Monda y, April 2. 2012 r ilge 34. THlSO AY. Vol. 17, N o. 61~
(j BusinessWORLu
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'FG Determined to End Fertiliser Subsidy Regime Permanently' A . illlSu:r of Agrie!\hure and R.I·... I Oevelopmcnl . Dr A):inwunmi Adl'sinl . hn stressed the F( de ... 1 Government's deiem lll allon 10 end the old l1:gune cf let'· liitser subsidy prov slon . which usually ende,1 up enriching the poliucall) clln· nected importers and dislI!bUlors of (etti1i5ef. Ade$ina. who Dlado' the sw.c:menl during I lO..Ir of N()(l)fe Chr;mic:aJ Comj:II1Y·. fenlliser plant I n Onne . Riven Stale, weekcnd s~ud sovemment WIlli now t'UI ~U In g II fen-ili sel sU'lS,dy repme . whicb Will pI t the incentive direcll y IOU ' the hands of o,"er 20 nt, II on r11"\TlefS. most of ""hi' IlrC
Tbe MlO u ler e ,pr ,s ..ed (OJItimlsm (n'Cr !he rut ~ re of Igricultu re in Nigena . St~u· 109 IItDl NUIOI'C's cffol s are well llitncd with hiS mmiStr)" s Growth Enhlna m: nt Support Scheme IGESS). a I lflIlrg)' sec:kmg to Impruve the dclivay of Govemm~t subsidy 011 flml inputs to
by Crwcn Osagie
smallho lder fanner!i . replac· 109 the prev.jow: govemmenl
procurement process This policy II aimed II d~ly reaching 20 million fMlTlcn; throuSh improved delivery of govemment sub$idy on fann inpuu oYer the next five yealS Aktn wunml noted MNotore is (l1IC company I bel;c..'1! Nigena can be really proud of ThIs IS I well· struc tu red . well· lcd , and .... ell-di'"CCtcd company. This is a success IIOf)' thaI should be lold" -Agllculture is nOI Ju sl about deyclopmcnt I nd il is DOl Ju 't about food It IS about a comple~ value cham of en m:prcncurs thai contmue 10 proV Ide serv ICeS. grow food IlIiU tIdd value I() harvesl all the way from the (linn unti l rI .iets 10 the t:Ible of the consull1 er -. he funher
tmg fertilisers and the other Inputs to the s mallholder fllJTlle!'S who make up. peat populatIon of the fanning community In Nigena,~ he
1':::~~~=I=to tili
go\"eftlmcnt out of 1Itt: procurement and dislributton of feruliscr as the right deci.
sian Ft:rtilisers '"' very important but ~ one r-n of the UlremeDUi for success. f I~ t U,,~:;':Jieve 1Ita.! the prj. vate sector would beUer mlnage the process of get_
said Group Chief EAeculive Officcr of Notore. Mr Onajite Okoloko , in his address. stated that Nowre would increase productlOO 10 c~ 10 two millkln metric
toone5 . with plans to buikl
additionalC8~ity by20I.s.
~ I~ further told lite Mlniller thai NOlOn:!~., lduevul namepille capKlty recentl y In reachin~ tht hi~ · es1 kvd.1 of recording a dally productIOn of 1.489 MT of Urea from January 20\2 and 994 MT of Ammonia in Feb!uary 201 ~. He also $I.Id thal after the
successful completio n ,of scbedule1.1lumaround maln-
t.enance In lOll . the plant has expenenced Impro\"ed perfOlTJW)Ce and I~ conI IStenq' o f opc...llons, and NOlOJ't: IS worlttng 10 ~ustun these records. Okoloko abo assured the MlnlSler that N()(ore's growth would ~t up t~ SO per cent of Nlgena s fertiliser requ~menU
opmed. Minister
'ICT Relevant to MSME Development' he Dua:tor.Genenal d tfIe Small and ~kdlum Enterpnses lJre\.eIopmenl Agency of Nlama Alhaji (SMEDAN),
MuhamtnBd Nadada UmlU", t.5 lamented
Nigenl '$ Il lnHed acccu to Infool"lllOO CommunlCllion Techoolt~ (ICI) f;rilinellDCl ~ Th6 lID ba:t! d£scribrd lIS a Sltuatton ..."h"icft ~~ her
youths' empIoyabiliIy - ' e.caIIk:S the ckath of IIIIKMIlIOII in the ~ of $IN.l1 n:I ~iulI1 ~ (SMEll
The Dim:mr-G:rlcral. tq__ senled by the IICMi of ~ Dtprtmcnt of fI'Ic AJCIq. Mr Jethro Atukpa. made the obIefvaUon whUe
mceivmgltmrnoftheNip:uan AlSOClalion of COtnpt!1i:r Science SItIdefn(NACOSS ) II theheadquanCf5oftheA..,o eq m Abup. CommcndJng the hooy's dfOfU II bnnpng IfnO\'lIt'Ofl lO !be educal:ionaI S)'SICm In the oountry. the Dm:c1or-Gtrwnl c:cPfC"C'!d COfIICem th:.t tbc Nigcnan e:nvironment wu IlOl yct~fDfICTUSIt . He ~ eJI~t cpu-
- ya;. Earlier In his remarks, the Nltional Presldcrn. of NACOSS. Mr Adanigbo Segun, of the r'elkn.l University or Technolog)'. ~.Wdlhattheaimoftheir
visit was 10 sed:: coIhlbof11Uon with SMEDAN IIJwarCb the development of Nigerian youths in the 6dd of !CT IS wr:1I1S 10 intimak: the Agency on _ of the prvgramrnes of the orpnisalion. lie noted that orpni5Hlions around the globe are flSl changmg. WIth lcaclcnhip ~18 more cha.Uengins. hcnoe no ~ ~ooun· uyclJlltrordlOli\~in!bepast.
- We thcJd"orc urge SMFDAN 10 IS5ISI us in our ·Nation .....1de InstiwtionaJ Training' and ' ICT4Tcens EmpowemJCnt Pmgrammc'. !\YO of our prograrnrnes which foros on audents and youlhs d.:vcklpl1CfL We bellCYC. thai with the np. ICT ... en~· preneurshlJl IBImng, the: youths would he e:mp!I'I'r"tft' and their chances of scJrreliance wou1d he incR:ascd." he said. He adtled thai MOther advantage or thctr stl1llegit; pannenhip witf1 SMEDAN ~ki help 10 push the Nigerian local 00IIImt 10 !be iniemet rhrou&h Ihe usee( new software being Ibdopcd by members e(thcirauocilllion. Heoplainc:d IhII this would beclef eJlpo!IC Ni~~ .~I.; IIItI lhelf lilent:I to I IIIIF a:mmunhy of ICT a.peru; mil usos. -Furthennctt. the 'cando' spirito(thisdynamic.cner· gmc and ~ 8JtJlIP CII1 form die nat digital army 10 liberate thil 1IIlion from 1IAJIIttI! still-de6ciency.~ he DC*d Adanlgbo highli&hled otheI" objcc;1i\lell oflheAuociation 10
Publication Appoints Strategic Communications Partner E S!Ier' Ittal InlCrion mI$Hl.ine, the only intenor design
magnine in Nigeria. has annoullOl:d the appointment 01 f'Ilm 3 Strategic Comrnunk:alions (Pry) fJd . 1S partna'. The rebtDonshi:p is Cllpcncd 10 increase tfIe former'l cir· culltion , stock-list. oompli. ITII!ntary cbanneis. subscriplion and rnarl.:d ~. 10 the
~~Aa,t~~_~SooNi!C,L~~.: ..~
• __ ......
Afnca. A swement SIgned by the Gcnentl Manager of Estential mIction, Gbenga Adeboyc . sudthecollAbcnbon't"lSpwt or i15 ongoing restructuring
mlsmUw!be$iuwioncoukihe dforttootTermon=.vaIuetoib turned around wllh the romreaders and adYCftisers blned efforts of SMEDAN lind Through thts slJ'luegic other lCT-rdaeed ClIIpII$Iioo5 alliance , the SII!lemenI MIdcd. '1 helie\1: thM on our p;rt. &scntiaI InU:ricn maprlnc. SMEOAN In coIl.abo....1.IOn wiD ICC its print run inIxao;c with other ~t ot:n.... 10 14,(0) oopies with ovations , IIo'1!CM1surmountooriCT ISQ,(O) targcIcd readers . and • rn.llenges tbuugh !nUtllng OIl onUnc. di&imI edition viewcr1 the n.tdimenu of ICT in bud~ ... uugtt ludience N. I milWlR. so/hI.~ '.::!;~. lion monthly. nok!gies 10 procb:J:. a two-Ib" Also planned ii pannerWp JtqJe or ~1CnI to the ....i!h lIICR IhIn 20 indusuycoonlr)' In JC'IIC.RI.~ he specific eveDl5 and tnIde cnd!~. sbrJu,.·. .roundAfrielMnU:IIly. M pIV1. e( tbi: initllt!\Q of dclivain! more value to the SMFDAN 10 ,",vid!n! ........... via • strefIgthenc:d ,.--II1'CS:I kJ !CT. !he Ditec"Df~t distribution nerwort.. Gencllll infunned the Visiting Essential InlCrion mII.a. studen~ that the AfptCy eIInb!.inc.. which features toptCl Ibhcd the G,..dl.lace raniing rrom eJlclUSM homc$ EnIrqJf"CIICU~ip Training include pnJIIQing Ibt: tmder~ 10 the latest tresxk m ardti~ Cenue (XI ICT (GET· IT 5Unding 0( the gOOy or a:mture. is pubIishc.d qUlll1C:l'ly Centre). wtUdt .... I'eIllll'lCd puler Idence in N"tgcria ... ... has ~ creativity L.camin! Initiative for abroad. pu'Vid.ifII a link in Ihe local ~ indusuy. EnlI'qJrcnetn(UFE) bcrv."CefIJf3dtl3te5or~ Tbe . has aI The Ccntreequips sruJeon, ~andtheindu!itrial.'OIoU1d . ffilgllUlIC • so pubtisllCda numberorwidely gradualC5, job-seckCf5 and and f05tering relationships sold booQ incIudinJ ' 1IlICrior CI'ItJqlI"CIICwithlCTskiUl1O befween the lII!Oda.tion and Des' N· . 2011' '0 enabIi ib&i!'niri thb-r lirli.tUi-- . - iIftioi"pubrll! ihiJi\idi.rm.-~ . .. OU/gnthe: !')io.-ne lnl 'Y:~. es in modem and effiCient TIlle and lIItemational bodies. 'CeIebnIling. Fashion Today'
and !lOOn 10 be relened 'Luxury lIotels in Wesl
PaIm3 SlflItegK: Commt.aticatiMs IS I leading Pan African sar.qic CDI'II1JUnication5 rmn spc:dalising in Soulhc:m IItId Wevtm Afnca emerging markets. It helps mternalional clients design and Implement stnJoteglCS to maxi·
mite !heir IIIYC$IIJ£f1tS in the region Throughout its maReu of eJlpertisc. Palm3 v.uU with businesses. industries and bunness asJOC.illlJOnS 10 build brands and reputations. The company. registered in Nigeril IS Palm] Concepts. is based in South Africa with I sb"OIIg prc:scnce in West Africa.
Led by Ndiana Matlhe¥.', the immedi.ate past RegKJM! DIm:klr. West Africa lOr Ie PublicMioo!;. London.based
pibli.'lbcr:s or New Af'nt21. African Buslflcu. Afncan
Banker. andsixotherpubln lIonS distribu\ed ICn)flS Africa and the Middle East, PaImJ IS SCI II) offer ilS $U'Of1g pedigree in marketing 10 clients
Agric: Mandela Advocates Women Financial Empowerment The
. wire
South former Presidenl. Nelson Mantlela. Groca ~=~.] hJ15 K:rosS continenl 10 assi5l' women in expanding dlcir agricultural busi~ 1'Iesses. Maclte.1 noted dllll over !::::~. ecru of African WOrDC.n are in¥Olved i n agriculture IIJl(I thru. L~ are em~ered" it would posillvely affect their ramily and the world .... large wouJd stand 10 ~ ~~: MWomeo _ _ :... ,c _ _ ........"""..... "'~.JU' .~~' 6f the total J'!lPOlation of fBnners in Arl'tCa. but the mosl unfortwuuc: or a ll ill thai they don"t have access 10 big enuqnnc:ur. J ust rew of them have acoess even to micro finance or ~bcfi _ u.the_~::,a,-', Africa's
-...... .... . empowered. the family
will benefit immensely
and the whole world
From Ye-miAkins uYI 110 ,u....
2012; being one or the great Arrican countries with agricuhum.l potendais. TIlls will be a phufonn where we will stra.k~ and recognise thai if ""'Omen eomplemenl one another. the
(CBN) lowll1"ds improvement of agricu1tun: in the ax..nU')'. the wife of ror~ mer Arnean leader expressed regn::t tha.l only very few WOfllCn have benefitted 50 ~ !";v.ll apex bank's I~. Armed wilh this inrOf'mtcion. Muchel said this was part of the reason.'! why she had 10 come ro Ni~a al this panicullll" period. " I'm ~ 10 challense tlte. banking indusuy In Nigeria not to leave women just at the micro and junior Ievd but that they should e nsure they get both 10 the middle and iJte. top . Nigerian wOmen ~ very hard wa1dng and one of the most iInportant things they need for the upliftrnent of their agricu1tura1businessill8lX'eS!l 1Q.~F loan . .. We also want Nu....nJl. I ho6 the 2nd S ~- .... 0 t ummllon
SI1C li"len=:f~ cal~ on the MiniSler of Agriculture and Rural Development. Dr. Akinwumi AdCliina. to join hIlnds with African women to ensure they move from peasant f1Innen to great agriculwral business women, Addina. while wel ~ corning Mnndda'JII wife 10 h;5 offiee. promi5Cd 10 ensure that women have KCC$5 10 macn) IOIUI and better ~ to finance. He. said: ''OnIy b.'IthllJl 10 per CC2lt of rota.! lendgoes to agricul~ in NIgeria. and less than one per- cent of il is being aocessedbywomen. ltis pertinent 10 know !hal over 95 per cent of Iorul
plaox rrom July 13 to 14.
for men.
will be great: ' $he
,.efT~"Jt~~J"l}taCe·t ·.-~i~h\1 ~iii~lJ;· -.~~~~t'~Central Bank