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Agric Minister Plans New Fertiliser Policy, Denies Contract Awards hE' Mil1ister of A&rirul!u ~. Dr. Ayo



Akul ....'Unmi Adcsma. has denied alJe.gations thaI his ministry is in the ~~" of appointing Noture O 'lerhical Industries Umited and Fedei'M Su(P.t' ~te Company. Kaduna. a<; the !.'OIl! suppli(!(5 of fertilirer to the ministry fur crttward distnbution 10 Fann-

ers ,,,,tionwic1e . The mirciRer',! denial is corning on lhe heels of a ~imi la p sta tement bY Notolt'

Industries tJUlt it is coerting the fOOeral government into ad~ng or implemellw!S a backward integrnli'Jn. Jx>!ky in the fertiliser indusny. similar to whal has obtained in !he

remenl manufactuliJlg industry.

l3ackwant inlegmLion isagovemrnent polk}' designed loena~investmenl in k:KnI pfnduction of rommonTy used commodities

by restricting the import.1lion of sudl com-

modities to only companies that have invest>ed in local manufac turing of thatcommoclity. Adesin.,'!; slnterrent was in re.1ction 10 an ad vertorial 11'Isl week by Fertiliser

Stakeholde'l~ ofNigeria. accusing Noton:.' find Feder.ll Su~ Phc::if pilate, under the ~is o f

Ind igenous M3nu facturc~ of Nigen1\ of coercing the ministry into m.1king t1WJTlthe ~e supplier.; of ferlilizer as an incEntive to enoourage invesUn'.ont in lQalI production. The mini<;let who spoke e-;dilsively to THlSOAY at the weekend, dismissed the ad ..·ert., stating Iha' thete is no such group known as lJ1e Ftrtiliser Stakeholders of Nigeria. He s."\id It~ had been meeting with manufacturers and importers of fertili.!P-r in Ihe country, nnd 1\0'1<1 intimaled them of the ministry's plan to s'op the distnootion of fe rtiliser and hand it cver 10 the private sector. HRighl now, IhTO' Igh the distribution struclure W~ oper.1te. o.-JY 11 percent 01 the fann.m ha,'e ~ 10 rerti~ but through tI ... stmt1ure whidl \'If are tJying to put in place. tllat \..rUJ be pri\'ate -=ector driven. we eslunah? that 94 ~I\t 01 f.lmlelS will have acre;s to fertilisei'. -nlnlbeirgtlleCi'l5t', tI'leIt! is no way \..oe will be awardins conlract5 to any COtnI?<'ny 10 5\Jpply to tile ministry for onward diStribution to fanner.;,. bron.l9~ the current regime Ivs been flawed and has failed to make U'I(' rorrunodity available at dleap pf'ice;;:' tile minister explained. Adesina stal1!d that his ministry is targeting who!es.,]e ref01 11\ in fertiliser production ana distribution in \ligeria, in which tile government wiU no lorSC!'bc involved in the distribution of the agrrulturnl inpuL "\o\'e inlend to stn p people and companiES

By Cmsoe Osngie &om axning to Ihe ministry for the awa rd oC ronlr.lcts 10 Stlpply Our goal is 10 use private sedor agro-dealers to creah? distribution d~" i'eexplained. Adesina added thai Iii<; minislry is also working on the introduction oC a Growth Enhancement Support Scherne (GES5l which is a t;ugeted support programme directed at Iann"", "Our focus is on 20 million farmers over fOllrytWS. whidl lr.\ns\ates to Ii""! million Rl'!r annum, and 10 ~ 10 them. we shall use lhe GES5 that lvoufd enable Uleffi buy fertiliser directly from agro-dealers. "In this regard. we have been meeting wiUI the Central lJank ol Nigeria to ensure ltlat U'le agro--dealers are linked to banks from whid l Ule)' can acre!;.5mrlit tI \Oll would enable them stoCk up on fertiliser in Uleir warehouses" Witll UIi<; initiative in place, fanl1eT5can use the fertJli..ooer voudlers at their dL9XJ5aI 10 buy U\e conunodity at a discounted price. following which the a~aJer woulCl present tl'l'! vriixhers al tile ministry for redemption.

Adesina a$I.1rn:I that the ad vantage the voucher scheme has (M.'I" Ule government distnbutian sd~ UuousJ.! Which a lew people rorner the market for fertiliser and stithe pri vah? sedor market. for the conunod:r~ of farmers will have access to fer..


"Our estimate is tIlat 94 perrent of farmer.; will have easier occess to fertiliger w'oder tllis new initiative,. as oppalled 10 11% under the go\'emmenl distribution scheme, he said. Meanwhile. Notote, in a statement to nnsoAy' said that conital)' to ~dat.ions, it has not and is not dlanlPloning the implementation of any sum polky 10 pn:vcnt stakeholders &om taking part in fertiliser business in Nigeria. 1hecompany said, rather, it is only interest· ed in Ule sustainable develovrncill of the n.ltion's agricultural sector and 'has taken verifiab1esteps toensure tlla!. In tile statement the romjJ:-lny said, HNotore believes thaI there shoUld be CaVOUl'ilble ~licies that will allow the private sector emb.'irkon the importation and manufacture 01 fertilisers. " As roo know, Ule setting up of fertil iser plaflls requires huge N

Nee Draws Batt1e Line with 8.

investments, and tlli<; \\ill only be ~ble if lhe investor realises thai Ule CondItions will be favo.irabk enough for him to I'f'OO\.W his in\'estrnl.'nl "Once Ule enabling polities a re pronounced and tile c:ondillons aw allIactive enough investor.; will ~ willing to ~t do"..., Ule required fwlCis to build Ull" rertili.c:er planL" The rompany said it prodllCt'd 116,l09 metric tannes 01 ammonia and UJ,41O metric tannes of urea in 2010 and has prod uced 83,588 metric tonnes and 143.348 metric 101'Ule5 of ammonia and urea respectively tlllI5 far in 2011 . HoweVCJ; Ule fertil iser Stakeholders of Nigeria had iIWJSl'd Notore 01 leading a artel intent on seizing tile entire fcrtiliger market in the roun ~. ' l1le group cL,imed that the fcrlil iser manu(octurers were allegedly the leilders of a grand design by a cartel to lake ovcr Ule r"f.'dcral Ministry of AgriruJture to UlC detriment of the nallan. ''We fed greatl}. concerned bccall!le of Ult" likely danger tltis plan po9!'S to the food OC'CUrityO!u ... nalion aild prowarrune toallain self reliance in food plOdudJon. '1t is imperati ve fo state for better understanding tl13l li1St year,thisrompanr (Notore)



largest quantity that w as awarded to a single rompany by tile Federal. Minislr)' of

Te1ecoms Operators on Casua1lstion :i""rdcd :~~:;;:r,~'t.Y,;'~,78:= he federal gOI-emment may have


n:soIved to probe tile acthoities of 0pera-

tors in Ule n"Iion's teleroo\! induslry in order to i\S':er1ain U)(! de,l;ree of their adrerence I,.all ille relevanllabour laws 0( Ule oountry. THISDAY d1eCl;s at till! weekend showed tlliIl tile pLl nned cmckdown was necessitated by the unfuldin& lI !illit)' Ulat some of theoperalors. e;ped.ll1y III Ule GSM category, still ha~'e ensllal lYOlke ~ or Uleir )l.lyroJr or out.source stafl whidl i\JnOl nls to tlle Cfnployment of staff on it lempora y basis. Along witli $e\eral l;eJViCl!S sector.:;, Ule releCotns in(h~ try is I'I.'J?Utoo 10 be a major employer of dil'l:!C' and indirect labour ill the cotlllll}',

A sou rce ""ilh the Nigerian Coorn1l1niOlOOm ::ormnission disclosed U13t til(' fcden l g~menl is embarrnssed by the ongoing confronta tion between Ule leadelship of tile Nigel;lIn LalIOUr Congreso; and managemental Airlel. Ule Indian-oWned telecom fiim O\'er the reo::ent 5oJ(k of over 3,(XXl of ils s taff.

By Ff!S hls Aka"bi

In Uris regard, he disclosed Utal Ule govt'ID: menl is dell!I'Tllined to avoid disruption of servicJs which Ihe <:oufn;mtation with the Ofgilnised I,,-hour may cause. Consequently, tlle Ncc, tile industry rt;t\ulalor. is beaming itsseruchligh t ()Cl tile octivitlCS al the teleroml1rms and won't hesitate 10 s.1IlClion defaulters appropria tely. Airtel ~id last week thai more than five milliun lelephoile 5ubsoibers in Nigeria were cui off when protestCJS alt.-lCked its r;w:iIH.ies in the northern part of tile country. l1le NLC was protesting against the al1~ casu.'l1isir.lion of workers in AUte! and the missal of3JXX) employees. charges denied by tile romp.lny. Hmvevef, an olflCial of tl'l'! NCC said the rommiS!5ion will nlilke its ~ition known next week. Cl(plai ning tlliIt tough actiom alVait any OJ't"!'3tor Ulat viOlate tile nation's labour laws. 1lle official. who pleaded aoonymity said, ..w;> ~ coming with a position on tile prnctice

of casua1lsntion in tt.! indlBIy and I canassun: you U13t ..obody will be spared. He dismissed the defenre ~y Ai~el Ulal ~ll" affected ~fr. '\lere ~ working directly w~th tI ll" ~bon. Slymg that Ule COIllpany, like-oUler GSM operalo-:s cannot bl~e J'O?r finances fO!' ~al~tion 01' outsourong Olrts wo.!~ III NI~a. Airtel and . o~ o~~rs cannot Ia':k abou t poor ~ In Nr~~a, TIle rnarket 15 good, so I see no reason III ~'!~ can~ employ people on.a ~anent ~IS, l ~ sa!". Acttlr(hng.lohi~ by ou~.JIt:lIlg r ~ hum~ ~IU'S, Airtel 15 only trying to Slve ~leU' ge1'\'ICeS to Ule comparues that man.lge Auiel G10baJ Coml?llny. . Although ~ ~Iled ~..ed~lruction 01 the company s faalibesand dISruption olsen>ices, tile official said NLC has a dury to protect the inte1l!Sl of tile Ni~an \\'Ofkefs. Spokesperson for Airtcl, l\tr. EmckaOparah. Ilowevel;. told TI1JSDAY UliIl ~le rompan)' ~oes not ~ploy casual \YOrkers III any part of Its Ofl}lnlS3hon.

It. tile group sud m Ult' advertonthe all ed !hat the ~t!h? C~pan , which a\sowasawardeda contract IOStI:;fy3lJ.OO) metric lonnes to the min~ last ye;u;. could not deliver the Stl 1 . Both firms, ~ ygroup daimt!d.. hild appruached Ule ministet; Or. Ade;ina, 10 be Imide the sole suppliers to tile feder.ll gpvemment ag<lin. even UlOtrgh they llild faded to meet thei r dclivery t~ last yell'. It added Ulo,l it is ll.Ianng tha t Notore and Fcdcrru Super Phosplmte Irick the capacity to perform, "So to allow Ule rornp.lnies to ~ress Witll this pmn portends danfP of a f!!r1iliser aisis, as tanners will not see rt tobuy.N Hut Notote mainlailled U1011 it has JUSt ronduded a successCuI scheduled maintenance operation of its Onne plant. which has imp!O\,ed tile reliability of the plan!. making it able to produce at m-er 90 pero!'Ill nameplate capacity of 5OO,.(Xl) metric tannes of granular urea annually.

•. Simila.rl r'l'dcrnl


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