business news
OCT08ER 21. ""12
LECAN decries use of substandard wiring materials ilE Lic:cnscd Electrical ConlBcl.on Association of Nlgena ha5 decned
the use of s ubstandard produc:u by quacu in Nil!!ria, saying that inv:perienC'ed and Improper wiring of ho~ may have adverse affect5 on the n.lionalgrKl The associa tIOn, which SI.ted Ihis on Friday in a stale-menl, also pid it had WinO,
r«ei\~ approval from the Nation.1 E1ectnc:ity Rqulalory CommissIOn In the (ace of the curr!!nl priVlltisalion of the Power lIoldin, Company
of Nigeria. to continue the handling of millers relating 10 house wino, and InIRs-Cormer installation fot electricity consumers. The National President of LECAN, Chid Ode Akintola, wu quoted to ba\'e said this It the third National ERculive Council Memng of the association held in ~ Osun State Akinlol. .id the request of the asociation to abrogate compulsory payment 10 PIfCN officials by electricity ooMtUners bad been approved, whi~
acknowkdgmg the Inclusion of one of the membelll of LECAN in the lethnical committee on power reform. Lauding the NERC Chairman, Dr. Sam Amadi, for h9rltenin& 10 Ihe yearnin& of electricity consumers, the LECAN boM pleaded that all hands mU5t be on deck to implement the power .sec:tor reform, especially in keepln& to standards in the execution of proJec"ls li t' said, -W(' mU5t step up the activihes of OUt monitorins unit 10 efTecuveJy monitor the standard of job that are bein& handled by contractors nationwide.Earlier in a courtesy viIIit to the Osun State Governor. Mr. Rallf Arqbe50II, Akintola .solicited the cooperation o( the nate sO\'ernor in ensurinl thll the 5I!rvices of professional e lectrical contnctors in the state were enplo)U1 in matters n!latinl to dectricity, notinS thaltheprob~mof('lectricity
had always militated against ~Iopment,
mem~ ~re
n!C'eIVt"d by the Special Assistance to !he Go\-emor 011 Runt and Community l:}e\'dopI1leDt, Mt Kunle 1011le lO\'"emor $ltd no unrqist~ contnctor
would be ....... rded contracts. IS the stale had been noted for qualitatl\"(' electrificalion. While statlnl thai about 22 transformers had been si\"('n oul by
his adrmnlSlrauon. he promised his npport for the conlracton:, sayinl that due PI'()a'SS would be t"ollowro in the: award of conlntru m the s lalt' nK! Zonal Coordinator.
LECAN, Sooth-West. AltaJI
PIICN,lbadan ZoM'. lo issufo metrt'!II ~td for byeledncllv
consUInI"n in th .. rqion <>yo, <>sun. O.sunand K"'"1Int - thraulh LECAN rmombtrs
UTA chief wants efforts redoubled to save Africa
1RECI"OR-Genera. I, Int('rnalional lnstitute of Troptcal Alriatlture, Dr Nteran),a Sanpnp, ha.'I called on work! Dders And other staIteboIdera to mIoul* efforts lo ...-e Africa from the pan&' oChWll~ and PI"-ert)'. Althou&h p~ Iw !)em made i'thanks to imptO\-enen1s in asric:ullural producti\ity And ~ attention to "IJiculture ?such pins are be1nt; threatened by spir1lllinl population JI'OWIh nlte coupled with degndi"l
.n puticipa.nts
address to at the 21St Annual Congns!I of the N"l&erian Rural SodoIop:::aI I\.ssociation (NRSA) held at the U"~'I!:rsity of (hadan, Dr SanPnpsaidthat-chalIen&es 10 food IeCUriIY in Afncs. are huge. and that the barriers to ~ tteation, food security. improved nulntnn,
and 5USlalnabW: rnIOaIm"Il'fIt oC natural reources in subSaharan AfricD (SSA) are on r.-ernl fronts.· For illStance, Af~'s population lVO"'th retnam5 hish rompRmt to other rqioll!l in the world (2-04" in SSA) Ig,lUnst 1..3" in nonAfrican countries. In addition, the urban IlOP'Il;tlion tsraptdlypowtnr..
pullin!!; pressut(' on the rural areas to prOOucr IIlDf'(' rood 1.1 affordatMe pnc::es. llKore ill also the prob'ern of depletion of !Oil nutnents. winch if left unchecked, could hlwe catastrophic effects. Fu~ destructi\-e agricultural pracboes aJanl forest marpns in Africa aggm\'atl" dd"orestalJon
-While lhe attainment
of food serunly is a hllV and IJlcreasi~ chalrngf', production prr unit area laM not illCf"NSlM as I"~he!? In the world. and lJ1('n!rnwlS In lotnI rroduction ha\,!!, come at t.bto expm!lIe 0( tilt natural re!IOUrt:e ~. he ~id "(]early theft is much work 10 ~ doill" in subSaharan Aft-ia,. he
The Gambia explores Nigeria's to uris m fair "EGambiaTourism Soard has said it will take part In thi$ year's Akwaaba Trade Fait in Nigeria, slaled 10 comrnl"nce on October 22 The Akw.. ba Trani Market is West Africa's leading Irll\'e! and Tourism event that brinp tOIf'ther Dotabl(' personalilles such as tourism professionllls, lour operators, hoteliers, airlines, and tra\'('!
agents lbe Director of Markf'lmK. GambUi Tourism Board. Mama Njie, said In II statement, -Gi"en thai Akwaaba t!I an opportunity to showalH' the ~ of Gambia lounsm and to pm)e'ct the Smilin, Coast brand in Nilena, which is increasmr,ly becommg • leading IOUroI! markf't. -A biBh powered \S upec1ed delegallon
the r"o't'nt 1be Mlqation will feature promlnenl pertonalitlf'$ from both the public and pm"1lte Rdors," He added lhat In a bid to i~ the impact. 1be GambUi would al~ orprtlSl!' a -Gambian Day- another platform 10 showcase whal Thl' Gamma had to orr~r includins Its W1,)n~rful cuisine and the flapblpdiJh called -8enachin10 p,ntc:'t'