THISDAY, 13 JUNE, 2012

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$8.5bn Loans fur

Infrastrucl:ure, Others KunleAdt!rlnokur l The African Qr\-eq.menl am. (AfDB}Group ~ said it hold

approve:t about sa 5 bDlloo lIS loans in 1011. lepr-!SI!nbng J6

per cent ~



56.2 billion in 20 I ). This ""as dllrleed at the fmancial pl'e'inlladon 01 the AfOIfs results ant! operalXlnS for20U at 115 a'll'lc31 meetings In Arushi'I, llllZllulA lnfrastructuTe. the Jllrgest area of operal.!ore acrountrd for J8 ~r CEnt 01 the loans and grants • ilIlO\'l' d by multisector ioans ami g--al1.l:!I which came to alrno!I2' pen:ent of


The mulli-!!'!Ch r GlI~ myers public S\ dar manin. h,I' ing good


~~1'111~ ~aduslnd~fa..

cilitatil;n and eo pot f'!UIrduI. Filurn!,. wfud1 J5!r Iiuge Rn"nt't' &emUJ1tJng lOr just IJ'Ve" I" pt JCnI of the total 1he l1n.tJlCI , "peraOOn Uldudes rawrins Ii" de\'dopmenl bankin ~ ummerdlll banking. non bat.k financial Irt/enTIL'di.:I reb"!LT.Ir'Ile aw:I mKKK~~~ud ~ ~~ Il~~~~~~~~!r ~ -c________________________________________________________ ture is one 01 IN four main pillars &flhe ArnB'} stntrgy l·R: Nethertands Ambassador to Nigeria. Bert Ronhaar, Chairman. Agriculture and Food Security Commissioo, EmmanuellJewlM"e. Executive Directo!", for asststmg the d~ek:lpmenl British American Tobacco Nigeria Foundation (BATN). Gbenga lbikll'lle. and Director, Specialist t:lnance/Agriwlhn. Stanbic IBTC Bank. Jacques Taylor. of the African COI!tinent The during the Agri-busines5 Food Security Summit 2012. partly sponsored by Stanbic IBTC Bank In Lagos...recently other three .n! irw ~ in the pn\'ale sector; ed JalOOn and promoting good .;tIvernatK\": The AfDth TMstm'I", f'itrno Van Peteghem. making the financial de9aiJed l!QIl(' t.. CII.dalmes IUI n le Aderi n okuD renov.7IPCI -make Kwara the agriroliun!' finance and laiel" eoonomic of liw b;mk'" mErasI:ructun! W Ronnie Coffman. signed the university, d(!'\.·ekl(nnent , understood investment!.. lhe Kwara State's mmmI.'l'CiaI on behalf of the Wliversity globally for its expertise in hub of Wet AfriCll .... The governor commended the v15lon and benefil5 of He pmnted It S1.Jmillion • grirul~ irtiti.lU\It,' receh'ed 11lt' document presents • agriculture. . efforts of his the agJXuIturaI reYCJl;utim in .. It is the first time this the' Rural El«tri11at len Pro;«t boast W1lh d1l!' 0lI'ISUIJVJIabm dear rOiId map kK the expan. Ni ., bemg <hampooned in Guinea wluch i!; boosting of II deal between the state sion • fundmg an.;! impact of university is signing an Moll dedrirlCllliOn Inn 3 ~ ., government and Cornell ~ agrirulture in lh!o whh any state govemmenl stale (or the next five years riculture, noting that ttle The Director 01 L5AJO m of New York, "lie an! proud of lhis partnerUniversity i\ large! dE J'C!f' ell! by 2015 Peteghem qid S32 million United States, on thr KwaTa It ls Ihr product of I three- shtp and we are mnfide:lt that opportunity of cm.linuity in Ni~ Ms Sharon Pauling Kuunguy Brie ~ pro,ect 5mb!' Agricultul1! Masterplan month collabor.Ib\-'f! resean:h the Moll wtlI producr gocxI govenanceinthestatehad pleQ2£d Unme<fute_ made it pos;;.ible for him torthe p~ . betWWl Zarrba drc:.. Botsw.Ina (1(AMP). by Can:eD I'rofea:n.-.d Iht.v results," he said. .. We are looking into to build on the foundation would !;ignifJrB[1~y red~ the Thr stale's GoVernclf, Ai>- Nigerian COWlterparts k'd by SOV""'" having a partnership ....tilh border tnnsI l 1:1 ~ from 30 dulr,,13h Ahmed , who led a the VICe OIanc:itluf of Kwam that the state government """"""'"' AImEd """'" J.kl by the _ hours to JU!' 51 ( houn on dtolegation to ~ presentation slate URlv~il) Profes!lOC" would Implement the docuSaraki iilppredated the Kwara m nee and fISh pr0romplebon in 2! I ~ of the KAMP document and Abdul~ ~a ' Allah.. ment 10 thP ~ pointiJlg out Ahmed admmistration for duction_ We are expecting Signing of a Memorandum 01 E:tIplrurung the S1gnilicant:e that hzs admrnistrnbon wooId pnxl ' KAMP. ""'"""' to .see K warn as a leader in Understanding (Moll) m New of the MoU, Coffman said go beyond the am~l:JOnal mg tha't Ahmed our drive to SUpJX>f"t food '!Ort..!igrI.'d fa the slate ",iillr: Kwan mad!> histnry by being S}stem d ~ anpuI. and , ruwim! served Wlder the production in Nigeria," comeU 's Dumor of Interna- tt-rrn.!taie~ ... tI-e irnmedfate past administra- Pauling said . nonal Programme, Proft'S8Ql' wOI'td 10 SUCXI.'ed in p.1r1nI!ring clihe measures being taken to tion as commissioner for !!eCtor _




__ __________________

Kwara Seals Deal with Cornell University on Agric ~£~~

"""'"' ., """""'" ... """"





Dematerialise Your Shares Now, Investors Urged According to him. ~ implication of the nondemalerialised certificate!! is that they are not being traded in the system. noting that such ~ certificales racr the rbk 01 being lost. stolen .. deDcrd


-c:cs.,....", is working wilh the 5ecuri1:ie! aM &change Corn· nUs5lon (SEC).. N~ Stade ~(MC)ond_

to enstm." lhal investors enjoy

aJllhI! benefits cI dematerialisation and th.i5 is the time ror sharehokhn who are still ~ their ~ cmifOle5 in physKat rorm to COfwert them into electronic rorm and . 1111 the benefits induding


"'"hel;g. ""..." """" others." said. Buk.u. who Sill j CSCS WI\S

. . ..



our engtne and automating all our proce:sses to enhance tnI~ and efficiency,'"

Maritime Security BUl2009 The Issues

he said


W1:s uero c;onsent .., eIIt

vullum iro& ned eoIsIt. "'" lid till bI.ortisl ent utpa. Till am wrdp estfsd dulssl. Ti@ ~wfeu bclpsusdpswn nuIp utpft wrlusdpsum


p!fO strud tem ~tum In lit IustWsim urtur. elil prwsse dolorptro eI ut3"l1 blil ten


Bubr- stressed thai the had CO"Itributed immensely 10 the growth or the steck marlr.eI since it rommeoced oper.ttiore

Sum .nJNl ton'!mOIor_1 n.od tis _ ~tu mmodoIutt!1 _lit .., henl.t In ~e HqUipis ilt. To conHCtI! feoot nim ~It eM commoc:IoIOfl! veIe!IilcbmelllR\sec:tet Knmlnlm ~enltl~

in 1997.

Hisaid: " 'n preCiC5 years. an upward of 5i.x months but today tnIn5iiIctia1 qUe IS n3(three waicing da~ after" trallSilction). This twled to ~t dynamism in I:I"arl!";;Ktio was

stock market because of its crucial role as the clearing house for all Sl'CUI"ibes in the market. d.isdosed that the company was upgrading its dearir'@ and !I!ItIement engioe. "We need to work and talk sewnJefiy with the NSE and othet- operalofs in the market. We a"" thereJore. upgt&ding

the market due 10 the turnaround effect 00 investments or inVe!!ton." "Talldng about standards, CSCS is to be fully compliant wIIh (]'$.£fj(X) siandNd!i bp;tyment. ~anng and ~tle­ mml 5)'*"'5,." Mr Oubr said..

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