indL§.trY-:---_________----__----.------------Global inflation falls - and the global economy?
TAllSTIQ;: China's infi:Jlioll 15 down to 4-1 percent III fl.ec~mber, from a peak of 6-5 percent in July.indilH Inliation 107.5 per cenl in ~ ember fTOm 91 per celli It No\'~mbcr Eurown~ nfl.luoo 10 2.7 per cen! f10m 3 per cent and UK inl ali'lII 10 4 .2 peT cent fTOm 4.811C!I cent. Inflatioun pressure IS conllng off around the world That's Inl'Otlraglll&Soaring oil antI commodity prict5 tllre: t~ned an inflationllrv WlIve In emerging l!C>, nol1lies in 'lOll wlllrh might easily 13\·e dro\··neol their fast ,rowth_ 811t hi' Inflation ~aslllg hor CllI1e III part bKau.~ llton :t.-"r) poliC\' had to tigllen and Europe has weakf'nec Could the easing or &I"b.,1 gro~1h tllm III tll I n"tller big downturn? Thatllu·rena ..lowdown is cien ltSI C d~ribes growth III emerging economil!!- as "Iaridustre· in thf' ("11111 (luJ.rter of 201 1. Anolh'r possibh· wonyinll Idl "III ion COllies from Th· Ball!(' Of' Index fOT frei ~ht lihippin! priL-e5 It I~n to il" lowest m neath thl"t' \'eats on MondaYlu,d 1 down by 40 peraont fn m I Vl'arl1go,llII
indiClltot of $(If! demand fot commodities such as lTon ore, coal and grain [lUI there are positive sides to the curbing of inflll!ionary and frothy growth in emel'J.ln& t'COllomies. ln2oll,mreme medidn~ 10 resuscita te Ihe United States over~ .!-limulated them. But an Improving United Stales is currently refraining from it further larse mo neypnn ling pro&flImme. Thill bas mean! oil and olher commodity priC1!S. though still ele\·aloo. have not headed up another few lloots nlal III tum leaves t'merp;ing economies room 10 ease monel.aJ}' policy and bolster Ibeir growth if they need 10. A process of I lobal reba la nclIIl rna)' also be taki ng 1)lace. Emerging econolllit"!l cannot reI), on hilh demand III Ihe U.S .rnd o;till less in Europe 10 po\\~r them ahead "~ a Jiantang. the head of (hllla·s o;taUSlies agenC)-, -.aid gruwth ..-as likely to .Iow Ilirliler as the countn restructures awn)· frOl;1 ~"'POlts tOWllrdS domestic ron5ll1n lltion. An Asia Ihat relies less on lI)ing to .fOil ".ports to strtlBIIlinl .Ie..·elopednalionswouldbe
good news, making global growth ultimately more balanced and sustainable. For now tbe global picture has its encoul'1Iglllg
F. dam;) 10
ilenefittinr; ruGs as Lingal,
·\lheri lind Saran, Imani Support. Pakka Widows. lIall1.lal.1 Women and Kahrna Pou1rrv AcC'Ordill~ to him. the programme has 1lO rar legiSiered 12 Fadnma Commullity Assucialions and 13-1 nJCsset\in&2,OIO I1l('mi>er.oo in the a~a. '11e desk officer, however. called on the local go\·ernmeot to pay its N5.5m counterpart fund 10 enable more communities lobellefit. "The council IS yet to pay its contribution 10 lhe programme for 2010, 2011 and 20 12.· MClInwhile. the Acting AdmmlSlralor of the Council.A1haji La ....-an Datti, said thai Irrangements had been concluded to settle all to
uK:al (;(.""r IDlem Area (If Atiaml'IO"lI ",'~ it has f''(penclPd lilt III N21m 011
the ptogrann e. Th'" D!Si-. Officer for the prog"llll Inl' in the area, lo1aL III Nasllll lIwan. diocloe.1 this in an inten"1fl¥ wilh the Nell's. J\geno:v 0/ Vi!; !riO III Maiha
Lawan SOlid Ihal Nism ~ sl·ellt o n rural rommunilv d"~lopment l)rojec15
Nom V'"lIS
commitWl' « pilot assets acquisition in the last Utree
,.., ...
MSome 1.5 J'adll ma User Groups Uen ·fitteti from the pilol ;lSSf Is scheme to enoble th'-'m 10 engage in 8&riculturtl processin&, crop. fisb.·ry Iud Ji\-estod:. prodUctioll: 1.:I"'an said He idt:- ltified UK'
renewed downturn will remain so long as the euro zone wobbles on the brink of still wo~ crisis (An onalysis 0/ the
Welcome t o the Future Are you a Serving Youth Corper or just finished serving in Nigeria? Imagi ne Attending a Management course at the Pan African University T his is a rare oppor"tuni1y _ B~ tw~en
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Marc h 5 - - 10'" 201 2 hov~
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Oe.ve.lop more. skills and leam about busine.ss opportunitiu . businns stratt.gy. information technology. business finance.s and fiMl1Cing . Leam and de.velop skills in writing business plan, marketing services . Learn how to face entrepreneurial challe.nges in NigEr ia and solve. business problems using high ethical standards .
Fadama ill spends N21m on p I 'Ojects in Adamawa
eiements.TheUni tedStates IS improving. Emerging e<:OlIomie:s arestill growing quit~ fasl. Bl1IllIe risk tbat rebalancing topples inlo
global economy. By lem Campbell, a Reuters ·BreakingvlelVs·columni.sr. N.B. OpinioJl5 expressed ore his own.)
Criteria Applicant must be a serving Youth Corper. or just finished (Oct 2011) Must be 27 years or younger (Born 1985 or later) Must have excellent academic records Posses proven interest in general management or Entrepreneurship Have a track-record of leadership
FlU and submit application form on or before t he 10'" of February 2012
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Junior A\ hil~\·elllclit of Ni~rill UA. Nigeria}, a 11011- profil educational org-aniz:ltion in pllrtncrship with Clll.'VfOn Ni~riB Limited, Pan African University (EDC) and Accent\t~ h:as concluded plans 10 hOOfI thhc year's Venture in Enu:rprisc & Man ab~men l Pro~ram (\'iEMP). TIl~ w~ekIDI1~ program will include rigomus and s timulating elassroom meeling'l (led
by: EnICfJ>ri.bc:: De~clopmclll ~nlrc (acuity), case studies, pancl discussions, study groups, guest: speakers :and recreAlion, culminating in :a 'Itralegy workshop, during which the p:utidpW1Ui will ~ present solutionJi to diffen:nt business problemli. The learning environment will mirror lb:u of : the lOp buo;incs"l &elmol" IIwund the: world willl case 5ludielii fl)cu.lling on Dusinelltl Ethics, ~ Accou,?dng & Fin:mce:, MarkL'l inl!, Si ra te:gy, Sod:lI Entl!.rprise, Gener.tl Managemenl, Leade.rsbip : a nd Entrcprcncurshjp. The program "ill hold a t Pan· African Uru\"cnit)'J Aluncd Onibudo Strccl, : Victoria b land - L:tgos from the 5· - 10 MaId) 2012.
i ................................................................................................................... Application forms avoilable. ot Suite: 1. 5 Oriwu Street Opposite Elizade Workshop . Elf Estate turning. Lekki - Lagos For more info call 01 - 8446566 Adegbola , 08035748435 , 08092863418 Rita ' 08023284389 , Ayo ,08189802971
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