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FEBRUARY 26. 2012

PAN set to assemble 3 , 000 Chinese cars annually

RAS II EF..D IUS IRrvu AN Nigeria LImited. the manufacturers III Pet,g~1 vr:hkles In lodh-e.rsify Il!! bnmd portf"lio with mass produclion of ..min modd, I brand of the Chu ngqin& Chanpn Automobile Chilli

Dill!dors of PAN Nigeria, A1haji Sani Dauda. led top Inanage.menl of the comllany to Clnna for the IlIslonal ~'ent III October wt year, - it said 11l1'teamftomChina was III Kaduna, Ihe' production base of PAN Nigeria. on Wednesday 10 assrss UII' Ilreparedness of IIII' Nige.rian aUIO fiml -Dunng an inspectio n

lO\Jr of thr firsl set of the Nigerian produced ALSV1N to ascertalll the ~rall readllle55 of the colllpan) " the chalMnln said PAN wou ld lIuliall)' Ilroduce about 3,000 units of Ult' ALSV IN from 115 Kaduna plant in 2012 with pnxluction target C'Xpt'Cled 10 incrl!!35t' annually: it Slid. It P\~ the attribules

of the product as having

Eurol1e3n design,

s lrong

Chulese elements a ud an ame:nabililY to the Nigenan terram. 1111' Manasmg Director. PAN" Nigena. A1haji Shehu I>auda, saKi the decision to di~rsi(y III tO a multibrand was market dri\'ell and hinged it on the need 10 produce affordablt' vehICles within the reach o f Ihe

midd le class in the country II I' said. ~We ha\"e achi~ tesl pnxluctlOn or the Alsvi n. We have also e.xhausti\~ly conducted road test of oor pnxluctton to aSSC55 qua lity and durability which sigmfy our

rl!!putalion. -rhe: resu lts werl!! very fil\'Ourable as Ihe Al.s\oin pfO\"ed to be \'ery liuttabk for Nigerian roads'-

Ars! Bank illS at Noy. 24 , 20 II

S e l!jog

B yy lng

S £ €

157.50 245 .00 217 .00

160.50 253.00 220.00




al 24fll1201l


WAUA 239.9906

The lulu company saki on Frida" that it had


155 .7 1

oomplelro I full M:alc Installation 01 Ihe factory lines (or lhf' production of the Alwin -WIth an ellJ;ine Clp30ty of I.Slilrrs It also ~l1d the fi nn had concluded lrr.tngt!lIlt'nt "llh the Chinese mlnuf.ctulcr '0 provide the




0 .3057


242 .2225

teochmcal SI1ps:urt to enable II to 8SSt'mble 3.000 AI,," Yeh~ In

PAN is SU"'1'1111t

Nilm.a (>n~ of the ft"" IU 0


plants in Ni~et ia, which was pri'''a11S«i in lOOJ a5 part of mea5U~ tu ~in\igorale local "t'hld.. produdlOn Attordint; 10. stalement



lilt- acting ! Iead of

Corpor.lte Communication. PAN N'gena Mr Musa Usman. th~ lompany had roIltod out ,;.tIDe units of the pnltlut't. ~hlCh are protOllpC5. II $<lid. "T lis is on Ihe strength CIf a T~h nic:al Ag~nlt~ n t ~ibnal

. l.r R : Counlry M tUlayiny Directo ,., I)lfl~ 1''''. Ramlg Buday: Commercial Mwtag ing Directo,., M,.. Clan. O ke l"t!k e: and Relllil Mallng e ,.. No"" ', IJII'", M,.. Clru,.,es during the Nigeria Oil nnd Gus Corlfe N!rlee, ill Abqin .. , 0 11 Frida y

belween PAN Ni~ena Umiled and Challp.. Aulomoth'e


Manu("clurinJ! Colllllan). brandO\, n~I~(.fthe ALSVI N. a Band MI ~ml'nlsc:ar~ 1111!! Ml'lIlonmduni of Und~f'!ilnndm;; \\';15 signed in China III October last \,"r.IMst~lIr Mnl said -Chatnnan Boord of

Nigerian In,'estmelll Promotion Commission, Mr" Must.fa Bello, has called on Ihr

NIPC wants NASS to ratify trade agreement NigenanYoulhs Pariiamen ts to US(' thr'lr Il"gISla tl\~ powers 10 innuenee tlte National.\ss{ombh' to ratify all bilateral agreemeul$ thai Nil'Sria has entel't'd wilh oth"r colln tries of tht' world III' Slid therr wen O\"er

!ITA offers recipe for food insecwi ty, unemployment


'TING research



inl~rnaliOllal a~licullur.1 f'eieardl celllers

could help -utional and stall!! pJ'1!mmenls 10 tackk the twin Pf'JlIeITU of (ood ins«unly ,,-,d the ruinr, wa\'~



sa\"5 the Din"!' or-GetK'ral of the Intc-mahunal Institute of TfOIlical ~;riculture, Dr NteranYn Sa'lflnp III' said this during I

courtesy YlSf t.lthe (iool'emor of Eiali Statf, Dr, Kayotk FI~"etlll, a itlll!!meni froln the IlI51ilutf'.s: ttl on Frida.,. Sanglllga AX!, -We Ig\~ Iht' It'dmolor,les and Jcnot,.,·ledge til help boost Iylculture f nd Vo'e Ire ready to !t a -e the51: Wllh

partne." lie said in\1!SllIIents in research and de\"('iopmenl backed Vo11h Ule neeessal)' pohoal support could alleviate UII!' s itual;on ofhigh food import hurdell and Inljll'O\,(, agncullure I'ledging to step up asslSlance to fa~rs in Eloli State, Sanginp c:alkd for grea terCOO(lC'l1ltlOn between IITA and the gO\.... n lloenl of Eluti. I\ccordIllA to the:: statement. F.kJtl is among ltte s lales Ihat have O\'er IIII' years benefited from IITA'! intervenllons III research and de\"t'iopment work In cocoa, yam. ca5S3va. alld banana and planlalll. - FIX instance, fanners ill Ihal stille r«eI\-ed impfO\"ed

cassa\'a cullmp (rom lhe instltule, while' !.he clean )'am t~hnolog is


equally offering fanners 'seed!iof hopt.'-, il said Sangmga was quoted as sa,;ng partJle:rship was lIT1portant if th" p i of reduCing the number of poor peopk and guarantC't'ing food !it'CUnly was to be ach~.




&Q\'efIIOI' 10 tap ~ a\'ailable il1lp~'ftl pmnling mate.rials

at the IIl.<;tilule 10 Inlxim i7.r yield on fanllt'f'S" rlt'lds. ht' sud that the )"l!lIow CISSa\'1II \'arietle5 m:t'1It1y ~1!lo!>ed 1)) IlTA and nallona l par1ne:rs could hdp Ihe s latt' in improvlll~ the nUlritKm of Jlt"OPle <;ufTenng from vitamin A tkolicienc)

40 of such ag~ITlents on lrade, in\"estlnen t and othe::r related mailers that \'I't!rl!! aimed at advallcm!, tht' t"COllomy of Ibe country which are yet to be ra lified by the National Assembl}' lie' emphasised IMI Wlthout the ratifications, Nigeria Voooid continue 10 lose on Ule benefil5 accruable. (rom such Agrren\«,'nts. The: Execull\""(, Secretary spoke whe::n principal officers of UM! pariianll'nls led by Ih" Speaker, Mr. Abdullahi Mairasira. paid him a visil in Ahuja, urged Ihl!!lII 10 promote and ad,"nce the economic. and 1)Olilic:a1 dC\'doJlmet11 orthe country. Bello also elljoined Ihem to work With the Federal Go\.... mment 10 brin!, about the realisallOn of the' job creatIOn



oroer to f'nsure that youths were gai nfully empl~ Wh ile advlsllll youths to shun all vices Ihal Vo'Quld relard their OWII and thr

he said wnh Ihe 5utteSSfui lIuplemelltaUoli of the World Bank Small and Medium Scale: Entt'rpnse programme roordmated by the comml55lon. the N II'C could successfully assiSt the 100~mlllent 10 ensure d Ial youths were gamfull), ellllJloym. that Bello d i.sclO6ed the World Bank MSME programme that was Ililoled III three stales of the Federalion - Lagos, Ahia and Kaduna - had a< isted over une million artisans and other slllall business entrepreneurs m improymg their busmess" This, he noted, was achil'\-ed through Ihe loan obtame.d from the .scht'me. l ie rllr1htt called on lhe:: rede'ral ~rnmellt and the World Bank to revisit the I,rogn.mme and provide the needed fund to promote' the MSME. II ~ maintained that im'e'ilmt'nl promotion and facilitaOon rl!!mained the:: key to econOmic IransfonnatlOn

New li cen ces fo r f]Xed te lephony wlde l",vay - P23


Erosion threa t: Oyo LGs wldel' pressure overN2·sbn projects - PS6

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