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nlllltSOAV. OC"TOBF.:R lit. "'12

news Briefly Agric promotion AbiobI oi Oyu Shit:




" " ' _ ''''' nooI fo<the promohon 01 agnrultura.! roopent.i\U In 1M counl.l)' &O\~.



!tptaIrirti at the 2012 World Food Oay In lbedan. DOled that hunger ronslitu led Ibr bu.k problem 0( SUSlmance ollife On 1M themr of




·A&rirollurnol Cooprnti't"N.





World·, AJimobi. who wq _ , ' " by his deputy,

Old M~

Adq"mlO, the need

10 rtIOW

a~llturefromsubmstmt't: to commercial ~


agrirullumlooopenrn't:IL Aa:onlinA to him. ayiculture offen aU the opportunities 10 M Idf· ftll~. earn a 1Mn& and impnM! the 1I\-diboOO ol indMduals and thaw away

Stop lamenting Nigeria's backwardness - Jonathan OlAlckan Acktayo, Ahuja




Jonathan 011 Wrd~y U'l.ed Ni~mans 10 stop tht."tr 1a1llt'n1i00n O'\"rr it.. poor 5tandl", lmon« its eonlf'mporaries. Il l' 'ltd with thr cooprn tlOll of all. h" IO"l'rnmenl could make sigllificall t clu.n~e that rould reposition Nigma Within four)'rII1"S..

JOfUIlhan o;pokto shortly ann~nn~ m the Chall1lUn 0( the I ~t


Practko: Ind othn Rdaled Orrr~ ComrnisDon., Mr Ekpo Nla. and (hoe new prrmanrnt sec:ret.anesat Ihr Presidential VilLa, Ahuja Nil h.. b«n

tbr orrla' in KIm, capraol)" silla' No\""rmber 2q, 2011 lIis swn.nn,·m as thr'mMtanth'r m.innan was t...ed on his ronfinnalJllfl b). th. Sfonalr on Septenbn ,,8.2012 11tf' new pmnanml lnTf'tanes In! Ambassador John Gana (Niger). Mr John J~ (FJd li ), DtJames ~'U (Jmo). Am~ Sanni Bala (Kawna)and Dr Y"nl· FAan (Kop) 11tf' PTftxient aclnuned that Ni«ma cnuld do brUnI!! a nation than what tI ('umnlly obuIinable 1If' Aid. .~l/c talk aboot Ihfo 6oa; whf'n Ni&~a was 011 the Mme le\.'d With 8Ofnt: oountric:!li. I think Wf' shoukl thl!!

lamt'nlll;on - II don not takt' rI1Ott' than 10 years 10 chan«t' a nat~ from whal otht'n ha\'t"doM "f \~n WIthin rOllr )Ta" Wf' an makr Aiplificanl chanlf' to ~tlOJl Nilma. I If' chll'l.ed the IppOtnleotS with Rein, their IIf'W poIUtm, as. pn from God (D'" 3rnTr 10 humanity, addin« that tMy must u.w the o pportumty to 'It:f\'r Nitmall5 raithfully, 1dt-n lif"yJlI« anuptJon as one of 1M stumblin,; bIoclu to the nallOJl·~ devdopmmt, Jonathan said .11 must IK' ~ady to fiy.t the ('lInkf'l'WOlT1l, Il l' Aid 1111 q.~lts of the .:leidy shook! learn R

10 isolalf' cnrrupt Jl""OPIf' in orot'f 10 di..~ra~~ rraoduH-nt pnM't1C"""1If' uid. -I \1SIl' Ihi.., ~lI~unlt)" top""-d WIth aU Nllmart5 Fflf" lI!I !?ally to conrronl rorroption tht- way """ ...-anl 10, f'W'I')body must bf' In\-o!''t''d All arms of 100'rml!l("nl th" neculive. judtciaf) . the pariiamml ant! all Ind,,"iduals, .u t'Ofl)OnIle bocbf'S inducLns noll';fJ\~nwnlll, oYil Socif'lv orpnl5lhollS, commumt,· and f'VnI faith· ba..'W'd orpnlSllions mU!il

be 11I\"Uh"rd


· Ir ~ dnnalf' 10 yQU and \'OU a~ not sure of the 8OUra', I~ mUlTI

" 'U

RiveT" Stale. JO"o-emment

Thf' oompanies Wft"e .said 10 ha~ entemilDto an

undmtandins ¥11th the hose COftUIIUllltiel to br pI}i.n& oerlIIin if!yy u a WoIy 01 rompensaUng Ibml ror the mvironmrtlllU dqradation. Ilowcver, onr oC the invtSton., who :spoke 10

in Cabbat on Wedne8day. Mr Bened.Id ltamfum., aid the action cl ~mrnl was apab&e: of


dmq aWolY in~ in

thrsta.te. IUmfum~wby




criA* lll" cornmumtic.'s with 1M hen), taxation and extortion, inst-' clkJoldn& lnWl\m to know where



paid into the

gO'"'fttImmt rolfe"! wrnt 10.


Lawm aker , grou p s fa ul t 1999 Cons t itut io n Sodiq O)"f'if'kr

A ME.MRER of Ihe LI~nor; .l"1...."italt'IIOWI""nlA."l'K'lIIh.... M n Adtofunnu!a\1,Tl'jllO'Wl. altd aclYOCM'\· ha\"" said I...... IQ9I) C(l.. ~IIluhOIl promote""IIlI"q\UlIII) hrt",,"," thf' mall' lind ff't1Uif' ~<tatf'dlhl.'lla rorum 011 0\,1 8I1OI"t). \-;""""P'inl on thfo alTlf'ndmf'"llt oJf llwNilM"1..ln IqqoQ (on.~tllutlf"tll 011 Wt'dll"lb~ in 1..lI~<15 AttonIm« In tm-m. thf' propR'Il'd 1Ifm'IIi1nl""lll shookl ~k III 1lbCt' nnpnrta~ on,'"

III', ·We in the All Farmers Awxiatioo of Nileria, partnrrs and fronllinr stAkeholden in the a&riC busine. will conlinlX': to livor the sUIte

bas ah ut 15 rompanies in Abnkpa 1..ocaI Go\-rmrnenl Arft ofthi' SCate.




"LOR brachina reYeI1lJr JIKlonminin&.theeru.


III' uKi ~1!l(T NI«..t,. 10 aU. 1II11!>1 nmkf' SUn! thai Ilw- nalmn I<""IS In where iL< mnlf'm l)(JTI~

proatanlme5 SUOCftd.


III' Q'.-\ Ih.- natlOf\ was rurrentiv Wl"IlIht'd down by hn~t' Jltrl«m ... nt ddJt




~k-nl rnmli...~



the 2012 World Food Day. A«ommz to him, ~menl requiru the c:oopmIlion of til to make



the ICPC boA lhat n... would DOC mt""fff'ft" in t ...... I<1"11_ ofthecommiRllnn J('ONthan ur-,.f'd lhopennanenl ~11f"II In avotd mLq.,kt'!! in lhctr "Ib. SI)1nl weh tUt «O'\"fflilTlf'nl

~ doni INIl..."". the offiaals nlU'<1 al80 mau 'm~ WI thr- nallon 1.<; not


gJYmtmentourfuJlsupport and coopention.

\'OU a",

rncourallnl Ihal pN"'"oOn In be corrupt. So I lwh~ If all Ni,.f'rian.s work I~nhrr. """ will bt' Ihlf' 10 Tt'duct' corruption.·

whlk- 1'1"'nl II) (""I\.'m11' (jllli

of aAricu huml JJfOIfIl1llll1t 10 ensure food Mnlrit, and poymy reduction in thr ,ule 1be mte Qginnan of MAN. Mr. Sam lu}""an&,. .ated thil al the onpn&


mytw-lH" -If YOU do lhat.

do thnr JOhoI ",.·11 1If' howto\.,.,. WOInwd thai

.1. choipter 01 AIl Fartrlrf1; AModalion of NiIrria Wedncaday Aid it would supporttheimr'emenution


10 o;ortlf'bodl ¥l"hr- !ll')tntt olllK'Ol11"" '00 don·t !mO¥!. that is ml' IhmlUn~ lhal i ..

aWolrdf'd a«Jin.'<1 il b.-call.....

Food s ecurity en.

You <hoIlld

DOC pYr a cht...fialn(,)" IIIif'

0( !Wlmf'official, ...t.o did



frown on It

Edo fires 41 school inspectors Ja m r" A:tA n ia. Be.n l n


Stalt' Gm.'rrnm(' nl. on Wmnf!!iday, 5aid II ~lif'\-ro 41 Zollal ImlPK10n and Chid 1D$IJf'd:on of F..ducatioll .nd Loc:a.l C'lOYt'mmf'nl F..du(';Iuion Offittrs of their Ippomllnf'nts fur non ~ortIUIneund nr&lilf'nCt'

o(dutv Ihf' Otief 10 G<n'f'mor Adams Oshiomhole, Mr Pelrr OktUI1I. said "''lllII in i'OlItlnuAhon of on~oi ll~ sallllisalion of Ihf' qllte education sector ~, acconJlIIK 10 Okhira in I SCllt1"ncnl, ""''' 1I1f' outromf' of a conllnuinl prrfonnan~ AIMIIIIII lhe 5talf' OkhiTi QI<I I...... ,00Trnor demott'd the Vier- PnOCII)."}1 of New Era eollCf,f', Mr 5 E illabur. rrom Gmdt' I.evt'l 1510 Grade Lewl 14, · for I)('~nl I pcfprlual lair· comrr 05hiomhfJIt:. had during a ITIf't'Ilni "-111i tlif' Thr

insptdon Ind offi~" al Ihf' Qo\~n1t:fl1 1I00000, &mn. pm4ested Ihll thtTf' WQuld hr Idministrali\~ chan«f' m Ihr ill<;pcnoratf' 111111 oflhf' ministry 1If' WlII!! quoted U 53\1111 Ihat. obYioliS from ...·hal h't" 8f'ft1 looa, and


10 agist t~ ... ho wanllo work 10 I"f'mam Ind lhost' who don·1 ¥I':1nlto ....ork 10 «0 hOlnf' - "' Sialf' (;m't"lTIlTlf"nl hall klst mllho n!! o( n:ura of lu,Ja\'t"nf moll"' ~usr of rnur failu~ to do ,"Our dUlies"

Army parades octogenaria n , othe r s for kidnapping in Edo 011


Pr~ Sen-rtlln

rrom whal YOU\'r loid nlf' lhal )'OU\'f' all breached your ba.... ie dlll~, whd ~ 10 momlor sdtooIs and filf' ba...k rq>art."I. which arwmll olhf'rtllinp' should mdudf' I1'ports O. lhoM1're-w'1I1 and abarnt so thai ~O'o't'rnnlnll ('lin tale slrp$

of lheot Nill"fU Anm. Rf'mn, Stalf'. o n W('dll~la), 1).1radrd


t'.MRERS Bn~

~1.<pl'ctt'dnimin.l l t' If'Illt:nl"'.

... ho had btoen la}"ln« !iN"gf' 10 Edo ~lIld I"lItita mtf'5 Comrnandrt" of the Hn~k,

RriK- .Qon


Vmahl ¥It.ilr JMradin~ 1M "'1""W"ds the fNI war. ~ (..lioYIin,; ""' ~"'lml 01 ncwh K'qUlIl'd lraclun& !i}'Slt'fI\ in tl)f'51dl" Amonl the hoodlums. two saKI. Wf'~ I ~· ,-ear. .oltl Wlleh tinctD'". kidna llJ'l'". dnll de:ilf'n Ind annf"tl






01 Imhlary umfonn... bo. mnlHul t'it1"Ilnlts in the !dall"\, paT1)('1llarly ursf'd m.lna,.t1"!l("nl of Imiary m~lIluholl" in lhe .ales 10 d~"k·ollra,.l' thrir studt-nts from u.."inllh ... uniforms.. 11f' q.ld. ~ 15 I""';blhly that tllf'!'it ~ rook! 1I.'if' militarv llniform In rommil mrnl'lC-. and lhat tI Ihf' tI·h\ the com,nand had ...Tlten 10 lhe Coll~f' of Uiucatioo. ~andodw,..te1l1.f)



Edo and

1~lta ~Ilt t ~ II") Pfl!\'1IiI on lhnr ~tudl'nt.. not 10 ~

mililllry uniromt!l for any IIIITImilitaryacti\il)~·





numbf'mlll 10, had amon,. them 1M "'ll<'h doctor, d~htd u 'ruCft"lO!l chal"lllM"· bl· onr' of tlw "U."Ilt'ct.' TIIf' kKlnllllJof'" . .111)011,. tllf'm Mkhafol. OM!! Omnh. o..ato Op:irab and tM alTllv rlllf'f ogid. Wft"f' arT"f'CIt'd II U«~'Oko, on F..krn .... ln ROMI. ~nln. m cnmlllln\ ¥lllh Mr""I Rnd,.M Ir~mll. ¥!"hI") thP\· had ahduc100 Umahl npQl!lt'd thai lhtov ...'t'ff'In 1\'Imu"TO'\l..ta ar "'1111 nllmhrr p131~ Ello 21'> BEN. ... hm t~ W('ff' IIlTT"itt'd 111(,")" wnl' ~up.hl ...,th olle IlUlllj}""Mtlun lun ...,111 12Ii,~ rar1nd,."


T""lucldJo. ",!to b I .... A."",,hh CUlllmIUf'f' Oialnnan on Fina"",. lSllA. athlJC<llt""ll that 1M boo ronstltUl)Ofl 4l<lIlkl reo:p:H1Q\t" 1<1 lho- d"",", nf ~"

Sfflo !<.lI",I. ·W... I~ to be ITlf"" fe'lJ10'I5IH' n .. f'OUnl'1"·ln IIUIk...... ll"!'lh~t "'.t' ha\'t" 101)11' ¥I1)Iflf'n ill 1,",,(Or W ... hll\t" I1lO"TtI ilW;"I\ fmlll


f'nI '"'''''"' 111.1"'"

("hild is

ratfOd hlr.h<-r lhan Ihf' r... m;tif'

<'hlld. Wf' ha\".. t1'all"W"C llhat thfo ft'fnal.- rluld i.'I abo a...~ Iml>Ol"Unl II I.... rnat... ("h,ld. Wto ..hnultl ("onhnllf' to 1'mm<JI" Ihf' r.1U.~ of WOIIJ('n anrl put IllIn,.., tn pl_ thli "'1n WI'''' Ilw rl')Jto ¥I",,","" Also. Ilw- '<1atf" Gf'"lltiM Ach-oean· T ... id I...... 0011.<;11(11111)11 o;hnulcl prnt"'t"l w()lIIen .nd 1...... lr np;hl1i, roll.~",t...nnll\ thf'lr umqUf" pl3('f'tn Ihr ""("If""I\


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