, Page 46, THISDAY, Vol.1S No . .~S82,
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
' .
8 News J
Okonjo-Iweala Seeks African Renaissance in Science, Tech .
mean Heads or-government, scientists and scholars have lX:en urged to develop and diffuse the ; excitemenl and' promise of the 21st century in science and lechnology Ilial could lead 10 an . "African Renaissance", if ' the continent's aspiration fot' .selfsustainabilitJ is to be achieved in no distant time. , Managing Direclor of the WorldBank Group and Chair, Nelson Mandela Instilule (NMI)'s Board of Directors, Dr Ngozi Okonjo- Iweala made the call shortly after the second distinguished lecture series, 'organised by the NMI iri collabora,
science and lechn~logy-'relaled fields. ' !Juests- at the'lecture include, Chief Executive of NMJ, Prof. Funmi Arewa; Harnza!sa Baba'
the leadership . of AUST,. for finding him ' fit'lo deliver the lecture and promised to make himself availalile in the call for self- independence by' AJiica in
from the ' FCf· Agency for' Science .and Technology; Dr Boubou Cisse of the WoridBank and NMJ Liaison to AUST, Nwosa Lucky, of .NOTAP,
Resident Surveyor, FCDA, Joe Odob and a hosl of AUSTlead·ership,. led by . the .Acting President, Prof. Charles. Ejike Chiduine.
r-------~---------- .----_=--~----==~~~
tion w ith me African University
of Science and Technology (AUST); aithe AUST <:ampus in Abuja recently. The - acquisition of knowledge. s,he' $3id, was not enough.
liS utiliSation in solving African peoples' problems should be a paramount priority of AJiicans both at horrie and
in the
delivered the HISt lecture in the
series held lasl year. . Delivering the Second Distinguished Lecture titled. 'New Frontiers in Science and Technology for African Development. Professor ' of Mechanical and Aerospace Engi neering at Princeton University, USA, Oluwole Soboyejo presented some examples of recent coUaborations between African and international scientists in the area of science and lechnology, which were yet to be tapped by successive governments in Africa. Such fmdings include, possible strategy for African solar cell /LED manufacturing, scaled up pilot planls to manufacture solar ~e U s, early detection of cancer mechanism using therapeutical drugs manufactured ·from magnetic fields, to mention a few. Soboye!o, thanked NMI and
1n""'''''''.nnat Mallager, Mr. Christian Japanese Embassy in Nigerfu, (left); Cllief Iso FCT Directorate A" with oth~r guests at the offu:ial IIand-over of facilities donated to tile lITA Abuja Japan .. : recently
Japan Commissions N12.3m IffA Facilities he g,?vemmenl of Japan
From Bulwla Olatunji
has: commissioned facilities: ,oiorth $82, 303 (about
N 12.34" million) at the Inlematibnal Institute for TropkaJ. : Agriculture (OTA) Abuja Slation Farm, Kubwa, Federal Capital Territory, The facilities, under the Japanese ' Graol Assistance for Grassroots . Projects (GGP),
in Ahuja.
. . , :
include a Processing Shed, Plant Propagation Shed and Screen House, which were built and equipped. . DirectorGeneralofIITA, Dr. Peter Hartman said the institufe is not for profit, the usage of the facilities will therefore attract very minimum charges; only to
tion of root and tuber crois like yam, thereby improving ~e living conditions of fanners ~n and around the Federal Gapital Territory. I Accordiog to him, SubSaharan Africa is the chi~f producer of root and tubercrc;ps like , yam, cocoyam and cassava. accounting for aboilt 97 Itr cenl of the world's yam procJLction. Nigeria alone produces aful66
fanners and processors, Catholic Relief ServiceS, an international non-governmental organisation working in 100 Countries in the areas of peace building, conflict resolution, emergency relief serviCCl', agricultUre aod health; the FCf MDGs office and the University of Abuja. An Agricultural Engineering sludent of the .Ahmadu Bello University, Zaliia ~so spoke on
. Canadian Education Outreach The ·Canadian . High Commission is organising an EduCation Outreach 10 four cities, to take the awareness of capabilities and opportunities in Canadian post-secondary education beyond the coofines of' Lagos ' and Abuja, where the annual Canadian 'Education Fair usually' holds. It will kick off in Ibadan on August 5, move 10 Abeokuta September 29, as well as Kaduna and Port Hartourt on October 7 and 28, respectively. In each city, a seminar will showcase ·Ille capabilities of the Canadian Education system, highlighting the advantages of quality education, its benefit to the Nigerian student -and . deD'i("ns[fa~bg hOw, ' through. collaboration and partnering of institutions, Canada cali contnbute 10 the development of education in Nigeria. .. Representatives of Canadian · institutions will present Illeir individual schools' expertise; capabilities and 'programmes, as weU as to identify opportunities for collaboration and " partnership' with Nigerian educational est a b lis h m e 0 t S·. Represenla~ves of the Canadian High Commission will also adclrOss issues relating to applying for visas and study pennits. Admission is free 10 the public.
Minister Advocates'lIigh Academic, Moral Values
Minister of Education, Prof. Ruqayyatu Rufm has advised school. administratorS 10 uphold high academic and mora1 standards to address the problem of mass failure 'and poor performance of students, especially in Mathematics and English Language. Rufai, who _ Q.WiJl~J!.l~.mJ9L!!~§W.'l~.!ll~ --!':'H~'added;-'Th!te me bel'~~!,!~~d;!'.!S_£!!!!"".'lY,, '-' the'call at first"gradtI' ty. . ' . I . . • on moustnaJ . traInlDg at tfie ation ceremony of Lakeside In addition 10 this, Hartman, about 350 trulhon peqple In .... Centre. : and Primary Nursery who was represenled by Yam West Africa who somelm)es sufThe Fa)m Manager, Mr. Academy" Ahuja .also wged Physiologist.' . Dr. - Hidekiko " fer fi:oIl! foodshortages. ¥ost of ''''Francis 'A¢moye joined all the proprietors of nursery aod priKikuno,- said 'farmers, agricul. them live on root ant tuber aboVe in thanlQng ''the people of twa1 extension staff,' scientists tr?Ps. . Improved produqtJon of Japan for usirlg their tax. pay'!.rs' mary schools in Ihf< counoy to and students will have access to this will ,~refore ad~s food money to help the mral poor of give their studecits a solid founshortage. . I. Nigeria, lJT)\ just being the new ' technologies, improved, dation that would enhance high yielding hybrid seeds; .as Deputy DIreClor, Agncu\~ coordinator.". their inte1Jectual4bility·atbighweU as new inethods of'land andRural Developme?~ Federal Already, he said, "people er levels. According 10 her, preparation ahd conservation, Capital Temtory Ad.rniqj~tratlon, . . come in to do little processing at students with good backc whi'ch they can replicate on Chief !sa Ademoh, wfio reprethe centre, students use the cenground .in these subjects lend their own farms. "Copyright is sonted tbe Secretary thanked tre for 'lheii training, Scientists 10 do weD in future, "once they allowed here" he stressed. IlTA for making its I research use the Screen House and we do start early at pre schools, nurs'. Mr. Shige~ H"!'lrulo; ,!,~o findings ~d facilities iavailable a 101 . of work at the Soil ery and primary schools, we rep.reserit~d t!le';: J~pa~esft 10 farmen;m the Fer, 1"'bo have Treatment! Shed. The ' Light will definitely have no pr0bAmbassador . to Nigeria, Mr. been VISiting the fami, tWice a House haS been used continupassing Mathematics or year to be taught new.~echnoloously in the last three years 10 Toshitsugu Uesaw~ commeqdEngli~1t t.:ru:JguJlge at any ed ''the great efforts of llTA to gtes to thel1" vocation. He condition crops." He promised lev!'l'" " ..... . . . , >, ' . , contribule,lo sus.ble fOQd .,. " thanked th~ ; gQY~Fnt i"'d . that the facilities will be.prope~ development and enhan""menl · . people·of Japan for dopating)he Iy used. ' . of agricultural leChnology ' in "facilities ""d.pledged ,to ensure The ceremony was rounded many developing' ~o~ntiies that all fanners in~.th~ tenitory off with a·demonstration·ofyam (incl~ding) Nigeria. : take advantage o( them. seed tuller production system The proJect, he said was There were ' gcx)(hvill m~through . vine ' propagation, by An educatioo · oonswting aimed at improving ~ p~ucsages· from ~ rep~n.t.htive:; ;of · Kikuno.,'. EDUCRAFf has c0ma summer training for i1dary" School students 10 .ve them a unique opportunity to be trained in fabric painting indusoies in the oountry. :'It is mined JO their jobs, resulting 10 slOnes, rug makin~, fabric . By Uchechu}cwll Nh{Iik£ . important that the schools are func- improvemenl in students' perrortioning w-ell because if students tnaIlCC, flowers, baii accesSones,,, ernProgramme', was aimed at assisting cannot operate the computer when bet aod knitting, bead weavSosan also stressed the need for teachers and students in' public they leave school, they cannot paren.tS to monitor and ~eavise . g, among others. The trainin~, worlc." He implored the school to their children to make the job easiwhich began on Monday, will .ensure that the centre is a1ways er fo, the schools, saYing that. the n till August 31. The secure and utilised for the purpose efforts of other stakeholders would '. , ~ti~~~~~y~=N'~~= of learning only. . not yield positive result without development Deputy GpVef\lOl' of the stire; parents' """""",tion. .. . . . e pl!1C\' at P aod P'~~ISI: .The Marniging Diu:<;tor, Mr, Bob Mrs. Salah .Sosari commended the : Res~~- the Principal, Mrs.' asa and Shinil.in~ UJr(I' Steefskamp rematked ai' the' comcompany and other cOmpanies and Omokehinde 'tlogaji thanked the Dege, Ebule Metta, 10 {;agos;, individuals thaI have continued 10 company for the gesture, saying. ~~o~~~~u;e~a~ty;~r,; . assist . the state ·govemment to that the exposure 10 ICf would : ~.that there wouJd '~8JI!, . xhib,tion at .' the Lagos govemmen~ but with the underipl,prove. faciiiil~ in ~ts schools enable the school 10 catch up with temational Women society. standing tblrt it would' meet the t/mXtg\! the 'Support Our Schools' the I world's development She nlre, Yaba,. Lagos, in objective Of making leamir1g a lot promised that the school would initiative. . .. • ember 3, . where students· beUei- for the Sludelits. She iX>~ principals and. makl{ the' besr u.<t of.the centre 3I)d ' d have an oppotIlinity 10 According to him, . the gesture teachen; in the stale for the change ' justify,.. the use 'of' its facilities w case aod what .they was the company's way qf gnjomof aitjtude lowards their duties, say- through improved academic pering more qualified worl< force for uoed at the training. ing that they are now more com- fonnance.
. K~rean-Age;n~-·-,- . -~ -:-
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.Supports Basic Epucation+ rean International the Proj.ec4 that the structures : Cooperation Agency would' be optimally used in ! (KOlCA) has helped in accordahce · 'with the global ! le~n~ for human capacl~y ! . proving access to basi~ education in the country, development. Minister of Education, Prof Responding, . th~ Kore~' (Mrs) Ruqayyatu Ahmed Rufa'i ' Amb~dor to Ntgena Mr. Par\i has said . Young'Kuk said KOiCA would TIle Minister said this weekcontinue to assist in improving end at the tak:e--over of addition'basic education in me country. al classrooms in Kaslina {.and By J¥Oviding 116 c1assroom~, Kogi Slales, constructed . by 576 pupils' desk and chairs, I§ · KOiCA at.Kofar Sauri Primary bl3l'kboarQs, six Head leache~ .. School, Katsina. ., , offic'\'; in !<:ogi 'Slate; lIS well as '. .'I'\le gC;Sture, she . i.i!iil,,:"'IIS, , .21 c~lllOms,. 756 pupils des!g; . facililating Nigeria's effori . and ,c~",rs, 2) .blackboards, and towards achieving the Education an'. ~ .· Herul· J~hen; offices m · for All (EFA) and Millennium Ka~ina~ -Xou~g-Kuk "said Development Goals (MDGs). KO;ICA has.helJlCd 10 erih,,!,cmg. The minister noted that acq:ss to oasle ooucabon m the . · Nigeria's schooling system was · cot.intIj. . being seriously challenged "by I ... the inadequacy of q~alified sci- .' ". i ·r :I11. ence and mathematics teachers and very low use of ICT amtmg .~ ' ·esland.·t:ompina 1.vAMCO teachers and pupils. 'The dismal . . gena Pic,. makers of Peale . perfonnance of our srude~ts in Milk has 'donated a modem school leaving certificates · and Information and achievement tests are traceable ,Communication Thchnology (len to unqualified teachers", she centre to Ogba Junior Gt1Iinmar said. I "~ SchOO~ Lagos~ as part of effoI1S to In his opening remark. , facilitate the "acquisition of leT Executive Secretary of the knowledge among students .. Universal Basic Education The centre consists of a22.,IDch 'flal . sereal' desktop complilet] a ·<ie·mmisSion·" (USEC), 'I:>r. . printer, 14 dual customised comAhmed Moddibo Mohammed puter tables lind chairs, a photosaid the'commission will.condocopier, two .~it writ air-conditionue to' proville'meahingful linkages between intem.ational , ers, an 18 KVAdiesel power·generdevelopment partners .and ·the ~:. .~g set, as well.as internet ct:mnec• tiVlty. . . .' ~ slates. ." ,The project, which was ~x"""ted He assured KOICA',atid the ~. under The: company's COIpOrale · entlre · people of Korea, ~ whose Social RespOnsibility (CSR) initiaresources were used in ~xecuting tive, tagged, 'School Adoption
EDlfCRA.FfHolds SunimerTraining
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