Minimmn Wage: Osun Approves N19,OOl for Workers Slin Stato~ Govemrncnt 1",sap{1'O\'f!d N19. 001
O ilS
Froln l'inka Kolfrfllole
ffill\lll lum l'Iilg!: for
its wurkeB. nle . ap proval came as the \VOtken suSf'l'l'dtd their Ih~ weeks old stru:e following a nine-hoor nll'fting with ihc government negotiating team, With the development. the governmrnt h;'ts no w implert1l!nted fully the minimum W~~ lal'l for workers 00 Le\~1s 01 to W, In Mlditi{t1l to lhe N19, 001 for the least raid dvil servant
in the slate. the state governmen ... OIl tile negotiiltion table yesterday. "Iso approved substantial rise in the salari~ of other grade level!;., Thus. the government has a pproved additional N7,429.50 for workers from Levels 8 to 10; N6,611 ' for workers on I...cvels 12 to 14 while NS.O%,40 h'as beel1 added to salaries olworkers
on Level.; 15 to 17. The N I9,OO I m inimum wage exceeds the NIB. cro minimum wage pn!SCribed by the Minimum Wage law recently enacted by the Federnl GoI'emmen t. TIle government also s.,id the salary of officers on GLOB to GL 17 will be upwardly reviewed as soon as the financial position of the government improves, 11IC implementntion of the rleW salary table lakes erfect from August I, !or offiO!rs on GL
Kano Workers to Strike Tomorrow CIllOStiltl, d'IiJpleroCtlle
Nigeria Labour Congre:.<;S (NlO has directed all d·.iI Sl'f'\'M1ts in
':"'111 Ibmlliltt-5lfr~ inK......
resolved to down ' tOols p,,,ding "" """""""",
an executive rneetingaltended by ~ leader.; in tile state. t:omt:kIe Dan,guguwa also adOO::l that'they had wri tten twoseparateletI.ers to the state govmvnent
08 to GL t 7 while those of GL 0 1 to GlO7 tlkes effect from March l. M~iIJ\whilc, the stale ch3plcr of the Adion Congress of Nigeria has saKi lhaillir dream Of the found ing r"thers of Os\Ul State
shall beitc:hieved Ihruugh the Industria~ infrastructwa l and tourism development policie5 of the 'Raul A~beso!a administration, 5pe<lking with nHSOAY on [he state's 20th anniversary. ACN ~bry in the slate, Prince Adegboyeg<'l Famodu, noted that Iho02h the - I administrations 'k the had drilwn lhe state backward in all ramifications, Aregbesola would commit O\"er SO percent of thesl ale I'l'SOUJCe'I lo projects
, ti le state Iu embark 00 an indefjni ~ strike action fomonu\v to PI ~ home tl1t'ir demand on Nl8. (Xl) minimum wage Addressing reporter.I in Kana over the weekend, dvirman 01 the
the nUniinum wages.. ._--; According to ',him,."'. the decision to embadt art' the indefinite strike ~ i'!1
Commd~ !sa YUJ'IlLca " 1Jangl1g\I~va, .,."lid all \\IOtk.-
'All 20 LGAs of Bauchi, PrO'he
eB iJ1 tI ~ ~ilte ·nedia organi. sations must ~mpl}' with the directive to d(TVII tools from 12 p.rn, today. "We ('()ulcl not ha\'e embarked or the strike action, but ti,'S is the last reso rt to rdlieve our demiUld!', mid there is 00 negotiation 0 \ er the mini mum W<'Ige5 a! all" he said. He Mid the Slate executiVe (QI.u'ril 0( tile f'!LC expres!iE!d disp\ea<;un! 0VI:r the g<)\<emmmt's inabil ity to acidres.'! the issue of min' mum wage, adding thaI the council
resolve to pay
ll the 20 kxal govern-
ment a~ of B.ludti S late an! pro~ 10 imminent fJood disaster, the Pennanenl Secretary. S ta te Eme1'8ency ManagementAgency(SEMA).Alnaji Muhammed Garba. has said. Garb.l d isdoscd this on fdday ill Baudli while briefing newsmen on an impending flood disaster predided by the Nigeria Metooru-Iogical Agency (NlMET), and pn!GIutionary measures put
on tile need to execute the mininlum wage si~ into law by President ~uck Jonalhm but aU tI--,!r pleas
From 5eglm ATllofndeji ",a.."",;
in plaO! by tile ajency MId the Bauchl Stilte bnergency Operi!tion Committee~t up by the stilte governmen t. He afso revea le(! thai already, }(irfi and Oarazo loca l Govemmerrl Areas of tile slate ha\"e been devastated by tile nood within the last two weeks. Garba Solid the Bauchi State Envirunmmmi Protection Agency (BASEPA) l~
FC to Commence licensing, Inspection of Food Vendors
il fol1uv-up to complaints .gai05t abu~ b)' food "endors in the areas of hygtene and vironnlental pollution. the FedE'rill Government indica ted that it will soon commence the licensing and ins~nof in .ligcnous food vendors so liS to guard aSilinst :lbuSl'S. This was Inade known during a l1alima l sensitisa' tion ..... orks hc p 011 food hygient> and saJety for pollermaker.!! w hidl IteJd in AbuJa on Friday. DilCftorGcneral of Ule Nati onal Af.et19' for r'OOd and Drugs A JmtniSlralion and Control (tlAFDAC) Dr. Paul OIhiL n,'Pre!ertted by a director in th' : agency. Ali
Fro", Paill
IbT<lhim said given the pre-va iling ra te d iSt>il5eS and environmental pollution associated with the con· sumption of foods, it has become imperative 10 contml the activi ties 01 food vendors in the country. He stilted thaI, Ille consumption of unwholesome and tontaminated food or food prepared tinder unhygienic conditions has cau!ll!d n! any problems globally. in Nigeria. the incidence of food-bome diSt>asl5 sum as dlO~ Ivpiloid. dysentery and drarrllOe.l has rt'illained high.~
•• ), 3 _ O-==n«7 . 'n'"" .">"'",J=="-::;;=-~_ -!I=:aa::::
According to the DC, reports indica tes U~t
iII t1e!IS due to contamiroled
food is pcrflaps the most widespread IlNJth problem in the cofltemporary WOI'ld nnd an important cause of rt'duttd i50do-«onomic product iv'ity.~
In his lead pre5eJ1la tiol1. a guest lecturer al the lvotkshop Prof, Amadi Nk~a of the Federa l Un.iversity o f Owerri (FUTO) observed thai govem rnellt inability to monftor and conlrol activities of food vendors posed ,Ule greatest ch"lIenge 10 ;'tn improved health system ill the muntry, whidl in tum compounds lhe problems of hygleile.
such as agrirullur.ll d"evdopmen!. tourism and small 50lJe indLLo;tries to bring bad:: the lost glory of the shle by providing OOndUclv-e envIronment for investment opportunitit5.
to Flood
conduded plans to lawrl\ ~Opern tiorl.Qpen-Up- Your·
DnUn" in Bauchi. the state capital and other nlXldprone areas to curb the ml!na ce. BASEPA according to him, has been d irected to .evacuate all refuge dumps of whatever magnitud e in Baudn metropolis and other areas 10 a safer place as a proactive measure towards the alann raised by the Nigerian Metrological A8'""Y (N IMET). Garba slated Ihat 5E)..1A had perfected plans to evitC· uate victims to safer lOGlions as well as feed them if the impending disaster
·occunW. He said tllal the chairmen of the 20 Ioca1 go\'CITimellt councils in the state had been directed to perfect plans. especiall}~ to identify sites for temporary camps and to prorun! reltef materials for the likely vktirns.. Acmn:ling to him. 'The chairmen are directed to refurbish all WOller lank...c;, procun! water rontiliners and buy water chemicals so that water muld be stock during the d~<;asler 10 avoid victims taking COIll<lminated water during theperiod~
Fadama Community The Cross RJvCl' O(fice says it has disbwsed more than N230 million to 20 F.ldama Community Associations and _tot.! of 256 USed groups aaoss the state this ),ut. I\lr 8 assqo Elerni, the State Cooidin.:rtor of Programme. disdosed th is while iNuguraling the Uwanse Cold Room Project ill Calabu. He alsos,ajd tNl the state government had approved the p~yment of this yur's counterpal1 fund of N56.5 million . fo r Ihe fadoun;a W I?rogramme. to him, 200 F;adamil Comm unity ~tions~nd:z.oro F~dam~ Usm Groupsart!' partidp;ating in th e Fadama III propamme in the stale. The coordinl tor di5dosed th~t 52 sub-pmj l.'Cb r.tnging from rural inlTastrui:ture:, assets .Icquisition, agro-fomJUy OUld fISheri es, hM! been mmpleted in th e state. Elerni fui1hB said that 174 sub-9rojects wert _t vArious levtis of implementition ;tQ'05S thesble. He .. ppealed tothecommunity_asslxialion and ~ groups to be more: committed to tile p~aune to ensure that the goaJ of povmy allevbtion was l1Ch.ieved.
Obi Tasks Community Leaders Go\'mtOrPeterObi of Anambra has wged commwtity leaders in the state to be committed to sensitising the pe0ple on the need to maintain .. d eMl etwin:mmenL The governor IlU!de the all yestmtay durin~ the lOU New Yam Festival of UitedU11U CommuNty m Dunuk06a Local G(n-emment Area of tile sla te Represen ted by his deputy, Mr Emeka Sibeudo. Obi said: ''Community leaders llave the ~ponsibility of senslUsing their peopl e on environl1lenl<1l ANlation in order 10 check refuse littering. nooding and overflow o f waler from drains wher! there is downpout'. The speech also urg.ed ml'll1bers of the rommu.riity to use the monthly Environmenlal Sanibtion Day to clea n the gutters and wolter channels.
Corps Member's Donation Mr Okorite lsokari;u:i. a corps member in O lorunda l..ccal Governmenl Area of Osun, )'t'SIerday donated 100 safety helmets 10 rommercial mOlorqrclists in Osogbo. lsokariari told th e Ne lvs AgencyofNigeria (NAN) that Ihe dOMtion was bome out o{ the danger and nsk ;associated with th e business. H e observed thai many commercial moto rcyclists in the stale ca pital rode without usinoS safety helmets, adding that the lack of funds was responsible {or tilelr inabilily Iu purth~ them. He urged well me.uting Nigmans to donate more helmets to assist financially handicapped commm:ial moton:ydists. Isokariari. w ith NYSC number 0SIl0cJID82. and ittlached to Hie Federal Road Safety Commission CFRSO in Qsodxt,said lhat the gesture was part o{his Community Ot-veTopmcnt Serntt. 111e corps m ember a.1so distributed 100 tnsh bins to commetrial minibus drivers as a way of keeping the state capiWdean.
Bishop Charges Priests The Anglinn Bishop of Minna Diocese, RL Rev. Dani el Vis.l, has charged the nin e n ewly ordained priests and a du con to fas hion their l iv~ in accordance wit h the luchi ngs of Jesus OlriSt.. TIlis muge contained in a 51.11emen t Iss ued yesterday in M inna and signed by Mr GeorgI! Fashe, th e Diocesan Com muni n to't, He a lSO adv ised them 10 work with m emb ers oftheirchllrches in cari n g forthe young and the old, the strong and the weak, as well as th e rich and the poor. The bishop abo admonished th em to preach God's forgiveness 10 the peni tent s inners as thel' pro nounce Cod's b lessings and perfonn othl!! dull es entru sted to th e m in th e church diligently.
Security Summit Sen. Ji b ril Gada. th e (o nn er I\'linister o f C ulture, Tourism HId National Orientation. has a iled for an u rgen t special n.1tional swnmit on security. Gada mad e the aU in Sokoto yesl-e.rday. He also S<1id lh"t urgent sreps w~ needed 10 address security which was a coUectlve effort Gada Mid tllat the proposed summit should bring together all !lakeholden the nalion's !'ecuri"'~ indlld=. ing intemational ~rts and Nigerians in th'! Diasoora. 11ie -setlator also stressed the need fer susrun!.'d pe.,~ and urtity in til e country while urging ti,e federal govemm'!nt to set a realisabl e ta1'8!!t for til!." proviSion 01 !;:labl'! powerwvp ly i!l the countr)',
Yobe Agrees to Minimum Wage
, \
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TIle Yobe sta te guvernment has aareed to pay its wurkers tile N1B. 000 new mini.mum wag; foUu,\;ng a ~a t by til e state dlo1pter of the Nig-e.ria l.lbour Congress INLO to elnbark on all indefinite strike, TIl!! ~t;1!e's Head of So-..rviao. Alhaji Dauda Yall.lya, disclosoo tltis to news men ye5tezday in Oanlalu.n.I. ) hlJaya s~id: 'The N300 million in~""e on the existil1g N961...l million 1I10Ilth '~' wa$':" bill uf the slale an adequately pay tile N 18. 000 ",il1l.ll1um wa~'!, while UlOSe at the higher K he10n o£the service enjoy reT,,\i t<e incrt'menl On Friday, th e sta.t'! NLe chapter h ~d issued '" sbtement threa tetting to ei11Nrk un;1I1 indefini l<! sbike from Sept 12. if Ml was not reachci Th!!' statement \\las jointly silU1ed by M~am Uh'HI Ibra,him and Ma lam Musa )1.15,,1, the s bte's NLC maimlall and 9ecretuy, respedivel}',