Page 34, THISDAY, Vol. 17, No. 6251
e ESusinessWORLD
Monday, June 4, 2012
Fanners Give N' Assembly 30-day Ultimatum on Cassava Ni~.!Ii;t
T he
(NCGA) has I fW:5l£d the
8Clion of tht liousc of the lISle In ,II fkJf productS, giving ~ NIt.on; I Assembly 30 days ullun.lrull' 1U legislate on cassava ns :ompulsofy mgtedicm in .t I fk ur products
From lett,; Akinsuji
RcpescnlatJ'o'eo to 40p
of Cll.o;.s:JYIl
in the counuy L.c.:ling
~ pi' ~ 10 the Agric:ul~
Federal MmJ:Slry 01
ard Rural De>'elcpment, and the National nbly in the nllll(HI-' capiLlI. he NCGA
president, Adcwumt,
Segun desc ibcd that ChIt
aQCllpllD 5talllhc I :grslauonas
Mli-people Adcwt.rml !l:'.Ki I ~ .:uon of the \qJSJ:JIa! cal! e as I surprise IQ the asso iruJOn. and lidded that il was 001. In the nation ', ~ n II ~ Mfect Iht ~ adm!1U5tBlion', etron IQ «C\'dop the economy and red ICC JXMnY
through b;::aI illdU!-mcs. ACOJrdi"K til hn n. "CasSIWlI ~ one tI tho crops that can iridustrilb: Niger. am ~ iA thcnecJlOlrollSlxmN"tsma from oil dependcli 10 CBSSa\'1I
"'~"';~~;c , '..
.....,................ ~ ... ~"
that the Nati.. na] Assembly dnIkilistc:n III the opinions d 5CIkdtokbstulUYIerliundthe role of cas1II\'3 m food before
<Q~ the bill.
J Also speaking. Ihr N:uionaI
Seer:mry of AgtdoYli FarmetsA~ or Nigeria, Chie' BanOOele OIanmji. urged die NaOOnaJ PilbhciIY
Assembly not 10 m:ike dec!5fm that would bt &...'trimcolnl 10 the growtb oflll" 1lJI6on. Otawnji apreakJ ror IS per IXfII of die '''l0II:I1 hxIee1 ror tbe: 1""C\llwnd sedOr to .... enha.nI;:e food sec IfIly in tItc counlly. sayillg th.11 "food 'ieCUf1ty n narion:!l ~lyM The pres1dcn, Nigcna Cassava PnIC'e1'j(lrs Ind M~ Associa ion (NJC1"MA), Mr Ayn O'ubcrt, who ~e through Mr. r-efT1l SDlami, ~."t::as1;: I'll is one of ~~ I;lII1 b: tnl:'d 10 iod' t~1.i und ~
~ for the YQ'rth~ Ib utlkk ~ aull, ~i\'t3.':5S
only pRlfessH1n II1It can be
used 10 engage them ArUIrr "'lI)' is fOl" the gDV(.'I1UYlent to Slop the imporultion of foods into this countty and ~ local indusl:OC!i 10 grow". he
Speakmg in the $lIJE- w:in, Eze Pbillip Ajomiwe. said mnny jobs coukI be crt:a!td through the CltS5ava Value ctuun prograrmrw::. and a1kd for the 5lJPIU1 of all tim of govcmmcnl (or fllnDL'U in the
further 10 the growth of !he eoooomy.
CXlUIltry 10 alIllnbute
Rc:spooding. the Pamarem Secretary In !he 1l1iIllSU)'. Dr.
Ezekiel Oyemoml. Issunxllhe fannas that Ihc NatJon~ AssmlbIy would not make IInY dcctsion tIw would denil the agrictJltural ll'2nsfonnallon He !Old the fanners that the minister. Or Akinwumi Ade$ina. had saM:! the deasion 10 stall the legislation was
uncalled for and appealed 10 the fl!rl1'lC:B liD conducl thcmsdvcs orderly manllC:f_ 111e permanent secretary BSSIImt them thOl all sukcboIden; would be CIUTlCd along on WlI}'li 10 rum IlI'OUtkl the SCCIOr. In lin
Confab on Emerging Opportunities for Entrepreneurs Holds June
TI •
impart skills" knowledge 00 Nigcrial1s, the Full Gospel Busmc:ss Men's
By Chinazpr Megbolu
"""""",,. ,,,,,,,,",,,,,,, .....-,..."" (R:jBMFI) is agllllising scmhow !he a
maT tagged 'Emergmg 0pp0rtwitiEs for ~ in a Transfollmng Nigeria'. ~ Jwte 8 and 9 in I ~. The awx:iaDon. whidt~ Soutb'M:stDistriaJ.LagosI!ld also gklbaI network ofb.:siness. pofcssiona.l men and women. said d~ annJal. ~ was in line II>-ilh!he ttansformation agenda or Pft:sid.111 Goodluck JOIlIlItiw- '5 CioYenunrtt. Ciml!:f and
Fob hi...-.i. said "5O&OD Ir1 5 ~,. the cngin:: of c:YCI)' eaJOCmy IS Ihe ~ or W5incss 10 enSUft: 1h:t1 they gi~ bar:k bocause God has richly bIIaed thnn t1wt1tgh Ihc: body. hcoce USIng.lllOunpldolllel"SlOhelp boo:sI: orononuc growth. He explamcd that the ~. wfucb would hold • A1ausa. Ikc:JlI. Lagm. WQlJId be used 10 ernptJ\'I~' pcqlIe \lllth know1edge. cspccilllJ~' on carter ~ In unJer ror them 10 be Jtdc 10 SllIIld on Ihe« fm Aguda further oou:d tt. II was also _ rM:fl1ll! 10 help the
ioo a.wxiabon can
tty on
II::Ip bring about It MTIIlroUtItI for !he man on the sum in line
r.1rt.'Ctor of C:msultmg LImited. M oUIeyinka deyc:m •• h 1$ saKI that
10 go lIIIO busuv:ss as wdJ as tha5e sedting 10 rqnwon thtir areen...:l prar:tice5 respective-
Iy Thr:!;ellMtedlOs:peakdunng the C\~ mc:h.ldes. l'>'lilllSler a( Firance.. MB. Ngori Okon,;; lwraia: M'mislerd Agnculturc:. Dr Adestna Akmwttmi; DiredOr-Genc:ml. SMEDAN.
Mr. Muhammed Umar- Nadab, and Managing Drrectoc.
with an e:;limale< annual growth. U J8 peT t ell III eIec· tionic b'i.nsadtOn~ lII:roM the Mrican \eglon, dO'!: _ • dear irdioulllfl III! Nigena WIIl5
becom'"l 'tibnult
tile IUt.a ~ cla:tn
tic." I
In '1~; 1lan5aI;:-
nllng in 1..Jtf... r umcly. said the grriWIh 11..1, In ;tJdhiOfl 10 pllliclCS "Y tie \\ftK:h
ment of other African COUIl-
1ne5. to follow lhe N"~llll eJllIlT1plc by providing the right
regulalOfY r~ for e· payments 10 thrIVe and grow as Ihis rrmd will have hu~ POSllivt'! tmp:a on the CCOOM1Y Bl
ma:::ro Ie\ds~. hecxplruncd pbnlled ttl lftnlC1 abool I SOl
k:~IC::::nI::rnn!~;: th:u tile t,.'Ul1lpal1Y was ",Ih,,:; out IQ ~,IT8CI the pro-
,/Vetl ro =~=~I~~" ;:~_
p.:ttd pm1ICII)OIrl')ll
Au;urdi'lf 10 t 1m. this Y'!llf \ t"t~"r_~' "I~' .'\('111 ["f1~' '(".r \;' M ano ,..... ...... ,11' I:\r.. "11 ,lu'~J t{l '-,IJrr t,~ ... " '" "C ....
II:' "'!lll'- «fIliI"' .f '" ann,,~1 .. t·,tTl1Il't" [,;\"1"111 "!I'm 0: ,11, t-el"~ ',_-Itl' ~,I h,
I.Rt"" \ 11tnhc:r tum tho:- \rtOi:li 'hi n''lt!~ cnoamlll'!l the ~"t q II'ICf'i and ('Cfll.
ILo;en; Hf
and <;en'il:e\ 10-10'1
"We ate '15(1 IIIIJVOCIIllng
policy lI1lt:rvrmicw b\
-'Ab(wrt HOI
I· 'm within
Pham'Iar::ct.rt lid. MI Sam
N.500.IXX) for individuals
by JWIe..2012, the thcmcofthis yeqr's edition or the expo tw been centred around 'Acceptance and Usage: WlJIJ1ing Payment Ecosystem Oynamks;-. he added, Adcycml Slated thai the expo Ius been 5IrucWn'd IhlS year to focus more 0fI :he arxepIant'Ie. usage and educ::tlIOn of the gcncrol publish on lhe payment systt!m'l. DImS! Itw bu.<a,,'OOki be provided Ii) ~ W1lhn~ ."i",ton 1('1 lhe
Mercy (PACPM) under the
Chairmanship of the Attorney General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Mr. Mohammed Bello Adoke,SAN,CFR will embark on this year's nation-wide prisons visit starting from Monday, the 11th of June.
The PACPM has been grouped into teams which will Simultaneously cover the prisons in the six (6) Geo-Political Zones of the country in the cause of the exercise.
It would be recalled that the President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan,
Ni!-'CT13 .1ft C"r..:('tC<1 II> iIll .. ,} I
I_ "'11" I .... '1 uu"",1 " 'MJU' • .: JlIl' .,.....;., • '<;It'll!-
r,yma:d ii"n i" I'r ''OliIIlr\ '~lkJ\\m~ tit: r ,Ii.~ do., sum (II II... Fcdttll. Gm~~1 If' re-culmc U~ payment ~y5lem~ ~pace: by prohibUlng cash wllhdrav. ,T
GCFR inaugurated the reconstituted PACPM on November 15, 2011 to assist with the discharge of his constitutional role of granting pardon to deserving
Hf' ....atd 11"", tYent "'nuld
Committee on Prerogative of
and N3 million ror colponne
Ade~ml. \h, spoke to JOUmal~~ 1Il a., Inl!TTlOC press
he Presidential Advisory
0huatuI_. anmngst others 0\ICf
ByA makoEu
While statin, """ """"" dies due 10 the filet thai pcqMe don'l ~'tbc: dynamics, II:: UIcd that teSOlD"I% ~ in both publicmd prm1Ieorpusalions ~ been drafted 10 ~ on iwIes that WCIUkI bing about prufilllbie chan~ In dtr::ir dDSCI pofemons Tlr !5ernlnllT. opened 10 rnernbcB or the pubtic., Aguda mainm.tned, is also for smaU b.Js~ <J\\1'IefS. those aspirinll
'FG Platform Has Made Electronic Payments Vibrant' Intennac
utcll.lrJc II hi~ profile )1CT5OIlneJ. m.trIlSUIe~ _cl1j~f =II.-..e of ho:nb ant.! lrodinf! t-pl\' 111tl1l ~'~:t pm'. ~ r",n; "llnl1 lI1d I"IUt<i& ~lie-mil
'Yo't-... nnmmf Ma.ltr~;I J ""lrI·h Ide Diar~1IIo1 B3.!''''. 7..cnit'l BMIL &.'~ID.AI'!'l:h West AJIlI."I· ~III.I ...'\:C"\~ Ban}, 11" lie) "f'OO~~ , I lhe: e'-'t.nt Alr) Sltld Ihf' !\~11
0... allc-ndr-d
IrlI.:llkling the
uh,bilon; Bank of