Monday, M ,ly 14, 2012
THIS DAY, Vol. 17, No. 6230, Page 31
6 BusinessWORLD Aj
Don Charges FG on Independent Power ,....
uniYm ty of lbadln lca:hc:r. PI J f Adcola AdeSllkllJu hlL'i
Govanmenl \.:) provide incentives for lhe Independent Power Produca5' operrlio ns in the rural dectriliCillon seaor, In lmewllh Ihe ongoing !donns In the :ner&Y sectOf AdclIIDI'IJU in I paper titled ' Energy sector R:form ~ Pnces lind pri....e
San"i I.
ment to put In place modalities ftlld tnfrastruauR: thai WOllld minimise lhe una::rIlllnlies in the Nigerian coonomy. He recalled lhat the electricity reforms in 2003 gaw: birth to Ihree mlJor IPPs which oontribulcd to I~ n~ion ai , electriCIty gmention in Nigeria: thus m:!uong shonagc.'l of dcariClly supply. AdenlklnJu said recent rerOITll! in the country's energy sector were in line \o\;th globallrmd and called for government's oommit-
In!litute of Social and Economic Resean:h (NlSER) , call!d on the Jovemment I") add~ ISSues to altiCII intCftSt groups n the dec:tricity $C!d.OJ The don &aid . " lPPs 1ft mOR: dliaent h opcnIioo than lhosc ~,1Cd by the PHCN"" IIKi IC"'lellu:d lhlll lhe lagct intnesl groups W'C:II: those CW)SCd to the
Lecture- urged the govern-
sector ~' • I seminar cxgarllsed t ,y Nigenan
VACANCY Hospital AdministratorjMarketing Manager IQll8l1l11:1ltill]; AFemale Graduate of Humanities
:~:::;l;,:r10:00 of cognate experiencr am - 12:00pm
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0p0bI." G,.o ... mr ........ ~s-.IIIt~
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"" Ol'OllJltl'tol. 2)01101 ) " " ' ' '
he GambtlJl Agency for Ihe Management of Public Works (GamWodts) has given kudos to the efforts by the Third NallOnal Fadama Development Project (FAOAMA In ensu"ng suffiCIent of food to the Nigcnan populace &'I well as exporting to other Q)tln-
Speaking on behalf of a monitoring team from Gambia on the Nigeliall agricultuR:, the Di~or Gencnl , GamWorb , B:Jriml Cham , S31d they "'~ highly Im~ with the: way PADAMA 111 has been able 10 go to the remote Il'Ol5 of the. rountry 10 encourage and ISSls t Chan, ....00 said the purpose . of their visit to Nigcna Wa<i 10 learn from the oountry's xtlVllles, said lhesa had gone ~Y:rj high wilhln the shonest penod of time. and full of praise for the leadership ofille FADAMA
to his words
~Siooc \IIo'e
amved in the
Nigerian Institute of Public Relations ~-"''''-~'''_'.'''-'' I''''
I: I : I
AppIicaIlJns aM now being recefIe:f fnwn qualified candidRtes ..., wISh 10 SIt for 1fle Professional EzarnNoon llPE 1 -Certific;aIe) PtofBssional ExamNtion 2 (PE 2.QiPom;1) DATE: NIPR Exam.nallon Wll beheld fromJune 25-29, 2012. EqmrnaliOn , Baudi Enugu. Kano, and Port-Haralurt pnMded the required rTWJi'num of candidates
~5iifiRC>CEDURE' _~""_IO send 11 bank draft of N5, 000 made payable 10 "The or Public Relations" for the sylabus and regsilralon form Of con\act
Il'lJormaIion. The NIPR PnxIessIonaI Examlnabons are
N2.500 per dJtect (CerIiIicaIe) NJ.OOO po< _ _ Ill<!*>mol 111) Late Entry ree {.III'le 11-15. 2012} N3,tm Ie) E.l8n?tion fee N2.500 per peper (d) Adrrirwstl81ive OI8lges Nl,soo IS FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 2012 All AppIialioni to: The Reg:siJ;Jf Nigenan Institute
or Public Relations
tlYe of lia:nce:s granled to IPPs nobody WflUld lllvest III the energy sedor unless go\'emmenl is ready 10 lhem AdenikinJu noted that although the: Nigena EIOCIncity RqullllOly CommiSSIOn (NERC) had over 30 lia:nc:a 10
IP Ps. only a few of them had established plants . Among the dtallenges 10 ,,"vate sector response: to mc:rgy sectOf" refonns , he S8Jd. W'C:II: absence of gua-IIItor for payment risk , inadequate transmiSSion , distribuuon Infrastructure and un~isllc ell.pectations
by project <IeveIopen The don listed other challen$cs as delay In developing bankable G... Supply Agrttmellt Ind Power Purmitie Agrt:mlellt . finMCe and 10 of !quiatory clllrny and oonfusion III implementatIOn of !donns
Food Security: Int'l Community Scores FADAMA High
m project
2I! . ....-. iii MI
menl 10 a wdl defined and properly phlL'led time table of the energy rdorms . He stressed the need for policy and pollilcal stability. raolution of govemmmi gulr.lfl1C'!CS. resolulion or g~ Silpply .td gas supply IIlfrastruC'luR:. Aca:Ktilllg to him, im:spcc-
Joe . success
IOQI] flll'tl1t':1'S
looking and presentable come with her CV to: Crescent, Apapa-Lagos far interview (two) weeks from the date o/this publication.
more business news
28 ~ SIreet, Opebi, . . . PO Box 20048,1k$ Tel 07028219164, 01-8799818, 08028184360
Stori~$ from Y~m i
A.kinsuyi "'AJrofIr April 23, we hllVC: been able to vi!!t eidtt states, which IIIcluded 1=edenJ Capllal TemtOf)', Niger, Admulwa, Lagos and Cross RiverStales .".. ca::h of the !taes, I mean. the remote ~, we felt the. impact of FADAMA JU and the IOCIII flnTiCfS have all testIfied that their falllllng bu!iness had taken a higher diT!'len+ sioo No longer business 115 usual . I thlllk the: lea:Jenhlp of FADAMA I1J should be commended for thi!". he
The MD promised to make Judicious use of all the ell.per1COO!S his teml gmhcmt while III tnc CXIlIntry, especially the inclusion of youths and pbysu:aUy challenged people 11110 I&nc
bw;iness Although he Said thc:re was slill room for improvement In the ami of health hanutl! 00 the plIO of the local farmcn, 115 wdl as taking ~ Qn: of govanment propc:tI.ies, Cham said very soon. Nigeria would become a hub of food ImponalOll In the \o\hoIe Africa. In hiS remark, the Nalional ProJOCI Coordinator. FADAMA HI , Mr. Tayo Adewumi , promIsed to do mon:: In eIIsunng tlla Nigeria was not only sdf 5ufficient in food produdion , but thlll the country YI'OUld be able to feed the VotKld Within the sOOnest period of time. He SJld . "Out of the 114 local governmenl ~ of the counlry, FADAMA U1. has been able: 10 cover 68S BUI very soon . we can assUR: yoo thai we: Will get
10 the: mTlllmng local government ~ . We III't. also planning to bf.Id all OUI projects In eadt of the loc:aI gO\lC:Tlmmt areas 50 that the people will know fully well thlll we In. the ones ell.eru1lni these projects and not their governors as sonic of them have been thlllking. '~ IR also on the verge of costing all our projects and make it available to the memben of the public &\ I means or tl1lllSparency_ By thiS I mean. we are gOing to publish alilhe money spent on 8II,Y of the projCids By the: tIme ~ 1ft Ihrough with III these pllll~. Nigena would be the haven fOf food both fOf local consumption ;nl ell.pon", he
Adewuml thercfoR: appealed for mon: funds from the projeU's sponson: so as 10 be :6lc 10 bnng all the plans InlO frulllon
SMEDAN Boss Bags Gong on SMEs Growth
n ,m:ogmtlon of Ius conlnbutlon to the growth of small and medIUm sClle enlerpn'ieS In the counlry, the Din:ctor Gcnenl of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeril (SMEDAN) , Alhaji Mohammed Naiadl Umar. hll!i bagged an awatI UrnIII' WIL'i mlong special -aro ~ptents III I dinner orgnnlscd by Nigc:nll Film Corporal ion (NFC) 8$ pan of this year's .,nual Zuma Fesllval 10 lhe 1I\o\1IRI organio;cn, lhe SMEOAN boss was honoured for hIS outstanding oontribution to
the groo.onh of thc movie IIIdustry Il'i pan of hiS bnef to moou~ the growth, profitllbihly WId tonllnucd existence of small lind medium scale businesses In the country. Speaking 10 Joumallsts after the .....wd ccmnony held ~tly In AbuJa. UrnIII' thanked the orgllllisen for the recognillon. sayIIIg thar the entcnrunmc:nt Industry needed to move RV>'lI)' from just entatammg people to makmg money "What we ale doing I~ 10 asSiSt the movie makers make good profits from Ihelr cn:ative work EntatallleJS should not
only be Ihcre to fulfil their pa."is ion and make people ~py. They shoold also be able 10 make a living and feed their .a;pecuve frum lies from t he proceeds of movie making ' 'So, we hll:Ve IntrodlWX'd II good number of pt.hoes to enhance lhe profitability of not Just movie making enterprises but Iiso all other small IIKI scale buSI "e!>O; outfits ," thc SMEDAN boss srud Thc awlltl night was dtatm:! by K..~ina Slate. Governor. Ibmlllrn Slx:hu Shema, while Mlnlsta- of Infonnallon . Ubar.wt Maku WIl'I alw a Special gUC'lL
ANAN Membership Hits 18,735 IIUaf and ChlCr Executive Offx:er of As5ooauon of Nattonal c:countllnl5 of Nigena (ANAN) Mr Tetba GcmIde. has dtsc:108ed Ihal the manbeo"stup SlTelljIh of the: .associIIIon hid mae:ased to 18,m Spcabng II the Annual GenerlI Meeting of /\NAN held ~y UI PIatc:a1 SWe, Gemade Slid dunng !he )'C:M" 2011 . 2..528 andidales were Induacd lIS m:nlbea or the ~ while 133 mcmben; wen: abo confc:md wJth the felkJwship the ~Ition Ao::on:Ilng 10 hun, snrdenIs' popubuon of the Nigcrilll Collep of Aa:ountancy (or the CUIlCIl JCSion 5tIIJ1ds III 3249 He: a1so !Old m:mbeI's tbII. !he InslllulC' of Chattered Accoumarn 0( Nigeria (ICAN) had .submitted sponsorship rqut and gn"aI ANAN I dean btll or health ...."Of1hy of Iniemillonil Federation of IICaIUIUaIIt5 (lFAC) mcmbr:r-
C".cmIIde added thai in 20 II , IS5OCIIIOOn 5()UJhI the
membenhip of Ptofes.s1OlloRl
Bodies or Nigena (APBN) and
country, ",hile. the AnnUliI MlndalOf)' PublIC PractICe
He: liso Slid that the Governing Council of the ~1On IIpJJ10Ytd thc adop\IOfl..,( aJllFAC recommended InlC'mlillOllal sumdruds With effect from 20 12. " In ow ~ggIe k) meet up wllh the Nigeria·'.cIoptJon of [meroallonal Flnanclll RqI('W1.Il"IJ S~ OFRS) by JIIIUary 2012 and Inlanauonal Public Sector Accountins Standards (IPSAS), ANAN has 10 embart on in.dcpth tmimng of all ils members both ~ andlUdiun. 'il1ese tnlIIlmgs 1ft JIll"' 10 be mlttlSlficd during ne:xt year Owmg!hl: year 2011.1he
Forum for TTrmbc:Illm pr1I(1IOI: )wok! III Maluudi, Benue IaA Jul)' In another ~Iopment. the 1q1SQ1Q" salll the a.qocmllon was .tvancmg the S6enc:e 0{ Accountlncy by acatlng ~h ~ in the unlVC'l"' silJcSon all amtSof acoounung .-d>. Gernade sui the CICIIm::S or ~iI wee It Kop StaIC Uru~~. A~~, orE m Nasara...... State Umvel'lillY, Kern ; and IlnOlher in lhe UlUYef"5ity 0{.105 ror po5I.gradlIMe ~ .. Aa:o.Iding ~ we. WWII 10 o;pread out 10 other" unl'o'aSltie:s IS much lIS we. em . Cimc ~ !hi: days when pt:qJIte U!iCd 10 say that ICCOUntMc)' has 00 research toptcs Today, we hI\'e nu:h 10 do m the changIIIg 0{ 1IXD1I1W'IC)'," he
opniW a
ing W(Wbtql on the uncb-
sumdinS m!he IfRS &. IPSAS
.....NoYember III
20 II :' Gcmade
The rqI5U'1U" 100 noted that durirtgthe year under reYlCW. rM: se:suom the Manda!ory ContinUIng Professional Dc:vc:.JopmenI Programmes (MCPD) \Ioae ndd IIOtIS5 the
.... race
Be explained thai the JSSOall100 bunched mto this. 10 makr:. dlff~ III the ~ muc Inirun& 0( who bt:cornes .. Acxxtunlllnl in NiFU