THISDAY, 11 MAY, 2011

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Page 10, THISDAY, Vol. 16, No, 5861

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Security: Investigate Ogborn's Threat, Uduaghan Tells FG


lta State Govenunent has ked the Federal vemment to unmediately mvestigate Ihe governolShip candidate of the Democratic Poopes Party (DPP} for Ihe state govemolShip election Chief ' Great Ogboru,

pelled to raise this aJann in view of earlier reports unplicating Ibe said candidate, ''In fact, tlle media offiro oflhe joint military task fun:e on Ihe Niger Delta Lt Co1.Thomas Antigba only recently issued a press stalen1ent reacting to Ihe

, l I v e s, ' One of such groups according Ihe Federal Government to Ihe statement, is Ibe Coalition of Niger Delta Freedom FightelS, The Government said it had The statement noted: 'While not in uncovered plans by Ihe said canany way moved by Ihe threats of didate of Ihe OPP and its supportIbis so called militant group and its ers to make Ihe state lDlgOvernsponsoI{s),Govemment is comable, cripple economic activities

By Sunday Olwb,


N igeria can become self-sufficient in food production within five years and save the $4 billion spent annually on food importation if it

modernizes farming and embraces commercJ31 agnculture, the governor of Kwara State, Dr. Bukola Saraki has said. "Nigeria doesn 't have any business importing food items, given. o"!', huge. agricultural potenbals, Saraki told a gathermg of acad~nucs, mvestInent analysts, foreIgn policy experts, development partnelS and Nigerians living in London during the week. "But to move from mere potential to the

NERC' Jonathan's Electi'on'll Stabilise Power •

-Says pl'esident grew electricity supply by 1000mw in 1 yr .. , . genan , ElectriCIty Regulatory CommIssIon (NERC) yesterday !brew light on unproved power supply .1O Ihe country, attnbubng!t to PresIdent GoodIuck Jonalban s


From Palrick Ugeh in Ab'do


generation has gone to 3,8OOmw and has never gone below 3,5OOmw," Ihe statement said.

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!he President's victory at !he just concluded election was an indication ofbeberprospects for electricity industry in Ihe COlDltry. "The overwhelming mandate given to you by Nigerian people is recognition of Ihe sincerity and courage wilb which you have

adequate electricity supply in !he country. In a congratulatory 1= made available to TIflSOAY yesterday, Ihe commission's Chaimlan, Dr. Sam Amadi, said Ihe President's one year in office had ensured over 1j)X) megawabs growlb in power generation to Ihe national gn·d. "When you becrune President in May 2010 we could only boast of less than 2,fi'IJ megawatIs.

managed the reform in Ibe power sector," Amadi said. "By appointing new CommissionelS into NERC you have resuscitated Ibe

wer sector reform and have P?ven clear commibrent that ou g1. I Ihe . ~ wF. : g : y.!:"adequateueV1S~n 0. . e, e. e tnClty for ,!,«genan homes and busmesses,

o'Ps Marshal of Ibe Federal Road Safety COlpS (FRSC), Mr Osita Chidoka, has revealed that there is no standing decree Ibat demands that injured victims present a police report before they are treated in any hospital. Chidoka revealed Ibis dwiog a joint press briefing held by Ibe FRSC and !he Ministry of Heallb on Ibe United Nation's (UN) Decade of Action on Road Safety in Abuja yesterday. Hi; said FRSC had embarked on an enlighterunent scheme to lay Ibe conbOvelSial issue to rest once and for all. "Last year, at the ministiy ofheallb, myself and the inspector general of police and !he minister of health came out wilb a sbOng statement about


From Kelechi Eze in Abuja accident victims, crash victims and gunshot victims Ibat hospitals are required to treat Ibem. There is no police report needed except after you have stabilized them you are expected to report, in Ibe case of gunshots, to Ihe police and Ibat no doctor should refuse any victim because of any police report." It was also revealed in Ibe forum by Ihe FRSC head Ibat Ibe conunission "operates a uniform national license scheme" that pul states responsible for the issuance of driving licences, maintaining Ibat FRSC's role in Ibat arrangement is to record and maintain the database of all driving licenses in the country.


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In B arelY two years after a woman was robbed ofNimillion after ttansacting business at a new generation bank located inside the Lagos State Government Secretanat, Alausa, ikeja, a .group of amled robbers operatIng m two Sport Utility Vans (SUVs) yesterday ,afternoon b~ed a Nissan Infinity car parked m front of !he Ministryof~uralDevelopmen~at .

Minister of Health, Professor Onyebuchi Chukwu, who also spoke at !he event gave his voice to call against improper medical care administration, saying doctors oUght to have proper knowledge about Ibeir fields and oUght to give every patient the best posSIble care and _ntIoD. Chukwu disclosed Ibat especially in Ibe case of amputations, 98 percent of these surgeries canle about due to mismanagement, "I am a federal minister of heallb, but incidentally I am also an orthopaedic doctor, I can tell you Ihe 98 percent of all amputation is because of mismanagement of injury that is the record which we have, 98 percent in peace time. In peace time, 98 percent of amputations are due to mismanagement. That is the truth."

Make a Difference'

use of Representatives member-elect for Nasalawa Constituency in Kano State, aji Nassir Ali Ahmed of the Congress for Progressive Change(cpc) has said Ihe party is determined to make a difference in !he next National Assembly as its elected membelS would kick against Ihe "business-as-usual" syndrome of Ihe current legisla-



Speaking wilb newsmen in Ahuja yesterday, Ahmed said, "As a party that aspires to oocupy Ihe Presidency, we have to show what !he party has to o!fer, We cannot afford to fail based on Ihe massive


expectations and strong belief Ibat Ibe masses have in Ihe CPC." He said as membeIS of Ihe National Assembly, ·CPC lawmakers will ensure that Ihe majority is always do lhingslbatareinlhebestinterestof Ibe people. " 1 want to assure you that despite being in !he minority, we in Ihe CPC will always oppose any anti-people bills from becoming law and we will let Ihe people know that CPC is in Ihe interest of Ibe masses:' he pointed out. TIle lawmaker-elect however


expressed his readiness to aspire for one of Ihe minority seats in !he leadership of Ihe Hduse when Ihe Seventh National Assembly is inaugurated on June 7. " The Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) is expected to present Ihe House Minority Leader being the party that wins !he second largest seats in hoIh chambeIS while Ihe CPC Ibat comes tllird will present !he Deputy Minority Leader. Ahmed said !he minority side requires a purposeful and dynamic leadership to be able to make an impact in Ihe Peoples Democratic Party(PDP) dominated legislature.



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From GboyegaAkinsallmi ",wgO$, Seriki Adilwyiin JO$ andAdibe Emenyonu in Benin !he state secretariat, carting away

N3million in Ihe process. The car,wilb registration number FK670EKY, belonging to a contractor wilb the Lagos State Ministry of Rural Development, was said to have been parked about 120 metres away from Ihe office of Rapid Response Squad (RR~ incident happened as !he .peopleof DualaJunctioncommunity of Jos Norih in Plateau State woke up Thesday morning to discover two corpses on Ihe roadside in Ihe community, a development "lbat got the Angwan Rukuba youlhs angered as lhey mobilised

and made challenging moves to attack Hausa passen;-by, whom they alleged were n:sr.>nsible for IhekiUings.Aod ina bId to prevent !hem from marching forward, membelS of t!'e SpecIal Task Force(SlF) mruntammg peace m Ihe area allegedly opened fire at lhem, killingoneof!hem This came on aday no less !han seven confessed membeIS of Ibe dreaded Eiye Confraternity who allegedly kiUed Ibeir C3jlOO during a palace coup at Ihe UruVerslty. of Beom (UNlBEN), Beom. Oty, were paraded by the Police m Benin City. Parading Ihe ~ yesterday at Ihe State Criminal Investigation Department(SOD) of Ihe state. police headquarters; Benin, police spokesman, ASP Peter Ogboi disclosed Ibat all, but

b d th I al mg trans erre to , e oc , farmelS , and econonuc actJvIbes are ~lcJ;;ing up ill tile. host communJty, . . Saraki however mruntamed that the real Impact ~f the part~elShJP WIth. thedZunbabwtf'" be

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possible," he added, "We do not expect 13 farmelS to feed Ibe whole of Nigeria. But we expect that they can serve as catalysts. Imagine what will happen when you have hundreds of such project aU over Nigeria. That is our hope,"

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ed offers Nigeria the best opportunity for growlh and development. He said: ."No other sector, not even the 011 sector, holds as much prospect in terms of job creation , poverty reduction , productivity increase, economic divelSification, national growlh and sustainable development. But business as usual will not do it." "Subsistence agriculture will not deliver all these prospects ," he added. "Commercial farming, while integrating the local farmers, is the way to go. With commercial agriculture, we can save the $1 billion we spend annually to import milk and create at least three million jobs. We can also save the $1 billion ... we spend on rice importation and create at least two millio# jobs within three years."

Speakership: Members Flay lkuforiji's Comment me membeIS of !he Lagos State House of Assembly have pressed tlleir anger over Ihe conunent of Speaker Adeyemi lkuforiji of retaining !he position wilbout appealing to any individual. lkuforiji had last weekend explained Ibat what he has done in Ihe tast four years are enough to make him retain !he position. According to him "I don't need to appeal to be re-elected as the Speaker of the House, all Ihe works I have done as !he Speaker are enough to get me re-elected, if !here is anything called reasonableness; if !here is anything called patriotism and if !here is anything called moving forward, I don't think I need any appea1 to be reelected as Ihe speaker, I don't think job is done has been completed; I think Ihe foundation has been laid, but I still think much still need to be done and I still have so much vigour in me to get !hejob done,so surely it will be done. ''In Ihe last five years, I have always taken up many challenges, challenges of legislatolS in an environment like our own; chal-




desired result, we need to modermze fanrung, scale up, add val~e and see agnculture as bUSiness, not Just a means of survival .'" Saraki made these assertions Monday evening in London when he mad,e a presentation on the expenence ?f the Zunbabwean farmers 10 K wara State at Chalbarn House, "We have seen dramabc IOcrease m farm yields," he said. "Also, new jobs have been created, modem agricultural skills are •

Robbers Cart Away N3m from Lagos Secretanat

FRSC',"Aco'dent VI'ctims' Don't Need Police Report


affinnation of th~ state Governments decl~bon two days to Ihe gubernatorial el~tIon, that Ogborn had procured military uruforms, Police apparels and aons to cause mayhem and derail Ihe wishes of !he good people of Delta State,

~W~~!y.:~= Saraki: Food Security Possible in , 5 Years

ment installations, Part of the plans, !he government alleged is to arm militant groups, sponsor cult groups as well as organizing phony civil society groups, all ina bid to achieving Ihe said objec-

Ihe Governor, !he ,Government said, ,Ihe recent actIVIties of tlle OPP candidate constitute a threat andundernunesthepeace,secuntyandsovereigntyoflhestateand

~CPC ~I1

threat by Ihe same Coalition of Niger Delta Freedom Fighters and lheir plans to blow up oil installations m Delta State because of Ibe Vlctory of Governor Emmanuel Uduagban, We know that Ibis group is wholly finanoed by Great Ogborn because it is an obvious



lenges that legislatolS willordinarily face in an environment where democrncy is at its teelhing stage; challenges ofiegislatolS where !he people know very little about democracy itself; an envirooment where you have to beg for everylhing so Ibat !he legislature could find its way," he had stated.

However, Ibose membeIS who reacted to lkuforiji's comments on condition of anonymity expressed lheir mge, describing Ihe comment as reckless, immature and Uncalled for. They wondered why Ikuforiji would say such a lhing knowing that some 01heIS would also be interested in Ihe position.

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