. • lie said the relationship betweaJ ICPC Ind NPS was strong, addin& that "the tmninal point for the people ICPC sent for prosecution has always been the pri!on. This is to say that the mandates of botb orpnisarionslredim::ted II monnin& tbtir 'clitnts' for national deYeopmI!nl· The NPS bou SlId thert was • Dted to coordinate the actMlJes of the two agencies ID msure thai the refnnnation a:pteted of thole ROt to prisons was rulised Ind the aperience would deter thtm 10ill& back to axtUpl tc1ivItiea after 5m3 their terms.
and control to the
fannm. Mimiko
SlId m. his adminislralXJn's commitment bad ltd to !be II.IIX'eII 01 the He IISIiIJred residents d tht his .tmmisttation would mntinue to support !be ~ in order to RM!be
s&m that
-"'_h"""""'''_ "" Tht ~ added that
...-.-..,.""the wealth cmtion
had """<d. .,.,.".., and
in \"Uious ap;auturaI ciIieIi in
tho_ "Th-""tr 3,000 youths ha~ hem mobilised for the Fldama Youths Empowennelt Sc:heme and Os """'" haft .... dfectivdy engaged It Isanlu Fadama Village in Akurt North
Local GovmIment Area under the pilot~· be aid. 'hmiko sUd h15
govmunent would assist in the tstablisb.ment 01 Fadama Youth villqes in other local govmunent areas of the stale. The CommissioDtr for AplcuIturt!, ilr AdemoIa OIorunftmi, c:ommtndtd the gavemor for eDSUnDB prompt pa~t of the stale's
rot tbto
Fadama III progtIllII"De. He aid the ac:tioa b.d fa.nnm- in the sate to btntfit from the fund OD rqullJ" basis and lauded the Mimiko adm.mistration for gnduall)' tun:ung the state to the food buket of the nation thrnugh tt.s suppon for the ,"Irious apitultuf1ll JIf"OIJIIIlDle5 The t'OnlIIlisPoner aIM said the devdopmtnl baf Ilso pnMded employment for youths in the state.