Ogun Ex-LG boss faults Daniel's injunction against panel S ua" Olufowobl
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HE ~ty Govelllo~ip candidate lor the Peoples Democratic Palty in Ogun State in the April eleclion. t-lr. Tunde Oladunjoye. on Sunday said the injunction gol by 10fTTIeI" Ogu n Stale Govemol. Otunba Gbenga Daniel. against the Stale Truth Commission showed thai th e eK-governol had
~ 1<::
"~mething to hide lnast3tement.Oladunjoye S3id he knew Otlnlel wou ld not wait for the commission 10 eKpose him. Oladunjoye S3ld. "I am not surprised at all. it is true to Daniers dlMacter. Having fa iled to lobby nwmbers o f Ihe Trulh Commiuion whom he Initially patronised wilh praises. he wenl to court. 1 have been vindicated:
Eid-el-Kabir: Prices of rams _~_
risc in Lagos
C'EW days 10 the Eid-el-
Kabl r. prices 0 1 RIms and goats have continued to skyrocke t in Lagos. the News Agency 0/ NIgeria reported on Sunday Some buYf:'lS. who spoke in wparale interviews ~~Iit h NAN in l&gos. lamented the high cost 01rams slaughtered by Muslims as part of the ritua l to mark the Eid·elKabir. NAN checks at the markets ind;c.,led that the plices of rams ranged lro m NJO.OOO to as high as 1'1150.000 as againSI 1'120.000 and NBO.OOO during the festival in 20 10. A !Chool principal , Alhaji Ibrlthim Idris, said the situation forced him to seltle for only one ram agilinsl Ihree he usually slaughtered for the festiv..x. MI have no option but 10 settle for o nly one Ihis time beCClUse of the high cosl 01 rams ,- he said. A civ il servant. r.lr. Abiodun OIadosu . said the prices of rams wele lar above his savings. ~ I have to look lor e-:lra money 10 be able 10 buy m y choice as the price of the ram was too high. said he. He$llidwha tcompovnded the situation W35 the absence of any pike contlol mechanism moderating the annual sale 01 the ram! . MIS Afusat A1aUsne decried the high C051 of the rams bul was howeve r M
op timistic th"'l the price would come down belOle the feslival proper. Reacting to the complaints. lhe C hairman. Ram Sellen; Associ<ltion. 19anmu, Lagos chaptet", A1haji Haruna Usman. blamed the high ~t o f the rams on inadequate wpply from the nOl'Ihc!rn part of Ihe cou ntry. He '§aid the five trailers received by the association so lilrfellsholl o l lhe 13received at Ihis lime last year. lisman sad insecurity resulting from the l\CIrvities 01 Boko Haram. especially in the northern par t. was responsible for the low supply. Other factors. according 10 him . are the high cost 01 transportation, animal feeds and talI.es paid to the lagos Slate Government for the use 01 public Sf»Ce5 to sell the I"1l1nl.
H E Ogun Stale council
01 the National Un ion of Road Transpor-t Workers
hi!ll called on the police and S la te Security Selvice to investigate th e activities o f infiltr<ltors bent on hijacking the union . TheUrletaker Committee Chairman of NURTW. Mr Raymond Adeyemi. on Sunday, said tilt> union was battling with lilt> challenge to stop some people from causing confusion In Ihe union. Adeyem i said he was committed 10 unity In the union. urging the law enlorcemen,l ' agencies 10 investigate · thow hiding behind NURTW to cause crisis in the state. He "We have mel
Farmers task govt on food production Msa n O ht lowob l
Fbultry A!5ociation
0 1 Nige ria. Sou th-West
Zone. has called lOT increas«! commitml'!nt to Imp rove the quali ty and quanlily of lood production in the ~rnt ry PAN 5oulh·WesI Chairman, Dr Ayoola Oduntan. said in a stalemomt In Lagos o n Sunday Ihat the <kveloped coun tt les plMmid
NURTW raises the alarm over
Daniel's cupboaldsare lull to the brim with skeletons.He added that he in tended to fi le 12 petitions ag<llnst Daniel at the Tru th CommiuKJn He said, "I submitted three last week. One on the violent visit o f Mrs. Funke Daniel to my house o n July 24, 2010. ~ My bru talised as§isllInt has 5IJbmi1ted one llnd 1 also submitted another one on behall o f the vktimised people 01 Ijebu Ife, ..... ha5l"! rel3tives were killed alld maimed and properties wOIth minions 01 naira wele destroved which no compesati-;'" ha., been paid. The petihon on ljebu Ife was backed with video evidence .. OIadunjoye urged Ogun State Governor Ibikun!e Amosun to abkJe by the ruling. say,ng it was a temporary setback He said, -The governor should not behave like £Rimel ....-ho refused to obey the De.:ember 31 , 2009 order of the Abuja FetlelCld High Court against Ihe SomoIu PlInel. v.nich reslTisinet.l him florn di55o/v1ng my eleded IoulI government adminislr."llion in ljebu East. "'t is naniall that Daniel. who praised the integrity 01 panel memben and voIlinleered 10 appear before the Truth Commi5!<;ion, !fIter went to seo..rre injunction agclmst !he same commis...o<ion. He CCln only delay. he CClnllOi evlIde hI! dale ~\ilh JlISIice.-
Police and the Director of major challe nge for this comm iltee Is the infiltration of some violent·minded individuals claimi ng to be wor king under the instruction of Ihe state government to cause a crisis in the union. A member 01 the committee, A1hajl Yusuf Bamgboia. 6ccu~ troublemakelli of !Tyi ng 10 dr1'g the NURlW inlo the poI ital problems of Ogun stale He said. MBy th4l La~\1 that est<lblished the I'IUTRW. we are 001 to invoille ourselves in iIIny politics 01 the slillie. Thllfs w hy v,'e are calling on the governmenl end security agents to invnligate a nd caution those m iscrea nts ~
SSS in the state. The
3l\eOO of challenges. hence they don' t elq)erience food shollages Odunl3l1 observed that NigeriaI1! leo!lde!! ladted a long tem plan. ttOIing lh1'l there was II need IOf attitudir\lll change by the govemmenl in lhe ~ture welOf He saKi PAN hi!d learnt from the countries that plan by ill'Jihng InVe$tOB from Europe, Asia and Amt!1tea to exhibit new tE'chnology in poultty farming 1'nd avenues through l....nich food productron could be ix:ro5ted, He said. "The people invited include (Jop farmers. manulacturers and wppliers o f IClW llIatetrais. poultry producers. [lIOCI!SSOI S. wholesalers, lelailen;, feed millers a nd other companies providing a variety of services such as financing. ITlm5pOl ting. WlIrehousing. resealch and developmE"nl "The poultry exhibition is meant to esli"lblish close links be tween pou lt ry farrnefll . inpu t supplie rs and aU stakeholders. We will be looking at how to improve on food production through poultry larming al Onikolobo in Abeoku ta, Ogun S tale It is geared towl'lrds committing the gave! nment and investors 10 translormation in NigeriM