Tuesday, May 15. 2012
THISDAY, Vo!.17, '10. 6231, Page 29
to BusinessWORLD
Global Guidelines for Land Tenure Administration Released ~~l:!:
Slarin hJ C~ Osagie
Su:unly (CfS) has CO!bscd
set uI ~.
r.--n::adun,g global aimed 8l tdpng
,governments safeguard dI£
ri,ghb of pcopk: 10 own (X" IW;:/;lCS!I; land. fon:su aod fish. ~
The new ¥OIUOllll')' gwde-
hnes an !he rc:spons.ibk: tp.atIIUlCI': of IcntlJ'C of bnd. fishenc::s and forests in the 1.XJntcA! oflUibo:lrW food securuy outline pnnciples. aod prw;tita IbaI ~QD de.- ~ when
The ,gwdclincs ~ bMcd 011 an inclusiw; consuIlaiOI proocu:~ by FAD III 41XI9 and ~ finaIs::d dlfOUgh a:s. Ic:d~nqota IQlS IbM mdudcd parbClpalIOn
of pwernmeol officw..Is. ctviI JoOciecy orpnisaUons. privaae !eCtOr ~. lOIana-
IlOOal 0Ip1ISIli0ns an:! Jade~.
The aun ollhe ,gudelines:: 10 prornDIr. rood seauily ..t ___ tamable ~Iopment b) mtproY1D& secure IIXZU 10 land. fisbcries; and ftlR5U and proICClIl1g the tigIn of millions of oIJco w:ry poor people.. "GMn,g poor and vuIoenbIe p:opIc 5CCUR: and cquiUlbie
~ II:CeS5
land and udw:r naruntl R:IiOUnZ:!i IS a key tntdillOn III !he light against huuge!'" MId pD\o'CI1y_It If a hisIOOc breatttwwgh IhaI oounIIY$ ha"", ~ OIl dJesc IintCYO' ,global land ~ pudcluxs. We now ha~ a ~ VISIOn_ Ii's I lioWtm& poId IbM will help IItpOW: Ihe ofIcn ~ IlltJ:ItJOO ol the hungry and poor.~ sW FAD Du-c:aorGener-.uJmiGtavuoodaSilVL Muc:h publK: dcbaIe Iw
nghr.s.; and
puleS 0YCt ICDufl:
dealing with the ClJlIIIIS'OII 01 Clues KIlO nmd amIL
focused on tbe so-alkd ' land_ ,"uu.uu'. """" d; one of !he ISIl.Ii:$IbaI ~ deab WUh 10 Ihcsr: pDdcIinc:s_ While the guJClclmes a:::knowlc:dgr: d;at rc;poosibIe IflVCSlJ1X:nlS by IhI:: fdU and fWlV'.Ile RCIOr$ an: esse:miul fO' Ul'lllUVing rood lieI:urlly, die)' also recoolllltnd that wcgu;uds be pa 10 place ~ P'f*Cl ~ righls ci local pc:opk: frurn nsb tha cooId an!IC fiun bugc-5Cale laid axpsioons.
10 prOIC:d human
ri&hls. Indibood!>. food !iICQ.IIlIy and IDe CIJVInlIKQI:Ql. IIIYCi11J1CU modcls cmt IhIII do nut nsdI JIt tile Jargc-scale .:qu.isiuoo of land, md Ihcsre a11emi11ivc: modets sbouId be pnlInoK:d.. inYI::WncRs 5Iuakl also promoM: policy ob.,icaM:s such as booSIIng local food sccunty and punoting food $CCUfIly. poverty eradicatioD and job ettaicm. and *provO:. berdiu 10 !he: cououy aad II!I people. IIIduding die poor lIJd
-"",-",,-The guideline5 addrt:5Ii a
wxIe range of 0IbI:r issues • vd.~, iodWin&RUJC-
nition .ad ptJII!Qion of IegttiIllIIAC ~ rigbti, even under Ul(ormaI i)'SICIDS; best Pf1IClUS ((X" n:gi!.tnwoq and Ir..nsftt of lenu~ rigbls; and making 5Wt dllll
admmistroltiw: 5)'San: IIIX:CS5itk and affonJ-
~ ISSUeS ~ rnanagmc. ~lIJd ICitIWlIOP of land 10 poopIe who ~
fcn:ibly evtcIICd In the pd: lighls of nfiFJDUli aJIllIItiIIIimoestnlltd III agriaIltum WIds OOCUB n:sponsibty lIJd 1I'1IIISpIImIlIy: mecharuSITIS ((X" o:wIVlIl,g dis-
De5; ensunng thai
"Some of the ISSIM:5 addressed by !he: YG!unllU'y guddines go bII::t cenlUncs
even. The t".ad thIIlhe!ie guideIlIlts urlIc tI:lose enomdJcd I$SUI:S lIS
wdl as
what makes them !O 5igniflall1l:' sajd Gnwano da Silva.. a:rtl5 IS
"'Il.ese gwdclmes ~ die product of a Ihrce year. IOClu $I~ pllCC5S 01 ansuhlllJllfti and ~ tha t.oughl kJFhcrmany~and
ensured IbaI a wide lWIgC of voiDcs ~ be:ant,M sud Yaya Olanuan, a.n::nI (FS 0I:ur Ibe Je5Ub 1$ thai we have a IJIC;lIljngf'ul1Cries 01 pinclpics aod praajccs thai ew:rybody _ countries, the jnV3Ie sector. fartllCfli, ct ... il society - can $WId behind aod suppon, and Ihat will wort- WI in die real
wortd". he Dbl IllS now up 10 the caallries
wOO CO!bscd the &Wddmcs 10 JU Ihem iNa JDClb: c;JII the grwOO. ~ ID 0Ianuan. "IlIesc ~ _ , happen 0\ICI'I\igN.. Btf. we abo know as a rtSUll of the eDmsnJe consuIIalIcnS by FAO AIId tbea:s.1c:d ncgoIiation pn.:x::eu. thai dlCl'e
many pIaces, lund ICDIn: arc etrectndy __ o.NmI lb U!o m the prl\IaIe K:CIClr and 10 our lima pM-
lowa.ll!; IbII same ad.
iI i5 irnportd IbM dlCR should ~ c:ffecu'tC local
Ciwddmes, bur wilh aWlllaleSS IhIt they fnll 5hon in JOllie Im\!i thai we ~ ID the livelihood.-. of smaU-5aIle food pm. ducas. Despite this. we call an JCM'I1UIICIlIS and inIergoIanllIa,aaI agenclCS 10 ~
!hem and usgently improve: ~
lCaInty_" he MIdcd_
fur rood
NerNort, I...uc Mame,
~ SCCka'". said'
~ the pri\"Jle ML...Id ItUII'e 15 rlJl:ldamenW 10 food IOCUt1ty, and it IS 6utng WI the nr:wl~formtd Comrrul1c:e 00 rood Secumy leads IIus process. The ""ide:ItntS set out illlportlUll key tic> ments to make land tenun:
The ~ map- 0CIItn5 UI Afnc:a, .... hich an: pan of the ConwllallYe Group on Inu:nwKJnal AgncultW'lli Rcsc::ardl (CGlAR), lIucnd 10 oolld synerpes that would unlc:asb the powe1" of en., aid lilll::SCOd:: unprovcmeul$ to addreu pcM:Ity IIOd maIrun"",,~AfncL
l>dcuuionI; ill
dUs di:n:clIon
_ onpng with Iht Dtrcaar GenenlI of 1lRI, Dr. funmy Srrutb, vISiun,g Ius aJUI'I6Cr't*t. IITA Di1tx::tcw Gcnenl. Dr NlenIIlya Sanginga In Ibadan, Oyo-""<. At I dima' held in honour of Sm.llh weekend. Sanginp IOlid he fOleS3W a dorier ~ of the two IftSUlUIeI..lkl"Oll:fIR:d thai IITA alone could not soIw: all of Af'nt2 '$ prubIemr. heRz die IIIBI fO' ~ willi UlSUWIe$ wllh sundar ... t$ioQ • IITA
Bolh Ul5lIIUIe:I pn fon:es tbe paY 10 bonging berdiu: ., African ranners in prujCCl5 SlICh as •Promoting SusWnabIc Agriculture in Bomo' (II" I'ROSAB _The pruJI!CI. wluch was UI1J/cmcnIcd In NMhern Nigena., tdped rai'lC incomes by 81 per on IIJOOOg panx:t_ patm& bousebokIs and also ~ me nutrition ofbeocSaPpnga .sud "We IIIBI kI won _ closely ~ bdp
f'armen Fl benerllS_~ In his ~, Sovcb sui be CIIVIs.oncd IITA and IlJU ~ lUg thew 5traIglbs fur the betIerma1II ol f~_ lie SIJd Ihc: p-cscuoe ~ a 'aop aid a 1iw:sIock' ~ pratnen;htp III Afnc:a proviIb:I WI opprIwul)' rOf Ihc: Cllf'IUt'ICnI
odu'sCll.tllpU5_ ILRI ',
ILRI is hc:adqUllt1Cfl:d in Kenya with Ihc: mauilalc ~
IhcanllCho Okikc. SlId lhe col
Illlprow: Ihc: pnxIucuvity of IIW:5V.1d: wbUe IITA has lIS hcadcpIanen in Nigeria with
bborution ~ IITA and IUU _ a UC:p in Ibe right din:cuon thai woukI aeau: a
Rcpn:senwII\Ie UI Nigel'll,
map Atnc:t.
Ir11pIlCI III sub-Sah.Kn "II IS a pafea align-
mmt. . he added_ Ql..,te 00Ied dliII the
~JOn ror grwcr partncrWp beI_ me IWO ID5lJWES _ III .... opportune ume .... ben Ihc: CCiIAR tluwgh Its morro agenW IS fOSlC:ring gn:aII:f col Iabonwon among ClaItrq.. Smith was acoompanial by Ius .... Ife. ~. IIUd Dr Shtrley"llmlwlIh who I5IUU'5 DII~or or Inst,tUIIOnal
Poor Funding: Food Security in Africa to Suffer Setback he ruxl and Agncull\R Dlpu5IItion (FAD)
Ilin:lCUlr-Gencnll. Jose Graziano dI Sd'lll. Iw; WIIlIIC:d oIa QlB.p fundillg gap fur IC1ivwcs pIaImaJ by FAD 10 !he: Sahd and Ihc: 110m d AfncL Sp::abng • the Foro NIIe\II Sc:onomfa IllIanationa.I coo-
mcrca5Ul& tbe rt:5i1ieoccor famila fllting <kooghL " lloostiQg
that although Ibc:x: is yinatas10& ~.. on how 10 boost ~ lind lbdopmenl.~ isCOO'l:lldy a 51&-
actina with for fWlUly r.ming and smallboIder p!1> develop~ lOIuativcs .. me long lam. and n:duc:mg ~u1nr::nbih'y ., eIJn:mc: CYaII5"_ be aid. Wilh one UI every ~ pe0ple 10 the 'NOrid 5Illfenng from dwnte ~ and malnUllilion. "fighting hunga I!i a chaI~ 100 gIeIIt flX" r':AO (X" flny
nirlCllOl probbn - runding_ A drumIIuc: ~ is Ihc: fund10& ,gap for FAD milllWVe5 in the Sahcl and Ihe Hom 01
,gG\IC:nuncnl 10 overoome alone;' Da Silva Iddcd_ "II mtI5f IIMliIve civil KlClety_ P'lViYC ClIk:lplSe. iokmalionaI
Africa, ~ sU:L. " In Ihe Hen d Africa we ~ Iosmg Ibe wmdow ci
rarum ... Madrtd,beJald
opporwniIy 10 build on our ra:mI acbievana:a - wbicb hclpod 10 0I0ICr0IlIIE the fao:une dcdared las!: year in Somalia -
duClJOn, pI'\'IIIJOlin,g
and Ihe goYttnrncnl5
0 [ _ ................ COUDU'IeS_ For IhIs ~ we hIovc: open::d Ihc: doors 01 FAD ., new illites with wton we ~ a (D1101on tel 01 pnno pb",beSlllll:(l
Dunn, lilt Rq;ion;lI ConIi:moe.!he: Pn::sirba of die RqUU: d tbI: ~. Denis Sassou Nguc:sso and FAO Drn:co--Gc:nmd .Io!t CiI::ualo da Sit.... CIIIIcd ror AfiieaR __ did.)' ~ help ~ ao m:u'nn,g IOOd IC!CUnl)' crua; III !he: adIDItt, WIIh !he Saobd and tbe Hom 01 Africa awtendy ma&I
10 maintain offices 00 each
by ~ rnemba'
assava, yam_ m;Wr. soybean.
respons,ble InYCSlmeOl Ouwghoul the .",-food cfIuI", be added. GroUJaflD da Silva lidded lflii !he: orpnwOoo illIIXb lady ao provde IUflpOJ'I JI1d II!i5ISIaa: 10 CXlUdrics W IdiIptia,g MId unpIcnEmmc die g,uizkfipc:s. N 00nc: ill die Pw ID d1C case of 0Ihc:r. simibr' ~ lJIeIU ~ lOr the Code of Conduct h Respoas;ibk FOOeneIi FAa ~iU POW ~ a ~ of Iedri:::aI IwIcIJoob dr:s,gned 10 help COOIIIries dpI the guidclua 10 thI::if IoeaI Cl:WlICXb lIJd put
Carnpwoo lndigena-Via Campc:suv Argentina saKI ",,*, 00ITVIJaKj!be ptlIXSS dial WJI5 adopcd dc:\dopuIg the gwddines. wbidJ prov;dcd die ~unity ror civil IiOClety
COIIo-pca, COCOII. banaoiI and pIarum. RoIh II!\ZlII.IIeS opec lie Afnca ....ide• ..t h:ive OYer Ihe yean; 5igncd l1li ~
WlIOOul c:onupIion. fair. r __ ~ tWcs benefit nI2)'OIIe. ensuring 'WODleIl gel cquaI IIDClI:a 10 land Wld funbenng
\cd ansubions in IJIdt:r-lDlhIi a dcaikd proposal b ~
lSI klIofbuy-mllJdsuppm r(l'
Ihc: malldale kl wipltMl suDSaharan', map saapIes such as
danMoIlO Ibc lIU!;I fund.
IITA and ILRI Explore More Areas of Collaboration foptcaI A,gnculllu~ (lITA) and the InlemalJOolll Uve5COdr. ~ I.JsID..IIe (ILAO. have IIIOWJd 10 SICp up ooilabInuoo 10 udhng the ctWIenF oJ
WI:! Ibo provlde
IarJPd Ia:h-
LU QWSl:D:Ic 10 ~
Fn ils ~Ihe (P.; will 00;1 .. IO.:wed loot ... the -.e
... """"""* tmcRI"""""'"" In\'t::>UDt1ILS IQ 15 OIIlmdy
pIammg a
~lO& ctD5I.IIIaive p:ooe55, 10 51., III Odobc:r. JI1d !hal coull cullrunle ill 5d of rccOflllllCDded pnndplcs rtX"
n::spc>nSibk imamlt:.nl In agotakI' jq 2013. ,lot de III? r.:I f!P'o'CIlXncnts, U~i ~. chi! 50CIdy
orptaalioM, apiaUUnI n::scu:b CE&R$,. 6nan::iaI imti1WOIa. pMIIe IEICIIIf J?DIIP' JI1d ~ foa.IIldalions, j.t; die leading global pbIform fur disrussioos' 00 food iCIC\I1I)' ISWCS am 1Ien'eS as a rued aniirll ... IXII15CDSUSOOIIdIn& aI dlt intcmalional leYd 11M pobcy JlIOOOliw It die 1WOnal bet_
"""""". Africa Plans Food Security Fund
the guidc:hna;. 'I1lc CPS atdt'nernalt lends Ihem Ic:giunile)' IIlIII ~.lIJd .1I..l11hc c:ountrieI invoIYCd an: ready 10 tnkc than on board:' be 5aId_ Spc:akin,g oq bebaJi ci ciVIl 50cidy ~ ~\IUl IIlIhc guidcliJa~,AngeI
SInpan6n 01
Ihcm"*lpby_ The~
and rcpresenwlVCS cl mWIliCak food proo:b:en 10 paructpile III aU stages. 10 <hw auenIlDn ., the Jt:al life miUCS and rnakr: ~ JXOIXI&IIk-"
Grnzumoda Silva. who 15011
an olTlCial ...1511 10 Spain dcclwtd. 'I urn convinted dlllt SpIlIn will n::main • ilIUk:pC auy IJIIhc: rlgN ogainsl taangc:r_ '1l'l: foundauon of diU aUiaD.:e i.Ii Imed net only on the 6nanaa1 IXInIIihIlIOIl, but on !he: shaJaI oenauay _ a world wllhout Iung!:::r is pl5Sibit, dllt devdopmr::D. an lIJd need!. k) be susWnabIe. dlllt COtIIUIeS QUl learn from each ochcr.1hat multil:ucralism ii tbe rom we Il1U$I travd 10 n:ach our gonb, WId thaI the ~ or V\llnmible countnes II1so
bmefilS the deYdoped
"''''''The l>u'ecu:r-GemaJ
pan In the n:o:nI finl cdibIxI of the rAO-spaill Awartk rO' III the figtll hunger_ Her Mapry
aduevernenl IpInSl
Q><cn .... "' ............. oYc:f die QefmIOO}'
Gnwano da SLI.... said Arran. oiI-podutin,!, nahonI; haYe a ~ OAJOftLIIIi:y 10 pm. II10Ie the wnrincnt's social and c:conomocdeYdqJmoa..t lift it w of IG 1XJIlIinuin,g fuod IIlSI:anySl1lG»I1m. "J would Ik ID aweaI 10 Af'nc:IrI 1IbIDS. c:speci:dIy ciI-tnJduanc coumies 10 in¥cst
SOIl"E 01 thea: reMUtXS ill 1£'1' aitu;-e III a ~ DJmII£I"
wdu.l ~ the a:tvUtmcaI" the DiR:cIor--GcaenI
am OOIMoocd ending t..1&1' ( l po!iSibIc, given IlUe poI~ oommitmc:nt," said Gra:t.ano da Silva, addi.nJ; ""fadl Me: ol LI5 has:. ooottiuUOOkl m£k .,adlic:w:dJis goal:
pM:Im-. 1bc pMIII:~. civil Mlady, ~ IIXI
qulal opaa::iUlI'I5 md !he: nECi.L I call ~ 1011 ~ YOU. all of.. ., joia ba:s 10 lice !he: ....00.:. from _nnc..~
Il'~ PRsIdolI ofllle RqJubIit:"
01 th- ContP 5ft:5riCd !he YaIuc: 01 fl'lIibaI nDIIIIIIilma.. in CI&nl& food lIo!lUlIy and tralk I -y,·na IIJIIXIf" for Afriaa pI'oGmaa ID sIn.v ~ With aJIWh$ in !he Ibn of Mnc.1 .d die Afrocan 5md
n:p:t'IIl. wlII:E riIIiI»s _
THIS t} DAY SPECIAL REPORT ON CASHLESS ECONOMY The mtroduction of the Cenual &nk c:J Npta (CBN) policy on cash Iodgemenl and Withdrawal his etirited arguements as 10 the importanr:E ol the policy to the Nigenan eronomy especially as it ilff(.'ds securities <haIJengeo facing _ _ _ paym<nI d.anrds. However; banks haveentm.>d intotbalegic partnerships with ading players UI the tcleoomrnunication 9l.'dof' to make mobile money servia5 a v Ji!.-.ble 10 Nigerians. A1sq. banks and mobile money UlI1!plOies have invested in innovative branchless mobtle pii.ymenl .solutions designed ID fCiSler financial incIusbn d UPbmked and under banked Nigmans.
n., """"'" paymonl plallomb .;u bring low _ secure and ronverUeni fmandal getvlCeS to tuban" semi-urban and rural an!aS acrtNI the ~ opening a new d\anncl of financia! services delivery_ To this end. rntSOAY plans 10 puoli5h a special report that will highlight banks and mob Ie money mmparues that are complementing the CBN quest 10 usher in a cashle9s l'Ulnomy in the mtmtIy n., special pull out wiD be 00 Friday May 9 20"
For further information and inqu~ please LOntad &ornoseJe Abaodun OR P905£t5EP5 or Opdtukwu 011 o&J66457293. Of Lhe wlollcl5i~