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TUt:SOAl, O('T(IRFR 10. :zm:z


~co~omyFG reopens 3rd Mainland Bridge today AkinlK'lu Dada

'T"'J IF Federal lOo\'t'f1ll1l('11t

.1 ..ill



til(' "I;nl Mamlall(l Bnd!f'. l.1tgn.... ()ft!' 11m ahead 0( the ~ulal dd,,~' d.lle of NOI-Tllllx-r 6. roopt'II

""2 The

gO\'·l'nllncnt had part!alJ\' cIosef.llhe bridge 0/1 July-IOM1.1hlelllf'OOnlrndor, M~ 80mm l'rOIlO and C.omp:lIlY l.imiled. to replace eight expanSIon .lomls on the \rill/:e frll" a ("(mlmet SlIII1 of Nlhn mlJlCningofllie brill,.!' w111 COlII(' "-0; a 1I"ricomc' Il'tief to motoristo; IIIl1I (ommlltl'f'>. ..\110 h.'ll~ had to mIlltf'd I.:WlS Island. \'ictun..l


Island. 1..clOO. AJah and 1''.1)(' from different jlart.. of till' mainLlnd IhmtiKh Western

Mnllle due 10 I"5riction of l~hicuL1r 11lO\~1 OIl (he bl'Klge from 12 noon 10 123m. while opening for lTl(7\~t In tlK- mil;nLlnd ..ilh;n Ill..

samr tm~ TIle Special Adli<;er

10 the

Minister of Works 011 Media, Mr, Too)' 1kp;1S3j3.00nfimlCd the reopening of the briclj!.c

m a telephone tOlwersation ..;Ih our co~JOOIIdenI on MonlL1),. Aa:onling to him. the MinLsterofWorks,Mr, Mike Onolcmdnc:n. open lhe reh.ll11lilatm bridge 10 moCorists al a ceremony thai ""1 alo;o hIn~ in altendal1<'t" federnl and L:J~O!i &alt' rTmmen l nfficials and other stakd~ Oouk·tnemen had <:<lid dunng an Inspedion lour of lhebridgeonAugust 10. '11e

inspection visit is In trod: tlw

l,.1I!l15 State.. whkh he said


~ th~1 thto C'Onlrnct'lf m~; ""i}CtI)('t ach"ll

cent of mmnwrci.ll :Kthitie<;

lO; III Inlf' \1'llh our plill1llCll plUFJ1lmmt' I Iml happy 10 am~l1<'t" Ih.ll III(' phystcal'Iroye"S III IKlI onlv

III Iherounln-


in line wilh Ollr l>f"OIVi\rllnl('. bul thm:' has btcn a &-11n of aI"Proximalc1} one \I't-'clc. which l~ Vfty t'OIlU1M'lldob\('. "It mcansthat ifwt'Sllstain Ihe momenlum. Wt' will be able to dcli\"er the pFUJCd .11l'aI.1 of tiM' "Chcduled ddi\'"Cr} dale ufNOI"\.'rllher 6. 2012. 11(' had expl.lnlNl tll..ll tllf' Ff'deral CoOI't'f11111mt dt.-odffi 10 rehabihlalr IIIf' brid,.#'. whirll IS IIIf' Inllg.... l and mosl lrn\T'l1ed III lhe countr,... brcall<;t" of jl~ commitment to jD\111g dllt' allenhOlllo infrastmctulT in w



nllr.Jding aboul _').1 per

part.; of efforts 10

minnnlSl' Ihe disrupoons 10 free flo,.. of lrnfrk"' In

IIx> n1l"tropoiis, the l_l~'1S Traffic Monar.;f'Tlll"lll AlIlhoril\ hac! drpk"''nl 700 offlCTl"'l In Ihr lxid!;!"


and trnrrlC pnmL~ on tiM' all('ml1t"~ mtlh~.

Offll"('f"; of the





I'"koml R'OfI :".lfeh C"IV" and NiCl'ri:m S(,'nmtv and {"ilil IWM ..... ("orp" iornrd lill"ir lAm!." roIlm';ll"S III In.lnllgilljl. II"" alletMLlnl Il11me

Shake-UI): PH, Warri refineries get Ile,v MDs t ~wrnlMallilg('r.Illf{)rm.lhlln

S "Inley Olmra rpl lE NiKCriaIl National .1 JleI~UI1 Corporation II..'\.~ l>h.'lkf'll Ill' lhe m..'l11..1gemmlofilssubsidiaries ",th the aJl'llo1I1lmenl of nt'W nl..l1l3gi!lg dim:tors for U)t' Port IlnIl'aurt a.nd Wam Rdimnj!. and Pttrochem.ical OO1 n lXlnu

TIl(' COtf'Ot3tion. in a o;(at1'111l.'1"1t on Mondl.... said thr mty,..t' was la~ed at ~llOI1m~ m.- NNPC and

Its key stralepc business

IlClsmen. OM' 10 R s latl'Jnel1( b,-

aCt'oftlinjl. (he lICIinjl. GmtlJl Gt-nernl M:lnagM". GmtiP Puhlic Arrail"'i I)j,i!<ion. NNI'C. Mt F"Klel 1'l'1'I'"", art' lolr Ian lfdoh for PilRe. 31111 Mr 1'3uJ~If'I' fnrWRPC i't'foJlk' "<lid a 11111111,"" n( othermom.111l-"'1K"l1Iemplo\l'CS "'-'"-' alo;n prnmott'(L ...hi'"

utJK'r.t"'t'f'l'redcplo\"t'd Ill' nanll'd ""ml(' 0( II~ .. ho wt.'1l' JllUnlQ(cd 10 Include Mr, Famuk Aim,"!. fOfmerh F.xecull\~ ''h.rtdrll". CornlTll"l"rial.. P'lllt'Iinrs and Products Markt1ln~ C(lJlII).'n)". IKII'o MlInaf,ll1jl. l)irectf1f'. Nijl.f'Tia-l~




Mr Samuel UalI.1IUlld(', fonnerly F.xl'nrli-'t' Th11"dor. Opernlioll.". WRI'C. now Project DIrector. Olokola Uqll('fied NalUrni Gas

l'rojcd Mr AhdulLlhi f):mdlllllf', formerly Exet.1rl1l~ Director. Operntions.. N~I'Ti.'n Engineering and Technical Company. Jl(J\O' Mall.."Wn~ Director, NETCO; Mr All.."\! Sambo. who was ('ol'"lle't1ll Man.1gef. MM. 1"10\\ Group Genernl Man..'lp:'f, kcounts; and Mr AhoIu Dun ~ who ..<L<i pmmntcd to Gmup

Teci1llolr'KV r)io..i..ioll. from Ill« lJ1l'\ioIl'I 1)"l'1itiml a..~ GctICr.lI ~hmillU'l". [nfnnn.llion Ser<'ICI"< o.:,-..,11n,",1 A~ Ilm11l<1tf'd WMl' IIr B.,I«I :"I" (irnul' GnIM7lI Mana~..... MedkaJ, Mt Slhl"'i( ...r lt1emtlt1ia. Group {;o:.Ilf'r.11 ~hn;tj:.'" Gt"('('I\fll'kl RMll1f'l"lf"<; Mr OkIM"" .1011<1111..1n. (;n"II' Gf'1lI'nt1 Man.'lJ';l'I"_I'llw",,--; Mr BenJ-3ll11n Obail',hma. Gft-.ur ('~lIeral Manajl.....-. ~rch ~nd Ilt-o,dos",,1lf'111. and lolr Pan Elf"bo, Grnup General Malli1jl...... 1I11111..1n ~11"t"""'" "~ \\i1o 'M'fI' ~*,>t'(1. ~lIlg tn Pepple illdIMIl'. Mr G.'lhWlon Mritl'lll( ff)f"1Il('..h ~1I<lf' TI''Chnical A.<:,<:.i.q..1nt 10 11M' ~hn\l:t1'T "r rl"l.tuIl'tllll R("«l111T'f'!';.. IIr'" M:1I1..1gin~ J)lrI'ctor. NNI'C ScrI~ Mr (1ui!< ()o:;)ml11\\'''~''' fnnnerh· (,mup (;"lIr>rn1 Marl..'lgcr IIl1l11an RPoo!I'1Irte<. nnw (;"'1.11) ('I:nt.>rnl Man.1~("f. ["l.M1Lo:tmlm lkl.o;illt.'S'l L~Tk"lflW"llt; an.! Mr 8.11'0 Ihlm"l"- r"nllM1\- Cfrooll (~l Man,'ll:t"'. Grrenf1Pirl Rt-filll'lics, Jl(J\O'CfmupGeoernl MnnaltCl",'1'ri~




til" .ook

aJllloinll1lMlLs lnll11'"I1.11t't'fff"C1

Govt dis tributes h ybrid cocoa scedlings to farm c l's SUndll) Ahnri.... d e.



We're not involved in 2013 budget preparation - Senate O lu .... ll lc.' ....inh. Ah uj A

'1""'"'J IE Senale 1"15


.1 illsillunlions

Ihnt il to; III\w-a1 in the inflation o( fi~\1!"f'S in the 21)13 hlMlgct, as II has l""\.'t 10 hegin proJlE'r ...mitOllil TIIf' 5('0.11(' c;pokeo;n1..111, Sl:-nalor I'JI)inl1a\'iI Abanl,.., <;llilJ tiM" Nllhonal A."5t'lllbly h.1d 1'l"I 10 nl..ll«- an)' in ....ul inlo IIIl' hu<lgel. kot alone ml.. ing tllt'fi':l1rt'o( an\·oftll('

of UI(' p11:1CeSS of burlget

prq)l;1rntion and p:1S53ge. lie .said. -nle slatemelll 111..1t


inflated the fignres

of tht' IMldget is a product of ipwrance 0( ti,e process of IlI.wlgel preparation.. We

dic.l We


prq)l;1rt' lhe hudget.


1lie figurt'S

not in\"tIl\'t'tI . ""~ the ones

<;ulxnitted b)' 11)t' E..'tcC"uli\~ and ollr oommillees hal'e}"rl to start work 00 II.

E\~rc:sl Amacful e.

{not 11HoPUNOf)onMorxiay

~ IE

lhat tile National Assembl}' ""'lIS im,;n'ed 111 the jadring \lp of fi~ure't of certron Item.~ In ilo;budgl'1.. 1lie lcgisl.llure received Nlsobo ItS iL~ allocation under .stat\ltol")' transfers IlCCall:,';ll' it 00'" (Operate!! iL~ ;ol1ocation throuF"h Ihe lil"!;t

hllech..ll"J;1.' Abiino..511id IheaUes-llinn

of inflatioll of til(' budgeled 511111





been all}'


II'hal .,houkl he


bellchmm-iI; oil pnce lind other a~ulll"iono;ofthe budget. Ar:con:lill~ 10 him. rertam persons in Ihe KI(t'etllh-~ arc 1>1)(':1killg oul 10 gil"{' the illlllfl.'!"Sioll 11"11 ttleTt' is a dash hel\W'ef1 the Iwo amlS ofgo\'cml11C'lll. l ie $tid the Senale \\"Utlld fonas on tit!' lreatmenl of tilt' hudget ..iIf'n il "'SUllied ~islalh~ bl.Lqne;s on Tl1cqby, NOITtllber6. 2Ol2.

Electricity: $26bn I'equired to intel'connect Ab4ia West African countries

,,A rellurl in a naho'1..11 dlily

had quoted offJcia1s at the Mmistry 0( Fillance IS S3\ing.

'"Wlmt ,,"t: ha\~ unl ... d01l1." is 10 del);1lt' Ihe genernl Ilnnctplc:<i of ttl(' 1",,1I~t'1 alwl we refl.'rrro il 10 Ihe rcle\'tlllt COIlIlIllU('C5 before we \oo"tlll 011 ~. So. when did WI': inna le the fil\\lre't?" N)1Iribe argl1M 11,,1' if the N~lional A.~lbIv had hl'rn in\'()/l.'l'd in UI(' ~)ilmtioo of III(' Ihf're woukl not

west African region

regjollal dectridty 1II.1rkt'l;

energy o;edor rooper.Ition.

.l l1!qtlires aboul $26bn 10 inl~mnect the power S}~em,<; of Nigena and other

"ilh tit!' 6J1Cctll.!JoI1 thaI .such 1IlC'Cll..lnlQT1 will. 01"""

wumpeded mergy tmlll>it I1l1d itlCl"eltSing cross-bonIer dectrieity trade. Diallo. who hig.hlighled <::o"Jl1I(' of the ach~-enents 1l!COI"lIed hy lhe org::tnisatioo

countries, SecretaI")' General, west African Po\Yer Protocol, Dr- Atnadou Diallo, has 1'3d Diallo said !.his at the 7th Sessioll 0( tI)t' General Assembly ofUIC West Afl~n l'ower Pool, whic:h ollened in Abuj., 011 Monday TIt!' vision of lhe WAI'P OIpni.... IKm is to inlf')\mlc tile nalionnl J1OII~ S)""em operation." inlo a unified

the malium 10 long-term. a<:!;Un: lhe crti7.ens of tile r.£onomic Communllv at West African St.'ltes stllbko and reli..lhledectricilY SlIA~' al afford';lblerosts. TIlis isexpedoo IOCre.111"1I l('Ioci "llIyinl\ fdt! 10 faci1i(~te bnlallt.'t'tl dt."l'lojll11l'l1t of dil""efl'l(' I'neno· I"t"<;fIUrt'e!i flf ECO\\'AS n1('lllhcr ~ti1I"" for their coIkctil"e economic benefil. Ihrollgh Iong-ll"l"Tll

O\'t'r lit!' yeal'5 to include the connection and ImtL<;rT\ission of electricity to nlll.lly west African menlbers !lations, 6JJ~ concern 0\'Cf Ule lilek of funds 10 in\"eo;I illio ttt!' ):(-"I1Cl"l11ioll ~nrl rffedil"" co'mt'ction of 1M"i..-er to lhe rt'111..'lillinl!. n.'ltion....

rt'llmdllN'd h\' farmf''''' 10 fonn the ~hnj!.~ nf thl' nexl " ... n('ration of high

~ I E Federal GOlern n1t'1I1


.l Oll j'mia\' (h"lnhl1INi the nI"!<l b.1teh of 3_611\1111011 sc-edling,s onligh-yi('ltI con'lo.l varictie!l fff'e 10 fArmel'll for this \'t"<1r'~ Ilnro;('fV o;('a<;on at Owe·na \111AKC nellf Akure.

fie !liairl thl?l W{'l" pnllldrd frf'C 10 Ih(' ht'n("firiaflt"!t WIth r<llll1tf'rpart flllllhng frolll Ihe <:OCO..l-lll1"Xhu:injl. statl':'; Thl' U1ini~t('r nmed Ihnl Ih(' production of l11gh yidd '1111 !"arlr l1Iilll1rinjl. \lInel1e< "'<IS 1l11pro\"ffl h\' Ihf' A~ricllltllral Rt'St'all'h ('oullcil of Nig.("ria li e !'.lid it was l'l,lrt oflh.. agnclIltllrallrnn<;(omlatron nKf'!I(b of Ihe Federal (,)()\'f'rIlJll('nl. II'h ...1I Wil~ heillg dflne 111 1'3rtne .... hip wilhallthf'NINI<I· pmdurinF" o;ta'~ In the rountn '11£0 minister said ...ith Ihe hi!l.h-~icld '<t"edliog.~ plantrd In CO("()3 fann..s across the rountn. -Ihe ern of g(l\'f'rnnlenl neglect of the agricultural St'Ctor is ",'f'r lie said. -Nijl.f'na has a hi<;1OfY of i1 Vmsl)f'HHlS. "inbl.. and vihrallt ctX"03 inll1l51n in Ih l' p..l1>t TIle l'l/e(lll IIIduSIr\! pro..idt'd us with fOrt"Ijl.1l l'.'Ifcillln"e ami rt'Wlille ..... Iudl buill ror us Ollrendllrill gin rrasl nlctu rt'. in~l1tlllioll.' 111111 Mlifitt'<"

OntinSlalt!' nleSouth \Vesl K('jl.ional Direclor, Fed('rlll Mini.~tn· or Agrie\llture. Ilr Julin .. Odeyemi. S\11W'1'\;~ OW dislnbulum of Ihe ~el."dlinA--<; on behAlf of Ihf' Minister of A,:riculture and Rural j~"loJlmf'nt. Dr Akin'nlmi Adesino Ad .... ma. m a ~ll('t"I:"h wad on his behalf by Ode\'t'mi. 61)lamed thai Ihe e-Xf'n:1St' WlI5 P.1rt of efforts aimed at improving the countrY·s cocoa productmn ClIP.lcitl' Il l' !';aid Ihe counl!') dropped fmlll bdn!l. Ihe second largest in th(' world. wlien il accoullled for 20 per cenl of glahal rocoa productIOn. to its eulTt'nt dio;laul fnllr1h position ..ilh an ab\'SmaI2~o,ooo metric tonne;. and on lv fi\·e I)('r C"t'nlofth t!' worM 011tl1111 A(I .... ma o;.,id Ihe first halch or Ihe hyhrid pocl~ wt'rt' r'lfIll't'It'll tn bf'




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