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Ate these little ones gathering on Nigeria's development problems?

Review MDGs Framework to Address Gaps, African Govts Urged Abimbola Akosile African govemmeots have bet-n urgOO 10 ~'ieY.' and build a l the C'Uf'T'I:I1t MiIeJnrum lJtoveklpmenl Coals (MDGs)

frnfTM.'Work by addressing the S"J"i and emt!rgIng JSSUe5. Such is5ue5, .xcord;ng 10 ~IS 3th- I1llnI Alnca"..:IeOvBSOOety~

de..·e1opment fr.1I1I~'Work and highlighted the need for go'o'emment. privale :!'IedoI" and CDs 10 work togt-ther in ~ \~ a gtcmI de\.~-Iopoell framework thai is :JCCl'SSIbk? and en.<;Ure5 indusivt"lle!'iS 01 ordinary people espt'Cially \-ulnernb~




older per.iOflS. people " 'ilh disabilile and people bvmg wlth HIV. Participants agl'{'(.'(\ thai gocd ~"t.~ and judi00U5 maJ\itgcment of. Il'!mura'!i will help Africa meet Ibs 9.~


development agt'Odol.

The throe·<IiJy t'VeI'll, whKh hdd In Monrovia. Ubena,


focused on the po!it-2015


(CSOs) ux:lude equity, ~,

"OdaI pruIt.'(OOn and indliWl\ human ngh~ gt7\·ema~. wales- and sanitation. energy.

Sreilking al the oonsuit.1tJon EXl'ClItiI.~ DiI'l'ClcW altre Nctwmc.r:i NGOs. Mr.

(>,'d>!!;i IW:st1n.:le <:JIusl'yi.. Slid th." Ni,,-ma h..'\S .1n important role to play. ~ Afrio:an gm't'mTn3lts M1d Afnrnns dcfrne!heir 0WtI de\-clopment under the 'Afnrn we want' b.1nrll,"!" OI~ s;ud With tt.. n.'Cl!I11

OO'f1OfT1t growth witne5r«l by the country. Nigerians and mda~ their roIle.1gues acJOIiI5 the AfrDrr 1D'lID'lI..'flt !\on'\' !ugh ~n~~

frum NigcniI (lfl the a~

d the MIX.s..:l in de\~ anewde\~~

that 15 ct~ven. "'The ultimate direction 15 11"11 Ihi> Ptl5I. 20151~ mkeol uughl to bt> fully citiZen and c1\'ic-dn\'eJt. wilh adequale

During 11 dlilk~' with

COIllpooenls tI\11 give the local popula~

and (UIllmlmJIil5

over 20 CSOs frnm Africa

the ability 10 drive the ~ and ~ thaI I.he need~ addre!iL'!ll'd are derh'oo fnnn ...1 ""'" ~With a 5tubbomly hl~h puo.°erty rate, slow r~ un heBlth. edu(':ahon, youth cmplopne1t nnd IIlfrasttuctun> dC\-clupmeTlt 3midst II fast gTOwlng populalKJn. certainly lhere i5 thE- IlC'l"d for stmngl'l" poIJlkaJ wIll, Implemenlilbon

P.1rtK'tP.ltin~ al Ilw c.-.nsultatiom, 1're5KIen1 Bien IllhrIsrn Sirls.lf of LJberia and Co-chatr of tllf' t-hgh U'\rel ranel on the I'tlSt -2flI'i deo,.'l'lopment frnl1'll""'uk ...ttJ.ll'd IhP (mfh1Sis on Cl Ii7:cn 'o; engagement She <;tared that the AfTlC?l-



""""" "'"

plans, quahty and affotd.,ble

l.'I.1ucatO\. ~ pnvate ~ and dvil mety parl11eI5htp'" all put III place~, he


wide cro ronsu/latK>ns was an Important (llfllrihulion 10 the J'O"t 2m'i ck-'I.'elopment fralTlt'WOl'k. ~as the VOICt" of a.os and th.ll 0( lhe prorle ""iIl ensUJ\' equality aU_ -c:o; <11~ pilrt ri II... pn:bIem and should s1art belll); part of tJw !dulK~ Ptlw~r drnamic:'! around reo.m:e< wUJ~..



what the future Ilf the ,,,·, 1 d,,\'dormmt frnmrwnrk wdt ~,~

slid Ac<"l)R[)


Ext-c:uti ~' ..

Ngum. " 'hi ·

chai!1'd the d l<lJc,gue WIth tho1'~k1ent of and "I ... , T"rtJaf"llai it." il J'olflclhst al t!1I ' eo,.·enl lie added th.ll ~ ACtl ~' f' oh1m ~ 'f!' mR;I~ 111 our dt-\'eI!'J'Tn"ll frameo,...,..,.~ Cl'C3hn~ fmm Wlthll1 15 01b!'<l!



our gm"th A n,'cumng Ilwme al Ih,'

('\'enl. .l(('UI'(Iin,.; In a rek'a .... from media crc~"anl If ' !he J\'f\,'(;O, Mr Kunk> Idm,'u "'''-.. lhe 'Afnca W{' wallr OI'W'


thaI ensu~ Ihat Africa all.1 ,\hic.,re< ,ut' at.k> 10 funeh ..." effectl\"l'l\

Ekiti, Dutch Finn Si~ M~U oh Cassava'Processing




gem ca.~lVa processIng plants


Ebb Stall> Q,IIt'!TVJe1t and tht

in N~ ('\'eIl.l5 DAIJ1ID io; renownoo for the ~t on and off-fann ~\01 pnxe!ilng

DukJ, Agnruhurnl ""-.lop-

" " " " " " ' " m ... wurid

menl and Tr'ikhng Compimy (DAUTCD) have signed 11

fo,'lmu<n:Iumdllldedi'idlt, (MnlJ) lor the estJblishmenl of II ca.'i15ava processing plant in


Wtwe sigI~ d"E Moll at the.>

F..llI.'CI.lth-e Chuti.'oer d the l'V!'W C'o."!!I'l'lY's OfICl', Adr:FEkItJ.Iht "II! rnpitaL !he Stall! Gao.'t'fIlI1I:, Or Kayooc Fa)"!'TlI, <;;tId the

partnership would. ~ to the ~ d Ihe big-

cstabIisfuncnI d

Accordlllg 10 the Governor, o;eveml Amorphous Mobtle 1"'rtla5mg l.IruIs (AMI'Us) an.:!

a Centr.t1 Ca.oisaV<l pmcessmg factory Will be establl5h!d to proces5 cru&lva into cake and high qu..1lity GL'l."Silva Oour lOr ~witl..,ardnut,o:;a:le N~_

ltv: signing ri the MoU was WItnl55cd by the Roy;t1 Dutch ~klNtgeri.l,"'ir.

Ra>hoM.... CEO



Mr f'cIeJ 13oIt. and ott...r £mior offlCial5 of the romp-my and

nll'll-,b,;,sdElobStlll.- ~'e CounoL While ilS'IPrt\Jl!\ that the J"UIXW'd filCltll'}' would gUilmnteoe a better lnarM-t for local cassava pRlduction m Eluli State. r"'~1..'I1l1 Siud I.he partnershIp would eslablash

",(l"U t.xtan5 01 buffer aB5iI"a f,lnn nnd Stlrport oul-g~

~'..nmeaCJUfithe3alc 'The ~;tddcJ tha.t lilt!' "'TlJId ~N!!he Ci&<i!\71 ,7111" d1.1in m lhe State ~ Bob

a;lve feasibility study has bee.. concluded on the ~I of the multimillion IliIIfiI ractu..y F...ariiI'f during a 0lUI"tI!5y , ....., on Gm.. emor by Dutch Anlhas5adur, thl' fonne\'" 'w.! ~ Ii... DuII;h gu''l'm men! lOr bdievtng tr1 th! '"~ of the admimsl.rnbon h:'> tum the agncultur.d sedor into a





~unialso!'OUdlhalli ... ..tl1c

go-1"!'1V1'IeIl1 was ~'~ iI

~t" "0 per emt pf its Inl!m.11h' Gt-ner.tloo Revcn~ nc'kl from till.' «<ttr bcctJme:; a reaht) lie opmed thai the Moll


would ,",llow EkIb State an allr.ld.Jve desu".,IK)I1 (ff dlflln' b- im"OSInI'J11 &un o:-unlne> III the European Urum. and <;aid the pn...><nn! d the ~ at the qgmrtg of Ihl' M"t! 1<.'ilS

for tht> dt"''('''~1 of II,,· VilnrOlI!' agric rnitl.lti\'e,<; of Ih,. Fa''enlJ·\ed iKllrurustrntlm ~.

whl, dt.~1 of tht> M~ .l " ,I """'( t!utlo!\ilrV ml'Vl'fnl"lll h' the


ur a G\SI';,Wil r~'ng cnmP.lllV. :<.aid the [Jut, h ~'emn1Cf\t Wit." 1f\~ m enr;u~ lhal ~\'il filTlllt"f'"


ItsInIllll1Y of Ire oommitrTll'l'1t of the Du!ch gO'l.'t·mmenl and

111 oomrrvDjurnlc rnlc ,.crtn thMr erfore;. 'Ic ildd .... , tha i It.- Dltl,h

their dlSro'Vef\' of [.kib

~l\'f."I'tUl1l'flt plan!' te> "J'C'"'<1 t>





best chI.r ~tJor, Icrr agrT milm (;uro. in till' ~ O\f'f pillm and C'as5iI\'a SO that the ~ . • a JX'Ill'9 rtf four »""W'" tn."!' It<. fanTlCl'S would bot! engagui in vlo;ion 10 ,",lke the SIillt' the MI'>lnwluie Ambi15&WOI" a llT1l1\lbTll'!lll.l tI... ,..lIrlI ,UltIUl' He sud ~,:,Wl"ll"lW;.!\""""',""r.'.~~ij,.~",.Pf'I"''' 'm """,",'in

.;..,......,. 2!!"'...!m.

,,.llIe chang<! for COC'{"OiI, !'"ice,

W\' ·. '

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