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news Borno ki]]ings, politically motivated State Govt OJusoia Fabiyi, Ahuja ORNO State Government has linked the killings allqed1y carried out by members of 8oko Uaram in the stale 10 polilk:s.. comes as it appealed to parents and guardiall5 to allow members of the






Corps 10 serve their Dne-)'ear national o;en-K:e in the state. ~ stale commisstoner for InfonnatJOfl. Mr. Inuwa 8Wl!1la. woo slated this on Fnday In Ahuja. noted regmably thaI many VICtims orthrlcillinpm thestale~l!f'e members of the All NLgerian Peoples Party. lIe said. ~ A large number of some of these things are political and thaI is why greater numbers of people beinA killed are from a particular party, Ull')' are all from Al'lPP. WEven on Thursday. they killedsomebody, whoddecled from Ptoples OemocntiC' Party 10 ANI'P -n.e late Gen. Mamma Shu""a was the chairman of !he Board of the ANPP. I can conlmue to name names for )'ou; all of them are from the ANI'P.

-All these: people being ~

from the Ah'PP ~ is 00 smgle PDP member" thai has been killed Iodate. -E~n if ~ a comcidentt, ~ ha~ a very senous Inclinatlon 10 the effect that this thing has senous political undertones. Politicians find in Boko Ilaram perfl'.d alibitorommlt all sotU of crimes. • Armed robI:Jen find Boko Harama per{ectalibitoloot;mel attad: banks. Businessmen. who ha\1! disagreement with thar business fellows. find Boko Ilamm a perfect alibi unleash terror on ther


I' . .




lloko Hamm and which one l'iOOC: On the demand for Ialks With the: Federal Governmenl by the Bako Haram. Bwala said the stale g(J\.~ment believed that ~uch request was


lie 5iUd while the members had stated it!! terms for cea5dire. the best thing woold ha\1! been to alkJw the FcderaI GoY-emment 10 ~ it.!; representati",~s.. On COl"Jl5 membeIs. the governmenl pmnused to provKle sccunty for aD corp-;




cannot dearly define in this configuralKJn which one IS a


are deployed in

that In the heal of thl'i cmi5 some tCrt11lfY Insbtutions, mcludmg lhe unn'er.i.lty. "''{!re humedly cbed ~11 out of fear thatsomethmg was goi,,!g to happen. "We thank God that nothmg has happeoed in thaI unl\-er.;.ity till today. ParenlS shmtld therefore allow their children III rome and seJ"Ve III the stille. !he pnmary schools thaI ~ a1legooly attadted by t.his iosul1.ent sect. "'~ "''{!re IlllKk! 10 undef"5tand "''ere actually no! by this group. •Antlthat is why "'~ always fears earlier created. conunue 10 pomt 10 the fact .",... that there are thl1!e main proponenlll of the so called Boko lIamm. -~--V-~:::::

the state. Some: corp mernbers ha\'e refused 10 oIJ,ser\.~ their one~ rompulsory service In some oorthem sIlItes., mcluding Bomo. folkno.,ng the killmg of innocent people allegedly by lIlembers of the Boko Ilamm. Bwala s,1id, ·On the issue of parenlS and guardians asking their children and wards 10 stay away fmm Homo State, , want to appeal to pamlts that as far lIS I tnlk lo~, there IS no school In the stale that has been attacked contnuy to the


KwaJ'a to clamp down on

Committee. Prof Modupe Oglln/en': I . and Gcnl'nJ/ Monagf!T. "'arketing. Fidson llea/rhean' PIc, Mr. Ola /j;IIlfIkin , dun'lIg till' 'Wolkfor U/l" to mork thl' 5fJrll cmniuersary ofLUTH in 1...clC1OS... on Saturday Photo: Segur! Baka1'e.

'o,'::":'!':,tw=''': EFCC arraigns seven more suspected subsidy thieves

partirolariy !he attacks on conSlruction ",urUf"S and clashes among hoodlums in the Slate las! week. In a statement by the Secn!t..'U)' to the State (;oI.'emmenl. A1haji lsiaka Gold, on Sunday, the gO'\-~men t said it couk! 110 longer condone any act of lawlessness and disonler under any guise. It. therefore, called on p;lrer\U ;,nd gu.,rdians to warn their chiklren and wards to abide by the law as goo,'CTTIOient would ."""""", ,"d """""" any OOI! found dmupting pUblic peace. 11...• stalement further a..Q;Ured the citizenI') thai the full weight of the L1W would he l>rotlr,ht 10 bear OIl anyone w, Jharns5l'S innocentcitncns or causes public disonIer in wlY,iof!:.~te. MSecunt) agencies ha,'C been diredoo 10 proset;ule Ihose alread)" 1I111>rmended. while their accolllplK""S !'ihould be pursued with a YJeW to arresting arw:l prosecuting them WlUWJtiI funher delay "(;oo.oernmenl. therefore. .,ssurt':'! the lalo abiding crtiUOIl'l 10 go aboll! UlCir nonl",l btlSincs>cs ",1110ul am' fear of moleslation or

- PDP Olusola FMbi)i. Ahuja

T UE Peoples

Democratic Party has said it is not bothered llbolll the 20i5 general cleclions. It, therefore, cautioned its members eyeing diffe:rent polilical offiaos 10 ror&et th('ir aspirntions for now, saying such was capable of di\'erting the attention of the party and its~ip.

TIle party's National Orpnising Secretar)" Alhaji Ahubakar Mustaph.1. $lid this in an interview with journalists in Ahuja on 5un&y. lie said. "TIle PDP as a party And gO\'eftlmenl in the ec:nlre is not thinking and is not botllered about 2015 elections)'f!l. "Whal the pan)' and indeed the admmistnlion of Presidellt Goodluck Jonathan is collCf'mcd with now is how to deh\'er on good govern.1na'_ "TIle: party has Illade promilJe$ to the f'lectorate and the party is w'Orkillg bani 10 ddh'Cr on its promises and gh~ to the people dividends of democracy. It wook! themOI1! be premature to be talking 20lS at Ihis


hOOfl\wns VWARAStaleGo\'eflIlllent ~has diluted secunty agencies to apprehend and prosecute anyone found disru~ing the peat"! Of engaging in violen t activi ties in Ihe state.

not OW' priority now


friday Olokor and F..tim Ekpimah "'C' OONOMIC and financial .I::A::nmes Commission on Sunda\' said it woukI. ilJTalgll SC'\1!n more suspects allegedly invoh-ed in Ihe N~bo ht!!1 sub!ridY'!Cam. TIll! rommission said fhoe 01 the suspects ",ouk! be arraigned today (Mcmday) befure Justice Laledat Olennnu of a Lagos High Coun in lkeja on 13 oounts of

steahn! and fotxery. 1bey are Nasaman Oil Servxn !.JOlited, ~lamman Ali, aui~tian Taylor, otUWi\SC\ln Ogunbambo and rn.,bisi A1xiul-Afeez (sHU at large). 'I'he remaining two suspects, ROWiI)1! ,/ubril IIlId BriL1 Energy llmitcd, the IInti-&rnfi. agency said, woulel be amugned before Justlce Ol..-unuu on Tuesday. NO\vober 13. on 13 rounts of consp!TaC). stealing and

fOrgery. lbe two suspects "~re said to M\oe obtamed N963. 796. 19985 from the Fedeml Go\'t!f1lmen t b). falsely repn'5COtlllg the sum as subsidy accruing to them for tit!! imporblion of 13. f.55,80"7forr or 17.393,]67 lilres of I'remmm Motor SpinL A statement b) the ~n of tile EFCC, Mr. Wilson Ul<-ujarm. said the suspects had allegedly

Ekiti farmers want rural roads rehabilitated Fem..i l'I1:tkinde.. Ado--Ekiti

F ARMERS in Ekiti Slate havt' called on the stale and local governments to pm\ide for the rehabilitalton


ill the 2013 budgeL '!"he leader of Agbedauo Fad.1nJa Associauon. Mr Avo Ala);. and the leader of f'adama PoultI')· AssociatIOn in Ikere El.,ti, Mr. Lo;aac A""e. made the appeal dunng a lour of FADAMA si tes in Ihe state on Friday Farm mads. they argued, neededtobercpairedbecausc farmers in the state lost so much lIlone), transporting

becauseofbad roads.. Acconling to them. Ihe IIItnxiuc!lon of Fadama III progn.mme in the stale has IInproved the ....cClnomy of Ihe fannc~ amI ensured food security in the state_ They expressed their &mtitude 10 Federal Go\'Crnmenl and the World IJ.ank for <:ust.aining lhe proJCd. winch Iht"\· clauned had transformed agriculture into a \1.1hlesoureeofreo.oenue and h ...~lihood III the-state l1tey also called for the cxl>.1n~Mln of the prog.ramme, 50.1)111& lhe initial in:' had imprm'Cd pnxiuction cal>'1rillC"l of members and generated elllployment for a

unemplo)-ro yuuths. Meanwhile, the state g()\'{!mmenl has distributed 5('\o~re ;";1111.' malnulrition materials to live referral celltres in the state TIle rent res are the UOI\·ersity of Ado Ekll! Teachin& Hospital. Federal Medical Centre. Ido as "'-ell as Ihe Specialist II05pltal~ 10 Ikere, Ikole amI l)Cm. Speaking III Ado Eklti on Friday while handing tilt' materials O\'t'r to the m.11l.1geITM:nt of the hospitals. theOt.1inn.,n I'nmaI')' liealth Care De\"CloJmK'nt A8enn, Dr SuII.' 1.1wlll de!o:rilX'd WI as a Jrfc threatening

obtnined N4.460.IJO.7W·94 frum!he Federal ~Olent b). claiming that the sum represenled snbsKh' accruing to them Imdt'r the petroleum suppon fllnd for the imponation of 61.049.937·00 litres of PMS Mc:mwhile, fonner MmisteroftheFederalCapital Temtory. AhuJa. Mallam Nasir d-Rufai. I~ blruned the Federal Government for Iad:lOg sinrenty in t.acklin~ corrupt.ion in the oil industry lie noted that manv of oil ru"',dy U, .."", ~ """'" of go'>'Cnlmcot. who he Slid. allegedly finantt'd the last general elreoons.. On 11K' Nuhu Ribadu Subsltly report. tile fomler 1llllllSlcr. "'llO "f'Oke to flC\\"Slllt'n on Friday III U)u.:;aM.! he knew fmm the be,:inninF. that gO\"!"JTIment "",1.<: no! gOlllg to do an)thing "ith the ~Jl0rt lie '!aid ·Comlpbon in the oilindu..<;fl"'\lsoneth.1tbenefilS tllOSC III i;O'l:'mmenL TIl(' list of oil '5l.lhsid\ Ulie\-es. shows lhat a1ltllll§(' ;nenlinnerlarea1l fnellCls (If tllf' adnlln~o;trali(ln th.1t conlribul...od to the lil!'l eIectKJI,-~.Stlll",'l.'for

,lin-one to heliC\oe tlml people tt~"'\t fin.1nce<1 an l'lechon \,ill

'''c''c'm='''='~="_-_______''_,,_,,_pcrod __, _re_'o_th_'_"_m_'_k_,"_'__,,_'.c'_"_u_m_"'_'_"_,_rel_,"" __,_nd_....oooo""=i'c""'=_______-,"'=scot1'?.t,iI •


·Wedon't wantdi\~rsion and we don't want to be di\'med. GO\'emaoce is 8 serious business. Those saddled with gO\"V1Ulnec: should be anowed tf) deliver.~

Mustapha saidJonat.hi!n had on many oecasions cautioned agaillst heat.lI1.g lip the polit)· with 201S. saying -as 8. serious party, ~ are supporting Mr. President to ddivu and he: can only do this if he is not distnrcted •• Qnwhenmembersalllld commence politicking to realise their 2015 ambilion. hesaid tile party ",uuk!take a decision on tlmL He said, -At the right time. the pam' will take 8 decision as to when prepilrRtioru would commence. \Ve don't Wlilit dj.,~rsion and ",~doD't wanl to be diverted.On moves to roc'OllClle feuding party faitllful. Mustapha said C\ocry relunlet' members would be gh~ a 1CV1;.'1 playing field . Ilesaw:ltherewouldbeno condition for reconciliation, adding that till! pa~. would not w:Ult to make mista1res it made in some ~ale!' in


Speakmg on the refusal of 5tlme members of the party 10 a~pt defeal g(J\.~mol'Ship in thf' electioll'i III 1::do and Ondu ~tntt':§, M'llitapha said the positIOn of the party was 10 congratulutr whoe\'er ",iIl'l an dC'Clion in a conl~

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