Page 1

Page 24, nnSIJAY, Vol. 17 No. 6171

9 A

Friday, March 16, 20U



rA!he FIalIty of

me ..... 1Un:.1a SdIooI

former Old ~ OffIO!!' of JOt8 CIpW M:ri:ds I....-,J. Mr. B.,.o Room." -.d

caIcd m rqubIII:n III dlllQn

of1he ...... ·smnm'/lnbWd ~ QpIIDIy k· ~nabIC ~ 1heir IIIlDby 10


.10 ......


no 1he N'~ e:onrmv I k mIde dus k./JorIm


oaobhop OIl peno.... IinInt..a pIIman& IDd 1IM:W1):nI nwttp:mnJI for OCCUII~. put ..,..,. by Royal l.vhqe FISWU Md 11l"C>b1'lenl UmooI ROlUnI ...1w;t bb:nrJ ~ Nigman IinancIII cn5IS Md stock rrwtc:t a.h 01 21118 un


CBN, SEC Tasked on Capacity Building for Effective Regulation I


ECONOMY £ro"'O$t!I~


A biodlln

iU~..J~ m 1he pM of DTIC t..b.11OIed !here _ In UlFIl need for rq

"""'" " bwldm&".,_ ... """' futlft


10 bcstaJl

He caIkd on Ihc Seculld

aw:l ExchanJ:e COIT1ITU.SSI(JD (S£C). Central Sri; d Nip:na (CBN). N-..I I'cmIoo Commisso! (PEN(l)M). N~ IR5I.IfWlI:J: Call1ml5lOll (NAJCOM). 10 c:fSft l:ttO . . mnoe ID IrIlrx:boni., ~ Iha !he NiFfW' eoJI1(lJl1)I ..... on • dlR:5hold cL. map quM-





bcauIc nw.y of !hem l f t

FG to Hold Cabotage Sensitisation FomIn



MARmME BJ John Jlfl"ori



aw:l dflQtlll mO":'enlCD of die c..bougI: Ad. 2OOr. me

a::.ty '-::tq QpOIy. wfIidl l a-Itq l f t WOfk.. . OQ .. !be: If1OInrSIl.. 8uI. !here _ comt-nIICS" N'1pnII ntay hi an &Ct 1I'Io'll)' WIlt! M1)'1iuna beaux


ofdlellllJll(JOn~f"'~ III 1M CXlUIW)' Bla I dJri; Ihe SIIUIlJOn • ~ beaux C\ft)' quIan IS bpl& 10 1q'lI1'

did wlIh !he t.nkqJldtW:' he_ While call. . on !he FaIernI

DIIe ...... ft OJN

(io¥cnwncd ID tr.oe

cruc;roc III diKe-

1M • public: oompncI .,

the counIJ)' nupw 10 the IIlInnauonal FilWlCial RqXlftq .s&.ntt.d (IFRS). he poncd out hi 1he poticy ...

CIIpIt* of DIIt. . Ihe N'1JftlM CICUMIT1y ID die nw IeYeI " II ....'U I~ reponilll SUIIdInk In the cwtey ..J ~willbe"l0~


a <pIOII:d ~ III

diff~ 5I:CIOB




or ......a IaUIIs IdcMed by q.dCd mtTf4DCS. Bc:J.K ......... you lftll'lilK 1M. lID bInb hr.or: 4KaaIl )aw a.t MId c:ada cal come Ind ~ yw ~ _ 1he ~ MId II h!; Old of c:ada yaI 100 end ..., 101Ih fiYe bInts ~ ID be !he bIg:21c III the <XUIlJy. heAld. In has mn.h. Group

MInI&'"I 0Imtt0' of


--"".'~ QW.e f;1OOo'IIn)'C . IV:*d Iha ~ ........ neallO~ ~on 10 mum 1O!heatp-

ItII martcc rcccnl


the ltghc of the

JIot-I ~'II . ....1Kh

ICSUIIa:I III IIW1)' ~ loamg thorcnbI'C ~ I k IhIl f..-m ~ .... w::ry auaaI for the IUrVMII a ~ ~ld­ lIIII Md COIf.O"1lIt CfItIty atk&!g d'III penonaI fiIwIoc IIld JI1\/CIImcnc fIW'IIIIIC'1'1m 1I!OIT1ICbmIS I'd pYeIIlhe dcSIml t'OR!IaOU5 ICICnbOn Ib:pue ItS unponanee



~ 10 CUI~y Wllh

-""'!he P'O"ISiom oldie Ad The

rorum on the en(\ln:IefnImC. 1l llSDAY pchcftd.-..ouJdbe QUI ~ Ihe muncry 10 ~ thai the kqo pbym ~ noc vK!l:Alc the J1I'U¥ISIOnI of


!he .\ct III IheJr qICI'ItJORS_ The v;hIch ...auld be oq_l6ed under !he II:p5 01 cht NIgcrun Manullle Adnunlsuauon and Safety Arcrq (NIMASA) IS me.Il to rOSIe! ~"0Il.


~ olllb5 iMd.shInnJ I'" Illfomllilion MId Itlkl1l,.,~

A SUilCInenI IMUtd III u.p IRd made ~'aibbIe ID DAY SIIId fOfUlTl ..iudI IS abo IlImcd II promolm, pub-



he: awareness IfI1mPI d e hI::*kn III~. mOOs

cry and m.e oomrnta'\Ity...... ,Itt<aUOnlconsulblllYC ronun OII~cnr~


Ehtdulod ID hold March 27. 2012.thc: M ~ne~


RCiCUC Co-«dmIclnl


Cenrn: (MRROO. Klman . MllIknCliYe .. nalure. !he ~ 10 Iwmor1dc:

forum II

Ihe aunt: and objeclJ\U 01 bolh Jnduritry 0J'II:I'W0rS aid poI.::y ~uuon 1In1fqy. MIen ufv ~ ppI III !he lI'11f'kmentlltlOQ of ~ trim(~ polICY JO r. _Id bulk! ~ on the -rs -.d meal. 10 cnnch deh"'CfJ



"Cormn! ... Iune

~hc:n Pobey revlCW IS 1mITttnCtIl. che fanRfl III ICUICI


pMEd 10 ddibcrw: 00 idea! would c:ahaDoe the:



l"C!JfllI= ., buikhnc

of capICIly for



Agric Development: NESG Consults US, FG, Others ECONOMY


c,.",so~ O$lJg"~

Inocnn\U ...





-'... ••

"""- -

Erwpy Edp


1IdJwE4;r ..... MCR!

t.rrIuIirw'R*m CIIJSCE (JSN;E

Cmm"*""'v & ..,.,hnEilg EMMAOt«ifrU





.w.ESEMEJO I*bt)~ aNM.O""'~.......,


10 JIID' Vldllll opponundll':S ror Ib 1'l'IeITIbI:n1O~_nw·




-.d ~ da"

~ horI

PolICY CommISSIOn. Dr EnwnInuei lpo'Cl'C.tcn::Med dwe



odf oIf food 1fl1lDI1*DI. lie: SlId 111m: ...... In WJaIC need ror the cnnry ID Ib:Iop e:ustq kJCII CIIpI'2Y b food produrnon espcaally dunn, thII penod of cIobII CItUPJIIlIt'


weather anti from which N"'I£N tm nditiontUy in1XJncd JUt*s JUdI_ nDe nnw!he~ . . siora. p.ucipanlS upmsed cuam DJut I:MUeI like .... dWiaIion ..t c:atifiI:Iwn of IJonJ III repon$


pan of




Ihe group led • 1.5-mIn ddcpoon on. fM.<by Wst~ ~ 10 !he &II Affll::m


..... fe!Lw •


"""'" Mc.., .... hlle. f'o,'ES(n


... -... ....


!he~1toWktraKlhc -.a

wizh !he rdeww1I


~ mndudirw: rc:rn.ts N~ -r !he eftOm: of the

NESG III ~ inYearnenc iaN'''''~JldtW. .. W .........I ails irnp:Jftan COIItriI:uuon (42 pcra:nI: of Gop) ID our I\ItJOrIaI «unomy ..ta~IO~. kadint ICJlII'tt crI rl'Wel1tn


Lcd by thea-man of !he Group Mr FoIuto Jffitpll aw:l Dtm.1or GcnenaI. Mr r"Bnk Nwc:t;;e. Jr Ihe I~ ddep lion ~ Ihe le:admhlpof COInI*'a operauIII In the I~. Finance. eon.nowlXS

1IW!ina. AY1:ItIon.

Media m In 1Upli. !he R...--bn c:apIlIII. chey _


by PIatdenc

r.; Kapne .....,..1Ih cdlcr q,~~.

Dw-me !he IJICIClmJ WI'IIh

K.opm<.'s rm.rbt* """'" """"'"""" R-u JI"lPS III n:oJIICIl.., ta ~ aftI:I" Ihe tntgic JI:IIOCIde of 1994 Ik Iho paited !he ~

~ of Che CXlUIW)"s cnvwnment wm one of the ITlOIl 0Dmpel1 U¥e ~ in ..1Kh 10 do Ia$-


... m Ihe A61can COICIneIC. On his pM. fW;dz Slid !he

R...-..dIs putD: xY'lCr 1n ~ _ ICaplIC wei romcd Ihe NF..sG deIepUJn .....,.nly aw:l IaI-.d t. Pi It die vr:ry oordNII aid tmIhat) IrlII.Jons !hit ~ bc:twr:r:n R........ Md N'1p:N.




and upkMt Chr: slgnlfx::.JC


opportunIbCS a d !din AfncIrI Ir.d:: MId rom-

lie oondr:mned the UCbfnmeruhty ...-t.:h t..I chIrw;. 1mXd1he~~'CiCI'I

Mnc:. Md die Wesc ..J cnV-t&Jr:d ChIC Afran COIDnI:S IIId her peoples tiooe bfte !he JlO""'C'" II) ct..F the fOfUle of

""-enaJInFd K.pme

RVo1IIIdI's ~ propus

&be dd-

cpl10n ID CIlPP Ihe RWIndIII learn MId exploit the huF IIM:5Ul'1mI OJ1lO'UIflIlXS. .. t.dI

.txJtn:l III RIIIWIda's &aJ;y. AgncUilUl'C. Av1MlOfl. !CT.

RaUw.l1)'1Md &b:Ibon ~ While ., KJpli. !he dcIc:p am mr:c wish !he MJN:IICn of InfrwrucruK. Trade: and bdusby. Educ:aoon. lbe Ciooanor rI R-.da·s CcnrnI U..,k and the Mana&1IlI Diru:cor 01 the R........Devdopmml &.d. The RwardIIII ~ scaor fiedrn.. lIOn. III orpnisIhon gmjbr K1 lion

---.... .........

by rr-tenI 1Upme', YdionIrJ leadr:ntllp aw:l the w:ry )Q.1III aw:l ~ learn of ~ ~

the n«d b'

"" NI'SG"-'" "" pn.~ 10 mmt 101Ih Ihe ddcplion ..J prtMdcd quality per. 'flC'C1MS on the IIusanc. aM-

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