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UBECOkays NALABE Policy 1he Uni versal Basic Education Commission has said the Na tional Assessment of Learning Achievements will help measUIt! the sta te of basic education in the country. Executive Secretary of USEe. A lhaji A1uned

Modibbo, said this in Abuja.. while d eclaring open test ad ministration for 2011 NALABE. He said thfs year's edition was the first of its kind s ince the incn>ase in tempo in the implementa tion of the Universal Basic Education progrnmmes. The result of the assessment, he said, wouHhelp in confirming good ~rfo rmance by slates, adding iliat provisions maCie in Schools were atmed at improving learning. Modibbo s,1id the main objective o f the assessment was to determine the performa nce of IcamelS and efficiency of the system .

Intellectual Property Rights Director of Research. Nigeria Natu ral Medicine Development Agency, Mr Sam Etatuvie has GllIed for integration of lntellechJal Property Rights into Nigeria's development pla n a nd Slralegie>. Etatuv;e made th e call in lagos, a t a w orkshop organised by an entertainment firm, d talksho p. The worKshop had the theme: " lntellectua l Prope:rty Righls as 1 001 (or Economic Developme nt." Etatuvie said intellectual property could generate much revenue and contribute s iJnllficanUy to economic grow th if properly integrn t. ed" into Ute nation's developme nt plan.

Wamakko Inaugurates Hall Governor Aliyu Wamakko ofSokolo Slale has inaugu ra ted the N42 million multi-purpose hall construct~ eel by the s t-ilte govemmcnl The N~L'S A.£encyoJNigerin reports that ilie building named, "MU'azu Lamido Multi·p~ Hall", is located at the Wazi ri Junaid u History a nd Cul twe Burea u in Sokoto. Speaking a t the ina ugura tion, Wa m akko said h is admi nistra tion wo wd nol relent in its efforts to establish viable projects. He said :"Three weeks ago, I was he re on an unscheduled inspection tour of this project and I d irected the contractor to ensure its completion in a month's ti me.

Cassava, Fish Production Kano State Governm ent is p lanning to boost the production of fish, ca.c;sava and mo ringa 10 enhance food secu rity in the s la le, Governor Rab'iu Kwankwa5Q, llilS said. Kwankwaso, who disclosed this last week in Kana, w hile swearin~-in his Special Advisers a t the Governmcnt House, said Ulal the p roject was pa rt of the adminis tration's desire to booSt agriculture in the statc. He said the state's ministry of agricu lture and the m iniStry of environment had arready e mbarked C?O new poli9' frameworks aimed at actuahsing the programmc. The governor said some local govcrnments wo uld be selected for the implementation of the sch eme, adding that the initiative would be pu rsued with vigour. According to him, the progranune will no t only enhance food prod uction.. it wilf also boost the income of the growers.

Free Protocol Movement Na tional Association of N igerian Traders has called for the implementa tion of the "Free Movement Protocol in the sub-region to ensu re intra-regional trade w ith other ECOWAS member s tates. This was rontained in a statement signed by the grou p's P~me Officer for ECOWAS and Re~ion al Mailers. Mr. Amala N lvalor, and mad e available to the Nt!WS Agency of Nigma in Ab uja. The s ta tement comme nded l.'lr. Femi Falan ... a legal practitiqner, for his role in the West African in~tion process. Nwalor said the actualisation of a liassle-fm:! movement of goods and services across the sub-region was a major goal that sho uld be encouraged by well-meaning individuals and interest groups.

Development of Nupeland Governo r of Niger Sta te. Dr. Muazu Babangid a· Ali}'U, haJ; identified disuni ty amo n g Ihe N upes as ba ne of d evelopment o f N upe land . Baba ngida-Aliyu made the observation as a ~ues t sp?aker al a lecture entitled: "Democ:ra9' and the Devclo p'ment of Nupe Land." as part of activities to m ark the i.hird Nupe Day festi val. He noted that the Nu pes as an ethnic na tion· ali ty had prod uced prominen!"'Ni~~'!\'~ had contributed 10 the de"elopment~ty"le 'COunb1")he. gove rnor, who was JEj7i'6enfua at me ~jr byly!" .Depuly.. AUi;\ji Ahmed M~-Iqetof~Cl .rmt£!}ifiitY. am ong the Nu~_ had tretaQ:lett.:tti.;.;:,)(ug~ anC! dMlopment of ~people and the land_as..a.)Oliti..ca1



Jonathan Urged to Sign Financial Reporting Council Bill


"""""'~ ~ of thc Nigerian Accounting Standa rds Board, Mr. O\ugbenga

~anda partnerwiIh KPMC Nigena. MI. Aye Otihinwa. at the week2nd, ~ President Goodluck Jon;lihan toexpedite action in sign~ into Ia \\~ the Fmandal Reporting Council Bill, wh idl was paSsed by the sixth

National Assembly. nll')' staled that "\\;thout' assent 10 the Bill. by Mr. Pre9denlonorbeforeJitlylO,

"themtireeffonssha.llbe\'PfV _.J_ oonfusing and capablc of sen ding Unheal~ signal 10

~~f:"~"~r.t i~ti~

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By Ndllbllisi lIgalr when assenled to, wou.ld

~address rurrent instilutional weaknesses in rt"Jtlllation. compliance and enIortm'leflt of standMds, and the de\-elopmen! of robust a nangemcnts for monitoring and enforcing compliance with rtnancial ~ standards,.'· _ They further mainlained


...m .... oflheroad

t um ...... ,eo map (or Nigeria's i!.d~ of In temational Fmandal

arising from

the con-


"'~, delayin signing the8ill



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dnve fo r Foreign Direct In~~':'....l that the Bil~ ""'1 ·eo.....-


os. Mr

Sijibomi Olusany", last week said the

into aw.

Speci6cally, the)' said (ail· ure bv the president 10 sign the 13m PlUll1j?t1y would greatly affect the nation's the .financial system. d U gh't'll Bill· U

will received by IOCII and inlcmational investors/community as it WilS seen as "a t¥'leway to reliable financbl mtOrmalion and audit quality

assuranc'I."inNi~.~ Noting that -\he law is the legislation that will C"Cale th e enabling environment (0'1" the

implementation of the deci· !ion takm by FEC". the duo contended tIlat "if the Bill is not ~Ied to. the ded5ion of the FEe will be suspended aM FOI will be hinclered.~ ----' '' , A\.Ullu ing 10 ulerO, SE!\"eri\


""""" and other l'Igni6cantNi,.,n.. public inlen5l. entities

ha\1! starlf'd changing Ihcir systems and ~ to meet the rocw .. repo:ting ~~ Similarl)! lhe)' alsO added that woiher ~ulalory authorities in Nigena. espe-

dally the CentJal Bank o f Nigeria, Securities and E:~Change Commission and



Commission have been imit· ing their constituents to adhere 10 thedirecth'e5of the NAS8 since it is the im...!.... ~-

$mcntingagency."G College Assures on W'Bank's 250,000 rant

in~aogeandOtihin"''' Af~~l PC:~ ~~ ~poke against the bac:kdropof Education (Ted-iitiCll~ QlrlC.'en'IS

SIand"'" "r. u., ~&«lIli\'eCouncilwas


World Ban k'sS25O,(XXlgrantlo the instituHon would 6e u..<Oed 10 facilitate ICT-based learn-


1I1g. , in Lagoswlile ' l--Iesaidllis speakinl!' at il forum organi5t'd to 5ell5iik the staff and student:s the oollege on the



I sY~~~~~ •

~Ialed edu~tIOfl;d IOsbtu-

liOnS, seruor .second ary ''''''''• • I!'''ytechni~. mI....... '~()~ of education and \~l"SI llCS. as weU as resea.rth ~It~ tes.

~ti~iU·:;ttta't~cf~ma~ le


education. w h ile enhanc· Ing the dE!1-'Clopment of posi. I.h ·e atti t\ldcs And values in ICT pr.JCtitionl'f5. !-Ie said with the grant. the rolIege would now join the league of educational instilu· lions and researth Of8ilnisa. ,._ ""- , h.d ~-fi'~ hum V'", U I<l u ........' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' the immense opportu ni lies P'O'"ided by the project.

~ training ~f ~den.t:s in our prec;enl-day1i!llelSdri\"l'1l


O la called him with GSM numberCfl I38I863llafierconfirming his identity on pharr,

andtlusrompelsstudent:sarld teachersruiketo embroxethe d)~mic; o( Icr,~ he said, itddmg. "Tearner5 and k!-amers would be 0Il1 of tune if they have no adeqUil~ knowledge of b.lsic ICT applications. at least to enhilna! tmching and learning. ~ ht- said. Olusanya Sil.ld modem teaching and learning rould onI)' be meaningful and purposefu l, if theY were JCT·

Frotll1i",de Sanlli


I .

ill llHirifill



need 10 embrao:! the Sd~ and Techn!",,,,,y)Educa tiOl1 Post ~ STEP ~ project He ~ the Protect IaJ&eIcd only SCJef"Ite ~ tectu:d~-

Threat to Life






PD P Scribe


·lion on U'Lt pm;aibed

~v in Oyo Sta~. I made

the pn'!'! to uni:ferstand that the Action CongftS of NiF can for 1m lraJ'M.oror redepiO)'1l1erlt is unCiIlled for. The PDP !C'Iibe aIIeged that al itbout 10-..l3 a.m.. one Wale

'"he .sIliI1rd abusing and' reigningcun;e;on me.ardliOUghl to knalv my suke on the 0)-0 sta te NURTW issue being investigated by the state go". emmenL I tolel him I hitve no stake. but as it party WI." ~\'a~t tJ.>e gtn-m'lOf '? ItIO'I~· the JUdI· cia! ~ to !"\~gall'. and SUbmIt ~ts findmgs and ~ mcndations 10 g<'\"('mll1('nl

INEC Urged to Conduct Bye-election Within 28 Days


Fed"" High Court in I\"aku rd~ Benue State presided 0I'Cf by Justice Abimbora Obasek~ h.15 o rdered thc Independent National Electoral


l.:.)iNUE : .1 ~

INE and fh'E'oUlerS,

includ ing U'IC i3enu(' Sta te

Government. Ol'er breach of ronstitutionru righ ts. News Agency of that~of

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