IoIONDAY. MARCH 26. 2012
news •
Police constitute panel on Delta politician's death U luua ll lM':IAddeh, Wuri
T)O UCE .1I!h>..-ilMs ha~ set up a panel to lDYMbple the kiII~ of a pnJnWIml potiticWt in Ddta
State.Oud~Onokptte. The EX~'l"Iihip
candidate for the Cituens Popular P.rty .... shot de:«! on 2011 m
Warri. E\"ft" QI1!.'e,
.ctiooa.nd~bo.n "And rorward thetr names to the oommamon for ooward tn.nsml!8ion to the ~tiaJ Committee on PolittRL!fonnbappropriate rerommmdatioo in K'C."'Oniance Wllh Ill: lerms of
Kl'Ompanymi the petJtlon by the Onokptte·, 1aW)WS to the PSC WIll sworn to by Mr Gbenp Onosu)i. sUd 10 haw wilnl!Med the inOOent which 0CCllJ'T"ed al Bedand
Hoed, Orituwhonm, The pditionl!n ~ that the deceaMd was by
. ,. poliaomen In umfonn and nluftlwho5l.omwdlbe Hoed in a N\S&J.~ P.lhri .... J~
and two Ihlux ' .. 115 They adfkd that the police shot the deceued in both kneel and drowe him ......y to thr Warn AmI Command whrre he was
team of -finaBy killed~
d~WMkilledasaresuJt of hi! -priflCi!lled moo" on the ma~nahsatioo of the Urhobo in the ahann& of 111 a~ monlhly N2bn pipeline ~11a.nce fund ~ by the Nlgria Nallonal
Prtroieum Company to the stale &mmIIMnL
""'"' """ ...... """ ~
'JUr lhal
to aet llJl the mYMl"I ~ll!ive panrl by the ~ ~'J"\v QJmmI!lAOD foIk,trinlt a prUt.KI hom Ia,,~ rotOnokpte. Mean Erirt, And
Bauchi N2.6bn hospital
Part_ Thr ia t/:, .I-nllf) the poIicnnen thai kiJl,-ct thr
PSC CbalTman, Mr
' L-R £Inti State Governor Kayode Fa~7m. Prrmanenl &n-ftary Local GoLotrnlMnt £$rabltshlMnt, Trammg and hrtSKm LagosStatr. Mrs l)IObo Obasa, Gnd Prtsidf"nt, F1(1h f'oropa.lAgos Otopter. /tIr. Kola .tkornokde, durmg the (Ylrbmtl(H1 oj Ehll Pompa DaJl in Logos ... on SaturdaJl Photo" Oloturl}i Obasa
;!.~~ wh,'. '"
'28 police retirees' names missing from payroll
The Intn- n.cb III I It, You a~ to retnf!\-= all 101f t IiIeI mords. boob. rq st" mR files and oth.s m""\,ml doculneoW pmatJltn« 11thit' caR h- Propel" !aU'in 'dmlll) the 101_ officrrs .md their chill.n cohorts who .re re.rr ISb.. fi>r thr unlawful WI ,,0( Cllirf"ClP'orOrdptt.. ",I.iHn poIjceCUSlodyfoniisci,· inary
Mudla);a Me, C. hl bar
THE oalll~
of 28 mired poiK-t>lIleo alf' rnlSSmr. from t1k- paytoll of ~t"ft'S, t.M ~lrman of lhe Rivn ~tate ch.""1ptf'r of A.acllllono(RetlredPohc~ Offtcel"!l of Nir.~ria, O,irr Effiolll Orok. hu all",ed 'H ... bo Mid J8 mired
poiICe' ('offi~"
wailm, for Ihe pa~"TMllt or their prR5ion5. Orok. a mired AIR l.ant Com
of rof
JC""', In
(;a.b,bar on Frilby .ppt .. 1ed 10 tM N.llonal AMembly oonlmlttt'r. III cha~ of PoiICC' PettSlon fund to""o" the hi&h ~I fraud to PQltce pt'MKm
rum whiko
lie AKi s ... oot of the
2H police pr.nslOOtrs had ~ported. 10 btl orfice complamlnS thai thcir names had bern ~~ from the: list lie sud. !he pensIOners "I. . _Ifare the ",holtH~ i5 all .bout. IS left . !hi" blizzard oisuffennl~~any pemioomI whose names ,,~on thO' pa)TOI.I before the btnmdnc
.~ routin, III tltt! economIC heet !acin, f!\"rf)'01Ie "'We have bern mlOnned that IItt! prn5K)n fund bas heM! frwrn We are aware that Intn"ttrlllnd atJculated allf'fJIpt to mver up inqulant_ have followed the in~tlplion - It i5 our candKi opmon that IlK- hlr.hly placed fraudu~1 offic..h steal
Rei> canvas..\es 111cdia, legislatures partnership 011 ;::'t~~I~~~'': =:n=:~=
mediatooolbboratl'Wl hiM rucutJveumof&m~mm..,.t in the fi&ht ""'105' t~
f.parusi 00 j~a,11O "''""K)f!ria, IMdan Zor· on Fnda~ lamentrd tbr-.~ u,t} problems m thecounlJv. Rlm!deko, who II a mmtbrr, Hau.- 0(
Reprnrntalives <»m"lhl~ on Inlrma.l Set'lrtty, stated thai arcurity w.... the
~!:lety~aIL -so-
thersponsa'bilityolen.: JUG« the:aenlntyofthrlUtlt'n 'WI been the oc:Jusivp P"'''~ oftheof!l'UllW"throu" 110mdi~ control of Ito u.1) facililtes.'Musappr!,.cl,l.u.. nllm
~, not ~1ddo>d
mullS -
pobtician In • Inter to lho' II" 1.1...
Aldnwa.le bolu",.. d.·, Ibadan .,....mbrr of the Nation.1 ru_mbly. loIr HI . . . j(·dr Fapamsi, has ~ tM nerd h t..",~", allj thl-
to tMm,
She said., '"'fbry set the~ on the &O<Jd luck of brin&. brother• •Ier, wife or prl frieoo of Doe prrwon lhat has been asked 10 bnn,
the adln« InspedOr..Q nM1lI
PI ny t thr panel tboukl UDdm b a -ditcrftt lD"\fttiptiOIi cl Dds lllfTOI1IIdina tlaP W;&th
.nd not to womnt pvup
cl PoIa. Mr Mohammed Abubalw, was WIKted
a.)...oor, din:dnl tb
inlereltof Nilerian women.
~t. thrycou~ be
pmmnnrr and ... rer"'lfII wt.rn Iw ... ...! lesunt
Plrtnm for Or:\-dopment. Dr N.Jq)OIII Udoh, hu aid the appointment of WOntft1 inlo foe- political officB 00 .entimmLs is DOt in the
saki to ha\"e worked ap.inJt women, She stated thai since maoy of these WO~ lot 10 when!; they .re throush
Udoh, who slated lhilln
While Onokpte·s bmily and MI!IOCialrll ~ that h. death ... ,Jolt icllIy motivatal, the poller: mlliitamoo that Iw ''IU a
Uyo 00 Saturday. r,;plained thaI since thole appointed In the past had not worbd on ~ to Itt!lp WOfM!I
orc:umstanors 1WTOlI""-lrtI his detlth haft
Women appointment
security .
lie lamenled that the concept ofl«:Uril) had bern IlteIlmlined in the OOI.Intry 10 Imph phyS)Ca] prot«tion nlhrr tJlln m"\"Dh"U1r. peopIe·.welfare The lawmaker addrd, 1m years .&0- If _!IIy
:::!k1':"'~' =::~ OCClIrTrIICr in Ni&ena. many woukinotbel~~it.Aswdl, cybrr en.,.... ill a.iIo \'ef)' coounoo today.Bamklrir. who repftSrnlS EJuIl South Federal CoMtlttMent)· in the
1I0lI..'ie h.d demonstrated Its readlilelll to partnt!J With
~ -Dunlll the Bld.fran pa)-roI1 apin War.theopiotloftbeBlafran""l1lry h;I'-e been left Prell wu u important U without pay since Au,ust the fr.t of their aOldm .nd Septenbrr 2011 till 011 the: field, The Spanish· dale. ~ whoar names Amrncan War of 1898 and Ippear are paxl oncr f!Yrf). lis derp rooted ori~n in the three months. Sincetbe)'ST ltimuLatm, ~ 01 thfo started _ ha\'f! brt:n paxl ptMa make. the uillurll(lP of We an DOW cryin, 10 the the ~ I!\idml • federal GoI."ft"tlIMnt thai _
Be sud. ~re .re.!Ome
factors 10 br considrred before It'a<;inA pOlenttal1y
harmful informatIOn 1be pressean atuse waror fosler
pensions.nd alTNrs would not stop the illl"l!Sltplion into the I"ft'e1lIIy ~ fraud aJlr&edly perpetUited
by thP Pension TMklorce Tram.
Civil defence tackles arms smugglers
IGERIA Statnty and Chll DrfmceCorps In Sokoto Stile bas dq-Ioytod penonnd In .11 the bNdrr U!U IOlltt! state IDitOl) the smu"brtl of arms ioto lhe country. The Commandanl, AJhaji Ammu Kofor-Soro laid the
thr~lnitsdm~tofi&ht "'twlA~rtC!JofNI~L~!~
~ ill! thl"OUlh the . . . .~ of thf' freedom of
supemM'(l by thoee.saddled With tbUeiPOflSibihty,· Orok 1lres.eU thai thO' rq,uLar payment of lhdr
Sokoto on Sunday .....1 II", oo~ .nd other aecurity a,moes had put in platt xcurily Slra11elte$ 10 check arms smugli"l and (tlhe r IlIepl actlVltl('J al ll~ bonfen He. Aki officers POSlrd 10
tM border aleU had been bnded on how 10 worlt. ",·ith the rusloms., immlp1l1l0n .nd the potter 10 effl!'dl\'!'ly Ralre the bon:lrn, in the int~ 0( tltt! country 1br commandant noted that there was enh • .ncm inlrr"',rnc:y intelliJ.f'1JCe' Iftari"&. whd had patly faciliuled the operaltnnJ or secunty ar.mea In the
tate Kofor-50ro ..k!. 'Sokoto on~ or 1M- tn05I peamul slales in 11~ fedrrauoo .nd f!\'!'r)1.hlll'
slate w
possib,," "'ill be done. 10
susla," ,, : Kofar-8oro aMi, lie allO'd for the KtiYe p8rOc1pattnn of olhn" !lI~ In 1II0bilislIl, people 10 assISt the xcunty a,'"nnet With intl!:l1,,~ lrP?~. atn'l be -..-.-Itt!re .11 the time b~-;:i~ IOfonnahon about susptaOUa IIKM'mrnLs.nd cltaractrn in 1M ara will r.o a lon, way in promotin& thelKUrilysitUitiou.-
NAN lC'pOfU that there .re more than fi~ oo-trial entry points on the Nir.eria , N.. ' ('.1 bordI!:r io Sokoco Sute
N2..S9bo bthe oonsltudm of tII'W spt"Cialiru hospital in the stair.. lbe pmject will be compIda:I. in 13 months. Comml •• ioner ,...,.. Information, Mr
Muhammad Damina, io • ..Iemrnt on Saturday. said the construction the hospiml waI ~tattd by dtf' ta~ 0( the msti.n& OOsp.tal by the f~
Ooomunont. lie sad !.be facility would beexecutmbyanl~
finn. addio& that upon oomplrtion, the hoepital would help reduce the hardshlp btin& EXpt!i iented ~ in by the
NVIRQNMENTAL have decried the rapid deb-estation and dtp"Wtion 0( Ni.,n. 's
rainforst. 1n a IhmHby worbhop to ~t.r. ~ Rn""t!l" State 00 friday with the theme. 'Nipm. RrdtM::io& F.nU.ioos from Drfomstation and h!:Sl _lion' the """'" subnrilted IhII it was time b Niporia to ftnbnc:e &Jot-I propammes suc:h • the REDO. mitiatM.
""'*""""" for REDO...
• ~per onJ ""'_
in Niguio•• Iectum- in the Univenity of Calahar, Pro£. Fnmcia; 8Uoo&.
.00 """ and ......lion I"!:lIOI.UUS bad bern
..... the ...... lie added that the: CllrTftII ddon!aation rate stinwltet at 3-7_ per CII!IIt was.aJlIOOI .heh _ _
NiJeria aeventh on u". last 0( Creenftoule emitten
due to land use cban&e