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Tuesday, April 10, 20ll

Page 50, T H1 SDAY. Vol. 17. No. 6196


FG Urge Developers to Build Affordable Homes imSter- "'Of Lands.. Housmg and Urban ~elopmenl, Ms. Amal Pepple, week~ appeakd.-IO, lntm1bcrs of :he Real Est."lle Dcvel~ I\SSOCl311on of Nigc:na. REDAN), 10 henceforth


:harlnel ItS re$OUlttS toward

!ruilding for the tccming 1'00'.

Silt- frowned al ine Sight of ;prowling nnoccupied high!:rid houscsli Ahuja and m .xher city ceOtre5 in the cooncry, while tbe bulk of 1tSI:icrilS live in slwns outside

these cities.. The Mlnisttt ..... ho WllS '01"="'" by the D<pttty Director. Architectuml $cn.tices in the.ministry. Mr Tony Ibekwe, said this in AbllJlI at I,! smkeholders' forum, on 'Accelernting Housmg Developmem in the Fedcral Capital Temtory





She said. "Real Estate Development should JlOI

SCtlely ~ b!scd 00 profit onentation alone, Wt also on corponue social responsibiliry. "I appeal 10 your association to consider the teeming poor cutzenS ofNigena as the second leg of your hOUSing dcveiopmcnl5.Pepple noted that REDAN with a fonmdabk strength of 1,700 memben; hilS the potCllllal 10 groy. and as an tnte.rprise for generallng employment for over t""o million Nigerians. These Rttributes accordmg to her, lherdore require the strc:ngth-

CI1IJ1g of the synergy between the Association and the MinlSlI)'. She said it V.0lS good 10 bnng stakeholders 10 ~ processes of housi~ <b'c1. opment In the fCf 10 address prevailin&.Jlll)blems between developers and govcmmern departments and also the time it took to obtain approvals for housing deo.'CI· opmenL The Minister, 00....ever, advised that the ~ allon'5 future confc:rcnees should be made tD cover- the

entire coontry. "In hne wJlh your choia: of topa!: ~ fore, I would like to use the: fer as a metaphor for a tak of two eiues. "One city. vibram and expanding for the rich and the elite and., the other city, sprawling slums th:tt are 5pltuung out of COIltrol." Shc added that it is not II parody mal 5e\'eral houses have been bUIll In AbuJR Without occup1etS ....lIile the bulk of AbuJa residents live in slwns. Advising them 10 build for all str.Wt of the SOQ-

ety, she said !heir task is how 10

acrue\T an even develop-

ment for _both the elites and the poor maxsr::s m.lbc: and on how to fmd a way of


halting the distortion of the FCT Master Plan. Also. she said they nce.ded 10 find ways of gmnting easy access \0 land in FCT_ "And how to enforce all our buildIng regu!a1M:ms and smndards to avoid inecssant collapse of buildmg. and the rmuction of tttha ""'" _ dttring construction process....

Maltina Set to Make ,Landlords Igena'I 8R!WG"ies Pk is set to &lYe out five br3nd ","",. houses to


five kJyaI COI1SU!JlaS of Maluna tnnd via a nauona1 tagged "Maluna Shamg Happiness Promo" as a way of reward~ promobOO

... """"""'"

Speaking .. a JXt$S bnd· ing in the company's Lagos office, the Corporate AffiUrs Advise-r of Nigerian B~eries

PIc., Mr. Yusuf

Ageru. who was represented by the Media MilMgcr orthe company, Me Vindah Edcm. said "you are all witnesses to the uemcndous strides the Maluna tnnd has made over the years m esmbhshmg nsdf as truly the nauOn's numbeT one quallty.ah dnnk" Accordmg to Ayem. ~ \\;11 be put of making hl5lOry as ""'e WItness the Mahma brand reward lIS k>yaJ c0nsumers WIth five brand new houses and amazmg cash and comolBuon pnzes for cooswnmg MaltinaIt was revealed that the houses are located In the l...d:ki axis of stale and the five houses will be gIVen out In three weekly raffle draws which will ~ houses being WOIl on the fiBI draw, t'o\'D houses for the-socDOd draw and one house for the last draw. The promo which will last for eight weeks. from April 2 to MBY 25, WIll be crown cork based. as !here WIll be two categones of WlMlng



crown c:ori:s-tnSlanl ....'nnmg CI'O\.\1'l corb and alphabet

code anwn atdts. For the lnsumt winning crown corks. whatever is seen under the: crown cork is what the consumer gets Instantly, which can be redeemed at any of the c0mpany', 1200 redemprion CCI}< trcs nallOllwide. The pnces inctude-IO,OOO

notepads., 20.000 T shins. 10,000 Key holdcts, 900,000 pens, 10,000 wrisI watche$, 2,&50.000 free drInks. N Im cash.for 5 people. NIOO,OOO 'CIISh for 15 people and N500 cash for 4.000 people. On the oIheT hand. the: Alphabettc code combtnalJOn crown corks would Win the: grand prizr of a luxury home. II would alO5lSl of the following lencn-SMlLE. To WIn the grand pnze. a c0n-

sumer is expected 10 collect a combmabml of crown corks lhat spell the word-SMlLE. The NO Pk: offJcial added mal "Under the Ietu:r 'M' crown corks, there WIll be special diffm:ntial alphanumeric codes. These codes qualify consumc:rs for weekly mffie draws-. Holders of the nUIle draw crown corb can enter the mffle draW'S by either sending their code, I\allle, sex, age and addn:ss (address shouJd incJudc swe) to 30380 (....'OJ'ks with all

major telecoms operators) or viSit any tedcmption centre to rcgISICI' thetr name: and c0ntact details. Holders of SMILE crown corks are c:xpecIed lO keep the COIks 1:5 ultimate proof of ownership.

·lrR: SOlior' Brand /tfQ~. MQ/rittQ.. M" SJ:frj I'I'kK'I!ii- McdiJl And Pub& Affldrs MQttQ};", Mr. EdmI l 'Uldtllt, mill MQrl.t!ring Dirrr:tor, Mr. "Gllw Dmlth, Q/J offir:W1sof{l.~tt B~~ PIe. at II !'reD briq'Ufg "ttM IIltOtt, Mllilinll', 'SI","'ttg HIlpJliMSS' promo in 1...Dgos•• J"«'1nti},

NEST Concludes Lagos' Climate Change Adaptation Strategy

· N

gerian Environmental Study Action Team (NESD has condttded the Climate Change AdaptatIOn smllegy .....ork and documenl for Lagos state. "Ahead of the 2012 Lagos climate summit NEST is glad thai thIS h.'lS a:me 10 fruitJOn after three years of mtctlS1Ve work

involving experts. consult-

ants and I'CSC3l"Chcs em various aspects of the Lagos cnvirornnenl, saki Executive Director. NEST, Professor Chinedum Nwajiuba in n statemenl Lagos. he 53ld has blazed


troil by being the_ first Slate 10 know _

policy document detailing the: rood map and necessat)

Portland Trains Plumbers, Launch Club II,) enhance thr of plwnbers ond aeate an avenue for mfor-

a bid



tlon dl~mmatKJn. PonJand I'lgenD Ilk.. m:cnt· !y held a OONIay lrninifl2. ..... orkshop for some plumbers m Lagos. A Simil3r Imming r\:Id earhtt taken plllce in

AbuJ3. The event winch held 3t Ikep and attended b) plumbrn fi'm) different parts of the state. was also used to certifY plumbers as brand ambassadon of the bnmds marketed by PonJand and relaunch the Plwnbers C1ub that gives access to some ~

fe:ssimal bcndil5. On




plumbers who panicipale. the Busmess De\-elopmem Manager of Portbnd Bathrooms, Mr. Errunamd o. OtilOk!lu. said 'lnc:mbc:rs ~halJ be toducted mlO the plumbers club .....,th the member.i.hlp ean:I issued OUI 10 traIned

plumbel1>lpanicipams. He added thaI participant an: also enUlled ID IllSlallt

redeemable commissions 00 purchases., Eigihility/~ to panictp8te in PORTCONS project from the pool ofregis-ten:d plumbcn; and access 10 Portland Bathrooms rd'c:rml proJccu-. The Manager .....ho facilitated the IIlD'CIdlErion ofldeal

Stllndard,Portland Bathmoms and product train1118 Of! Ideal Stll'ldmd'A1m1t4oe Shant.:s 10 panK:lpanlS also StIlled that plunlbcrs ~ 10 benefit from End of year'half yearly rewllTd schemes and RecognitIOn as Portland bnth· rooms cenifled plumbers for Annlluge ShankslIdeal StandnrdN')taOy brands. President of the Lagos Slnt!! AssocialJon of Plumbing ConUXlOI'S., Mr Oluwaferm Awoloye expressed satisfaction ....ith Poniand for orgalllzmg the woOOhop, which acconImg \0 rum. will enhance !heir

scrva delwery to CU5lomers. He saKI ......'C are going In dissemin.lte the informauon W'C get here 10 other membe:rs who cannot come hen:!. Wben we know more about !herr products. more customers are gomg 10 embrace Ihctr prOO. UCIS. lbeJr products are very


He Ilowevet' stated Ihal a IllDJor challenge fueans hIS members remain the nofl-

patronage by government prefer to bnng III plumbers from other CQUIltrle$lile Eknin and Tego 111 our c:xpense-. he revealed. 1he conference is expected to hold m ocher parts of the oontractors. ''1bcy

"""""Y ""-,,"",,.

suategies for adaptalion 10 climate change. TIle Nalional Adoptation Slmteg)' and Action Plan on Climate Change for Nigena (NASPA-CCN) had earl", been concluded by NEST in partnership with the Depa!;tment of Clunale Change of the Federal Ministry of Envlronmenl Abuja In the NASP-CCN there are roles for states. Smits are encouraged to develop state-leo.'eJ documcnl1> to guide as policy road maps and StrDlegJC:S for ~ !ation to clim3le change He said NEST is re:ad). lO assist any state to dcvdop a <;!ale level gm!eg). and policy document adapted to each Slate and which considers the pccuhnntll$ of each state Nigeria's eum:nt and fillure clirnnte challenges. he said are enormous and \'arled arising fiom !;'-'OJpllphlcal and soc:io-ecooormc COIldinons. "further, futw"c climate scenarios developed at NEST undo- her Buikling Nigeria's Response to Climate Change (BNRCC) indicates enormous challenges wtuch states should begin to address in an

mrormed mallfICf.The BNRCC proJCCl he saId covered a wide dimension of ISSues over five

years V.1th funds fiom the Canadian IntemallonaJ development Agency (CIDA). "Th, aNRCC covered 25 <;1Jltes and involved research. c0mmunity-baSed pilot proJectS. youth and oomrrtWlication acuvmes. as well as policy dimensions. Lagos tS to be 00I11I11e!'Idcd for 5dring the pace al Ihe state 1e\e1. NEST offers 1(1 heir other states in this process," Tk ~i!!eriafl En\ ironmental Study/Action TC3IIl (NEST) is one of S igeria 's foremost NonGoverflmental OrgamZ3lions., founded by a group of emmnmentalists within and outside Nigeria In 1987. NEST has made significant contributions through researt:h, pilol; projects, public policy, raising public a\\,lreneSS and education on envIronmental issues. NEST rnarlcs her 25th anmversary III July this year, in Ibadan. Oyo Stale.

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