THISDAY, Vol.16 No.5944

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

THlSDAY, Vol. 16 No. 59·a, Page 39


BusinessWORLD agnc ---------FG Partners IDH, UNDP to Boost Investment in Cocoa. n line with the ~dcr".LI Government'li efforts to am:st dechning eoco:t pr0duction. the Fc:deral


Minisuy of Agricuhure is pannering the SUSlainable Tralk hUlhui\"e. 10li and the United Nations Dc.-elopmcnl Programme



publlC-l,JIwak: ml"CS(menl for ,usl3muble cocoa dc!1e]OpmenllO Ihe countr),. 1lIc panncn would therefore hosl a ronfel"(uce III Abuja 10 ac IIlCI'C thii feal on 111lJni< ;md Friday. .'\ ugl1lll-l :illll5,XIII Accorthng 10 Jonas ~ I \f".. ~\I';l of the IDI I al1ll l:.aiah 0 AbaIJL.. of Ihe Fed.:roll 1OObiIh;e


j U11lt:s


Ministry of Agriculture, lhe conference would UrolW panicjpants from rdcvant ministri.:s, depllr1",ents and agencIO;:S (lI'I DAli), Ihe organiSi.'.d prh"llt.: sector, liccl'bdl buying tlio!fllli, fiUlIK:fS'!WOciations anti cooperalil'es, ~y play.:n; in utlemaliooal c(X:oa trade and chocola te ulduolf). mid intanalil)lt:ll parulCr:..

11K: CIlnI'CllCn of the conference ~Id lhe Ley fealures of the t ....-o-Wy l"Onferent""C arc prc:setl. IlIII01lS 00 besl pr.acuccs tpet-

spectil'es) in Publ ic-Private P"mnenhip by invited spe;lken, panel di5CUSSion and bre.:I.\;-OOl ses.sions and discussion on romel place: bothering on exploring CUntact5 for invOl-


1l00th Ihal slruci.. P".!l.tstaIl .w ru/lg m July 20IU n:prc>ented one or th-:

111051 Jeo.~.a:.ta1inl: lIalUruJ

or our unlCS. subulI:rg1111' alrrxN.lIlI:-finho(lhl: lXlW1· II')' - an:ll""td the ~ of 0 = killmg XlXI p.:opk:, afi"Cl..1ing XI million and ~Lrlg I h mil11m oo.l"Io:'S Ihma!,,-e 10 agncultun; - the ~ Ln.:lihoo..t for80pe=:nlOf ~ alfcrtcd popubuOll • wa.




lion, indudlng UlI: 100 of O\'e( I\\'O miJl iotl III:>.·WI1::o uf t:mp> . 11ICUcv.LSI~led:ul;la ulChllhl Ihe ~llIO\'lI\CI:.oI Punjab and n\U\.il ofP".d.I!>lan'~ n'(ist ier~ til.,; bnd.

'TllI: disailc:r SU\Id: til a cruoaI

he current drougIU in lit.:: Hom of AfnC'oI, the WOfSl Ihe past 60 yean, 1Iil~ 1l01"Cm1l"lClllS in tile regioll and lhe international donor


COIllillUlul y k"Tlill\bling 10 rolls.:



n:lier und prm ide ~Id} r~uin:d food, medlcd cure :mU wllCl'" 10 Ihe affoaaJ pop-

Furd::d by S'J2 million



of pr1[nIy


planro:J 00Ih :md wiliun ....'!Xu ofLhecntie:d willlcr\ll~ pI.\I\Iing ka>on . UI"C::\I.ock Sttrl'IIUlg the UoodW:iU:rl> I.rl:ed loxd. \<1.:nll:v)' supp:.lll1d 5l~hcr. \\-'hh c:xlSUIlJ.! und futU!\: >OUfCC5 of lOad and trlCOOk: .........bInl :away, luuli3JUWlaII axles rau:d agoaIll>1 IIIIIC 10 pr.!\"efII a domioocife.:t.

011 .... intaplanuog

A )~ta.:r. lhuseeifOl1SI\:I\':! pNl'efl ~ful. Today, th:ink..

to FAD tmen'elluonii; ulI<kr die LlIlo.:nlillloo:lI Roods Rt::>poLl>=:

l'ro.!lromrne ~me 900 (XX) snuillholJer IoDchoIds - rrae than se\'ell million pcoJMe • WI: bat&.: 00 their io:t1 :tgallL


~ 01> a nutlet

polfll in thc:~lItllmICllm.Lr.

-JI>% before the h:lru::5I of spntl',,-

Crops .Programme, ....'ho

eoordin:mng Ihis C\'enl on behulf of the orglllli!iCtS, aIso lidded tlmt onicinls from cocoa producinx ~mOl will in!erlacc wi lh intlusuy repnst:nlllll\"CS

A Slalemeru num Dr.Otris Ok:lfor of Ihe IlIIenlOliona! InSlitule for Tropical AgricuilUrt • SUSlainable: Tree


011 investment oppommltie$ m tlt.!U" iIlit.:s III II ··martet I'lilCe", The coonhna!or 5aid Ihe: Minisler of Allriculture, Dr. Akinwumi Atlesina, ...."QUld b..< tit.! chainn:ul !Lllhe el·.:nL.

Panic as Poor Rains Threaten Agric in Africa

Pakistan Flood: Smallholder Fanners Helped Back on their Feet ~

ment opplftunilies by StaJ.c:-


or ....1JC;d and

nnd 011 spnng pbnti~ nUl2&: :utotl nee Wi \leU as

1q,'d:lbIes 11£ (II

l-cgdlbb. Support W:li 1l(()1'idcd 10 ~"C l'IW ItI"CSI.od: !"eiOllf'US alld OIl,t..nn irrib'allOIl

tq1Uin:d ;\lnUol. half a mill .....1 101$.:IDkb .... al: p'O\"wl .... illl \I IICiU. anJ \'i:h'd:.ble tTOp p.1d.agc:.. 1"hi:)' yic:kkd 650 000 I(lrUb 01' \l11Cal · ' ..... ICC iI> mllCh lI.i trudilion;.;] s.::cds wit! t:OlJUJ.!h 10 ft)(:d 0l0I1: dun fournulilon ~ for al IeasI SIX IIIOlllh,;, In addiuot!. the 3\"Cf"oIgc. fanuJ)',;oId a1ntQ;l a third of their haf'l"C§l, gc:o.:r.ning $116 or abh incoo'oi!. i)'Si<:III' wen::

ulalioos in Som:t.lia, SOUlhem EdUOphl and nonIK:m Kenya 10 IIIldres5 Iheir din: immtdiatc


Drought in tillS JXlIl uf lhe l."UI1l1llCnl is O()t unknown aod has boxn an mcrc:asingly frequem OC"I;urn:nt:e:. DaldLll':~ Challge (2005. 2006. 2008 and llOYo" 2(11) but the Slone. of uilirruoginable hanIshlp, d!:lIh and d.:prnvllllon, .....!ule diti.:r1Ilg. III magnitude. from Olle tlroughl 10 !he next, r.:m,1Hl mIlCh Ihe Wffie. Druughlll<:l<.-r onl y has 10000ltad consequc!U$. Ib .:iTc:ctS ~ through rountrieo. ill d~ .oon of higher food and foddel prx:a, CIVil unrest and wmlll~ social s.erviu:s as governIIIC:I\L~


budgC:b to

rI1C1!t Ih.: IIMbl pt" Ik.--ed, uf Lll.:ir Cilileiti. TIteSt: effeo."b multipiy UI<: Impact of .he dmugtu. JI'J~­ gUI~ lIulhoos 01 familie., .... 110 had IIIlprul'ed therr li ... lIl.ll .,:01}dllions b.lCL inlO pnveny :md dcepc:rtine: tlk: hoLe: of tlMb! fishtinlllO clllilb OUI of puver· ty. Although gOlcmra,: nt.. :ond II~ir devc:lopmel\L palt ner~ cmtOOt make: comc:, the} can Illlugale the IlI"Ipa!:I of


Ihc!ic rttum ng droughli III

East Africa by helpmg lanners alld Ik:I"dal; build re:.i lic:oc:c til IIICl;C irJC\·iw.blo:. rooeomlogic:1I occum:ncc:;;;. llils 6 II corn.:.rSlo)lIe of the .... oti. Ihe Inlernational Fund for Agricultural Dcl·elopmenl (IFAD, in !he rt:gIOO. Much gn:::ltcr illl'csunclI! III lLj'no,;ul· luml n:;,ean;h. all Jtea Ion.\!. lIc:glcc!c:d by both l:0n:r1unenL~ lind donors. IS .:..:..::nl1:o1 m develop and dilTu~ drought :lIld dt.c.ase·R:SI~t.m1 tood LtnJ

fodeler cropi .... llIch abl", 10 ..... lthstand Sir':»




1llc:n:: neeo.h 10 be

g~JICT £O'.:nuno:rll oIl1d oonor support for U1u:grutc:d sod tertilily managetncm , .:ro~ioa control , agro-fort'll'), anJ r.:furo:sl.11ioll, which IIf\' funda_ mernal 10 presef'l'lIlg 1m: n:;lural r~ - t!~ pnndpcl capil:ll ~I of sm.IUholtkr farn-.:r~ ,111.1 herders. ~ llIlI nu1.lng pOSl -hal-o bl:


and fo.ll:r Io:s.s.::s tluuugh bel. ter oo-f:arnl 5IU...oI1:C la~lhtte~. LIItpml·in~ fanner :lI\d hc:rdc:r :lCc.'e$:.

10 credit 10 pun:hu...:

agl"lcuhur"J I :and IClcnnul')' lIlflUllo. ~lIpponinll Ir.u~x.n:nt :and ~Iblc: marLeb. Wld Slr.:ngthc:nmg furnl<:r :and 11CI"tJcn.· ~;rniu\lIoll." ar.: :all






Way lu rlv


\!ews cOI'crogc of Ihe untukling tl'.:ms in Ea.1 Afnca briilgs SlJrL imago of da.peralin.,. dls.::uc :and deaf" 11110 the: lillll¥ rooms, boardrooms and !01·.:l1l.Incnl oiflCC::5 III 0.:...:1 opc:d coonn;e,;. elklling ~ym ­ p;lIh}',~ IJCpefuII,!tiw:: nc:a:;.sary hnaucrul suppor1 III nddro;ss lhl~ j;l'Owilig ell"l<'rgeliC)'. HIli buildmg n:silicllt\: of ianmtl!: and henhng COLlImUlllucs In i!lbIAfriCit rcqu i~ :I kll'1f ICnn, su~ coomlllrfW;ru on me par1 ofthc: rq:ioll '~ govemnk:lLIs and Ihe UHCflI.ItlUilOol dunor oommurul},. When I h~ n~xl drouglll l."Ome~ in 2015, 20 16. or 2017 ......iIIllu:r.: be fcwel rcrugee.. , .... Jilin:,; fe\\'CI" nilles 10 ~'<:I Ihe help Ilk;} Ibpo: ......."'l) ncco.J'> \\lin lho:n:: b..: mul'"<' ..... .11...'1" ]lOlllb, and grcaIi:r al..ubbiluy or hlC:>Owc.L 1C:cJ and ~Pflknk:llilo '> WilllllC gf,;j. naric. Ie filII enoueh 10 Iw:: ol.:r many ... ha are- IIO\\' hUII gl)'l TIlt: Un)IIC~ to Ihe~~ ljU:::iihOlblkpo:nJ 1ar<,:.:IYIll'1 d." culllillLJo:U 'OInmltmelll of til,:' illl~mallo..lll:tl rommuo ity. 11..: ram~ Will fail But Jel us IK~ iJtil. loo


'11,c SlIIfHH:sl



eff,xlS of dr<Nl:hl.




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