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news FMC workers accuse striking doctors of pilfering SWlCiay Aborisad e.,



of the Medical Centre.. Owo. Dndo State, under the auspices of the Ileahh Workers Alliance on Wednesday accust'd some striking doctors of lhe hospital of pilfering. The doctors, the HWA same alleged. pilfered onhopaedic instruments. including intedoclcing nail

V V Federal


The H\\'A. in astalemenl by its chairman, Mr. Stt!\'Cn Ologunagba and Secretary. Mr. Adekola Adetifa. alleged that the pilfered «Iuipment were taken t03 private clinic in AJ.."U~. The group also alleged iliat three top members of Ihe Association of Resident Doctors were involved in the theft. The stalement added

that the nurse, who allegedly connived with the doctors to retnO\"e the equipment,. had been queried by management of the institution. The ffi-\'A said the development had confirmed the suspicion of saml.' of the unions in the hospital thaI Ihe ARD's aim of embarking on the strike was for personal reasons. The association, therefore, urged the hospiml management to ensure that the culprits "'-ere arrested and prosecUled. The group said. -As a responsible stakeholder

in the FMC, ()v.Io project., we shall waste no time in petitioning the supervising Ministry of Health, if the concerned doctors are not brought to book within 30 days. ~

liowe\'Ct, the striking doctors through Iheir Presidenl. Dr. Ajuonu Jolly. told our correspondent that none of them in\'ol"ed in any fonn of pilfering. Hesaid.lhemanagement of the FMC is behind the allegation because both the group that allegedly issued the statement and the signatories are faceless and are not mown 10 the

institution. Ihe three accused persons are the immediate president of the ARD, the immediatesecretalyand the immediate past chairman of the state chapter of Ille Nigerian Medical Association. "'This clearly shows the extent to wbich the management could go to deviate from issues to altacking persol15 .....ho are committed to el15uring thaI the FMC Owo remained one ohlle best in the coun~·. ~ Meanwhile, a top employee of the hospital told our correspondent on

condition of anonymity that the affected nurse bad been queried. He said. "'The management had already commenced im'estigation on the issue. ·Since the medical doctors are on strike. there is nothing the authorities of the hospilnl could do 10 the doctors accused in connection with the alleged stealing of the equipment..· With the heavy security presence on the premises, .Iolly said it would be difficult for anybody 10 remO\-"e anyequipmenl from ille hospital.










and Sanitation, Prof Olubul"'Oia Oyawoye; and Gouernor Rauf Arrgbesola, at the ConJer'f!/1ce on Community Ud TOlai Sanitarion in OsogI)(Lon Wednesday .

_lion Ondo flood victims get 900 tonnes of food




saw anybody


Sunday Aborisade., AJ..-ure

before doing their job to repor1 their obsen..atiollS 1hrough tho oeL" Aa:ording 10 him. the group ptO\ided different platfonns for national engagement on issues of corruption ~ 2006 and 2010-

slid. "\\'e


~ thai

IR d the rredia lOamtea\\ateOe'lSOO the \~ the statisti::s p!DI!rlJtfd fnxn tiE IRei Ihis Jiubm can Ihrough


D.OOO victims in Ondo Stute on Wednesday relief materials from the FedernI Go1.-.ernment.. TIle materials. comprising maize (660 metric tonnes), sorghum (180 metric:- tonnes) and gani (60 metric tonnes) are 10 ~ tbeeffects d the disaster on them.



Fridl1Y Olokor, Ahuja

1\.TON-Go\' ernmenlal bodies and the rredia to bring .1'i Organisation. Global Je..t!is d ~, bus and pressure 10 belt 00


igrutr ilIi:mm d!mil5 that can

""""'''''''''the use of the website is also targeted at increasing the capacity of non-stote actors to p;1rticipate in tlntloorrupnon processes. ~ The orgaoisation. Aa:oniing 10 him is chaired by Dr. Christopher Kolade while Pro£. Ycmi Osinbajo. MIS. 1000unoluv.CI A....·osika and Mr_ Felix ~~ are boon!


from the strateg.ic resef\'I!S by President Goodluck



as smaD-&:aIc irrigation .....atapumps for off-season funning were part of tht- paIli.ath~ to

11.e Minister said the

re1ea9I! of Illt' food ili!ms Mthe first of a four-pronged approach to the management oftheflooddisasterlh:n ....uuld rost the FaBai Gao.~t N9.7bn·. Adesina also said the procurement and distribution

Global Fund, UNDP to fight mv in Mali

beU'Bi ~'lo:aIandinn:matioo:ll greater

The items ~ stored in the National Strategic Grain ~-e Silos in lbarlan and AInue-. TheMinisterofAgrirulture and Rural Del>dapment. Dr. _.tJcinwunri Adesina, ,,"no . . .as represented on the oo::asion b)' theDirectotofIheWestem zone of the ministly, said it waspartofthe40.ooomet:ric tomteS of food itmlS rdeased

Fund. on Wednesday. signed an agreement .....ilh the United Nations Oe\~t Progr.mune to fighl the SC'OUI"gf! of IiIV/ AIDS in Mali The 1llO\'e ....ill ensure the deir.-ery of life-sl';ng HIV treatment to Lbousands of people in 1l1e rounUy where abou150.000 people are said to be currently ming with the Under


pact. GF appJO\-ed funding for EUR SSm ($75m) for HIV screening, pll.'\'Cltioo and

treaUncnl in Mali over Ill!! next threeyears. Mali's t.Hnist:er for Foreign Affairs. Tieman CouIib.11)', said. "The signing of this agreement in\'ohing the Global Fund, the UN De-.-eIopment Progranune and Mali brings hope for many or our citizens .....ho can now say ~. ha~ not been forgotten,· UN Residenl Coordinator and UNDr Resident Representath'e for Mali, Auriilen Agbenonci. welcomed the pannership and said it was consistent with the country's national deo.'elopment strategy.

He said, ·We also place this intervention in the context of a larger \-ision and long-term im-est:menl in capacity-building, to encourage B national response strutegy less dependent on foreign aid in the long run and therefore more sustain:lble. ~ TI.e GF is an organisation committed to fighting thP UlCidence of HIVI AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. II lw played a ke,' role 10 the g.lobaI response to the lhree pandemic diseases through a range of partner.>hips iD\'Ohing the United Nations.




..t"1ad\·ocacy organisation. inaugurated an online platformforreportingcorrupt practices in the counlry. It is a W!!bsite where: citizens can report cases of corruption in sen.~ce dcln1!l}". 1he Executive Director of the group. Mr. Soji Apampa. saKI during the inauguration inAbuj8 that ~the website-will

PEAKER or the Ekiti Stute 1 louse of Assembly, I>r. Adl'\\-"lllt! Ommo. has said Ihe sacking of the Local Go\"I!1'lUlJeI1t Sen"lce Commission aod Ille House of .o\ssembl) Senice Commi."5ion menber.: f~l!d constitutional


victims. He added thai a NI7.6bn

F rid ay Dl o k o r . A huja research

FenIi Makinde. Ado-Ekiti

The Speaker said this in Ado-Ekiti on \ \'ednesd.w while speaking with jounlali,<;ts on IlK> reasons rorsackill!1, the officinls. The l3\<omakess. at a plena!)' on Tuesday, BpprtJ\"ed the sacking of the members of tbe two COIllIIlissions. Omirio said their saoon}:: was in accordance ....ith the pwoisions of the Section 201 of the Constitution. Attording to him. Illt' section empowers tbe gO\"erllonorenJO\"emembers of the oommission ....itb the backing of the two-thirds or the majoritv of the members of the Houseof Assembly. The officials. he added, ....1!re accused of incompetence. S3}ing the goo.--emor .....anted those ..... ho would be able to hurl: at his paoe: in m0\1ng the statE' forwnnl. said, Omirin 'Tho eommissions ....'t"I'e nol dissolved bul thar members were J'CmO\ul. 11Jere are lot 0( auociries going on in the loaU gO\'eI'llilleIIts and the gO'o'emOr ....1lI1ts those ..... ho would dm-e his transformntion agenda. 1be gO\~r "'CInts those ..... ho can work at h is pace. The Speaker debunked the rumou r 1l1at membes of illl' commissions ....'ere S3CkM bec3~ of intanal

Group inaugurates website for reporting graft A

Briefly Assembly justifies sacking ofEkiti boards



suhsidi..-.ed fertili7cs as wCl


of addreWng housing and health chaIIenges thrown up by the disaster had been appnl\oW b)' the President.. He said. !he initiam'eS are aimed at addressing theimmediate cha1lenges of &<;pbced families and further pllt in p1a<r measures that will reduce the impact on di,<;pIaced f....mlCr.i. • 1be minister, ~1!\'et, ....-amed the beneficiaries not 10 geI1 the items under- any


The Sl3!e Commissiones" for Agricu1ture. Mr. AdemoIa DIonmfcmi. saKI the adminisuntion had already pn:p;uul a soo-hect.11re land for ioIYbnd rice cultivation in Ille stale. He said the initiatil.oe woukI complement the fOurth oomponentoflllCfiooddisaster """""""" prognunone

Omirin said the Assernbl}' had also passed a bill into law to enab\e fonner governors and dqJurics to be dta"'ing pensions from the state. The ' Speaker, hov."f"\'I!r, explained IlUit onl}" those \'.ho suecess€ully oompieted U.eir tenure would benefil from the p.1ckage. He explained that formet gU\'f!mOr A~-o Fa....ose would not benefit from the: gestUre bec:tuse hE' impeached from office.

Fonner- GovemCR" Segun Om, he added. ,,-ould be excludPCI because hiseh:tion ""ah nullifM!d I)) thecourt. He explained that Chid Ni~1Adebn)'oandhisdeputy.

QUe{ Paul

Alabi. \'..00 is IW"' a member of the Peoples DenlOCnllic Part}" ~ qualified. 10 benefit from the


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