THE PUNCH, 23 MAY, 2011

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n . 2011

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Lagos restates commitment to quality environment Stanley 0pilra HE ~ Slate Comml5Sloner for Environment. Dr. Muiz Ba.niJe, has said that Ihe government IS committed 10 ensuring i!I healt hy, conducive and friend ly environment for all residents. He said the ministry had an obligation to ~aullfy the envi ronmen t, combat dimate change. ensure integrated management 01 solid waste and stop

T the

environmental nuisances, indud,ng emuenl dISCharge, ill!, land, waler and nOise pollution. He added Iha\ the enhancement of quality public health few aU In the state, W ilfe also lOp priorilies. A statement from the ministry on Friday quoted BaMe as saying thai the Conservation and Ecology Depanmenl of Ihe ministry had been charged with the responsibility of tOnserving and pt'l'5erving the biodiversity Clnd ecosyslem

of Ihe :Iotale and preven ting them from degradation. Thedepartmi'nt.hnddl!d. was also responsible for the development of strategy for greening. landscaping and beautification; establishment of zoological and bolanicaJ gardens renovation and maintenance of monuments and other historical public buildIngs. According 10 him, over 75 open spaces all over Ihe stale have been reclaimed and beau tified in the last fouT yea~.

Some of these are the Muri Okunola Park, Viaoria isLand; MKO Abiola Park, 0;013; Geml F<lwehinmi Park. <>;Ola. Ayodele Awojobi Park, Onike, Iwaya; Herbert Macaulay Park, Yaha; Beko Ransome·Kuti Pzork. Anthony Oke; Kemel Street Recreational Pa rk, Surulere; and Ihe Mini·sports complex, Oworonskoki inten::hange. The monuments of o ther notable Nigerians such as Chiel AJao Ak.!I. Bashorun lind A1haja Abibat Megaji, he said, were under

cons tn.Lclion. Banire said, *Our aim is to bring bad. the 10sI glory a nd beauty 01 those old da~ wnen publk facilities not only served ;u recreational and relaxation 5p01s lor Lagos residents, bUI also as memoria l spots plan ted with various ornamemal trees, sh ru bs. green lawns and fIowe~.


fascinating aspect tne greemng and beautirL(ation projed is that several indigenous landscape construdion companies.


World economy loses $4.Stn yearly to deforestation, desertification Stanl ey O par;tl


E F ORESTAT I ON and desertification are es1imllled to be costing lne

crisis. The

EducalK"ln Advt5eT',

NCF. Dr Babarunde Law&!,

giobal economy b.i!tween $2.51n and S4.Srn a ~_, . ~ to the Nige:rian

said this al the preliminary of the Worid Environment Day sdloob' tompetition organISed by the foundauon and !he

Conservation Foundation The losses, which are lied to ISSUes of forest expioitllOOn. are probably more than \,\.Nt the lvor1d economy shed as

NigellMl Bottling Company PIc III llIgos on Friday. Speaking on the theme, "Forest for People, Forest for Green Growth,· lawai

said that the United Nations' choice of forest as a theme for 20 11 WED celebration demanded that conscious efforts mU$1 ~ put in place 10 promote the conservation and use of forest resources in a manner thai I.I.IOUId ensure future use. According to him, such adMties shouJd aIsocontnbule to meaningful reduction in the pollution of !he envirorunenl

through the use 01 fiJ"e\.\.'OOd, petrol, gas and coal. He 5aJd there should also be maintenance of fnendly interaction of lhe different

kinds of !ioy.ilem (tn:'es. soil, insects. birds, animllk, and man) thai were found III the environment. The activities mUSI also suppen the growth and development 01 the poor, whose lives and Sl,JrvlVaI

Wood fuel poised to be next global commodity OOD fuel. one of the


oldest energy sources

on lhe p1anet_ could become Ihe newest commodity market If 11 can overcome supply limils ",nd green concerns as demand grow:s lor renewable energy, Reuters reported on Friday. Supply co nstraints were starUng to pu t wood lue l lnto competition with the paper industry, experts say, in an uneasy reminder of existing tension between the f~ industry and companies making biofuels from lood Cfops; .

In theory, burning wood and crop wa5le emits leu calbon tha n lossil fuels bealU5I! it simply relumed to the ai r carbon &:C\JmuJated by p/anls as they grow. but that balance broke down if stock was not replanted, Of natural forests were logged_ In the meant ime, uttlilies were burning biomas5 In ever greater amounls and now want price certlilinty and derivat IVes to manage their COS!: expo5l.Ire In forward power sales, although European poJkyrnakers were muUing limits on subsidies for buming wood fuel given conceTT1!i about deforestation. ~1t's coming very fast, ~ said a director at consultants Hawkins Wright, Mr. John Bingham. referring to lhe development of an open market, and citing Euroslat data showmg European Union imports of wood pellets up by 42 per cent last year. He saw increasing evidence of a larger scale market induding big produce~ of wood peUets in Europe and Nor lh America

and big intermediaries, such as Czuglll and Gazprom, to balance large utility buye~. Shaped wood pellets Wilre moxie for the energy sector. while raw wood cllips lvere used mostly by the paper lndu.stry. The energy exchange APX· Endex was working with the Pori of Rotterdam to supply an exchange. traded pellet product this year, while index provider, FOEX has pined up WI!h specialists Wood Resources International for a global wood chip index. Those developments heralded a gradual shift to a more transparen t mllrf.tet beyond bila teral deals

between suppliers and usen, such U lImber (:"ompanies and utili ties Indicating Ihe size of appetite. Britain's biggest coal·fired power p1anl, ~ burned nearfy one mlUlon lonnes of biomass last year, more than double previous ye.a~, wh ile bu rni ng 10 times that amoun t of coal. Orax said biomass expansion depended on clearer Uniled Kingdom support, under power mal ket rerorms 10 be announced beforethesummer. i1s.sources included 51raw and energy oops such as miscanthus. Wood pellets had lIbou t 70 per cenl of the calorific

value of coal. experts said. The British ann of German utility RWE, RWE power will this year convert a coal plant near umdon to bum biomass.

SUMEC" r.IAMAN" BUYER BEWARE!!! Due 10 lhe unlOl"luoole oclM lies o f some Impotlellio IIOod the molkel with fake I slb-slonclClld SUMEC Pelrol gen9lQfOlS below 10 !(VA, we Inltoduced ANTI-f AKE g9fl9fOlOfS In 201 0. SUMEC MACHINERY &. ELEC TRIC CO. lID. IrKNalOle olefts the gen8fol public, especkJI!V all CONOOlen o f Sumec Pelto! genOfolOls below 10 ICVA, 10 watc h oul lar lI'tesa FOUR FEAllJRfS 10 be able to diHet9flllate b6tween genuine a nd loke.

1: SO N REG .NO on c arl o n

Foreign property buyers embrace Cape Town HE IiSdentiai real estaIe in Cape T~ Scuih Afrka, Is cum!I13; a dassic ~. mari;er in VJith propI!I1ies laking 19....wks on average to sci and then wi1h only IS per cent of vendors achieving their asking prio!. a


new report~. This is good news for


buyers u.too aaD.IflI fa arnosr seven per cent of lOla! .sales. by IN IN: hirJet pIO;:ICI'1ion of sales in lJIry Sooth AfriwvI ary, WIIh the Briish a prominent Ion:e, ao:x:trtmg 10 the OJIIons Soulh A&icaliJgquarler2011 report I! repc:m a lengthening in the i!IWfage lime homes spent Q'\ the market helexe selling, from 15 weeks Mel six days in the fourth quarter of 2OtO 10 19 ~ and one day. Nevertheless. in Cape TONO, the caasma1 big hqt price saJe had!llJAXll1ild ccnIidma!, even tIvough the rnariIet's

depend on Ihe feast. He called on poopIe to use the foresI !o promOie green and gel inwtved in the rehabililatlon of degaded' foresu; while cre<lIting ~ jobs through Iarge-scale plantations 10 pAM'fltlIood unpaas. ~We mUSI promoIe 'Jaw GeIbon ~ growth,' wtuch delTUlnds lUing less enerw. involvement actJVihes thai a re more energy saving and of course. our 9O'-"!rnment and corporate bodies also need 10 enrourage the use of sources of ~ that are bio-based; thai ii; enet"!lII generaled from plants and enet'!lI sources that create less pollution of the en\IIronment. ~ he said.


~ up po r h




~ period., ptOpeJfywire. com reponed Q'\ Friday.



()..oer8)percent ol~ CNer R6 milion(£550,OOlj\WlelDcasn buyers. Oy Bov.A and Atlantic Seaboard properties have fetched bigJe>i ~. Between June and December last year the average price 01 apartments in the City Bo,.,(, where '5l1 apartmenI5 were sold last ~,

Ind udlng hundreds of budding gardeneB. male and female . have been engaged in these beaulific:.ation sites across the itate ~ ~ It has abo served as a rehabilitation programme for some boys "nd gi rlli as most of those working on these sites we re once wrinen off as irredeemable area boys and ghls, who were of nil value to the society.- Banire add.?d. He said the beautification and landscaping of the 5late had cre",ted skilled plOfes.sionalli in gardening. architecture and klndsc",plng, adding that about 4.882 jobs had been crealed th rough the varlOUS beautification projects. The commissioner said. ~Apart from thl5. il also creale! comemporary adven branding opponumties for corporate organisations and g;!nerates JOb opportunll!e:S for media and advenl5ement companies. vThere IS no gainsaYing the fact that open space pro tKl ion is good for a communlty's heal th, stabdliy, beauty and quahty of hie I. iherefOIe. rrnplore Lagos lelOldenl5 from aU 5llala 10 daJm OWfle~hlp of and jealowly prated the beaullrted Slles.-

TtGMAX SON.'M'It'f.£/ 11J8

... Cape TOM"I sold fa

2:"";r.IAMAH e ngra ved on Iuel tan k H

jumped 15 2 per cent 10 RI.53

milion (£l40,(XXlI. The Ounons Scuth Africa reporI added thai sn:e the botromlng out 01 the rece;gon

3: · r.IAMAH - engraved o n alternator bearing suppo rt

in 2OCI9 when mark£! values kad dropped in ITIOSI areas by 12 to IS per cent, there

4 : "r.IAMAN " eng ro ved on engine c rankc a se

has been 11 rnarl!ed increase III the bwr end of the II"\iI:rl!et, Al mil!icn 10 R4 miIion (£90,00 ID £365.(XXl) and in the upper end where pO::es are RIO miIic:.-. (£900.00) ~ in property IlanSactions


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ConICCt: mctOelong ·n.-g-~o,.mec . o:om en lor Ci«1ww Oeaie.-s

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