Page 30, THIS DAY, Vol. 17, No. 6189
ft 8
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
IITA Maize Bags UK Climate Week Gong StoritS b, CI'USM ~ ~ and
Don of 34 ~ dn.:JuihI-dmial maize YlrictielIO r.rm.n in 13 project countries - Aqota, Benin. EtJuopt.. Ghana. KaI)'1I. MalawI, Mall,
Mozambique. Ni,m... Tanzania, UpndI.. Zambia. n Lmt.bwe - tx:tv.-n '2007
axl101J. An estm\llled 2 million smallholder famen M; usin& the drouJht-coknIot: maw: vanctJeI InC! hive obWned Iugbtt yields, improo.ocd food and
Buffee Foondauon and the Uniled SlateS AJmcy fer In&cmMional De:vdoprneol (USAID).
-nus maize is Iil:.c aa 1I\!IUfIIlOe. Ipinst b.qer and IOtII acp failure, _ under hoi, cty rondiuoaI like Ihoae of 1ftlCDI~, A)'
Rand Said Mp.Ip. I maizE. in Morotom, TIImaUa, wbo . . been ~ n.Ur. (or alll10lt half • ocnwry. ~... JOOd quaIicy maizIe .aI. you CIIVIOl can you mnnoI ~ Iik.'
"""""'. The DTMA
praentJy funded by the Bill a MdindII GIks ~ InII lIIabo--.~
a.y BJ1If1lS from the HoIro1lld O.
FAO Survey Reveals New Trends in Teak Forests, Markets at
Imk It:nsts ~ ~
. . . Pf1V* KICSOr IrMSln'ImlS III Arna, AJUI and Laul! Am<ra. _ A5. _ resuh . 1he plInIcd leak ~IIIAfnc8
Gh;an. ,
l'Inu ml). CenrraI Amcnca (COSUI Rtc.. El SalvUJr, Gtwemala. Nicaragua. Panamll), South Ameriaf, (s:u.dor. HfUll) and Asia (lndll. Indonesia. Myanllw.
C~. Mr.J __ ~, -"''''CEO. Kati1iMI /~..tC~.dHsnatnt,'''r. ~~••
~Aj'rialC~ FtInUfIlO 'lrilttlwrrw: ~tM MNM If-a: AlnIia """""'''''N_ MtdittC__tlf#'''iIr~rt«tII
A1thouah the tune until
lft!CS rNdI ~ dirnm_ d ~Ivn&'"
011 l\d'IfII! taUs ~ 20 ald 80 re:-s. leak pIantma ana local aJn'I11UIUIJeI lIS •
. """.......
their liYelihoodllnd che Ihdihoolt. oIlhew dtiilftn,MDBI
In the f'uIln. CIIn be opecied thIIl suswncd poduaion of
__ lop
rrom ....... ron::sq
....-ilI be funheI- Iimdr!d We ID aJQUOU1f11 ddorauoon and ~itionror~ !I:r\'K'eS. ~
~Y tmxI pDIfU to •
contJl'IlIlRI cJricfR .. the v0lume and quality of rIIllnl.x. y,tuch raullJ .. propes.vYe
Ie. 01 aeneb:
future 10 pt.n. orpndr: InII ~ • procrwumc for the genetic c::oMerVIItion 01 ~ bit I'C3OIIRU in the row t'Ollflhies with MrunJ teak (01$$," he IU'eIM!d /WI holds maR: u..n 90 per cmc or the !Uk reiources, and India alone manages J8 per a::at of the worId's teat fCft5U. The !NIp at nde flows woridwde din:acd IOWards lndiro, ..itik .. own t:OnSoIder.
"'" .... ~ b poccucd Yillhin lhecountr)'. Incba as
Lagos, W'Bank Agric Project Records 27% Implementation rl'Y'e
urub of
~.Jded IhII the ~ . .
abo ~ LIp IlIIe firm.-
en in Kqlurina four 4 WO 1"I-KIDn fined WlIh I~ ~ 985
..w ollJlPPlc fiued
bmcry ages. mini combine ~ . . . . bins • .." ~...t trlCyCks fer r.n.n 10 use In COItYe)'InI their pod-
"".BaJcsun abo aid IbII !he
p'Dject hM 5UJlPOI1Ed rice famen in IIIOibn Ind hop both rormuWcs in 1..apB". in aalrMtin« oYa" 200 hedIres of (annJand dunn, !he 20 II pbftirIa JC8SJI1. He makd IbM piIns Ire undefwIIy 10 _ _ (.men in lkorodu and Epe Local ~~oll..ap
sa.: with 2SO ~ at tUII.MbIe famJlIIds In 2012. I k SlId thIl the projI'd has abo rdlIbihtatcd ten nmtI It7JCA 10Mb 1oIaIlm, 22.A kiI& mdrCS Kl"OSS the I l * M
N640 million, Midin& that InDChI:r 17'" kikJrndfts have been sI*d ro- ~ in 2012 estirn-.:I ID D'lIt NDJ
In like
mannel. be said IhM
of (ourtcal
from !he nnI eI1CfIY RIppOI1
1ft1JOf1I:I".~701o 100
per a:nI .._Jtot.I . ."'eJ\poN. """""I __
b timber from Atria Ind ...... Amcn::..
Myanmar. IrJdiI, and Indonesia are apa:tcd In ~ theW nwkd poutJon on pmnium quality teak Ihough !his nw\d is limited by
"toTO: Woo ~
QJLIIIUies named !hear nurobcT one
• ~ ~MrWI M~, /'/~ ""'-' ~mus. Ur, o..dtJW ~ Dirtcw, """" IIIWl ~ll"f~. Mum.,
Ibrougb tht surpon If\oal ., (wmen ., proWoe !be (eed
"""" ,tUs ptOjrd-iiii
rauh:I in the mkuon
clnublnrof'blnkbyCM:r 1.5 ~ with !he Idopbm cI
..... """" """ ...
abo we gYe
7D pel" ocnr.,~ hr; Idded. lie ~ IhII ..Kh !he I"eCDIII ~ ol!he pop;a in ~20II , _1ICdhma problems sud! • tamely ply-
moIlS cll"amEn' c:ouibubon J[) mMCb CADP's pall aid lmufT'::laII .~ by pc*nliaI ~~ beirI&
"""""". n.e fin!: cllhc t....u
l i b VII-
iIed on !he I(U _die Ikoodu F'15fI film E.uee ,,-hoe CADP ~ includes • • .6.5 kllonx:tre JM""Cd l't.t ~ tnd .. CftCfI)' msullauon rompkte ..1Ib tnnVOI'I'11I:r-. htp tnd
low IrnSIOn WIre nrtwort 1rDlIin& OWS'" NIso million. Addrtsu18 the medii. !he:
0sairmMI 0( CAD.'. Lap
<:hIpIP:f. Dr. NIInIini 0lrA,.... FunIbo. aid thal RIOIII d !he ran-. suffi:rrd !'rom l.:t d inti-auNcturc bcItn: CADP"s ~,
.:IdIni . . ..",..
supply ..t imIaIIItI:Jn ~ tnm-
liCe hM ret\a'nCd ., !he c.m and !hat before ... all lhepbl woWd ~ bem IIka
knnm. high ICnIIOII Ind low Il'nSion wm in firm e5C*:5 MId dusIed 10 lid poa:moa;
II1d iDc:reMe profllS. He MId !hill . "!thin !he shan ~ rJ the project in
the __ • tome \II!!')' positiYe ~
t.- been ~.JUdI • • 37 pel" ocnr mIuction in tht price of' f1oII.Jn, rnh reed
Abo spe:akinl. the Fwm cI Palm Royal Mr Gbenga Oydaun. 1aId IhM
:m1:S=~~~ ed
dww&h • SO per c:mI rcdur:Iion in the U:!e of' dic:Id dunn&
JIOM=f disruprioni