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The Saturd ay Newspaper, June 4, 201 1

Page 8, THISDA Y, Vol. 16, No, 5885



Rivers State Sustailmule Development Agen:cY (R%DA) has signed an Mcmorandwn of Understanding (rYloU) with the River.; state University ol Science and Tedmoio2v (R5UST) in order to boost the latter's activities in agrirult'wal scienre. Executi\'e Director of tI-.e RS5DA, ~ IT Nobfe Pepple discIoged this during a d,al wi th p.unalists in Port HaltDUrt yesrerda)\ Pepple oullined the salient ~Is of the MoU as 8Jvin~ bursary 10 indigenes of tile state who has ~ i1dmisslon inlo the RSUST to agriculture; and the RSSDA take over 01 til!! RSUSf farm a anne whid, \vil1 be linked with the a~ Songhai pro;ect. Other P.Jints of till! MoU are workirig witl, Eu~ partners to link RSUST faculty of agrirulrure with one Of the reno\vned a~ture faculties in HOUand and the setting up of a profesl5Orial chair on agrirulture at the RSUST 10 promote research and training.


Sultan Abdul-Rahman School

' T"t Gorfrnor 0/ Nigtr 51(1/1, Dr . M u'flW n obongidn ,Uij"1/ rruiring Iht Fm nctillmbanodor to jVigtrilJ I)IJllltlud ) ttm Micll d dllrillg II

"jsi! bJ flit ambassador t" tht cfril'/url'lJrlt ot his rtrident, in , Iblljn ... rut ntl,

Senate Warned against Swearing-in Igbeke


Senator Anambm

Elect for North Senatorial Zone and former Minister of State for Transportation Prince John Ql.:ecfiukwu Emeka has ca1Ied 00 the illl Assembly Senale not to Illake the mistake of swearing in Senator 19bcke I"hen it corwenes on next Monda}: ellcept he purges hirTLo;elf of the criminal G19I' of fl'lrVPrV and perjury prefem.'d a~ him in a r'edetal High COwtAbuja. He argued th." the refUSII of the senator to respond to police invilation amounted to gruss abI.a5It' of office unbecoming of a lilwmaker. Prince Jobn Emcka insisted that the 7th Senate will be embarrassed if I~ is 5Wom-in -as ('\'cntua1ty he will be mlwicted of . and le


evKiencc stakid apimt him are 0\uwhclmin!r 1!eSlid 19beke sonly game plan now was 10 be sw6m in


as to swindle the senate of allowances p"id to incoming senatQf5. In a st1temenl sigJ81 by Emeka,hedisrnis!;edastmues of lies and spuriousstatemenls bei~:;o-a~ted in Ule press by

.... l'Ugorji ostCllSlbly workingfor lg.bekepurportmg

that he J<ennc!dy was IllS party asmt and was compelled to Sign Ihe n!SUlt sheets of tile PDP primaries which declared

him Prina> Emeka a winrv!T among other claims. His words The whole activities of the primaries wert' Il.'rofded 0"I1lIpe. ronductcd under J?Ublic v)ew and moniIoral by St.'Ven (7) [NEe

EIedoraI of1icer5 0( the 5e'\'t'n local GO\'t'mment An5IS and

Ulm'aficr till!)' issued a n.>port

of the primaries. -Ole poliO! and SSS also monitored the


Th ....


of Understanding (MoU) between the two partners was signed in Abtl~' 00 Thursday evt'ning as p.,rt of Iheongoing meeting between the ronmUssion and its de"elopment



France through ils


French ~-elopmcnl Agency will plU\ide 1O.4m Euros wluJe ECOWAS


Commission would plU\ide a

l:ountl!rpart funding of 1.94m Em", The AfD is also provKiing anolher 400.(Jll Euros grant 10 $tr1!llglhen the ECOWAS Water Resources Coordination Cenlre (WRCO ba..<:ed in Ouagadougou, Burkina F390, and which provides ECOWAS Member SI.-~tes with policy definition


Rape: Court Orders Investigation of Monarch's Health Q,ogoo Quo! M.'gistr'ate oourt yester-



day ordered



10 conduct a thorough investisation into the hcaftll rondiUon of a traditional ruler, Alowa of Dowa Oba Adebukola Alli who has been standing trial O\'ef an alleged rnpcof a)?-lth corps menibcr serving in his domain. TIle presiding judge. Magistrale Adewwmti MaKilnjuola gave the order

Fro m l'j" kn Kolatvole, OsogIJo based on the request of the slate pTUSeCUting ooungeL Mr. Olufl!fIli Adedokun who raised doubt corKErning tI'le authentiaty of the me<:lical by tho «><IT>sci 10 the ao:used monarch. Mr. Tewo Lamuyc. According to the mona rch's oounsel. Ob.l Adebukola slumped in his

...- P""""'' '

France Grants ECOWAS 12m Euros for Food Security French Go\'emmertt giVl' 12.34m EUros 10 tilE' Economic Community of West African States (EeOW<\5) Commission to enhance xxi sealrily in the ~on and oJ assist tilE' region s water re<;OlUU'S management poli-

"None of the runtestants in Ule primaries had raised objection as to the outrome beside l~ who dlOSC 10 falsify and forge the result sheet with which he appmxhed a willing Jl15lic:2 Abdul Kafamti or AbU;'l Federal High Court 10 OOttin his frivolous and unlawful judgment now being runtes/.eel by us in the court of Appe.'J."

From Dnmiloln



and implel'nentation in the water sector. Presidenl of til(' ECOWA$ Commission. Ambass.ldor james Victor Gheho, while speaking alter signing the agreemenl called for a 11'101'{!

lasting partnership with the region as il tackles food security and strivt5 for adequate waler resources managcmenL France Ambassador to Nigeria, h·lr. jcan·Mid1e1 Dumond pledged tI-.e runtinoed assistanre ol his country to the sub-region tluough tJ.c ECO\ VAS Commis5ion

palace and was rushed 10 Ladokc Aldntola University


Hospital 0.0.00 where ile was dia&il0geif of stroke and referred 10 the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital. lIc-ll'e. lasnuye infonned the court th.,t the condition ol the healtll of the acrused monarch h.1d reaUy deteriorated toa vel)' worststatCilnd that Oba Adebukola has been moved to the Unive~ity College- Hospital (Urn) lbadan for colliprehensive I:reiItment 10 5a\'e his life as court had earlier 5l.'i2x!d his traveling dcxument 10 preVertt him from going abrOad.



In order to asrer1 ain


Adebukola is truly receiving medical treatmenl at Uo-t Lamuy~ presented a letter written by the Hospital m.lnagen1eflt to the oourt.


Ctisis in Lagos Assembly over Deputy Speakersrup inauguration of the gos State House of Assembly today b)'


Governor Babatwldc Raji Fashoia m.1Y kid oR 0"1 a 01sis note as member.; ol the legislature have condemned and resisted attempts by the

naliOl\ilI leader of Action

Congre;s of Nigeria eAGJ). Asiwilju Bola Tinubu to impose impeached fomler gq:.uty speakct Mrs. Funmi

T......., .. ooninuJ'

deputy spe<>ke< to .... "",,"1M &.o;a, d Han. Kola TaiiVQ, the fOf'mer majoriry leader. L.1sI. night the lawmakers al iI meeting p~ing today'"" inauguration haC!

By Olaw are Oln/eye endotsed fOfTller speakcr. H OIl. Adeyemi IkuIoriji 10 ~ the nexl SJ)e'aker Of the sevt'f'lth assembrv and in a shadow \vting. elected Taiwo as the new deputy weaker of tilE' Hou..c-.e 5COring 11 votes. But Tejoosho who had performed Wly at the voting exercise with jlN eight vall's !'C'mlted and allegedJy cried to the Osun St.,te Q)\'cmor. A1h.1ji Rauf AregbcsoJ., and former rommissioner for environment, Dr. Muiz Banire, both of whom immediately' COIlt,lcted A~iwaju to prevail Ofl the members 10 have

Director of till! Sultan Abdul-Rahman School of Healtll Techno!?gr. in Gwadabawa kx:al gtM!mmenl art'a of Sokato slate, AIhlifi AbduUah.i Garbo said fheroU~e has established a 5-bed clime to caler for out palients in the art'a. Speaking in SoI-.oto ~rday, Garba stalOO the dinic was rei up to facilitale the ~l training of its sh,dcnts as well as assist the residents of Gwadabawa town and tI'IC surt'Olll'lCling vii, Iages. Acrording to him, the clinic which started ~lions aroul one mootli ago only reW\,('Sout-patients. He ipq'lained that the clinic only treats out j?atients and they can only StlY for a maximum of one day if !here is the Ill'id for thiil G1.rba pointed out that, if there is tI-.e need for any referral to iI tertiary health fucility the dinic can do that after 24 hours observation of till! p.ltienl The DiJector disclosed that the management of the scflOOl puro\il5eS assorted drugs worth abot£NlOO.OOJ out of ils caSh allocation from thesta.le~-mlment, saying the clinic: also dispenses the drug'! &re to the ~tients \YhiJe the stocks in tI'le pl...,nnaC:)' are replenished monthly.

Baraj'e's Nomination

Two groups in K\';ua State have commended President GoodluCk Jor""lhan over the rro.'Ilt short listing of the National Secret\ry of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) for nomination as a minister. 1he group;s. Magajin Geri Constituency, and Baraje lard made Ill!! cornInCndation in ~te st.,lt'ments si I b\' their indilidual chairman. Ibrahim .Babaolobi and bubabr- OIanrewaju respectl\dr and made available to newsmen in Ilorin. TIll! groups which are political associ.,tions described Bara;e as an bpeiellCed Icchilocrat and P.O':itician and said I'E would be up to tI'le tilSk if appotnted alTlinister. Magajin Ge'; Constituencv said Baraje is a loyal PDP member ana he would not lktrayed any conficfcnre re~ in him by President Goodluck jonatlliln I~raje Van~ilrd said the poIitiaan with his~as POP scribe and of the National Airspace Management Authority(NAMAl ser.-e tile nation creditably as a minister..


~'!l?£~ ~~~1;t~g U",~,

A WOO_ 01 f-IOISpIlals Group. Sir alief CllarIes Qljdeinde W·LIliams. til!! fust mili~1.J}' governor of ~p. . ~tc. Brig-Cen. Mobolaji Johnson (retd) as well as ~ of C,gos Methodist Q\lm:h NiSeria. tile Most Revd Dr. josCP.!l Sunday Ap'yi. have pleaded With la20sians to Sl,~ Governor Baootunde FiclloL, SAN. in fiis qut;sl to tninsIonn til!! state into a at... e\'Ci')'OIlC would be proud to lh't"in. Theelderstatcsmen maOe tile remark at the ~ markir'g the 65th birthday tllMksgiving ser\ice 0( Ajayi,. held at the All Season<; PIau. nce;a. [aKOS- \-\'illiams d60ibed Governor Fashola as a visionary Jea(Jcr \\ith a passion for hanh;,'ork and deiermin.l00n to tum around the fortunes of till! state and its inllo,bilant5.

Nigerian British Chamber of Commerce

Mefllbers of tile political dass and otlM!r5 in autllOrity ha\-e bo:oen charv.ed to snlUl comsRhoo and be well focused for a greater ana viable economy. In addition, the ~~ ha\"e also been enjoined 10 offer very c:onst:ructivc O1ticism. as ....'{"ll as proffer meaningfu1suggesUons and solutions towards the revamping tilE' economy:-ll1l'5e remarks wert' made bot- the director. OK Trade aoo Im'eilments. ~ty British l-liith Commis.<;ion Offtre. LaEOS!- t.,.lr. Peter Stephi!nsOr'l. while fletail\~ questions (rum Journalists at the Nigeria·British orGmunen:e Awards cerernony held' 0.1 tile Golden G.lte Rcstaurant, I ~yi.lagos-ln his remilIksat thee\'ent, the newly installed pres!cI~t, Emeka Awagu. reitcroted the need fc:KNigerians ;mel their British counterparts to a rommon front to tackle til!! vJobal camorny squeeze.. Wtth a view 10 eradicating povertylrom the JaneL



Tejuosho as deputy.

linubu who was at the time in Abuja. ahead of U'E ooSO': ing intrigues for the dlOice of ~~::, for the House of tati\-e5 was sIDd to have been calling round 10 chimge the status quo. He was 5.lki 10 have told a few ol tI'le lawmakers that since A~la had intervened, tlte}, should reconsider Tejuosho for the post..

But!iOUl'Cl'S told nUSDAY that the lawmakers rebuffed the moo.'e 10 impose Tejuosho.


Althoum none of them is


down the request 01 the former aovemor.


~ld 10 Ile -bold cnoul!h 10 tum

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