Visafone engages 2000 for S IM registration N hne vmh the Federa l Governmem 's drive 10 collabor31e wi th the private sector in the creation of employmenl opporlunilles. Visa fone Communiclilion has, In the last CWO mon ths, engaged 2,000 graduates for ils Simcard registration nationwide. The company, in a Slaleme" 1 on Thursday
by 115 H ead, Corpora Ie Communications, M r . Joseph U;higialll' said MTIU! engagement o f over 2,000 unemployed graduates is in li ne w ith the Federa l Government's la tes t coll abora tion wilh the private sector 10 narrow the growing une mployment gap and b~alhe some lifil' inlo the economy -
It explained thai, Mille gradu3 1es we re engaged t wo mont hs ago and are carrying out t he Slffi regis tra tion exercise nationWide Ihroughoul Ihe duration period. The company expressed surprise Ihal oul of Ihe 2000 posi tions <'Idve rllsed fo r, over 10,000 applicalions were rece ived , s lressing P
that rhe huge furnoul clearly underscores the high level of unemployment In the coun lry. The sit u ation according 10 Visa lone , reqUires urgenl imervenlion, conce r ted effo r ts and collective action from the private sector." It added , -We would conllnue to play our part responSibly in Ihis dlr.?Cflon
M well as stnve to Utilise our job crealion opportunities 10 build skilJ ·set. trans fer skills as well as encourag;! entrepreneulial growth that wou td lay a solid foundation for economic growth. MWe would continue to invesl in new tech nology. modernise our sys tems of production to create II
Lld,Mr .on Wednesday.
Umiled, Mr. Keith Richards, has Identified consistency, sustamabihly, CTedlbillly, relevance and lIffordabllllY liS key Ingredienls of a successful Corporate Soaal Responsibility programme In astatemenl an Tuesday. Richards 2id thai for a c0rporate organisation to achievE' a successful CSR programme, II was tmpettltive thlltl It built a consistent approach mto It The statement quot2d him as saying this during the Aonual GIVing Back Conference orgamsed by a Lagos·based outfit in Lagos on Tuesday The theme of the conference WaJi, -GIVIng Back to Society Issues and Challenges ~
NetApp captures 34% share of Nigeria's storage market 'T'ECt-fNOLOGY soIulions 1 provider, NerApp Nige-
had staned 10 invest In the Small and Medium Business
na Umited, has recorded a
34 per cent markeI share of the Ntgerian staage: market, \vhUe also groWU19 at 132 percent since 20 10. T he District Manager, NetApp West Africa, Mr. Rex Manana, said thts on Wednesday, adding tha i the developments were part of II tre nd aU over Europe, Middle East and Ahica. The: three regions. according 10 him, are fast seeing NetApp becoming the leading SICK"age boand by 2012, Mafiana added tha t the firm had maintained its posilion for almost 10 years supplying Slotage and data management soIulions mal serve as a base for data and knowledge for the larges t entelprises in Nigeria He sa.ad, - NetApp 's technology IS deployed in rnc:xe than 70 per cent of banks in Nigeria, in almost 100 per cent of the gas and oil companies, and in the ma nufacturing, government. and olher sectors of the Nigenan economy. In 20 10 and 201 1, the finn UiOfl I'lrojed.s in new organisations, thus fuelit19 the growth." Having proved its abilities in lhe large e nterprise market, he said the firm
Ma riana saki the com pany was focused on developing solutions that make relevant infrastructure to be more efficient.
W NetApp can help Ofganisalions in Nigeria to CUI spending and accelera le business success. This allows customers 10 share more da ta in less storage space, to shrink backup windOVJS from hours 10 mill-
utes, enhance self-sufficient storage management, and help slorage experls tame growth," he explained. According 10 hI m , Ihe solutions WOI'k efficiently in vir tuallsed environments, and were also scalable, e n-
abling organisations. Manana staled that NetA pp wo uld conl inue 10 invest in the Nigerian markel in order to gain more market share and d eliver exceptional levels of supporI.
'FG should massively produce maize, soya beans'
Fed eral Governmen t has been a d vised to engage in massive planling a nd p roduction of ma ize and soya beans in o rder to ensure food security {or the citizenry. T he Chief Execu ti ve Officer, Bio-Organics Nutrients Systems Umited , Dr. KennyAcholonu, gave this advice o n Tuesday in
Lagos d uring a customers' foru m, w ith Ihe Iheme, - Innovative applications of micro-nutrients to modern livestock fa rming." The forum was held for fa rmers a nd o lher s iakeholders in the produCiton o f livestock feeds. H. said Ihal maize a nd soya beans made up a bout 90 per cent requirements of
livestock feeds. - South Africa does abou t 12 million lonnes of maize and soya beans every year while Nigeria jU51 does between fou r m illion 10 five million tonnes. I believe Nigeria can do betler tha n it is doing now," he stated . Acholonu ad vised the Fed e ra l Mi nistry o f Ag-
Lucky Fibres offers 15% dis count on products Ronke Badmus ~cky Fibres, makers of
abel premium brand of carpelS and rugs, has totrad uced a special discount offer of 15 per cent on all Mosque Runner purchased during the Ramadan period, a statemenl by the company on Thursday revealed. Accordi ng 10 the Bra nd Ma nager. Nobel Cal'pels a nd Rugs, Mr. Tanuj MaIkani, the offe r is a strategy to comme morale the Ramadan period, especially
during the fasting month. Malka ni sa id Ihat Ihe company reckoned Ihal s.ome ind ivid u als m igh l wish to donate the Mosque runner TUgS to Ihei r local mosq ues o r buy for their personal use du ri ng the period. ~ We a re o Ue ring o u r Muslim customers t: le o pportun ity 10 enjoy a very high discount ra te of 15 per cent on aU the various designs of 'Mosque Runners' rugs they purchase for their local Mosque or their per-
use," he add2d. On the accessibIlity of customen: 10 the company, Malkani said that the produd was available in aOO n· dance to meet custo mers' demand. He also slaled that the Nobel Carpels' special Ramadan offer, which would be av-adabIe nationwide, was an opportu ni ty for Nobel CaJpets Io~ ilsarray of special Mosque Runner designs that add beauty and colour to Mosq ue as a place of worship.
Promasidor lists recipe for successful CSR HE MlInllgmg Director and Chief ExecuIIVe OfT (Icer, P,omasldor Nigeria
Newollfl' workshop,
company that ",ouid posirion to canlpele globally. The company a lso promised to explore ways in parlnl!nng stakeholdeu in the private sector and governmem to create an environment Ulat would i'J1l;viatrt poverty and crearo? c.pportunilil,s for the Nigerian
rkulture 10 make use of the arable land that cut across stales. like Benue, Pla teau and Gom be for Illa t purpose. -Nigeria can move up 10 producing 10 million lannes in a yea r, if we a re really de te rmined," he added . Acholon u , w ho a lso noted that micro·o utrie n lS s u ch as Vil a mi ns A. E and ma n ganese among o thers were necessary for good yields in poultry business, staled tha t pou ltry farmers who bou gh t poor livestock feeds should expect poor products. The Presid ent, Nigerian Veterinary Med ical Associalion,Dr. Charles Ibe, also called o n th e Min ist ry o f Agriculture 10 move beyond concentra ting o n the p rocureme n I of fertiliser and help o ther stakeholders in livestock bUs iness.
Richards said. -A COTporate organl5<'l1l0n should ",nsure Ihal IU programmes could be rehed upon by IIi I'ilrtners as Ilell as th~ need 10 CRate programml!5 thal hall .... 1000g dUl'ation .~ He added Iha! Ihe credo ibdlly of Ihe chtef execuhll" officer, board, senior manag ers. programme championi and product quallty of such a company "-ere .,150 hn paTlanl
11lf!re 15 the ' Ii'OO 10 rethe programma to see If they are relevant to the slakehold2rs and affordllbli! by Ihe company becaus2 such proglamll\eS need 10 hoi! do?Vo?loped in line wilh ~t iilladablilly, no(JUSl now but In the futuTe .~ Rechllrdi added ""ellOlvhilo?, Promasidor has made donations lI\ sup· port of Ihe ROlary Club of Apakon In Oshodi/lsolo l.oaIl Gov<.'rnmant Area of Lagos Slate 10 some health instlluhons. TIle donations IIlcluded t\vo incubalors for the pedlal' nc ward of the Maternal and Child Centro? 01 lsolo General Hospital,lwlo AccOlding 10 a slilt~menl by the company, the incu· bators were donated to the hospital through Ihe Rotary \'12\11
Q ob
The f\0!SIden1 of the dub. Chief Basil fv)JI:,m. was quoled a; saying, -TIlE' company has b.!en exceptional 111 the w~ II conducls its corporate soaaI Ii?SpOIlslbUiIy lICtIVillei.Agbara. 5aId, -We tound a partner in Promasidor be· Ci!.u:>e ils management team thmks Iho? same way Ihe dub is thinkmg The issue of SOCIal !i!SpO,15lbihty and humallllatIMl lICtiVrtil!1 life one thing. thaI many 0lgam5.!ltions are nOI ta kmg serIOUSly. - ROIllIY Club 15 a group of prof",sslonals allover the "arid , who wanl 10 giv6.! somelhing tur.ck [0 Ihe society Ihal has been suslzllnmg Ui . We look the proposat of what we wanled to give to the society and Promasldor caught the VIsion fibl." "We Iherefore fell thlll Ihe company would be more intereSI2d in projects thar sustamed children and help «<duce Ihe rare of infant morIality In Ihis enVIronment. So Wo? drew up Ihe proposal and Ihey helped uSACruaJise it. It is like a dream come true. ~