THISDAY, 16 MAY, 2012

Page 1

Page 24, T1-USDAY, Vol 17, No. 6232

Wednesd ay, May 16, 20U

tl BusinessWORLD T

he: hllF liM in posed on

"""""""'mNiFnm ",....

. . (ax.) by


CommuniClilion5 ~ (NCC).I- ccnun1Q11O f1Iise (ks, :IS 5t:Wiloldm:

news QoS: Confusion Trails NCC's Fine of Telcos

f'undI.t.mi F ID ~ who spoke 10 TI-nsDAY Mtnby ~ II) die NCC k) ~ IUIt' Ihc linc is corMS1ICd to cmfiI f« dJ!cribtrs wbo ~ daxd sa-vt;e by opa--


The NCC IaJ Ia9: wd. fined ~ffN and EnAIaI ~60 mlUion c:Id1. ...'biIe Autd me. Glo ""'1ft .tal ID ~ ~ ril1ul InII NI80 nullO. ft:ipS.~Y. for




ByAmakaEu poor!plllity of ~ Bl&dra..m-a.~

ofN'~(AJ.l'ON). Mr. Gbcnp

Adcbiyo.1Oid THISOAY!hIIl hal ~ ...... llosia!ilOwh:u


Ihc NO: pbn5 ., ck:l WJIb !he

'"1be nwo p-cbItm ..,..,..,.


world. paI1lClll;u-ly I Ie crnergIn! and de\-clopi1lg ~:OKllllies. anaI)'Sll III FSDH Securities

""" .....

They ~ lhen:ft re callod on the r"elknU Gow mlllenl 10 pay IItlcrnioo 10 the .I IOw\h and Ikw:~ of th , natlon"s apo-alhcd mdlMy, .... hich they said woukl c:I sure IdeqUII~

food pmdu. !lon and



well m .bundanl

~Il opr«tl!\lues

The upen s rDlod !hal because cmctgJlli nlnOffii,es spemll huge P"'I'OIt on oflhc:ir disposal 1I1alfne on food. mcrea<iCS In priers W IUkI w0rsen then- conditJr... n the face of nsmg UlleITlpkJynlall. ..lAs the g1.obal ecol1omy suuggks to mlJl"wr it!; gJO'I'I1il II'I.JCdOIY. II is .mrJ1ant 1M: developing COJnO rues pay altention 10 $Cl;tor that are apable r:I aeaLiDf- mlpkJymen' opporw(lIlv aut mhano:. the \1,dl-btUl& di..:u- ptOpk: fU Nigeria, Ihc ~1S-through effect of global pr1CCli on domesuc rnf\abon I!i a dear


Irgnai 0( IhI! rIr:'glIt w: m1plCt nsing g\obJI fOod PIled .."wld have on the natiull's «ooomy;

"" .....

The r=:mly rdoJ5led Wurtd

Bank Global Fold ('ria! Intb (WBfPl) had Indicated that

after roor months 9f COIl5C.'CU~ ~lm:5 . pabal food In:es tuN:. ma!a5id by eIght per cern from Dm!"l1hc:r 20 II


to M:m.::h 1012, The sIJj wed thDl global fooll priers ffmJ.m tugh, MId only d per c::nI dow their


Fdwuary 2011 b5l(:rirnI high '1be ~ of gn IDS IS only five per cent IOI'r than in February ~II fa &. oils 8 per oent Iowet and , chef food.!; 5 per cent lowe- \\ 1m rtSpCICI 10 yearly VIl-iaIOll (WIth respect 10 Man:: I)_ pnCCli

remam only I IJI:I'



s , Eronloselt! Abiooull ~r





stakdddr:n lmIIJ''lRlliI tr.nas

to srnoorb qaabIJII5 d nc:t...n. Inl .....,... pannm. das5ifying our ~ IS nrroonaI SCCU'II)' 1nfnsruaurt.1 dCI!·l.fC'e thcen;;llOpoor~ycl~~

he: t.:t said.

The JftS1daw. cI the: NIlionaI TcleaJm Stbolben d Ni~ (NATCOMS). MI'. AdcoIu ~p.aIsosaidthatlh::finc:.





~ I:IISlR and mbiIit ~ uI ~ qxnb;n.

of l..I:msed ThIeam!I Opmos



1 1111 A)'qI is IhIrt ~ continLIt todo!he best they ce.1O

Food Prices: FG Urged to Invest in Agro-allied fudustry he rooenl IIUlF In global {ood prices ~Id worsen the sundIrd 01 liVIng of mo5I. CCOIJOnUo-:S of the


!efVICe!I ~ b:m dimmalcd. AU

levels 12 nurths ago (I

percent lower for grams, 2 per


cent for (lCf'ccnt oil5.11nd 0 per a:nt for other foods). -WBFPI said

"'U::n CJDIIratd. ITUll 10 to !he suboib:rs, wbo .-e the onc:s IhM wife.. poor quality of terYICIC


lir sardo'1!'s • good IIinllIha NCC -1inaD:Y dccicbt fa iii ~. and Fl ~. by dorn& 1M wOO: d • regulator. The fmc shwld be paKi 10 the IIUb$aibcn:.,

boc:auJr it


them dJM


openrIa"5 dd~ poor Jel'Vtce 10 ~

R.cspondin£. the Dim:Ior Public MIllS, Mr. fury 0j:Jb0. sud thm: .... no CB: • fa who !he fine thwJd be (.rd fa ~ It ill. bw•..:I1hr: r~ bas 10 I"e paid to Ih:: mrmnissaon. TIE a:JI'T1n1issnt lIIiI decision

00 ",11M to

'*' •

do ",iIti Ih::


Fmcs .-e ~ to be puniriYe; ~y 1M: must be pUci '11' not abola Ihe note)' whm iI is ~ c:oIk:d£d: iI', abola !he t.lllgnal illmdI to the inrl:rIIIIlIIJMI opnISIIIIDnS. This fine Is JDfI1CIhrng Iha wiI.I rnIIke pcqlie uncomfonablr 8ecauill: whm you .-e fined. a does aomedung 10



'1fthe!clec:m.-e havq IS$U5

W1Ih (XJY>'ef. they JhouId deal wnll II.. TIE power isIur: has b:m Ihefe

IiJr (MI' II

)'CIB • ..:I1IEy TJU5l

be:~ indca&1c""lIh iLll has not SIDpptd .:me d them £rom dc:darmg ~I over Ihe yeaB. Itus they must be: IbIc 10 ~ IOn'le d Ihe SUIX!C!II IIOria into irbs to SIcIdy jXJWO" supply for

thew nkrstn£s:' he _


Idm5 opcnlon md Monday under . Ihe IIISpICU oJ GSM MsotiIlIOIl d trq:rna. fa dI!iaJss Ihe way farwllti.and I'OW to tlrdc-

Ie the problem ~ faong 1htrr- orprIISIhln. e\aI • NCC '-sud II was not PlIbao:t.oo


n.: rq;ularmdNiJClll's I:ic-

When aW::d abola the poor power MWY.....tIich is one or the catI!ICS oI'pOcr QoS. Qicbo said not power the tunTlISSDI _

a;m S«1Or. II. the weekend .

hokting.1nr:I IU his no pou.u over zoes 00 mIheIr apnisa-

~ In Itt: CCAIdI)' lOr tililins

..... ..,..1131

JIInmaI • .,... line of NI .17 biI-



mmpIy WIth thr ITUIIlJTAIJTI pxIard of qtWiIy of ~



The orgllllislttion noIEId Ihat despIte ~asc.

the ycar-on-year the IU5tllined me in

Ihc ~I quar1£f after. penod of W5Uined deau!a under-




~ 0(


the rqut, the ~ indices of grams, (1115 and oll~. and other fooru all ~ In edl month sma: January 2U 12. " Fats &. Oils Incn:ased the 1TmI. With II qlWtc:rty itlcRasc of n per cent, folluwed by 1111 InCn2SC of 6 per OI:DI in the px.J price of OCher roods and 4 per cenl m the pnce of ,nllm. The TqXlI1 added !hal the pna: of all kq' 5lapIcs incn2sed. cxcqx for rice. Maut prices InCrctied by 9 per ccnI, fIIJ'j_ bean oil by seYm per cent. whee by 5i,. per cenI and 5UgM by five per oent.. These Accofdlng ID

pncc vanauons



Ilvllesl rJ'ICJ'ea5H observt!d 51J1.:e June and July of 2011 The pnce of nee dechned b)' 6 jX'I oem m the saflle prnod. ikkhng ID the p!'ICr: decline of 2 per cenl ~b1 in Q.J 2011 . t!0\\'C'o'er. boI:h Ilburrdant suppi} and sll1)ng competition among e.'tportcn ~ caused the global pnoc of nee ID da:lmr:'WBF1"I added The repon rndtcaled thQI. after six nurlh$ of ~k Jl1ro\'CT1lO1lS. !he: p'ic:r

or autII:

oil !\as also ~ sae.lily su)cc Dl'cember 2011 noting thai. prices of crude oil affecl

fOt..! pna:! ttn- impact.\on the pI'1IZ5 of ferulwn. IJ1IllS.

partallOll COlIS.



for the dh~1OIl of food produI., 1OO Into bdud

The B lsinessTEAM



-..a0Ll0J_ l..IO.ERO<E rl.altu1 BOC.ISEl..E~


Cq!rmprs*DI 5

E.IOFI::RAl.J(£ r&.wj


.w.ES a.E.J) fillms CIipIItIf

E.ItoNA. flUl· U


'How Omatek Ventures Survived Banking Crisis'


INDUSTRY By Goody Ege" e


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