Monday, April 5, 2010
THISDAY, Vol. 15, No. 5461, Page 39
IlIA, estle Partner to Boost Africa's Food ~ecurity estle Nigeria bas joined By Cru soe Osagie fomes with the International Institute for Tropical and they also suppress the Agriculture, (UTA) Ibadan, irrunune system causing humans the biggest agriculrural research and animals (through feeds) 10 be institute in Africa, 10 increase crops' productivity, guarantee . more susceptible 10 diseases. Economically, high levels of . food security and improve the all.lOxins contamination in agriincomes of resource-poor farmculrura1 products act as internaers. tional trade harriers with global Speaking during a courtesy trade losses estimated at US$ 12 visit to the IITA, the Executive Vice President (Operations and GLOBE) for Nestle S. A. of Switzerland, Mr. Jose Lopez, said the collaboration with !ITA eholder.; in the maritime was in tandem with Nestle princiindustry have criticised the ple of Creating Shared Value for anagement of Nigerian business and society. He said that Maritime Administration "the company inveslS in those and Safety Agency (NIMASA) areas where the potential for joint for the passage of the Maritime value creation is the greatest and Security Agency (MSA) bill seeks collaborative action with last .month by the lower chamrelevant stakeholders such as ber of the National Assembly. !ITA." The House had passed the According 10 Lopez, the wellMSA bill despite the opposition being of the communities from of stakeholder.; 10 its passage. which Nestle draws her raw Apan from the office of ·the materials and local labour is vital National Security Adviser, to the company's s!Jccess. which sponsored the bill, stakeHe said that Nestle spends holders had a public hearing approximately CHF 20.4 billion organised by the House (about N3 Dillion) on raw materiCommittee on Marine als and works direcdy with Transport which has Hon. approximately S40,CXXl farmers lfeanyi Ugwuanyi as lIS 10 help them increase their proChairman kicked against the ductivity, protect the environestablishment of MSA. ment and climb out of poverty. . The stakeholders including The Nestle boss said that about the former Minister of 3.4 million people in developing Transport, Dr. Abiye Precious countries earned their livelihood Sekibo, Former Director from Nestle supply chain. General of NlMASA, Mrs. The DireclOr-General of !ITA, Mfon Usoro, Maritime Wodrers Peter Hartmann, welcomed the Union of Nigeria (MWUN), in terest shown by Nestle in Nigerian Navy, Nigerian Ports !ITA's research and proinised that Authority (NPA), Nigerian the Institute was willing 10 panShippers Council (NSC), ner with the private sector in Nigerian Association of Master increasing yields and ensuring Mariner (NAMM), and the food security in Africa. In his Nigerian Chamber of Shipping words: "Our scientists have been (NSC) gave several reasons working with Nestle for a long why the MSA bill should not be time and we see this as another passed by the National opportunity 10 forge ties ahead. Assembly. We have a lot to work in comApan from the fact that it is a moo whether in the area of bio- . mere rehash of the present prological risk control, crop visions of the NlMASA Act improvement and/or nutrition." 'lfXJ7, they contended that setCurrently sourcing all of its ting up a security outfit is maize locally, Nestle Nigeria against intemational standard says it welcomes UTA's technoland practice as approved by the ogy in the control of aflatoxins in global maritime watchdog, the grains. Aflatoxins, which are proInternational Maritime duced mainly by the fungus Organisation (!MO). Aspergillus flavus in maize, They were therefore sUrgroundnulS, cassava, and yam prised when the House still went chips, are potent causes of cancer ahead 10 pass the bill last month
billion annually. The good news, however, is that !ITA has developed maize varieties and a product - allasafe - that can reduce allatoxin contaminatioo to intecnationally acceptable levels. Dr. Ranajit Bandyopadbyay, !ITA Pathologist, says combat. ing the effect 'of allalOxins will not only benefit !ITAINestle, but also the farmers and consumers of Nestle products.
MSA Bill: Stakeholders Carpet NIMASA
By J oh1l l wori despite their oppositioo. Those who spoke 10 our correspondent said the passage of the bill was informed by the failure of NlMASA management 10 follow up with members of the House on the passage of the bill. 'They did not do their home wod< well. Otherwise, with the overwhelming opposition by stakeholders, the lower chamber of the National Assembly would not have passed it. The management of NlMASA practically went to sleep after the public hearing at the National Assembly, Abuja. It ignored the persistent request of the committee's Chairman, Honourable _ lfeanyi Ugwuanyi that NlMASA and indeed other stakeholders who made presentations should also furnish the committee with documenmry evidences. 'The chairman repeatedly IOld stakeholder.; 10 assist us 10 do a fairand thoroughjob by furnishing the committee with documents and written position papers. Many did not do it. We still sent reminder.;, but very few . replied. "1 'expect that NlMASA whicb the new agency is seeking· 10 strip of some statulOI)' functions would rise up 10 the occasion immediately, but I am not aware of any further serious pressure on the corruruttee", a. stakeholder wbo preferred anonymity IOld our correspondent at the weekend. Members of the House Committee on Marine Transport were said 10 have picked holes in the presentation of the Federal Ministry of Transport.
EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES . The University of Uyo Teaching Hospital, Uyo is desirous to engage the services of Consultants for its 2010 Capital Projects in the following areas: . .
i) ii) iii)
Interested Firms are invited to express interest in undertaking these services.SuchFirms are to submit the under listed documents withtheir letter of interest for pre-qualification consideration:
i) ii) iii) iv)
v) vi) vii) viii)
The Chief Medical Director University ofUyo Teaching Hospital P,M,B. 1136 Uyo -Akwa Ibom State.
'-11" " ........,.
the faith the consumer has in Starcomms and the hard work put in by all the employees 10 make Starcomms a truly customer centric organisation. We will ensure that we continue in our pursuit of bringing the latest services (0 them". he said. The latest award was an affIrmation of the supremacy of Starcomms in the CDMA segment of the telecommunication market. The company was also adjudged the Best CDMA operator of the year 2009 at the last Nigeria Information and Telecommunication Awarns (NUTA) , while its product izap - won the best internet product of the year 2009. , On the inlemationaJ. platform, the company was recently hono ured wi th a Wh ite Hm award by Spambaus, the intemational watcher of internet's spam . operations for its effort at · fighting spam and internet fraud. Recently, at the 6th African .Telecoms People Awards, held in Paris France,
Submission should be received not later than two(2)weeksfrom the dateofthispublication I.e,on or before April 19,201 0.
Only Firms that meet the required qualificationcriteriawouldbe shortlisted and invited to tender,
The University of UyoTeachingHospital, Uyo reserves theright to reject any or all Expression of Interests andto terminate the selection process at any time without any liability whatsoever to theHospital. Signed:
Edak U. Umondak (Mrs) Director of Administration
been providing. Starcomms was de.clared the ~~~~~~~~!!~~~~~!!~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ~_,,-r.rrT"t~:~~;~d_~~_~~~~t.e to : .~q_~tf~r~~~~=~r! ~.. ~ •• • . . ..~~~_:-~~~ ..~_..:-
company as a telecommu nift.
carions company. "The subscri bers' endorsement througb the Beacon of ICT awards has also set Starcomms apart as a company with a passion for innovation, responsive customer care and consistent quality service. This is a culture, which the company has established in its relationship with ilS subscribers (both data and voice) over the years. This has made Starcomms the CDMA of choice in the country and has attracted it to international watchers of Information and Communications Technology (lCT) worldwide," it stated. Receiving the award from Executive Vice Chairman of the Nigeria Tele-communications Commission (NCC) Engr. Ernest Nd ukwe. the Chief Commercial Officer of Starcomms, Mr. Tushar Maheshwari, was full · of appreciation to Nigerian telecommunication , subscribers for recognising the quality of product and services that the organisation has
Evidence of Certificate of Incorporation with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAG) Evidence of Tax Clearance Certificate for the past three (3) years Evidenceof VAT Registration Evidence of Registration with University of Uyo Teaching Hospital,Uyo Company'sProfile and Officeaddress List of technical and managerial personnel of the firmalong with Curriculum vitae. Similar projects executed with verifiable evidence CompanyAuditedAccounts for the past three(3) years
Submission of Pre-qualification Documents Two soft-bound copies of the Expression of Interest and Prequalification documents should be forwarded in sealed envelopes, marked on the top left hand corner "CONSULTANCY SERVICES" and addressed to:
Starcomms Voted CDMA of the Year igerian telecornrnunicati ons subscribers have adjudged Starcomms Pic the best CDMA operator in the coumry. a statement issued by the company revealed . According to the statement, the company won . the "CDMA Operator of the Year 2009" award in the maiden edition of the Beacon of ICT Awards, a pan-Nigerian information technology and commu nications award, which took place in Lagos recently. It further stated that the awards ceremony was the culmination of an online voting process in which all Nigerians were invited to participate. The statement also disclosed thm the award is a statement of satisfaction from lelecom subscribers with the products and services that Starconuns offers, adding that it came at a time when the company has taken the lead in introduc ing a number of value added services, especially Startrack, a tracking service, which was pioneered by tl,e
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