Monday, April 18, 2011
THISDAY, Vol. 16, No. 5838, Page 39
8 Busines$WOR~1ll
more business news CustOtnS Records N730tn Revenue in Ogun~· igeria Customs SelVice, Ogu n Command, as recorded revenue of N730, 813, 688. 44 in the first quarter of this year . This is against the N559. 574, 406. 79 realised within the same period last year. Acting Customs Area Controller (CAC), Ogun State Command, Mr. Richard Oteri who disclosed while briefing journalists at Idiroko also revealed that in the months of February and March 20 I I , N211 , 368, 726.7 1 and N263, 839,361. 64 were collected by the men and officers of the command as against N223, 936, 529.33 and NI50, 058,
By fohn fwori 772. 66 respectively recorded in the same period in 2010. Oteri who is a Deputy Comptroller said the figures showed an increase of 27 percent when compared wi th the ones of the same period last year. '''This success was achieved by the new strategies I put in place to change a whole lot of operational tactics which included motivation of units/patrol leaders to exhibit genuine leadership which was hitherto lacking. I also made the officers to change their
attitude to work and to maximally utilize the operational logistics provided by Customs . Headquarters, Abuj a. "A greater percentage of the revenue base of the command is sourced from excisable factories and import duties , including ETLS. Indeed , 97 percent of our revenue is earned from these sources alone. It is noteworthy to say that earlier, the command was principally performing . excise control over five notable fac tories in the state. But now, a good number of extant factories had been discovered and brought under excise control and these have added to our
increased revenue. "In our an ti-sm uggling drive, I have provided leadership that was lacking. Officers and men are now proactively positioned and motivated to pursue the anti-smuggling campaigns with more vigour and commiunent. The result is the huge number of seizures being recorded on a dai ly basis", Oteri said. He disclosed that no fewer than 3 19 seizures with duty paid value (DPY) of N247 , 381, 384 .00 were made in the first quarter of this year compared to the 59 seizures with a DPV of N63, 000, 102.00
Group Rehabilitates Ex-convicts Through Farming s parts of effons in giving life to ex -convicts and discourage them from going back to crime, the Chief Executive Officer, CEO, - International Organisation for Good Leadership and Agricultural Development (JOGLAD), Chief Martin Ihesie has starred a training programme on farming, which wi ll keep the prisoners busy after selVing their jail terms . Ihesie, who made this known in Abuja at the formal presentation and distribution of organic fertiliser to orphanage homes in the 36 States and Federal Capital Territory (FCI).Abuja, said the training programme on farming will
From Yemi A kinsuyi in Abuj a
also fight hunger, and reduce poverty in the COUlltry. In his words: "Our targets are to fight hunger, reduce poverty in the society an(l minimise crimes by rehabilitati ng the convicts in the Nigerian Prisons and by teaching them the art of farming different crops, varieties, so that at the end of their sen-
"We hope that by giving full employment to the ex·convicts, it will totally make them meaningful, occupied, and responsible, so that at the end of it all, they·would have hand-
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revenue generation and sup-
pression of smuggling through sustained anti-smuggling operation3.
Oteri lauded the Customs High Command, especially the Comptroller General of Customs for the motivation of the staff through increased salaries, allowances. and bonuses. He stated that the operational tools and equipment regularly upgraded and provided have enhanced the operational efficiency of the command, particul arly the field officers. He disclosed that the command has received not less than ,1 8 new Hilu x vehicles and -oiber logistics for its operations from Customs Headquarters, Abuja.
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He contended that if this much can be achieved within the short time he took over the leadership of the command. the tempo wou ld. be sustained for greater success on improved
tence tenns, our organisation
will employ the ex-convicts to work in the farms we shall establish in collaboration with the Federal and State governments as agricultural farmers .
iwork that is legitimate and through farming , they would earn a living and discharge their family obligations without planning evils to the good people of Nigeria."
recorded in the same period last year. '''This is an increase of N440 percent", he said. According to him, the seizures include vehicles, froze n· poultry products, textiles, rice, shoes, handbags, and other sundry goods. " The huge seizures progressively recorded from February when I assumed office to the end of March was 264 seizures with DPV of NI 93, 744, 384. 00, and when compared to the 47 seizures with DPV of N57, 47 1, 622. 00 recorded in 2010. This represents an increase of 46 1 percent, a huge difference from that ofl ast year. This success recorded in the antismuggling operations is .attributable to the more commitment to duty, new anitudinal change and due d iligence adopted by my lieutenants and officers in the field, and ultimately the appropriate and right leadership which I have provided", he said.
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FEDERAL MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT FEDERAL MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) OF I!:lE ENVIRONMENTAL I MPACI ASSESSMENT (EIA) OF THE; PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF 25MW GAS POWER PLANT PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF 25MW GAS POWER PLANT PROJECT NEAR BING ROADJBADAN. 8.Y-ENTEC POWERAND ~. __ : .P.ROJ.ECT IN AGODI BY ENTECPOWER AND UTILITIES LIMITED UTILITIES COMPANY LIMITED In accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Act No. In accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Act No. 86 of 1992, which makes It mandatory for proponents of all new major 86 of 1992, which makes it mandatory for proponents of all new.major development activities to carry out Environmental Impact Assessment on development activities to ~rryout Environment Impact Assessment on their proposed projects, the Federal Ministry of Environment hereby their proposed projects, the Federal Ministry of Environment, hereby announces a twenty-one (21) working day public notice for information announces a twenty-one (21 )working day public notice forinformation and and comments on the draft EIA report submitted by ENTEC Power and comments on the draft EIA report submitted by ENTEC Power and Litilities Utilities Limited. Limited. The Display Centres are: The Display Centres are: (i) Ojo state Ministry of the Environment, Ibadan , Oyo State. (i) Oyo state Minitry ofthe Environment, Ibadan, Oyo State. (ii) Ibadan-North Local GovemmentArea Headquarters, Ibadan North, (ii) Ibadan South-West Local Government Area Headquarters, Oluyole, Oyostate Oyostate (iii) FMENV Office, GamesViliage Surulere, Lagos state. (iii) FMENVOffice, Games Village Surulere, Lagoestate. (iv) FMENV Office, Plot 444Aguiyi Ironsi street, Maitama.Abuja (iv) FMENVOffice , Plot 444Aguiyi Ironsi street, Maitama,Abuja (v) FMENV Office, Federal Secretariat, Ibadan , Oyo State . (v) FMENV Office, Federal Scretariat, Ibadan , Oyo state. Dyr~tiQIl of Disgla~ Qu[ation of Disgla~ Date: 18thApril-18th May, 201 1 Time: 8.00am-4:00pm Daily Date: 18th April-18th May, 201 1 Time: 8:00am-4:()()pm Daily pr oject Descrjgtion P[oje!;t Descrigtjon . . .. The.prop o.sed project activities will involve the construction of 25MW gas The proposed project ac!iyities ~i ll involve gas power generating station power generating station that ~i11 consist often (10) Units of Jenbacher that will consist of 10 units of · Jenbacher gas-powered reciprocating gas-powered reciprocating eng~S: · engines . ALL COMM'ENTS RECEIVED SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO THE ALL COMMENTS RECEIVED SHOULD BE FORWARDED TO THE PERMANENT SECRETARY, FEOERAL MINISTRY OF PERMANENT SECRETARY, FEDERAL MINISTRY OF OR BEFORE 18TH MAY, 2011. ENVIRONMENT ON - ' . ENVIRONMENT ON OR BEFORE 18TH MAY, 2011 .
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