Page 36, THISDAY, Vol. 14, No. 5384
Monday, January 18, 2010
D More New') Research Boosts Agric in Nigeria's Savannah - IITA Bu)im~'))
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espite the plethora of challenges facing the Savannah region of West Africa, agricultural research is helping in transforming the lives of millions of resource poor fanners in those areas, the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (UTA) has said. The deployment of improved seeds backed by tile dissemination of innovative agricultural practices is helping in changing the fortunes of f.ll11ers in northern Nigeria's savannah region, where agriculture is the main source of livelihood, the Institute said in a report. "Local f3ll11e rs say the improved seeds have raised their incomes. improved health and agricu ltural productivity," !ITA said. According to the Institute, Mohammed of Mustapha Kunamawa yill age in Safana Local Government of Katsina
Slale. a fanner in the region , says "My family is happy ram now a successful farmer. I can easi ly feed my family and send my children to school." 11,e !ITA report says as a participant in the SS TF KKM PLS project. Mohammed has seen his yield double, using the same plot of land but witil improved
varieties and agronomic practices. "111is was possible due to tile training and also the improved seeds J acquired from the Sudan Savannah Task Force tearn that are working on tile KKM project. Before r used to get two bags of cowpea from tilis field
By Crnsoe Osagie but in 2009, I harvested five bags which were more than double the initial amount." he explains. For Hajia Binta Garba, who heads a women farmer group in Bunkure Local Government Area of Kana State, the drought- and Striga-tolerant varieties are helping farmers in her group to overcome the negative effects of climatic change in lhe region. She says tile varieties whi ch are either early-maturing or drought-to lerant have raised yield by more than 100 per cent.
"I used to get one and half bags of cowpea but now J harvest notiung less than four bags on this field," Garba says. Like Mustapha and Garba, several fanners in northern Nigeria are tapping the OpportUlUties presented by improved seeds and agronomic practices to bett'er their li velihoods. Though rich in vast arable land, northern Nigeria is faced w ith myriad problems that reduce agricu ltural productivity and keep fanners in poverty. These include the predominance of parasitic weeds , Striga and Aiectra, and pests which lower yields of major cereals and legumes.
Others are ineffective extens ion systems. poor soil fertility. poor crop management by resource-poor fanners, poor access to infonnation , low acees, to animal feeds, dysfunctional market and post-harvest losses. Bes ides, the prevailing negative effect of climatic change occasioned by unpredictable bouts of droughts and floods has dire consequences on tile food security in the region. 111e SS TF KKM project, which is funded by tile Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa, (FARA) is seeki ng to m.jtigate these constraints and also enhance marketing oppor-
tunjties for farmers in the region. Partners in the project incl ude the Katsina State Agricultural Development Programme (ADP), Institute of Agricultural Research, Zaria;
By Justilla Okpm,ku The annual award, which is a celebrated global event, will witness the presence of automobile dea lers know their ranking accord ing to feedbacks received from individual and corporate Oeet COIlsumers in 2009 and put together by the Nigerian Guild of Motoring journalists. Managi ng Director, Gold Crest Commu ni cations , the fmn anchoring the awards, Frank Raymond, said the event will be chaired by Frank Nnej i, who is managing director/chi ef exec utive of ABC Transport Pic. "The Guild of Motoring
Correspondents is delighted to host its annual Nigerian Automotive Media Award and Dinner at a time when Ule world economy is passing through a new phase in automotive history," he said. Highpoint of the evening wi ll be presentation of different categories o f prizes to different categories of winners whose automob ile brands, product range and allied services with in the sector in 2009 under review was adj ud ged to have distinguished themse lves in the Nigerian auto motive and transport sub-sector industry. 11,ere will also be awards to state governments that have so far made commend-
National Agricultural Extension Research and Liaison Services, National Animal Production Research Institu te . Bayero Kano , Local Uni versity Government Councils and input and output dealers.
Advertising Growth: NIMN Honours APCON Chief
or his contribution to the growth of advertis ing in Nigeria , the National Institute of Marketing of N igeria (N IMN) has honoured the Chaimlan ,
Transport Leaders Converge for NAMA Awards overnor of Lagos State, Mr. Babatunde Fashola, who has moved ahead of hi s counterparts in improving his state transport infrastruc ture in 2009, is expected to grace the Nigerian Auto motive Media Awards (NAMA), which wi ll be taking place at Sheraton Lagos Hotel & Towers on January 2 1. His colleague, Governor of Jigawa State. Sule Lamido, is slated as special guest of honou r, and Corp Marshal. Osita Chidoka. who is the guest speaker, will be ab le to address issues th at matters most to the sub-sector as key playe rs are honoured for excellence in service.
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able progress in the area of transport adm inistration in the course of governance within the last two years. Veteran industry gurus considered as benchmarks wi th exce ll ent track records in the business of sellin g automob iles or have demonstrated strong corporate social respons ibility (CS R) will also be honoured by the local auto press. Raymond sa id the most authoritative motoring industry event coming from the motoring journalists wi th long years of automoti ve reporting promises to serve as a platfoll11 for business leaders and corporate chieftains to meet, network and chart a new direction .
By Raheem Akillgbolll Advertising Practitioners Council of Nigeria (APCON), M r Chris Doghudje, with, 'Personality Award ' of the insti tute . By the conferment. the gian t strides achieved by Doghudje in the area of adver路 tising development in Nigeria, has again been reafflTll1ed. Speaki ng at the award ceremony, tagged ' Night of the Titans' . in Lagos . NfMN president. Chief Lugard Ainliuwu , described the APCON boss as a towering figure in the devel- . opment of the Advertis in g practice in Nigeda. He added , " During his several years of advertising practice , Doghudje clearly disti nguished himself among his peers in the area of profess ional excellence, administration, educational development and mentoring of some of the most prominent figures in Nigeri a's advertising industry today."
AFRICA INVESTMENT FORUM "Accelerating Intra-African Trade an'd Investment" 8 -10 February 2010 Accra International Conference Centre Accra, Ghana
.,H.E. Hifikepunye Pohombo Presldenl
Republic of Namibia
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Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede Group Managing QirectOl ACCess Bonk
Han Honnah Tetleh Minister of Trode &-fhdushy Repubfic of Ghana
lord Ca irns C BE Chairman loin A frica
Message from H.E. John Atta Mills Presldenl of Ihe Republic of Ghana I om delighted that Ghana wi be hosting lhe Africa Investment Forum In Accro on 8 - 10 Februexy 2010 In partnership 'With the Commonwealth Business Council. The Africa Investment forum is one of the longest sloncing international business events In the continent. and has made 0 pucticol conhibutlon ove( the post decode 10 economic development in many countries. and the engagement of new international investors and partners.
Dr Kwobeno DuffUOf Han. M inister of Finance Republic of GI10no
TIle Forum provides 0 pIottam 10 bOng Invesl0'5 and projects together 10 explore pubic pivote partnerships, and focDilale bUsiness partnerships which supporllhe economic growth requied to enable AllieD to recUse the;- aspirations and prosper in Ihe emerging global economy of the 21s1 century, 11 will bring together business and govenvneot leaders horn Africa, Etxope. North America and Asia. Speo~ will include Heads of Government, Ministers aod senior offICials. 05 weD as Chai5 and Chief Executives of businesses. Investment fund monogel"S and olher industry leaders. The aHO'theme Is Accea-aling Intra African Trade and Investment and wi ocki'ess how Ihe pivote sector. international COllvThmity and govemrrents con wor1c: logether to restore high levels of QI'O\Nlh in the face of Ihe global economic downh.m. The fOC\Js ~ be on strengthening ~nkoges between Ameen economies to underpin new trade and will include sessions devoted 10 pqect and business oppor1unifles In k.ey economic sectors.
Rodney Mac Allster Managing DireclQ( AITica Middle Markel fund
The event Will p-ovide eJi:cellent networking opJXX"tunllies. In addition to the main plenary sessiOns. SpedflC investocs' roundtables win be held to otSCUss sectors such as ogicu1t\..te and fcxxj security, manufacturing. tel, and energy. as ~ as pubic private partnerships 10 improve infroslructLre. trode and the movement of goods and services. the investment elmale. and access to flnance.
IlXge you 10 make e vefy effort 10 participate in this imporlonl event. Or Joe Oteng-Adjei Han. Minister of Energy
Dr Ibrahim Assane Mayold Chfef Execvtive Officer NEPAD Secretarial
Ale}l;a nder Erwin Chairman. Emerging African PrNale Eqully Fund
Republic of Ghana
Ishmael Yomsen
Chairman Standard Chor1ered Bonk: Ghana
Dr Pascol G. Dolle (Co-chair. CommonweaJlh Business Council) Chaifmon Diamond Group Advisory Board &. MTN Nigeria
Cynl Romophoso E}I;eculive Chairman Shonduko Group
Register Today at: aif201 Intemoflonol Ms Vosundhara Pun
Standard Chartered
v05undhoro . p uri路~bcgloboI.OI'g
+44 (0120 7024 8200
Nigeria Mr Chinedu Gronl Qsuji 0806-0849059/ 01-<19672t 7
James Mwongl C hief Executive Officer Equity Bank