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money FG accuses banks of not lending to farmers Ir~" I1 )i


011111)8 , AlnU It

llf Ft'(I....1tll;u..~nlllX'nl

lu<; l:t\..f'n " smpe at ik>j.... it MOIle~ Bank., ·;;,:1\ill/l. Ilwit I'l"ftJS;J1 10 k'nd In falTl~r.\ ,~ affKling ;I/l.ncultnnti pru:lllrlhlh It :1\<.(1 "''lic\ Ihal \\ilhinlilf' i:t<;1 Oil" \~.)r all III\T'itll~lIt rUl1uuill1wnl of $1',flhn frnm \oc.)\ lind fomp;n 11l\~1)1"'S 11.111 tlt'Ml obtained for Ih~ <;(' 11~~I'nio;t('rflfAltricu Ilutf' and Rund I~Tlopn~nt, Mr :\I;ill\\1l1l1i t\t!,...hina. o;aid thC'Y dunnlt hi!'> IIlaup;un" mf"l"tillJl; "ith Jlri\';II~ W'("\or Imnlwl':" III the aloncultutf'

\'3IlH' chain TI~ mmin&, which wa~ hek! in AbuJa, W35 C'()t'll~led 10 <qll'prwt tllf' agricultural ttansfonuallOn IIgenda of the Fede-ral (ioo.Tmmenl n~ nllnistet ...,iJ tJt!" non .. 1!'IKlillg attitude of banks had mac:ie- il imprrali'T 10 te"llruclu", and rKBptlaliSC' Ih~ Banknf AgricultUtr This. he noted. would rllabletl~ban kchannell1totf' funds to Ihe ~tor, hence incn-asmlt its('omribulKX110 Iht' Grtl'§lI; Domrslic Product FiltufT!li rl"ieasOO 1)\ Ihf' Notional Burr-au uf Stalistic'!i 011 Monda\ 5.1id the tral

aKrirultutal Gnor;s l>omestic Product p;.!ll\,1h ml~ III th" third quarter of 2012 droped 3.S9 J'I"' ~lIt as ag,amsi 5-'76 1'I('t' ('('111 1TCOrded in Iht' ~ndinJt period of



Akinwullli lalllf'nioo thai in ~nl limes. 50Ine of Ihl' financing mechanisms. \\'hich \\flt' initialt'li by the Fedt-ml ~1"nllllrllt 10lJOO5l lending to th~ agricullull' I'o('dpt \\'t'I"e fnLSttated by hank... For instanct'. I~ said tJ~ ministry had put U~ stlln II( N2,4hn inlu an r5CtuW aCt'OUnl "ith tl~ Cl'ntml

NEXIM targets N250hn capitalisation \tl e m u la AIA\\i~r


ilE Mana/ l>ittl:lor, Nl!1,l'nan F.'ltIJOrt ImlJOrt Balik. Mr_ Kobrrt On.'3. on TUI'~o:Ia\- o;aiJ Ihal the ballk I\(.uld 1lt'f'(1 aboul N250bn in tenn~ o( capilalisation I" ad<'"q113tl'h- Ilt'rfonn Its ollf'rallnn" OruQidatlheinsjl("Clion of thl' l"ll1k'", projt'ct" ~. thl' National ru:qombh.'li Cmnl11ll1t'f' on Ranking and ('urrt'lln' in 1.aJ,!ls Ihat, ""'I' h.1\·1' ~ hahU\~ ~hl"t"l flf N~nhl1 W~ art' d<JlIIJ, a lilt nUT"ntl\' hul Ilhink we ,.;11 m3k~ a 1,,1 of lIupacl wilh a capilal o( N200bn I'J N250bn ('(In!lidcrinJ, Ih~ ",i7.1' tJf 11K" {'('OllOlln He 1...il1led oullhallhrtf' were ~till <;O1l1~ <;rctOr.\ Ih.1t had not ~II pmperl~ tt'a<,ht'd (lut tn ill Iltt' country -If wt' ha"~ ~noulth. "T ha\~ "0111t' <:f'Cto", "T jl;till need I" Il'ach oul 10. For in",tlU1<'t', We' nf'T(1 10 Iox>k at lltr oOll-oil 5t'ctor which we Ita\'t' not ~-rll loukrd al.Of',a a.Jdt"d The NEXIM bo<;s 1I0ted thalh1.o;dreamsforth~bank was to lI\ak~ Ih~ Nlp;erian {'(,(!IIom,- lu hr Ih~ 1I10s1 cnmpctill\t' 111 tilt' t'nli~ African ~)on, saling when all thf'Ct' w~tt' achie'\·cd. tilt' hank would I>C' III Ihr po~ition (,f gilillJl; mone)' 10



product.;; "ithnllt

f~r of


absronding th~ AJldressill& members o( the 1I0u~ of Repr~nta l il'e!'l, tht' dne!

ExectttilT Offi~r. 8elo:ui indu..qM Umittd. foil' Obi Ettude. said the majOr problem industrialilits (aced was lack of a~ to capilllL

E1umelu Foundation, oUlers to enhance private sector competitiveness AdClUola I\lawiye


ilE TOtl\' E1umelu FoundahOlihas&ollrmlO J>.1rtllf'l'Ship I\ilh We¢tt'm UIIW:t1l MOIll"!· Tmnsft"t and Ih~ Unitt'd Slal~ A~V'nt"y for Intt'malional I~TI"I'Illt'I'1 10 enhall('t' thf' mmlM"titi\'~IIes;; of II~ Afncanpril"3leseclor n~ t111ef Ufftltl\'" Offict>roCl'I~Tol1\ 8mnclu Foundatton. In Wit'llt' Ikx>r, said, -By h05tinp; thi5 {'I-I'nl.. 1be Tony E1un~lu Fouudahon "ill introduce a d~n.inl!, .sel (If SMEs 10 a rnng~ of inveslOD. For us. th1.'" lS an important way of sho....casing Ihe mtlil)' of entrep~nl'\l ..... hip in Africa and fulfillinJt our own ob}t'CII'\'\" of actillg a!I a catalyst for pri\'3t~ Sft'\or.. led gl'Ol\1h Now ill its MCOnd }'\"3r. th~ African Di.aspora Mar\..l'tplace is an iniliali\T thaI \\'3..'" il1auguraled by Western UnKm and USAJD 10 t'llOOUrage sustainable ecolKJII\1C &fI)\\1h and ell\pkn'T11~nl 11\' supponmg US based African diaspora


w;lh illlll)'o'atil'(, and hig.h- 11111)3('\ ideas (or start-ull and I!-'I(isling b\lsin~ who wouk! likr In t"Itabli.~h or e:tp.and busil1t'SSeS lit Africa 1be TOII\' 8umclu I'l)undalion joinf'd tl~ ADM II par1nl'r;h'll with a comll1itment 10 hosl all allnual 1I11~lor f"ITnt in l.agos. Nigma n~ two-da~ ("\'\"lIt pI'\" ~lIIall and rnf'dium·'<i7.ed entcrpri..o;e, rep~ll1I~ btl"in~ 111 Inullipk' sectors (nJln Nilteria. Etlliopia, Ghalla. L.t'beria. Tanzania. Soulh Africa, KeIl\'3 and Uganda tilt' unique oppOr1Unih' 10 pitch to a r.roup of .select illlll3c\ i\l\'e5locsforetlultyanddd)1 fin3ncinl!, 111 tht' range of $100.000 10 $300.000 ~I()nal Vice-- Prestdent North. Ce-lIlml and Weil Africa. We'<lem Unk>n'5., Mn_ AkL, J)iam, ~taled, ~Wr:o;lem Uniou is a proud ~ul>J1f)rter of Ihe grtM1h of SMF.s in Afnca who a", ll~ foundalion of ft"OfK)mic dC\,-!opmenl 011 th~ ronlinenl.

Iktllk or Niltt'ria 10 MJah~ il tf'dUtt lending ralt' 10 the Sf'Ctor from 2:l per ('('l1t 10 ...... '('11 f""t celli Mldin! that insp't~ofth~ 1110\,.. tJl~ b.lnks still dillnl Il'(iun' intt'~t rntr III' s,'lid. -FirnJOc:io,: is a major ehaJ1en~e IJIte1ust' ban~ ita"r ITfuscd 10 lend 10 aJ,ricullun" 111e intt'r5 mte

thll'C' brand n~w Nis.<;an Ut\'3n B~,~ TIle 1111ff wlIlllers \\ho ("m~t"J;ed rrom Ihe final dra"' Ihal took 1)lact' in AhUJa. Bt'nin and UI'O wt'1l' Alxlullahi Ihmwa 'Ahmad (Lafia 8ranch). Nwogba E. Solomon (Assumptl A\~IIUe Branch, Owem) and Samuel Oa~ Anuoluwapo (lionn Branch) Abubakar ...,id th~ all11 wa.~ 10 rll('O\ l l1'Ilt~ Nig~riall!; 10 cullh-alr. s."ing,s cultu Il'. adding that. -rh~colldllsion or II~ Keyslon~ I>ai" Awu( Promo wilh tltr final draw.. at th~ thrl"e localion§ ~howed that Ke'.... tolle Bank has ddh~rt'd on ils promise

10 gi\~ instant gifu a,,'3rus 10 t'\t.",. cuslonlrr who reacli,'nted or opened. n~w .ccounl "ithin II~ thll't" monlh.. Ihal Ih~ promo la.!;ted ~ AC'conhnA to the bank. A!Jart frum the LS"sealer buse:. "40 lucky cu~ornef5 al differl'nl locaHons also walked awa\' wilh CUII"Olalion priU'$ such as fI\"D 1'1a\(~f5. Satellite n' Drrtxlen, Redlat"J;eablr Fan... and Cl'n('tatol"'S Ahuhakllr addnllhal tilt' hank had 111 th~ last 45 dns rewarded 900 cuslomers "ith NtO. 000 each for increas.ill~ their account b.,lantt durin!!; tht' pmmo


-W~ all' lired of .. ilnin~ nlX' a~ment or tilt' olhl'r "ith OOIIk.-. bt-r;tust' thl'it ITfllo;allo ]rud to farn\('" 1.~ d1."nll'ting the "'lIpph' cham for the sedor -Banks IlcOO 10 51art IClldlll~ to tlt~ ~ 5('C(or of the eCOI)OIII), lX'C'ausr "lien

tI~ dlll'~ wt'rr d,"",I, II wa~ &U\1"nII1lf'nt rlln(ls tJ13' "l'll'


'\"e;ul'('\lll'Cl1lh·workmg ",Ih tllt'l>rc:sillcl1t (Goodluck Jonathan) aliJ Iht' F~il'Till Mint~t"'· of Finall<'t' to n>nlt' lip "ilh a Ilrn,.ramn~ Ihat woukl ("liable (amM'f"; ha,\' ~~ 10 trr'llit al a ~ill)!.l(' digit inlere<;t rate.~

Amosun presents N211.86bn budget proposal Seg ull Oln lunji. to Ogun Assembly Aheokllt ll


Stllte Go\·~nK)r. Senator Iblkun\(' Arnosnn. on Tuesdal' preselltt'li a budgf'1 JltOll(l6.,1 of N211_86hn (or Ihl" 2013 fiscal \Tar to Ih~ state Ilou.<;(' of A.'1,.'lembh TIl(' budgl't "hieh 1.~ 56 per ('('nt higher than Ihe N200.!)5bn (or Iht' currellt year is ta~eod. "'l~ nud&~t for Sustainable Growth~till& Ihe budget proposal to ~prcilll plenary sessioll of Ih~ Assclllhl~ pre';idl'd O\~r bv Ihe Spcakt'r. Mr. SUtaj Adeknnhi. Ihe 1t00"l':mor caid 111:11 Nllfl.2..1hll, tf'pll'St'lllin~ 56 per cent, would br ~Ilt'nl on capital pmjert~ lIt'xt )rar lie ad(lt."d thai Ih~ "UI1l of Nq:\,6.4bn. repre-Illing 44 prr (,(,lit of th~ budr;l't

woold \>C' "JI'~nl ~:tpelldltUt!'

on rKtlfT!'nl

A.", in thl' I'urrent \ear'o; budltn. tdUcatil)IJ got Ih(' iarge<t alloeatton of N41_-I4hn 1l'111l';!i('IItlllit 20.~:lI){'r(,(,lIt oflhl' budg('{ proposal nl~ "UII\ of Nm,()Qhn repreM'l1linp; 505 fM"r Cf'nl is nM:"anl foragrinlllu", \\i lh rural and illfl1lStnl(."\urnl d{'l~I(tpment eJCIK"t'tt'd tn gulp N3992bll. ",hlch is 18.-0 l1("r ~111 - tht' St'n1l,,1 largeo;:t allocation of the hndJl;l."1 lI()tL~ing And llrhan ~n{'l~"31 wall all<X"lllnl litl' sum of N2tj,62bn. "hich is 1:\,fJR lM"r ~n t while Ilealll1 elltf' deh\ery i!l exl'l."ct~llo get NI4 '"'21111, rf'''~l1ting 6_q<; I)('"r ('('111 of Iltl' lolal hudgf'1

A1l1ostlll <;aid. .Auolhl'r !it't"lnr that \\ill Q('('!111\' Ih~ n'IIIrt' ~laJl;(' 11\ (,j.oI.'t'nllllt'11I acl";'" III 2013 IS, AgricultuIl' and Forl!'Slr... ; 3crordlll)!,h'. a tOCal <;UIl1 IIf Nln,6qllll hall bt'en allllcatl'<l 10 inCTt'< aJ,riclI1tnral l,oxIuclifJn/





h"l)E'(! Ihat Ihl' \·allle·chain "ill I>C' full\' t''ltilioited all(\ comparntl\'e ach,Ulta¥;t' in ar('as of rood "i1l1'V". Job Cll'atll'ln and Ilr~n."3tlon (I( our (ote'it re<\("n.~ ,,;11 1M" fl.ll'" l''I(plorrd, In tit" pUl"'Sllit of Ihi~ oh)l'd.ivl.". "Ilf"('ihc pn."rallllllt1< :11111 pn.>)I."ct~ ha\t' I)t'('n taT'Jl;l."ttd fore'(t'('ulion,· thl' ~<I\'t'rllor ;;;aid, ~s hl' pmmiowd that <:e'COntial'l <;('11001 fanllmlt "tmld br J't"lIIlroduced • ~lIllrr

Be the




, _ ...... r-. ...... J



behind business Choose CIMA. th e m ost ~Ievan t fi nancial q u a lification for business today In.'ft in

It<!< 1,1l'J






.tf'b,loon to ... "GIll· I>' '" I~-~(1DInIJl1lI ... busInt~, -'4. ·'..t"l~ ~'V'll I you bf<:omt!1w

bo.,,.,, !M+>.nd IhI- bulf.....u.. lIKom..,.. o.lrrcd 1'1.· .....'""'1 Atto.m1

d ....1P Il1U h/itIIl empIopahI~ '"" MIl IN, .. 'J'OU I • "'....,.,. of .It.., 'll:tI:i. fin&&. ft'ItIy



1tOIk.,. ...... tv,.r>yOM ...,1',. ~Iian f ..... bu!!tot'ss t~ (n.xf 10 IWdv, Cl,-to\. I .... C'~I" ~, quIlIflColl<Olll 11_ you • IhofOU&JI "">I buIIMM 1ftMW~1.


,I,-,"'I:f ..... ",-,-,


Keystone Bank rewaJ"(!s cuslomel·s in promo T.TfYSTONE Balik l'-..Li mllt'd ha~ annOllnced Ihe I\;nner<ofth~ u( thll't" IR,~t~r hu~ ill Ihl' bank.", JU~I ('()ndud~1 llai" Awuf l'romo. A .. tall'1l1~nt bv tllr b.:tnk !In Monday quoled the Ext'(;utivt' llirt'('tor. Public ~tt.r. KI"!-o;lmll' Bank, Mr Sh..11U Ahuhakar. as R'ing. -nl~ ~mnd dm" taking plaCf' l()fla~' ill th~ last of Ih~ diff('rrnt call"Kones; th~ cu~(tmel"'S thai qualifv lor thi.~ category ha\'(~ IIIcl'Ta~1 their deposil ill "''l\iIlJl;;; account in tllr last thl1"f' monlhs and th~l'Tfo", qualified and sland the {'hOl1~ 10 \\In one of lhe

ont tllt'n' t!or<;n't just nlilkr

W,h mu!I<pI1

"'11)' '''''tf:!l)lltl

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Oetr- 01 dlpbn. WI., ,lwO!Ch our &1:_../ ."""un-....,' wtw'1' 1'111 (oWl urn up to t1 ~IOOf'I~""wll'r,lI Jlr, t1 VIllI ........

,I,l1 end _




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lLHelping peopll' and businl'sses· to ~uc(eed ..... tfIoo ....... " " ' _ ..... ,· ...

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