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Thursday, October 13, 2011

~.&._3_ 0~~1~5 DAY, Vol 16, N::o::..:6=Ol ::6=----_ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

BusinessWORlD -Nigeria-Denmark Trade Volume Hits $lbn




he ~


huge population and mod·

\'OiIQTl: betWa"ll

anisin& Wsincss CI\\·irurtnv:nI.

Nipa and Dr:nmaJt ha$ hit $1 billion. The

PresideltL Nii:C=li3l1-Danish Cumber of ('OlluneJt"C. lJIIusuy iUId Agrkuflure (NDC· CIA) Mr. Samur:1 Talabi, expiaiMt tI~t the tr.t'tebetween Nigrria and IlI:mnari has gro'-\T1 due to the mutual .l!'IoltKlnsltip elIisting /."ct'.'.un tile QJlmtries. Talabi. who spuk~ duri ng ti le ill''c:Slimre of Mr. De, Adako as the inc:oming ~"I~ of Ihe c hamber. eXJ'lained that the trade b::lwet:n Ni!:,oeria and lJenm,'lIx wm hu~. lidding tllal :til Ihe kC'hootoglh for cement JXUducrioo were fmOI D:nnwk. lie st:Mc:d 111:11 Nigeria must 51~"1n: tr.Jdc: 10 nch~ economic (II)\\1h And tlUd il \·.oold go a long way 10 fOSltt C"1fdial rela· ticnshipOWld f~:<tT 'I1g biblercoun· al trnlIe t-dl\-een the <ri<>. He adcbi that Ihel11ajorrullctioo of ti le d.:lnlber i~ 10 protect lI"e ~ ....,. Ni!!"',i:ms rud lJnni!'fl \\h~1'!by II" imprO\'CTJIC'It rud dtvt:Jopntfit r;t{ comnrem.';nI illdu~uy tL'lI\-ee!llhe 111"0 CQlmllies Clln t:-c: t,JCOUr:lSN and pruIC'CIe.J. He S."Iidlt< JXln of tile ~ obj!cti\'c:S of Ihe d :Imber, he nnLetl Lhe stralegic ""}'S uf~­ ing fOf inm::~;~ trnd! Dcnnmrl.:: ;utd Nigeria Ihrotlp :I n:-guttll" e.\dmnge of infolnll:nitln (m trnclo! ond ill\~rnc:tll opportuni. tie.\ among.<.t iL~ nlm"bm. 1l1C new f'n:\KkIlt, in his ACCtpIan<:e SJ'ttdI. s:tid other n:lalcd funcl","s ;11"' basic:IIly pmct"dur.U on kgi!lation rud


Ofl!:lIli~lional fr;!m~rk

fOf il5 funcril"lIS t(J\\'3fd~ itlilining desired goa' ~. "Dear membm md distin· gui311'!d guc.~ls, (lUI" objeai\oa remaincriticallOus,..t we5l""II1 ooufOl'th fotge wad so ~lOf"ISibly and stIa'qic:llly 10 na.\:e a difftm1C'c:. More tI".... e\l.'f. this is imporuv!' in OIlIer 10

Lagos Unveils

By Crusoe Osagie tap from tile ~ relations that ha\'C exisled ~wc:en Nigeria and Denrnn;' he M .


TIll:' stlle Conuni;sioner foc I\gl'lcllhure :md Q~ath'e5, Prince Gbolllh:l11 lawai . di s· c\ot;oed tile 1'1.1115 al a 1"Ir\'IS COil'

ference In milke tile :-01 1 WOI'kJ r-ood Day in thestlle «c:cm.1ri:tt. Alaus:a. rnIlil1g f{"ll' a syne!ID' b;:r,'.'CCIl ti le: f~ and Slate: 8O'erl1menl. commis~iorter.


addn:ssc:d tilt: jlum;Jists nlong


lIJtt\ S'.x:Il as nricultttt. fish· eries:llld scic:nlif" CQ'1CaTlS•• "No doubt. the etT1CI!ing

rc:olIitie.\ of 0Uf n:llion's ectIf»my with its ;ntc:tXbn1 forrign JXUticipalion rrab nJakes sum relations between ourtwo COUll-uies vTt."11 aOO I Ihillk tltis is 10 our mUlual ad\-antage:- he said. He assural all membos that lhe roundl ",-auld inlensif,' elTats 10 improve existing R'Jol.. tiont tllat ",i~ some lull md ~~ I tlllll~ dWTlbcr would hencefllth e.\pc:ric:nce notiI:'eliNe acti\·itic:s in line: "ith its objc:ctil'CS. "Bu. in m)' thinkin~. 1 bdie\-e we would han: lobe much nlOfl! specific in CIo'lllualingand mlirying critiall ~ of business where our mernbtts can Illl\'C gre;:tll:r oppommities and R'1e· \-ance;' he added. "We \\OOld also look at lhe various l1ws and rc:guL1tions as they ~Iy to trlldeantl howdJCy can il11pro't'e on tllCfIl lowards llltaining our goals. Importa.ntly charnbos would ooai 10 do more ill pro'tiding information and ITlI!litet intdligence service 10 our membc:rs_ therc:by making business OWCItunitic:seasily a.nssible and exploited:- lie said., lie added thai Nigeria with a

By GboJ'ega ;lkillsan",i \\;111 the ministry's Pmnanc:nl Scctrtary, Or. Yahrb lJaql()fUn, snit! tI~ state go't'effiIllCt1t h."ld set aside 35 hect:ln$ of = \ " 3 prOOuc:tion aJone aside: fmm the SlOle plan 10 R"\'Olutiooise the produd ion of rice among others. Lawall."ll11t'lltc:d tile growing quantity (lr rice being imported into Ilk: country on daily blsi:<. "tlich he said. would rontill~ to make tile CI:M1try \"\Jlnernble rutd dependent unless bolh tile: fetJernl and state gQ\'mlments Mrmke quick inleo'Clltion to



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CRU30E OS-':;E

in!CteSl to us. In JD!licu1..-. the romplainlS ()\'I:I" \isl in Ik:nin RqlubIic will be propaly as \\'e "uuld:1lso stm'C 10 ha\'I! Danish tmbassy in Nigeria iUId 10 ad:! pcp to our projection,"'e would abo $i\'e our acti\·ities some Ytt\'I! m the: mafia;" he saki.

He ~aitl the re:latil'e bJ5iness opportllnities had CJL:pnndcd O\'ef the }\'W'S whidl Ni,ma C3fI lap into for rc:aI business adl'2lll:lgc. particularly in such

um~iletl f~ !1r3!egics


hesakl. He OOWl:\tt staled th:lI the Cromber must be ~ 10 be busincst·like in advancing its cat1.'iIe in this rtgaru as:ll pnxIClh'e: dlilmber Ihar is renewing for pta\cr glof)'. "We would also ha\'e to


' l,.-R : CIminI/aI', LoInrgt lI'ap,:n rIc, Cfrir/ O/un~ lfIl Omnuyt; Mnnaging V rrtclorfCEO. M r Salify Ahd~rknd,.r. and Fi,mllct Dirrctor. MrA//rrd Amobi, aI /lit complt lion ixxlrd mUling will. rrsptc/lo lA/a,." 1\6PCO'S btmd iUllanct pnl(l(1sa/s, IIl'fd ar fkrjn,


l Agos • •

rIfOTO: M •......-.

Repatriate Profit ~m ~: Africa's Property Market, Nigerians Urged


igerian uJ\'CStm in com· mc:lt:i~ l . l'eSidentiaJ and leisure propeny de\'elopmenl h.1\'e been asked 10 t.::Ike ool'llntage of the booming property market in Soutil Africa 10 repatriale profits accrued from 11 10 strengthen die home rountry 's promising economy.


10 boost the pn:xluI: lion of rice aoo ~~va in the state. which il 5.1id, I\'Quld.ttale rnure tI"m I J million jobs for il5 iodi~ and re.o<idmts and t:dle hunger-and rood tnso-uril)' in the

" I am also in~sted in illCMl5UwOll"membershipbasic, building a strmgtTchamber th:lI can tmke serious impxt not only in carvmg a nil+I: for itself in innovation. bl!;irEss strategy :tnd fccus bit reilly benefiting the gencroIity of cur members:'

He l aid Dc:nmarIr. continuod 10 have ~Iath'e world class CXlIl1fC1c:ncic:s and CWJrtUnitic:s within renewable enetgy. life sciences, shipping of foods and

agos Slllie GNmUlIc:rIl tm


leading 10 greater confidence in the eaJnOmy, mllst infmn it~ Danish counterpwtS UIo1t thinp' rue acruaIly kxlking up. nnd snid both countries could do tetter in Imde I'tJation.'!.

lKlA ERO\E ILMIxuI ERa>.!osELE~~Mdl

E.«JFOR AL.J(f (&egrj JNo.ES EME.JO (N;Jbrll: Ci!pl3)



eFEM t«N« '"


~ tile siluation". !-Ie C"llbI for tile rlted for:tl l tI..: 5I."lkcl1Oldc:B "10 unite against lhe tlneat ofhun~and takerol· lecti\'e, ccllabomlh'C and coonli· n.1te(\ ac1iolllO ensure high qual· ily food ",;th SlabIe prices", saying it wa~ in lilte ",;th the ltal": of 2011 world food day which he said. was ~II to stabilise foed pricc:. lie said tile Slate gQ'o'c:lllt11etll ,,"wid soon launch &0 F.UlTl

Mart. which he Mid, wouldl'lU'

"ide widolvs (If opportunities for all tile fnrmt'(t in tile Slate 10 sell

tl tcir produce; a forum the com· mio;siorltt said wwld help tile Jl'm~ to delcnmnc: which pmdtx."tS are demauded in the mar-


From Cll illfwu: Olm/or hlAftJ-

11te prosptdi\'C.' invcslOJ'S were urged to tap

inlO d Jc: growing oppoItunities in one of South Africa's mi;url.. IL<C: cities. Centwy CiIY. a 25().. ht'ctBrc: oo'C.'k.pmcn1 in c.'pe Town. comprising of' offtee, retail. resitlential :lIld It'isure components in an inlt'gfllled urban cm·imrunrnl. ACCOTtiingly. the city which currelll lotal in\'eslment hll.~ ~ 16 billion Rand (R). continues to grow with new developments .otalling abOUI R II biUiol1 in Ihe pipelillC, and fmm which Nigeri:lll property inl"c:Slors could Ixnc:ril rrom in

the next scl1Cnte of deYe lopnlC1U in it's )'CI·to-be-htilt 1.4 million square metrc:s emply


property de-.~Ioprnc:nt


ny and It is 5tralt'gicnlly kx:Med in the heart of the greata" Cape Town 1I.1c:tmpolitan area. II is also suTTOtJrKled by I mong road network givi ng ease of 3C'Ce5S to the entire Western Cape region, at lhe same ti1lleotrering conceh'llble amenities like eDnal. shopping m3lls.!hI.'me palit, hotel~. confc:n:ntt facililies :md other ulb:ul amenilies. Making II pultlie pr=rta· tion or llle jnl"c:Sln~nt Of'POIIU' ni.ies in the dl)' 1(1 'pruspecti~'C Nigerian in\-e.<;lotli n:cc:nlly in Abuja. Ihe Direclor of Rabie Property Group, Mr. Greg Dc:ans. said about 800.000

squ,1fe metres had been dc:\~I· oped as aL 2008 lind Ihal Nigerians could m.W tlte mosl

of the opponullitiesa.\"ailalJlein tl1C city th.,1 is rast tuming inlo alc:isun: ~poI for "boul 3U million \'isilor tr' annum. lie e,lplained th:1I the built rorm currenlly comprises around JOOLOJ square rl1Clre!' oforrlCc:$. ~ than 3(lX) ~ idenlial fmnl doors and 150JXX) square: n1etn!S of n:tail IUd It'iwre f:x:ilities. adding that a trowing number of Ietling inquiries from ~ corporoue fillTlS and intlh'iduaJs from Nigt'ria. Ke:nya and other African countriC5 tl:rd bc:en ra"Ordc.-d. lie nOled Ihal Raltie Property Group would in the lIralt'S1 future consider partiei. palm! in Nigeria'.• growing propr::ny market if it was nlllt' 10 lind Ihe right local partners. Acrorrling 10 him . the coun· try's pWl1erty renmi'lS !hi.' bedrock ror wealth CI'c:alien.

Why Nigerians Must Pay Tax, by Don pr:~n al a Dissemimllion Woriuhop. Pro£. Adcdoyin Soyibo. has I.-unc:ntwlhal go\-emment W;lS just collc:ding m-cnue from memberS of Ihe populalion wil hin the 20·70 age brncl::et. TIle worl:shop. which held in AbuJa rect'1I11)'. was Oil 'Shaping Social Protection in Tht' N:lIional Ni!!eria: Accounts Trnnsfer Approach' . Ralher. Soyibn ~aid the gtUUl) was jllsl giving 10 gO\'~ emment, nOling Ihal it was onl'l thc tr.ltli tional Arric~1I culture of t:arinl! for famll\' Inc:mlxTll that cn;blr:tl most I~ survive.



N3l ion~t

Aa:ortIing 10 lum. "food pmductton will be based on demand. 1'''is is \1 h:Jl Eko r~ Mmt. will achie\'e. We rue :tI~ lakint: adl'alltlgc of technology 10 irlCrc:a'\e food prOI!l.ICIion lUd i1T1I"O\~ f(!l'm produce: in die stale in order 1(\ ,nal;e foed • alTorrlabIe and ,'I\'lIiI;WIe"". TIle mlmli~iconer iIdtlcd U'JI effmi...e II~ would Ix f'l:1 ill pl:ttt tn eheclmwe tile OC!II'iliesc-f middlemen in food SIl!lJ"IIy d,.,;n. lbI.-riltin; t~ .heme I)f 2fJ I I ",'("tf\d fool.l d3)~ 'Food Prices: From Cns l~ to StabililY' as ~pI a~ it wo\ltd prulTcr ~L(g· ~ioIl~ on holl' 10 curt! tilt e.\~ cf tl lC .mdtlklllell. lie uq;ed mtmbers of tilt VUblie to ~in tile war 3g.1in~1 ~Imll of hUlIgeI", pointing out tllal collective nnd roordin."IIed action ""~ IJCCnSlII)' m"in· tain highqu.1.liIY foo:lsul'ptY:lld :1150 stabilist prices.

land. Cmlury Cily is I:c:ing de\-eloped by South Afr1can Rabie: Property Group, a rencr.tnrd

"To helpoun;cI.~,.'Ie rteed

10 talk 10 oursc:hes." he s,1id w\rile: presenling his paper. 'O\'Cr";ew of NTA and Social Proteclion in Nigeria: lbr: J oomey Since the Last

Workshop' .



".\\ \tllI" From Palrick Ugeh

no". bew;tik-d Ihe fOCI Ih~1 Nigt'ri:! was 0I1C of the countries IvheTe Ihe cililens did nOl pay I:"I,~ "We 3ft' relying on M.<:I!t in(,01 '~ :- he said in an inter· VieW. ''To start with. we are flOI makinl! our It'aders 10 be: an:ountable ~t\u5e Ihe fT1OO!!)' thc:~' are 5pt'nding 00e5 11m come directly from us. It is frOfll oil. So, if we have been paying trut('!;. we would have been demandins llI.'CQ(rntabiliIy. During tlte Americ~n Re\"lution . pc:ofIlc wt't"C: s.,)'. ing Ihere should be no I..uation .....ilhuoL rqlrc:senlalioll . "Now we rue claiming our righlli, ~ying we want ttpre~ntalion . Are \I~ paying lauli001 lt's \\hen we pily oor due

lat th:lI we C3ll hold gl:1\-cm· menl accountable. I wanl 10 pay my l:!..\ : others should be ready to pay tl lt"ir ta.t . Then we will Ix able 10 hold our leatJers :"Icrountable. I am nOI a surport~r of no t;,x. "Remember. the free t'tlOC:"llion of Chief Obafe",r Aw(\J.ov."O W~ tll.\-b:asc:d. TIJoe\ \I·t're chaFllin!! men fi\~ shrllin!!~;

womell two shillinl!~.

six pence. It was la.'-oo!oC'd . So. we should nol run allay flUlll 1:t.~t'S. alLhoul!h I!.o\·entlllent sh"uld be :K:countable 1('1 the people. Ir.ln~rer whaL it should trnnsfer. " Inch (1r \\ hal i ~ 1r.1I\.~· ferred n()\\, th~1 looks smllil does 001 even get 10 the peopre:' l Ie SUi!£~ted Ihat scholar~hip should be. intmdur:etl and t'tlul-ation should be charged where it ~hoold be eh.,'!oo. "'It is basic education lilal sllOUltJ be made: rrc:c:.- lie ~W.

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