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MONI)/\'; AUGUST 22. 201 1

~L~P~fu~u7It~s~J~"·-n~g'~s--~;=~==============================~================~T - lr.I,nv -Ekiti

s on appointment HE lI'lboUI Party In PlattlioU SIlI~.! has Ct,tJciJed Ihe i'lllpo ul lmenl 01 "'a kubu Jimg son of Go-..-emor J onah Jang in stH!cii!ll a dv,ser 0 1' specilll dulles 10 his fllthl! l The party in a statemen t in Jos o n Sunday $;"lid the lIppointment was akin to makrng Yakubu th e depu ty gQ\femor In di~ui '4 LP. In Ihe statement. signed by ils Publicity Secreta ry ~Ivanus Nllmang. said going ~. Ihe reported Tift bel\\l!en Jang and his deput~'. ,.ir Ignatius Longjan. Ihe a ppoinlment of Yakubu was a ~cheme to telliace longian Namang s~lId ~The appoinlment 0 1 'rakubu Jang as a Spedal Adviser to his f"lher the governor 01 the slate is for him to selve M the deput y gDV1!mor or Iflther his hil l'lan in all acli ...·il~ of Ihe 51l1te ~Thal is to lIhOlo\. Ihat Ihe boy Is being appointed to selve as a hllman. 10 reprl!Sl'nl him 11\ cve lylhiny. Special duti~ has no area. It "wolve'S virtually e ...·el y'thlng. So it means Ihe son Is JWlI like Ihe deptrl~' governor. so he IS gorng to do ",,'hatlNf1:t he eSSign5 him to do and WI! leel thal is not goOd lor ou r d~l1locracy, he should be sen~i hve Namang ad<w.d. - "''au knouo this man has aJwa~'S been lICcused ,)1 nlnlllng an exduslve gowernment. WI! In th~ Lal>our Parly u:arned against l"~ things. \\'e knl!l'll il wa s goll1g to happen. Becau~e ifs his second tenure. he \\Iould do whatevel he likes and there is nol)ung you .....'o vld do. bec"U!il! h~ IJ In the last lap ~ He ~id thaw who voted



Jang were nO\\I seeing why tlw LP warned agam51 his return 10 of lice NalTk'lng deo:rled what he dll!SCribed a$ absit\lalion where evel ~' aspect 01 governance h'\d broken down onl" for l l e governor " to think 01 no thing than appointing hIS son a5 his special advi5er

necessary incenllves


Scene 0/ a co//opsed Ihree-storey building 011 Sllogbellli Slree1. in Lagos .. on Sut~ PllOfO: Goke Fomodel(lQ

J onathan endorses Sal Ihuo maC hle dode. Ab uJa RES IDENT Goodluck JonlithanonSundaymgh t approwd 11M!< appo/Idrnenl uf Ju.<tice Dalharu Adamu as the Acting Pns!sident of the Court 01 ~ the!eby mdoDing the su~rmon of Justice A~'O Salami by the National JudICial Council. Adamu is of the Sokoto


Division ol the Appeal Cclurl. and was bUled 10 iakt' over from Salami last FrIday at a planned handouer ceremony at the keadquarters or the Court 01 Appeal. belore the ""tet I~ed lor a Federal High (ourl In Abuja 10 CM.!enge hili suspmsion. A5IlItemenlfromtheSpedai Adviser to thl: Presidenl on Media and Publicity. Dr.

.. k ' ami S suspenSion, pIC S


Ayo i!ltaml In a statement by Its N<lItional Publicily Secretary. In Lagos on Sunday. A1hajl La! Mohammed. lhe party said havrng hlld more limit 10 study the NJCf decb:ion. iI was lelt wilh no choice bul to condude Ihat Ihe NJC embarked on a hatchet job 11 said tire conclUSIOn was reillfOJ"Ced by three ktoy

T ANOl.OR DS In Cotli l....Aarnp.Enu~u5tale.ha...'e called for the O\.>!lhaul of the

regrelled that Ihose piloting e ffairf 01 the local security netwo~k. parllcularly at Cool Camp. ha..."" lumed it mto 1I mon~.. maklngW'nl\ln!. They slated thai rather




leady 10 take adv",ntllge of

'h' I,"" ..n 'n ,ho .... to make Ihe slllie the lood ba!~~of':;'~~

Judiclal Off~ of lhe ~ Republic of Nigeria "Comequandy. PresIdent JorIathan, In etelose of the pcl\WIS conferred on him by Section 238 (4) of the 1999 Constitution of the MrderaI Repubhc of NIgeria as Mlended. has appr.,...-ed the acting "PPOIntment of Hon Justice. OaIhalu AcWnu 10 perform lhe functions 01 lhe office of Ihe Presidenl of the CourlolA~alpending ...,.'h en all issues lelaHog to the office 01 the Presitkmt 01 the Court of ~a1 are ~.Salami ....'35 last u,:eek susp;mdcd by the NoItlooal Judicial CounCIl for refusrng 10 wmply "-ith a direCl,,:e. ordering him 10 apologise in

Katsina-Aiu. and the Council But ~Ii'lml headed lor a Federal High Court in Abujll, 10 Slop the enforcement of the stl5pen5ion. In a suit he filed through hi1 counsels. Mr. Akin OlujimL$AN and Mr. Emeb NglQI!. SAN. Salam; il5ked lhe Court to Il!Slmin thE' Senate ~sidenl David Malk and the Nalional As5embly hom 9'V1I19 eliecl to his suspension~' the NJC on Thulsday. Salami 1$ Mking the court lor the following reliefs "An Ofd4i!rofinterioculory Injuction lestraining the defendants/ responden ts. ("ither jointly Of severally) adlng !hrough the n

tM! farmeD had begun production of rollon afresh In towns li ke Ire- [kill, ~~H. aka. Is. and Otun...... H. oak! ,,., bod" had started mobilising" lis m'm'- on 'h' n- -. form ~:n<XIS coo;:live "'"up> 10 !!flabit'. them to i:.:'~''11 lrom all the loon.

Rueben Abali. sad Adamu ....'ouid 00 as Ihe ~eot of the Court of Appeal pending wt'le11 all ISSUes re~lm9 to Ihe ~ Sal&ml were


The ~tilleo'Kmt telJtb. - President GoodIuck EbeIe Jonathan is }n rete1pl 01 a COiIi"SjMrdehGlldaled 18 Ih August. 2011. lrom the. Ni!ltionaJ Judkial Council. recommending the compulSOl\' retirement 01 Hon. JlI!tice !sa A~'O 5tIlami. OFR, lor mkconduct in tItCOIdancellilhlheprovlsiOl\s 01 SedIOfl 292 ( I) (al Ii) 01 the 1999 Constitution ollhR ~ Rep\lbtic 01 NIQf!:ria. as amended. end Rule 1 (I) of the Code of Conduct for

Issues: evasion of seMce. smuggling 01 the iuue into the agenda of the last NJC meeting a ,ld Ihe fact that thl! council simply overreached 115"'11 The party also lI.oondered why a bodv I!!laUlished 10 be Ihe custcxllan of judICial lenelS woukl ignore the

:~~==~: t~e~~

the documents ..... ere nol signed and daled. SlIymg the NJC should know that It " 'M for the COUlt not the council. to del~ine which \\lTd ft elfecUVi.' Of noL The plItly satd. · To WI <U a party, Ihe most egregious !A'_ ........ - milled of ,"'''' ......... ,.- ......... by the NJC In the Ju5tice Salami's case ~ thi:! evasion o f service This iI JI.e h":Al. t <;'!f"

10 suspend Salami

The ACN desctNJLbed . CI argumen t thatitevlldedbeing se rved 1~ COUll summons by Salamr s lawyt!1'5 because

as suspicIOUS the

were gIVen four e:<etutive position, in the 5eCunty lIHMgement Th~·. then!fon!. aPPE''''"'il'd to lhe Comm~joner fOf Human Development and

~~~~I~;:Ca~::~io: :~a~h~n..~'7s a!:~ =~~j~ ~:t~ ~;~;Sl' "~r~

~em. the operators carried good ol/ices to reform the on like II cabal and opposed S}'Stem 10 rendering account ol lhl!'ir Chaimlan 01 Ihe Jter.\·ardshIP a§g)("i"tlon. Mr Obi Aroh Operatfng under tlte $i'lld the ffi05t disturbing <ll!yllii 01 COlli Camp aspect of Ihe exct'!'5e$ of undlords' Assoclillio n. lhe tna vlQl laOGll grO\lp was house O\\.'I1el~ SlIkI it would lack 01 Iransparency and make mOle meaning and Dccounlllbility in linandal _~n..=_~"",,=:,.:-.---"m2'=n:,~o:.-....:."":::ld~m::::m:,:..::dL:v:;d · :':":d:':LI~':""':::-_~"'~a~n~ng~,. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ ,.... hat they dnaibed as - Ihen overbeallng itl;tivUK>S and finallaaJ improprietyTIle call ClIl1'e on Sunday agaln!'1 the backdrop of public oulcry on alleged misconduct of membcn of Ill" setunty ou lit In parIs 01 Enugu. lhestat"' capilal


:;"~n:e~oa t~:s~eie~~:~:

. by NJC , a hat Chet')0b - ACN ...suspenslon

T HE Ac.tton ~ of Nlgena has accu'Je'd the Nigerian Judicial Council of canying out a hatchel job by suspending the President 01 lhe C<Xllt of Appeal. Justice

The Vlce·Chalrman of AfAN In Ekul North Senatorial Qislrict. Mr John Om~'ajowo. st!.id al a press confeknee in Ado·EMi on Frlda~' Ihat la"nets In the state had the capacity 10 conlribute 80 pet cenl of the reWf\ue being generated in the 5Iale Pfesent/y. He. hal.o,;ever. &ked !he stale govemmentto provide inputs al$\lbsidised rates for farmeD. Apan from b005ling Ihe iIlIle IGR. Omoyejol.vo

Adamu as replacement

Enugu landlords demand overhaul of vigilance group {hioma Ub llbu ko h . Enu!!u


ARMERS In Eklli State under the ;:.egll of the All Farmers Association of Nigeria haw M5\II1!d Governor Kayode Fa~'eTI11 of their readlneu to Increase the intemally generated revenue of the st<'te If given

of lawleSSnes5 and Judicial rascalily. Cananindivrdualdo 'h·n",nn~'m~'m"'b'PU . ofn·'hh,m<NJn,C'

c. pretend


/lot to' know Ihal Sal;)m , Ilas gone to court over thb. issue? - By thumbing Its nose al Ihe lund.,mentals of the ruJe 01 law. Ihe NJC has onl~' succeeded In self-destructing Hitherto. thl! rouncil"-'35 regi'l,dedbymllnyasabody comprising men and wOflll!n

agents. privies and 'or ... """" 1.= 'alOng any

sll'p or aclian dIrectly or Indirectly In consequence Of In implemenlation 01 lhe recommendation 01 the 151 Defll'ndlInVRe5pondenl mad" ilt its meeting held in AbujA on I&h August. lOll M it affects the pllllnhffl applicant her"ln pendmg tilt? dererminalion 01 the substanth.e ~uil bt>lore this Hooourable COUll.

"An order oIlnterloculory inJucnl10n re~training Ihe defendllnl.s / respondents. fe lt her joIntly or severally) lIcting through lheir lIgen!s. prIVies Mdol delegates from direchng ~ 'om ..... nlr'" the ,'_.:11 PlamliflfAppiicanl to take any step or perform ar~' action in co~qui!nce or in Implementalion of lhe recommendo!\tlon of the 1st df:olendantJrespondent made on the 181h August.. 2011 pending the delelm ini!ltion





and other largesse atcnLing 10 the MSOdation

ICPC partners acade my T HE fndependent Comrpl Ptactkes and Other Related Offences Commission has parlrwred with °the Maritime 'Academy of Nigeria. Oron. Akwa 100m Stale. on the fl!Jht against con upUon

ih, ""om,

Und" "nU· Corruption Tl1Insparency Monitoring Unit,' [CPC lrains personna minislrie:5. departments anel agencies who act liS fraud detectors In their respectIve organl5ations.



Mr. Ndu Okparaibea. said . the ICPC Id t be SI/1U



everywhere, members 01 the MDAli had to be tl'ained on ways they could deted acts of corruption In their variOU! esmblishmenl5. Hesakl, "Th!sprogramme

15 the Inauguration 01 anl1· corroptlon transp;)reocy monilorlng unit; a nagshlp of the ICPC. The ICPC has been inaugufllling this body in aU the mlnistriu. depunments lind ogenael 10 do almosll1l1 OUI jobs as cn<>rilied in II,. constitution W;-a~ atlhe &atdemy '0 seO!iili5e tts members of .staff

of honour and integrity Now on the ocIivihn 01 the ICP(. the NJC has demy!oUiIed hAn older 01 this and what it stands for Itself ilnd. in the process. Honourable courl setting Okparaibea staled !hal achieved thl! c:ollllteral ilsldethe recommendation of since the i!arlierefl0rt5tofight damage of d~lng ils natTle tl'l4i! IstdefemiMt/respondenl cornrption In the country by In the mud ~ made at its meeting of I&h the SUccessM govemmenls The ACN !aid Ihe NJC August. 2011 a!Jll!n~t the had flilled, the ICPC had finally had ~~'11 lis true plalntrlrdunnglhepe~ to invoIlII! the members of hand by e-..-en acting beyond of Ihls suit which IhIl' 15t staff of MDAs, t~in and Ie. Its pou-eH to suspend Justice dell!ndanLrespondent has orienli'ltl! them on the need : Sa:~:::m:;_ __ _ _ __ __'~he~lo~",~know,::~_~'.:::of~-_ _ eradialle the m"nllCe.

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