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Page 24, THISDII.Y, Vol. 16, No. 5980

Wednesday, Sept embe r 7, 20n




Climate Change Phenomenon to Be Tackled Now Amidst 100Tentiai rainfalls and the conseqllent flooding that has killed many people and sacked homes in various cities of the COWlt1y in the last few months, the second States' Climate Change Dialogue in Asaba, Delta State has urged immediate action. Attended by govemlllent officials alld experts from 11 states of thefederation, theforulll called for concerted action to stem tIle tide of climate change in the COWltly. Godwin Haruna writes .. m'lRmrnenl2bslS assert thaC the ctimate chan~ phcoome+ ~


non IhreaCms I~ basic elemenlSo( lire on earth. People, lhe ..-or1d O"cr, rlk.'C ioc rl:aSed ct",Uen.!:cs of ~\ 10 waler, food pt'llChlClion, hc.,lc h.llnd lantl use. suslainable (\el'elopITlt!fIllInd ec05)'5tenr gto'oI1h a!i a ICSUII or Ihc dynamics or c1im:lte clranze. 1t isag:ti1W this bal:::kground Ch;1I the United Nlllions Qe\-e!opmenl Pf'Ollnrmme IUNDP). in collaboration wi lh the Dellll Stale sO'~ment co-hosted Ihe Secontl SLatcs' ainr.are Change OialOj;ul: (SCCD) in Asaba I'KCntly to deliballte on waYli or comb.1ling Ihc dangeq of the: phenomenon. Ancntk:d b), de lcg.atC:5 from d e\'tr\ Slilte:'i, the rooull also pre:. semed an 0ppol1urity ror 5tat~ to showcase their best rn-ctkts in lat:leli ng climate cl'ange. The delc:gale5 observed lhal human acth'itJt:S such as inc," 'mtions, dcr~lations_ ct1CfJY prodllC\ion and con~ml"f iou, tran~ptIf1~lion. intlU5tri~ l lICIi\ilies and gas naring had aJreatl)' uur.ccJ Iat!e increases in ulmosphericcOl1o:ntnllion of peen house gru;es responsible fOf climnte change. TIleY decJaRd lhat clinlllle dl:lnl!e is a fat'! Ihal is _Iready arrecting \'l\riouJ 5«tOt1l of the nlll i('n~1 ecooom~' wi lh .-.crioos bioph),siC31 antl sociaecooonllc inlIIK'l.~ adding Ihll t 0111 ~« I()P; are \ ulne:mble, Spentin! whil ! tkclllrin~ the dialogue open. Delta Slate Oo\l:"lOI', Dr, Emmanuel Utlua8han. said lhe issue or climale chiln~ wns S'"b II and 'I la:juilat Ihc atcent ron or eVCf)'one. Uduagh:rn llOleu tlIU! allllUUt!h it hoo been difficult 10 agree 10 a consensu~ 11II I'KJy. 10 tactle !he ~ due 10 Ihe comptexilies in.-uI.'ed. no le":1 <.>f gO''emmcnl should be left out in lhe d fgru to cumbal il. He 1I'.I"lCitled for A more tlirttt rt.\e by tlx: Go\-emon' Forum 50 as to tart lc tlx: l1Ianire:slnlions of the phenomenon , Uuua~lurn !If~>ed thaI poll UTion has nu boundaries and u~ his rol leUj!lIeS in plher stnldllo laI,e mallers or climate change as a priOIllY. He C1to.l lhc inslDI1(X of flooding. \\hictr has become it menau untl h ~ ~ t:ontinued 10 lami~h IIIe image or gnl'emmenLS across !he lO11 as une IlUInireslaliun IIW has threatened aiL lie :kIdetl1ha1 the go..-cmmenl has ittllfled il.'l dr.unage progr.IntmC: in the map citie~ o r lhe &lMe to combat tllt! nODd menace. He oo"isctl ~itlems or IIrC5e cilies 10 de!;i~t rrom disposing of their W3Sit!!' indisaimillalely. " Prople should llso think t~'tee berore lhey build SlruclUres 00 drni n. chanw.:I~ . We ha.~ deve loped a IIncle skin againsl name c;rJling for people who refuse th is counsel 10 erect STructUres on dralllllgt \I'll}" bet"lluse we have a dUlY 10 S1em IIIe Title Or nooding _00 sareguanJ recp!e's we lrare: Udu.,ghan staled. Abo ~ing Ri\'m St:lle Go'"e1l1Of and Ourirmllll 0( Ihe Go"eITlOI' 5 FortIIn, Mr, a ,ibuike Anlllechi, stated Iho l climale cl'lllnge is dosely auociwed with Ihe burn ing of fuels weh IS oil, coal orgllS. Amae::hi added that gas Ollring affecl.'l the- C!nvironment and is: nOleconOlTlie:lI. "Ni,eria is curmtl.l)' the worId's \\IOfSt culpril.\ or associated @3S nanng. On the overage, about 1000 cubit red or ps is rroe:tuced in Nigeria with C!YeI)' barrel of oil. The oil companies in Ni,eria appear only commiued 10 our gas flare 0111d~ les in ,ne mill h. With what might ol1pCllf a sla p Ofl Ihe wriq. lhey get away with lhe ~ve injuslice5 in nku:d 011 our people and our c:nv,mnnIC1II "> paying plIltry peMhie:s within a hugely com' promised system: he saled, The governor " I:»ned tilt! unwieldy nalurc of reder.Uism for Ihc Imlion's inabililY 10 effectil'ely polio: tlx: en"ironnw:nl , lidding. "Might it 1101 pUl:lPS be a man: constructive approach to encouraging )u,~ lain1Jble t,Ie..~lopmenl irwe IlIIuw Iho!Ic: most ilnpacled b) !he: COI'ironnlent monilOf its s:rfety1 Develormenl ~ not only ph)'$k ill bul aiM! slruo1urnl A~ we continue in our quest for constitutional re"lC\lIs. m.llters of such direc1 inrpacl llS the environITICf\t OUI of lhe e\c;lusi\'e Ibt rema ins p:rrinenl " lie SH,lm th:1i eiill13tc! change ooold be haired wilh eIoWVooe'S he lp bec3~ il i' lrugel)' \.'3used b)' hurtmn beh:rviour, IIi \\'00dem! why lite " il multinationals have ('ontinueci to nare g85 ~ile SIe\'mI1 shins in deadlines. ''CoYmllOent It allle''Cls muSt begin 10 consider ahemali\.Cel1Cll!ysourcesOfcleanene.IYlS they lite called. We rrusl also review our legislnlion antl ensure stricl complinncc by a'i stakeholdcnl! This is our world and "",'I: ha\'e II respom:ibi lily 10 ,;eep il safe,~ Amacchi declared. In his ~marks lilt.: mr:eting. a consullant to UNDP on tne 5\lbP.1 m:mer, Prof Emmanuel UtJipo, SIIid the mue uf clim.,le cI\3JI~e wou ld c('I1tinue. 10 arrecl lilt! de\~lop!nenl or Ihe COUlllry, Ladipo 5~ Ihal government ",uSt address Ihe: challenge of pol'en~ ltnd tl1lnte chllnge add ing 11131 Ihe Niger Ocll.a was \'ul-


ing I t emance sTmcture WlS required 10 effectil'ely tack le the phe!,omenon al all k,'Cb of go''tmmenl in the counrry_ He s:utl tilt! objec· tives or lhe climate eh:!nge fnrmcwmk in Nigeria "'-'as 10 adapt and reduce risb rrom the climale ehM~ ~r undlUm , l n Ihis light. he Sl1!gestoo rret;luc:nl interacrions br::11\'Cef1 national and &til te gOlvo· me,,1.'1 10 dth'e ,he rramework process lie urged lhe Slates' delegateS J10t to miscon.liIllJC urban plann ing with IOCkli ng issues or eli· m:rleelmnle,a:I!he two are distinct , Also 'p'ilkillg, Depuly Country RepteSCnlPlh-c: uf the UN DP, Mr. lim lllOm&S. Mid elimate change was an impor1alllll.~p:ct of Ihe orgauis.,tion·"IobaI Ktivi,ics rOf which tllC)' _Ie \'cry COnlrnilled. He saitl because livcs gnd li\'elihoods a..e affeaed by Ihe Jlhe:nornenon. the)' had e'·cry re.I\S01' 10 attach importallCe 10 lhe issues nnsing rlOrn il. Thomas said as _ result of thi5, when go>-emmenlS Ire m:ll.:ing plans towllds elimate ch:rnge: il hIlS 10 be Ionl tc:rm, But tres5in~ his points, ThomllS 50Iitl in his country or origins, Nctherhmds. his go.-enurot:nt hIlS pul 5teps that ..-ere required 10 COmbal clilru.JlC! dl3l,gt: up 10 2060 in pl:lCe. All thai was IK'Cded 10 be done , Ix: added , ~'15 for succeedin! 100'ttnmcnlS 10 implement aoo also proffer solutions 11te:MJ. In lilnilar fa!;hion , he 1Jl!viscd gOl'crnlllelll~ to design lonl-lerm projects that wou ld benefit



ThomliS ~ thai Je$earch wooJd be rcquimJ to confrontl he menao: of c1im~ le dl.,ngc. lIClding: "If we nre ahead of the gllme. we will dell! cffl:eli.'ely wit h IIIC efft:elS o f the menDCe." As I measure or importtulC'e he I\as lUtachc:d o'~ the )e.:Il'l . renowned C!nvimnmentaliSI, Dr, Ne\I'lon JitK.rnoh. said he ~ould o:lebr:lIe his forthcoming 74111 binhUay in the Satlnnr Desen wiih his 32 )'e;rr-o:J IIlSI son and 14 year-()ltl gmndson. Jibuooh said ineessat\t OoOIJinl. tleaasiol food protlUCIivily, less water 5Upply and deple,ing fensl 1'l':SOUn::n are some or Ihc: manifest:llions rI climate chllllgc; Ihal requ ired utJent :llIention_lIC! said the$e: effects have 10 be mitigPlcd lind ad~pted 10 in Ordel 10 forestall more catastrophic consequences. He said the- effecu of flooding being wilttes.soJ in the adl'3nc:cd coumries al the- montenl would be n ('hUd's

Climate Olllllge seclion uf the r't\JeraJ Ministry o( lhe Eln'ironmenl, Dr. Samuel Adep'-wOfl, "110 ~nled lhe Minister or !he! Eitvironmenl. ~hlJia TbmJnm ""lai·Larin, Slrtl Ni!eria was among the rirst countries of the world thnl signed UN Fnrmework on Climillc Change, lie said IIIe ~I Qo..Tmmc:nt ~'lIS de.'Cloping a nlllienal policy 10 mainstream d imate ctranu inlo lhe de\'Clopment or the: count!)'. peaking in a lecture lit/cd: "11nz.:rnl5 or Climale Ch:rnge iTl Nigaia," ProL MlII1in agbe of the Detrn State Uni\~rsit)'. Abrata, Slid looking arter rhe et"OS}'5tcm5 was ill,per.ul1'e for !he: rUiure or our biodh'efSily. "lle:rlrhy ecOSYSlems Ire lhe rim line or defence ngllill~1 Ihe impocI of aimllle a'lIng<: for m31l) of tl,e y,.vrkl"s poore:sI people. Thus. il is t$5t!l1Iull Ihat policies amJ Prnclltts lake appropriale accounl 0( IIx: crTliealrole thai «OS)' .... lems pL1Y in ensuri nl Chill people and """IdJrre lIdilrt 1(1 chm:lle (' honsc: Ogbe said , Hc said nature conservalit.M1 antlltSt0t'3lion WItS n m:rjcx-. COSI· effeetil-c: ally in our fighl lfilinsl cimt:lte chan~c . Oim:lle chauge, he ntltlcd , tlama!e.~ blodi~crsil)' resulunz in lIS 11lli5 Simui!oneolJs ly.ciim3te ('honge, he said, woultlllccek:rale ir birdi. .'t'fSity and ecos)'SIems an::. not effl:elil-c:l), prulec:led , "Oill1llle change isone of !he: IT1O!!f seriou$ Ihreaa 10 5Ust3inable de\'elopll1e'nt. with ad\'e1'Sot impac1s on Ihe r:nv llunn)(TI1. humIn he~lth , food securily. economIC ac ti\·ily. natural resotIR:1:!i omtl phYljal inrrastMIun::. Glob;Jl climAte .-nnes nalur.llly. but scientists :rgn:c: thai rising cununtration of anthro~ic:llly-produa:d ~nOOusc p~ in the eal1 h's 31 n~ are k:atliflg 1(1 changes 111 the dima le. Ao.:ordi ng 10 the Intergo\'('mlllentlli Panel 011 ahn:lteOi.anjle (lPCCt lhr: effecu of climatechong:e h•• e :urtlld), been obsa\-ed, and scientinc ri ntlings intlicale Ih:ll prKauliotuuy antl prompIKtion is necc:uary. Oahe 53id A communique issuetl al !he entl or tire mecting rer:ornrnr:ndrtt that II nmiooal rrameworit forelimnlcchanie re.o:ponse.dri''Cn prin. cipally by in pul~ rrom stales nnd Ioarl gQl-c:mmenlJ should be deveJopc:d and implemented. It also urged stale 101;emmenlS 10 develop Ilx:ir cJim:lfe c h~nge re5pon§e strntegi~ in roI l:rbor.lliulI with tllC priVlltc seclor IU1d the civil society thAt woultl ndeq un t el ~' address thcir unique climllte problems. among Othco; ,


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