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• ." •....... ...,..O"5u&e ..

L-fI:: . . . . . hF-l~ ........... Vkecw.-._~ ....-.......--..~~Mtt.~·Ii"........,..

the ~ 1fIkrid'TcabKm ~ o.,~,



L-R .... w..,-I.Ru.uOlr--,PZC-Hlpw. ............. mr.c-.AIa __ .......

.. one- ..... GleN v-.. M1c-ri- ~ .. tta.,...~ with


. T

;."""'""'y ....

ltv! best 01 tune. roc~~enKJU!ili

........... Thrt.nne...



MO!iie from


wn (WI 10) fR,neworlt

Con\enuonon TobanD Cuntrol (1eTC) ",'tuch propow.l iI aOOptt.>d ",·ouW ~lo.'ntl\i!'aoOUItr

of h~cW1OOd 01 ~d tobaccu f~.ndthev~rebll"es

g.Iobi.lJ)'. lbe ~ COPS II will vote- on rorommend.l.'--b w..

n.e Fere R!COfllnlt.'nlbarnfM:lill

lund or redudJon oIWnd k)culIlVil~ Mtd deny ~ ltv! nght 10 &lOW

Iobikm. rq;ubled'le~oIthe

YeM In ""'hi..:h tob«J:o IMlIllIlIIS

a110welt tMn ~ Wmets from wodaog ""'lib theu-dimb h> improve

crop f1ddJ.. hcilhh .nd sJety rondl 1Jonsi6nd tI'lecropo en~ IItJrUnentaJ

1tnpK'b to unptO~e p,-.,.UCI5. hcalth oUld ~et)' l..~liDr-. pll."\lt'llol Wbour

oIIbuse.• .nd UUllUIUU'en,~J IInp.a.."1;~tJtod~~rd.ll1ng

IobriKnJ l.umcrs k dh theu 80H.'tT1 1I1Hlb.anJ mi:ruJ1JO." owndalOl'f "n:hoIbilit.ilhOn~" ~I


'<Jf'Cl' gruv. en Ullo other crops.

R-'gi&~ ufltv! ea.anIlI:lUc .. .ability

ufihal crop_Thc!ie n!C.OOlIIli!ndations woulo.t br .. oh!d Jolt oM the FCTCs him CooieR.flOe 01 thr rMUe!i

(COf'S) "'~. Kun» ul.:r Ul thr: monlh. I \owe\Ier. Ih... wbaoco ~ under the~oJJnt.enwborW Tob;tcco <::nM'lYS Msocwbon (TTGA). ul.countermo\le~\~lhern·

seh.. es to ho&d the 6ist ftCf" ~ TubKroc-.,. o.y (WTGO) The ~ e\'t.'Ilt hdJ. KlOIIo towrontmcnbon 0d.0bet-19. 201.2lien1ed as. pblf«m todBw wpporl from ViU"IDU$ gO\~ nut toasseol 10 thr ~ bnn& aogeme.- thr

wewld's 30 nulllOll loOOcoo growen 10

dcnKJRStrale UM! ecnnomlC contribuboll rlll'lJ'lCnlll"Ql.e 10 lhctr ronunurnbes, remember thesedors 1k.'-llaSt: S«lur as wcllalo edUCIIle UM! publIC aOOullhe ISSUCS ImpildlOg

thc.rllvcllhoods. AI Silver I~ Molcl.lseyan. Oyo Stille, whene kJb;acco l,mrung IS mo&I COIl\JItI!fQally vlOlbl.!"lhe bnners under the umbreIb of N'Sena Inde~ITobIcco,. jomed lhot- roIte.Jgues am:a lnd .... lISA. Eumpeilnlf oUM!no turomtnemOf'aie lIwe day. s.x-..IunK lu Ihe m •.,diol al iI pASli conlerenre ~ of the aL'"UVlbcs 10 moui..lheday, thr~ of the BOO membn'strong iIS5IlciaOOrl,. Mr Rashet!d Sabre poU\tI,!d oul Uw "d~" ImpllC'alO'l$ofthe I'CTC propc&llile ......t tNl tobaan growers would not ~ kily by 0l0LI watch illS the only IOUtCe or thI....r hvelihood IS t..LL'f'I aw"y (rom them. IleC'.lI~ In Nlgl.."f1ilflKovl.·,nrnenllo ~ on UM!&kkoflobKm fannen In Nlgl"f1oiJ itS not doengJlOwouIo..I h;tve daR!cunst."qucnces not uoly on Ihl..'1r IIIl1l1Cthaic rornmwutkS bul ..1so the l."QUntry _ wN* as lIteu' amvltlCS al1! m.iIJOf' contributors 10 «'OI"IOI1\1C glUWth and dl.-vclopmcnL. Ill.' iiddt.<d "Shoukt tt-e draco!uan measures bocome IiIw UM!)'1I have a


dire un~ on U1Ie IIveilhoodsoiBOO gruw'-'r.i an Nlgcna ;md the over N500 m llhon NoUR wecontnbute 10 the local <rooomy ~soud Ni~cru l.ndependt.'f'I1 ·Ihb;w.-ro AsIIioaoJuon,. klpports the ongmal UIII..'f'I1 of the R:'rC's artde

""'"""y -.


17lrealy, whICh was to provide "tcdtnica.l and fmancioll ~ 10

-.llI-.e eronomIC' tRnsIlaon oIloboKm ~.;and" illS iI declane IIltobacro producbOrl ronsumphon n'SUllcd in'lowcrdcm.ilnd rewOW' oop However-.lIwe prtll(JOQls under

-""-"'t,.,.,.. ...... ....ay



CDf1Stdt'rahoncurrently ~t il ~t1ure (rom dw.ongll\al p i all' they seck toiilruflClil1ly reduce Uw; 5Upply of tob;K:ro wlthoul provldlOg c.rowe-s any vWlle iIlll..'t"Nhvt5 to 5Upport their lamilies. ThIS IS despite blImalCS thai oc'f1\iUKi (ewtobacco Will in ronung ye.1r.L lie mformed that NrtA has wnlten 10 the Muusterol Agncullure ilI\d Niliural Rcsoul'Cl'5,. Dr A ..... nwunu .Adesma, mlonnang tum about the unpenWng CORSit"l{ucnct'S of ~tmg

10 the pmpo5i1llle ilbo revealed thai the iil!o5Ociahon wouIJ IOOIllaunch ~ petlllon In Ibdnve 10 til. liM! governmt'nl to owe- the elements oi the propos;l.i IhI.I Will be voll.."\1 lor by the WllO's FCTCtNl arunot mlhe miel'l'§l 01 the (MrfIl:J'S- -n'le FCrC ~ not heard tJ1Ie voice of growers and Iws gone uIf tnd. In punowng at.wd rroP?Nt:r. thatllrecontnry to lbo onglNl momr.iate. All we;lre ..ymg is Ih;tt we be given lIud~ to speak OW" mll1l.l ilnJ tNt our voice should rounL - &bn.-. SpcoflC'ally,lI~ growersiilre calling on go ... emmenb tooppoliC the bomnmg of nurumum.upport pna!!i ~ w( iil~ restrktlng producbon by nogulahog the SCiISl)f\S when tobKco woukl be grown, n.od uong iilR!illlllocaled lot lobacco laroung. bannmg Illduucal support few tobiilcco liInners W iilbudlsmanllmg aU bod M.'S~gruwenwlthgovem·

menbL I'resent ,III the mct.-tut~ were other execubve.. 01 the ..aoaboll and repn!Sellto.hvt'lloilhe-mhOn. II will be recalled thallTGA bunched a shoft viJ~ llviillliilble on hIlPi';./ I rot«tJ'iltDlt!ra.l~ roIra(, -fcillunnggrowessfrom around woOd codhng on then govl.'f1U1'"llYlts 10 prot(.'CC their fa.nns asiilOOlher' wily ot dfillwmg I\Iob.I al$enboll and IUpport 10 tN!ir pllghl.

FOUR MAKE ETISALAT PRIZE FOR INNOVATION tbalal, hn announa.<d the shortlc.1 of J'\OfIlIOI..'I$ lur lhe linol edJlKWI of the ' Ehs;a14l1 Pnzr for


Innovilhun ' .me~ of the AfncaCom iilwiilnb Gila DU\MC 10 be hekl an Ga Town South

AfnCiil on NO\Iembcr '01, 2(Urll.elllward, par1 of Ih.:IlVI~ hnrJ up for Arrlc:a ComConI~. b ilUned ill encourolgmg iUld celdH.llmg InnovahOn In the Afric.ln ICf ElJ.l;.iIlat Nlgerlil Duel Eu'('UliveOf6cer. Mr Stl"Ven Ev~ wK!., 1"he Cfeilllvily shown by aU the en~ demonslR les the Importa~ oflhe: use 01 bn»dlMttd III Afno:iI.u well b the JJ\CreiilSlng bcndits thai CMl be den\leJ rrom il \'It! Wltness.ed M\ Impn'SSlve iilmy 01 lllnovative enlrtes for lhe IwO aWiuu Gllegorieli .. nJ bnnglng 50me o f the K!.ea and ronct!plSto life Will go~ long wily In Improving the Ide('()(nnlumcat~ :>ectur In NI~e nil ilM beyondAfter a paln" talutg pf\lCl!Sl>bya poanel olludgn drawn (rom bw.u~, ICil.'COCIIOIUll*Cilltlons,. enln.'Preneu,vup.nd nt1worL dl..'Veloprnent. iI shorth:.I of lour nomlt"ll"l'S In Iwo calegones, pl"Oducb.OIInd setVlCO, w~~ ('hok>n


I~entncs.. They

Will acrornpo1ny the

CEO and other nll:.miJeR u( i::liso.lal Setuor M.iuliIge1lk.' nlleOlim 10 the ArnaCom awMdsc.'en!lllOr"ly



bUlldJn& of Bnl.lSh A.J.rwilYS· first A.ubu5

A380'Supet"·Jumbo· atl'CTiIlt reiIChed a ~ nult'Slone With ~u..hon 01 thr four gynl


Rulls-Royce Trent 900 enga.nes. The engll'le5, which NCb produce '10.000 Ib5 of thrw.t (or appro.oumillely lO)XXJ ~wer, the eqwvaknl of J(X) filuuly car5), were alQched toiilU1.T.llfl ' MSN095', the first 01 t 2 A380s the lllrime has on ordeT. l1\eillfO"ilfi asdut' tobedehvered 10 Rnl.lShAlrwiilyliIn July nexl yeu

PZ CUSSONS REPACKAGES. EXTENDS MORNING FRESH drup deans much more- I III t"Xpn.'1ilioCd gJOIlJlude to ron5WI"It.'ft lor maling Monung Fresh thrtr bRnd 01 choioe With a prurn.ISI! d'lilt II WIll conttnur 10 offeMlpenor perfomliil~ !he Munun rmlt Ongmal new CiilSy

1V'P<ies.19' Il'IiI

It I1liOreconve,uenllOr

c.'OnSUD'Il'I'S to handlto and It'Ie Usty I.anon Viilnanl glvesronsumers lhcchotceof

fragriU'la!"lIesoud On tllI! bnu-od's!epcy over the ~ 20 yeatS LR Nigena.the &and Miil.I\ilgcr. M0rning I-ASh. MiChat..j Nnoduri, explained thai iil5 the leiilder in the market segmt."Ilt, the branLllS l-voi\l'flg wllh 11Scunsumer.. bt.'m8

mnovolhve, Jiellln8 the piilee In the mMket and rrovldtng qUIIllly value few money


"~liIld;" M

Nlgerw's numberonr d~

wil!ihmg brand, w~ howe ~introducl!d your ~ MorTUng Fresh In a new

eiI!Oy gnp botdt- and abo) LRlrodu«d iI

new Y..-lant-Momurg frrsh usty ~ Our loyal CUSlumers wiIRl tht bc5t from a prenuum brollld!oO we made kite tNl wedo not let them down. We. w~nd lht need tOI..'lbUrt! tNllhe~S'-.. lht ~ p')s~"'e villue from t'Ver')' drop 01 Momang Fnsh ~nd this hob helped 10 IJ\iIllllilUl IhI' bnnJ 's Ieildcl'!Jup over the


-nus launm will help lIS 10 further

propi!d the bnnd'" perfOl'n\ill'la!df1cacy to our q-ilI iUld po&o:!Iltai CDrlIiUIJlft'S, WeWlII

thebRnd that~UM! Nlgenan WOllYn be proud of how wdl shit! uks care of ht..........1iIr:kn. - lie ~ Ai..ImUig fmlt IS~ pn!I1UUD\ brand and a

l"'UfllJRue 10 be


6r&ment. Its net. fo;uns wi th a Rrong gll" n.atlln& ability rN.Les the band i!'CUI"IOIIUCiIlto UR and St"dr on the hiilnd.. while lhteXCItmg Iiemon­ nottl!5 rookutg odours lettvmg the Llochen wnellUlg re(resh..

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