Monday, June 4, 20U
TH ISDAY, Vol. 17, No. 6251 Page 37
more business news
ANLCA Begins Distribution of Biometric Identity Cards aWJ:}'ofasoertlUn1l1ithe idenlity of lic;:cnsed CUSloms agenlS in the , \he AssoclIIJOn of Customs 1.Jcenscd AgentS (ANLCA), hils begun the diItrioooon eX the biometric ideoIlly aRb 10 IlS rqISICnd mem-
J@ tn..Iie
ANLCA , l"nnce OlaYI'Noia Sttinu who disclosed m m. with pll1lahm In lagos saJd the aim of the pro,ect is 10 SICm cnminahtle5 u the nailOrl'S
fU said the IISSOCiation wu
By John Iwori contending WIth . lot d foo;a that ~ uying to ridialJe it, eveu _ he added that most of the problems are CIpO'mOO&l Shittu e,;plained thIII btometric ldenmy card JIIOJCC' whidi was handled by a c0mpany thai produced the national identity cud. lasted for su
""""'Aa:unIint: "
tile NmooaI ~ol ANLCA, the as»cUltioo has COYCmt IlII border pons excepc IdJ.roko. 10
The ~ which took pbc:c at Ap;ata Aru I CuYoms Conurwxl IIOd was witnessed by its Customs A~a Cootroller (CAC), Comptroller A _Y Gato dso 51.... the ~ lion of NI million ~ 10 ne..l kin oJ bile 0Ucf Fcmi Bllm8boye ""110 until hili dc:alh ..... 115 the VICe Ouumwl of the Apapa Olapccr of ANlCA_ Thc cbcque WlIS ~ to the DeXl of kin, MT. Akin B~ on behalf ANLCA by !he CAe, Apapi ~ I Comm.nI ........ Lop. Shinu saki one of the objcc.
tNeS of the biomettic Jdc:nIity cani was 10 deconJC$1 the pan o( human uaf'f)C lIS is obtained in the advanced maritime
He IDamtallled that h.d nv:mbeni IIII.W be s-ofe:sYon3J, as be jXllnted out thai III!)' of them thai oommlts !raid will ~
"Such a person will bear the
10 he
insisaed. Aa:cwding 10 hun, the Cf'1t c( agerus IookiIII hagpd W'1t5 0Ya', adding lhat all the cl:uef UecullYC officer (CEO) of
Cassava Bread: Nigeria Offers Technical Support to Malawi
""""ol""""""" .... Rural 0r:Ye1opmenl. Dr. Atmwunmi
Albini, Nigcna 'i
povidc technK:aI
hc:ctara: olbad, \llruch ~ are ott usin& IIlOI'e than a$O per
From YemiAkinsuyi
~. Nip doIld be a powa-
00use p-oducing food,~. ing food. pocessmg food arwJ thai is v..hal 'We IIfl:I doin&". he
Il5SISlanC::e 10 M :tb .... l OOca5Sll~'1t
flour compoiWe m brea:I mak·
ing. Adesinll disckKcd dus m AbuJ3 u a recent media cc:mfaena: 00 ' 1-I1gh CIISSD\'a Jnoa:I derivau\a', He said PresidenI Goodhd. .IonaIhan h3d iOId the idea to offer tec:hrucal1SSISl3nCe 10 ~ when he V1S!l' ed ~ Jo)u Banda ..
1be ffillUSIIef sui Banda ...... ~ IhIII the IRad she lICe at the dmner ..;th .IoIlalhan ard
Adcsma was made
tIour, - Prewdent of Maluwi said ' I CUIlI'ICM belltV1: II'. You caIlI10I make bfHd OUI of cassava. Mr ~nt.said 'well , tl1ol: is whII )'OU ha\'C'. Shr: $&!d, ' giYe me the 1.Jn2I', !hey _ LmO the house and pd.ed bread mao her l.mDbIne 10 ~ 10 to-bbrNt. "Stlt IlIfm 10 Mr. ~ and SOlId. 'can I.mpon cass8\'1t flour from Nigena 10 maU ttllS COI1lp05IIe tn:ed m Malawi $0 I can reWcc: my(Qif of impon ol wOOn" Pn::sldent (J0Ilalbac!) said 'no; we need that for NlgenlI We can help )'OU "" terms of lCdwucul pnrtnenhJp fOl' you 10 dQ yours ' A wed. \'3.
1gotaldJc:r from the ottn 01 the ~ oi MaLiWlIIStrug us ror lechniclll wppan 10 ill3I In M alarA1' . he lI3'TIIItd ~1lI said ~ PJUIIInC5 11\ Arm had IIwJ lOIIed IIlIerCS1
TIle IIlUIISIef SIlId IUtXIe5i had been ~ in the subwIUUon of cassa~1I f\our with \O.'heat: Dour UI bread and con· fcaXlnoics. and that the use of cas.sava ill bread was an ceonomJC dcCsioo.
9Ch of the l:OmJ*Iy
upcacd 10 coI.lca theiT 5Uff biomelric card at nauonal sec· retarial of ANLCA to pmtnI impmonation II W'1t5~that no fewer than about 402 oompa. rues wilb. 488 'Io'Odezs haW' been Iqwcrcd III Apapa alone He also noted thai tlae life plans to Ul5W'C every member of tbe ti5OClaIlOIIapms! denth and nsks assocuued wnh thea
On tbe death of Bamgboye, he adVISed member5 10 tal:e of thell' health throogh rquI. rnedlcaI checb. as life
canool be qulll\lIfted III
tus ~1TUIfb .. tbe ()CC;tiI()D saKi the ANlCA' 1111 tioove is in line With CU§tOOJ.S pIO}«t ri msunng besI trade
-. tioo and
thelll c( a;-
Garlo IlIIa IUUIdtd OYer
Shinu and nfob~ tbe!r 00metric Ilk:.lil ly CilIt1. stunu Illis umknook IlIUr of APM ft'nt\I,aJ and ENL CoMortium wllCfe rampant compiainLS ot In.odoqllAle
cqu.pmcm allll unfrlendly busmeu pa:uces wen: made by...,... Aa:ord.o.; 10 tbem, each tune II !1U11S the terminab are always WII erloged which debars th::!n front can)ing out thell"tJusm.!sa. stuuu III 1t:5p01dC: said tbe Nigerian 1"OI'b Authoriry (NPA I shc.uJ ::I be tJAamod (OJ
Qpr:!i .m!:
lhe Mlthaity bas .bandonee. liS supet'VOOry rolci folkJII.11 g the handoYerof ment that
!he natp!',, ~:apon:. 10 ~
He a'DIIIEIIded the associa-
SIOnaIn::S Ul
Investing t ogether we can
IOf Nj~ lOodi."l'slmllariCCh-
rucaI Sllppor! lulheln In Ihe !ugh 'l'mllly CIISSll.... bn:ad derwa·
"'"He Jtt;IIIed thai lhe o.recu01 WI-IO. 0.- M.Jrgare! Olan•• the launch of the Afncan Ullman Development I~. s:ud the orgalllsaliOll wOtiId IIYe the lNl~fYC lbe III!CeSSlIJy
Adesma wud lhe FedenIJ G:wemment ""'as ddermlne(J 10
~U:."i-k~~~~ repo!U WI R~'
Bill 00 ( _ -10 p;l:o.
1M li nn.... " • ,.',o.-.'lI .• ::"!":''::'!'_.::
experience because ofthe fusfon ofdlffer••nyp.. of musicians to<jether to produca musfc. As •
llnagllQlion of ..ome people. Some publicaUons had also fqlOI1Cd thai the 4() per o:nt mandaIOf)' cassava flour III btcad could lI!crease blood sugark:\'Cl
Adcs!na. howew:r. said thai
~ CISAv.iI flour rruud w ith wtlCIII fbu- couJd Imp1M'
health_" It'uboul our CCOIlOOIy. when we spell' :1.11 our money importmg (ood, dQ you know WMl happah;1The valueolthe PIlUll mashes follO'llilill
huftdft!ds of
1l:/t!S$ •
the music you produce will be betteJ appreciated if
cia..... yoU ...., p<tJUlddd "ftII tifelri1lftilod'_ 0111 11M of Inmlll dI\IOr!Iflat1M.-nd .-set illlCldoo ~ 1M the.r.,g.-amou11lofao.h n••dad '" ~,_rMi,*ltf.1
you're. part of an orchestra. And what'S more, when
solo viotinist you may be able to play good music. but
you make a mistake, because. you' re sunoubded by .. the efforts of others. you, mistake r.-.... notlO!abf... This Is • pretty good ....."pl. of how' "",tlIOl tlJM, work.
"""',_ .Ir.>tlI III
1he: 111m" 1 il~r \~ nosudt Hdl f.- "., Ii<' 'l'''III\~ mn of ~~. u.khng thIlI. II was J-$ a fiiflll!Ol of the
Listening to an orchestra is such a magnificent
with other ir1V'8t6r! ~ ybU e.lrt fi"lvlKf in a wfder vatietyo(stockland bonds-and spfeadoutyour nsk'.
0". or
.dv.ntagg yOu gM from
i~vesting in
mutual funds is' fhe- ability to dIVersify your
inveStMent tolkKtioll WftllOut flavlng to invest large sums of money.
Sbnl>ll: ISle AoMt lI.nogomon1i
wh.-;; yOu li'lve>t ilt .~~ df 001" IflUW.t fu""~f6l".~!ttle as' N'O. OOO!\v"m~s~ d>el, en~ mlltullll'tJi1<lf ~gur.t~d I>j tlf« SewrItf.. JfIJ !xclfii'lq<l c-mIffiDli ~c1>
'to I_n moM .&olJl: our funds, M~ at\y'St.hbIt: II
BanK branch of A5s@t ManagerMi1t offTt~ UI~I)' -
6' vls i f