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Adeola Akinremi

E n" adeo

Hunger on the Doorstep Christmas may be some days away, but there are fears that the month of December will witness an aSh"onomical increase in food prices, leaving many households struggling to make ends meet, writes Joy Odia

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MinOtt .. of ... picvlt ..... end Rur.t ~ Dr. Akinwunml AdullY

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I't'm .. II\I~1 h. ~.u 11lf' ru .. h. p'.,1 .1 ft'" "unut.....1il(,1 ..I,.. ""IH'l1 r"T' I or \lllt· I~ mAr~l"I In I.l~('" Ll~t .n,.. ,("'It"tTlI'LlI.~1 mMI\ t1un~" IIr.t, ..h., 1..... II\ ..

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W .II... , Ih"ul:t11 ,,',.tIILn,.:: }wr frwnJ .. 10 ~t.lrt "\1\ Lnl! hou .....h"I" Ikm~ ItWlt th.... \\,,"Id 11<'\"\' Ie' t ,,, t>ffiN-t ':-11f' w.1<' "ornN that th.... rllll' -I \, .....1 ,,'fTUn('O..I!lw<o 1Il thE' m.uj..t'l

wa~ n~mg

lIluitll,w-k.'<11Il n'mr,l'" to 1m' I'''''' mnoth." l1w rn(,· I,f 1< ..,1 .' .....1 ptht-r IIf'nl' tw\l' n'flllllut,1 h, m.rt·,\o;(> loll,.wmjo\ Iht' nl.xl~ thai rd\olp,1 tilt,


ur tdlldo..! ITKlfl,h.lllO.l


r""- 1.1 t,,,-d I~ "I.... l'~.1o(t."Tto.'h.J r, IIw h".1 '1(:"'..-,1\' _,II ('\l'! Itw Hl\l111n 111 ':~-'n.l Icao.l _',C{1U111~ lur " l.u~.- .h.ln' H\I:n-,,«' 111 1m'

..I Ih.-'\\' bud!,,'1 ('I,lwr III urt..111 ('I rur.,1 Tll\l" II til<" rnn' •• f "'''rw I, • .d "''''T'.


ttltTl." , .. ,ul Imnw.lI,lI~· Imr.', I Ilu ... n \l .. un I" .. h,,,, .. lhAI In'm tho.' rur,11


j\\I"""" ~(, 'lttlkp.' m C",t-,II'.'C1.¥Omtl',jlt.Jn h""d,'nl .. ,., l.l~\'" II I' t.ll .... fli "II(> bm\1~hl '" b,- n .. m,:: rOtl".,1 1t ....1 oUlI.ltranlf"'t1 I.m: Th.: n,,,, \\hl,h aitt"(lffi O\'l'r 11 ~lill~ In 1\'h'·na. h.nt' C,lU"'l"d a 1.>1 nl ml~l"rhllw ,lI)o.l ,1..,ma~,' It. ~,~("fl.ln' and 1'100 ,(>\mln..-.; th"l W{"f\' dli'!-.".I, 1.1 k.od <;urr",-,I froll! ~1J.!ma \I,,,,", ...1 I~ al1>,," wheft' I t - !(,Ixl '"'r''' IUT 'ullll.l\o"..1 ,' .... IIf.ln.''''I1f'<.-t from Wi'n' hldt,· hll

T,.....,..sett... Mi..,... '\«nrul11R It> 'I!. Faith IIl,unu. ,\ t>uH"r al,J SUrrhM" 1·1 fT\""'h 1,'fruIhl('< and r"'J"I,,-'r

The high cost of food items is prevalent all over the country. It is hard to blame the It '" " dt'lku{' Ihill': t"f'o.:"U<;f' I1l<lrw hou""it,,1J marketers for it. First, Will be lqlh"UI 'f'!,J dunng tN- 1~ItH' ren'" tlx-tr (aJU'IIIII makh till' 10C0d rl'kf'5 there is shortage of 1lw (to{1d ha~ reaih' made thr rnce III ~ocods food supply and again \I'm,'rea"t!' ),'\1 un unolRlll£' N'I"R' Ihe n...1d wr W{,It' l>u\UlJ.:" ktJ:: (., ('f1.H.'fl" fl'r /\';1<;, (Ul there is fuel scarcity, toul nnw II M' 1Jl(TeaO\t'\ll<l S10.000 i"M t>alt' flood and damaged "ht. ottiIll·.;j tNL tNI WM H'f)' dleo1r "'>I'll" TnI">I'Ilh .. ""'1. "oJ a\au.wlt IN IU~I !'...n;o roads and nonnally p" t>\lckl:'t IS N700 ret paUli bu..1.ct during festive period arod thr ~m l<; ~..."nm~ from Detta <.,call' whn\> the fl ..... >d, "}T'C1.t"t1 n.. c""W',, fa~ prices go up b,' Irw- 11,,, ..1..

\" 'nhr>J,; ". 'IT' Fllmf' Il"'4'f'h, " IT"oiN In \Lml m.lf~l-t al 1~"Il\' r.U\11'lflml'I1I Ul I.\S:I .... '\\\' "rt' w"'~£ \l~ul'}1;t' III I,,,,J rr)lt"'l .uwaJ >f ilif.>c'l"mm .UlJ thdt ,~'n''flIl .. a d.l11£''fl~ tren.l






'TIlt" In..JI I."'l.lh'l"!> and f"-'T'rt-'f Ih.l\ t!-I'It'1nl-t brvuJ.:hl from the tlt'rlh .'If" ""IIIl'UIlW"> Ilot .walla!,I", t.~r ...,tt""lln Lalt(,.. E'tn 1\ w,' <.ft> Ihr 1~'Tl\.. t(_ anJ I"-TpE'T h. bm- II WIlt N'


ol \t'fl hlJl.h rn~


...1.... "dded that I~h Inm.lIl"'" l'orr "'a~ rur'hA ....' .., I)W(:O'o.' <.f !'\:'.fO.1 N-I(lil' Ilw I)''''lli~ lind IhI- hl(" .... .u'_.I\, l'lll

u~ 1" ~

""W I' tw .. i~..-d III ~~.IUl ('('t NI:, dt'I'l"f"'dIllJl. Pit thor pKl.,

I\crordmf( ,,> ~Ir; R.llioll Ibr.lhlm. 'rtllm ,-CJ th.l1 st.J1~ WI!'O\'" (Ind". ano.I Ddta MW III ~urrhl" h,," inot','''<'d In rri<:t' 11"0(1 ~ .IJJed -tvl.. n' 11>4" n<Wld ~,;n1t"t1 In A"-lt>ol

.VId Ldlf'lli 1fl1A.--II.'~lh""herer,,\lm 1..~

Ii.t.! Ih,: rfl(tl III J.:, ... "j, an..! -t'r. .... In .n mtl"T\.·'t"w 'nIh TIl[~[l,,' ~'n 11 bo\~1 t>tI<'ltlt"'~IThln. 'h .-\1.'\ l.",I .... m "'11.1 Tlw 1\lJ,;h ('l!>1 ." " .. ,J ill'lll~ I" rIT",II.1II .lll


Iht-n',mtn II IS h,u,II " t>'.m" lhe

rn1fkl~ IOf II FIf"l. then-l" ..n.lI1.:Ip' ,</ "~,, surrr, .m.1 ,',,:.'lll tI...... l' IlIt'l ~.11 In IIt",j mJ ""m,·~•...J mad~ .1nd ""lm,ll, ,hml'l~ Il"'UH' pt'ru,J rfh.t"l' ~" ur lh.I.I"Il,lill" (t'Ioi·!:>r.\huf1 "I l\w nt''' .lm ,llltl m<.'l(>ll feloh\ AI U\ [lot·lt.I ~I,ll,' ....,h.·fI· r.urpItJ' N llu.. (,,,,J ~Iulf "".t!Tl',MI!,d rt'Cl"f'Ilh'. It hot .. rK>I ~Ik~ lilt' Imf'dct "I 'h.:'

hl"n ('n<.t In



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()piu tn, U1!-::lnn', ClfllrL.lU1t'd

all.' N'm~ rro.. "",,,,,,' ttl r,,11ll 1,,1, Ih!.- rrlce ..I r.llm {lIl f"'( 2.<; I,I""" u ......1 t.. k- "(·Id .ll

lof olnt"'~ III tho.' IT!.'ir\.-.r\. Tlwr ~lId 1h.11 II I~ d,ltl('Ull ,,~ tr.ln"ptlf'1 1:nIT! I t - ' .ul"1l.~

II"... C...... I "I N'unl and ~ Imt'tlrtl\;'" \e<;.c, toul II ha... Int"Il.'olo.eod I.. \;foo ......:l "nd m,,,,,' f"'I" ~; ht~ m milr~d l't>c>rk> wh. P' h' It.... nw-\.-.t'lI,\ l'll,' ~"ili

Mr hluah Amanm, .1 fam'll'r milo.., .... , ~ IA'" LGA 111 Dl-ha ~Iall". <,.ud · TI .... " .....1 ~ kl the f;urn a"I \\l"W.~uwt' anJ r,..,h;U l),,'3 In A#l(lT h.J" t'ft'1l d,unap;,'.j aru.i IIw

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