MONOAY. JUNE 20. 2011
of Ine Qatar government financtng a new port in ,he wesTern ouls'urts of AlexandrIA a t MalWI, which would be ,he " 'Orki's largest
Egypt to set up committee on property disputes e GYPT b; 10 sel up a L.:..commluee to seide problems SUrTounding a challenges to Siring of • sales of Sla,e land real eSlate developers tha, have shaken confidence in thi' CO\Jntry property sector. The lawsuits began last yi'ar, according '0 propertywire.c:om , when ito court ruled that a sali' of sta le land to TalMt MO\JSlafa Group. the country's blggesl developer, 1.0.01$ illegal. It sparked a series of sImilar leg<Il challenges. revolving around whetha Ihe government should have re:!ipected a 1998 law stipulating all Slate land sales must take place afte r competitive bidding The legal wrangles have gathered pace since mass protests toppled President Hosni Mubarak in February and more qUe:!ihons were asked about the legal viability of some of Ihe country's biggest properly projects. Egypt's gcT\i'ral prosecu tor has referred two former housing mlnis'ers 10 trial for their role in several controversial deals with real estate rums. Land has been wi,hdrawn from a ' leas, three fums. Ihere Meanwhile, are signs Ihat ovelWas developers are preparing 10 return to Ihe cO\Jnlry. Qatar
is reported 10 be drawing up 1X),en llal project5 worth at least $ IObn This follows a VISil 10 Egypt earlier 'his month
by Qatar's emir, Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa AI Than! -I believe these projects, ",'hen implemented. will surpass $IObn and they will
be productive produw m Egypt.· Ambassdor Saleh AI
EU climate chief confronts riddle of deeper C02 cut HE T '0
European Union can still deepen planned cuts greenhouse gases beyond 20 per cent, but the task is complE!)[ and ha.s not been helped by coniroversy over nud ear power, the EU's clImate chief has said Chmate Commissioner, Connie Hedegaard, is planning to reveal new research in July on the costs and benefits of deepening carbon emISSions cuts to 30 percen, by the end of th is decade, from the current ta rget of 20 per cent. Big poUulers, suth as the steel industry, oppose going further, saying the added tests will drive Ihe induslTy ~~.
Hedegaard said ehe recen t move away from nuclear power by several European countries, such as Ge rmany and Italy, ~ had not made it easier" to increase climate ambitions. But there were also !leW opportunities. ~1t seems many coun bies now understand that we tould move beyond 20 percent by just delivenng on ow energy efficiency targelS: she told
Reeders In an in terview. ~ 1t seems ,hat goes weU WIth a lot of (oun'ries lhal would be normally be 5keptical toward the 30 per cenl... which of (ourse is intefnting. ~ Hedegaard 's report will be launched at an informal mee ting of environmen t minIsters in Poland on J uly 11 . A similar report last year was strongly rebuffed by InduSlry, bu t this version takes a detailed look at 'he IndIVIdual c:ase for each country. ~It is nearly there. It will confirm... that it is po5Sible and doable to deliVf!r on ambitious iaryets: she said . -But the co5I-efficient potential is spread very unevenly across the 27 member sla tes. ~ -For example, Bulgaria is the most energy· intensive counlTy in Europe. There life relatively many low hanging fruit and relatively many cheap redudions to be made there, bul of COUIW you do not fmd a lot of money 10 invest in this in Bulgaria". How do we handle lhal chaUenge?R
Buaine m told AI Ahram. There are also reports
Ba4 posIUfl. 00'lil" Ulltion, KtiMnlS and r~e<IItar)·1/il'lS can ' .'lar.Ition til Ull na l..... IISMPI ot lila ipIIIl. and SInce i'0\I (\(I 1I1Of. 10 Kr. . . . rncl1l ~...e ~ oacl< Ihe bHt~, you<..,,1 i!.;,.our fII:M" Ain::omlon C~h. from POl ~hul.r noI or.!): ,to" IlOId< PM! but also ~ it
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PROPERTY FOR SALE BY SEALED TENDER PROPERTY DESCRIPTION : A comer piece commercial development at NO.2 Broad Street. Lagos, comprising of the mai n office block (partly on two floors), and o ther appurtenances with land meas uring approximately 4,865.38sqm.
SUBSISTING TITLE: A Federal Land Certificate regi stered as No LO. 2973 dated 09 August 1954 is in favour of the United State Govemment By virtue of Seclion 34 of the Land Use Act 1978, a statutory right of occu pancy is now vested in the Govemment o f the United States of America . Prospective l enderers can obtain forms for a fee of N20.ooo.00 each, 50% of which shall be refundable on submission of a VALID tender. For detaile d In s p ection of the property. pl ease contact either : Mayowa Temowo I Cell 0808 716 5937 'Tomfwa Fasida I Cell 0806 716 594 1 emai l: mtemowo@broll.com.ng email: tfasida@broll .com.ng Duly completed and seale d l enders are to be submitted in a &Tender Box" provided at Broil Property Services Ltd at the address below. 3'd Floor, The Octagon. 13A, AJ . Marinho Drive. Victoria Island, La9OS.
Telephone: + (234) 1 2701892-4
Facsimile: + (234) 1 2701889
Submission oftender(s) CLOSES ON FRIDAY, 08 JULY 2 01 1 BY 4.00 PM -
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