Tuesday, March 20.. 20U
Page 30, TH ISDAY. Vol. 17, No. 6175
e BusinessWORLD
industry Notore, Man acturing for Sustainable Food Security It is one thingJor a nation to be able tofeed itselfand anotherJor it to feed itselfsustaillabLy, Crusoe Osagie report Notore's effort to pull Nigeria out of its unJortw1ate dependence on other nations Jor food, simply by mamljiictllrillg fertiliser Locally and making sure tile commodity gets into the hands of actuaL fan ners, usirlg a special suppLy dlllin process, which has drawn gLobal attention In r~ . am::1TI£ bell of for one ~ only • .rid that 15 ~ lb.),. II Kill mauch cn.de od 10 purdlase AdTJQC1U rood to ~....&C lIS popuIMIOn from !he bnnk of lItamIuon However.l".Apert$ ha.-e often asked whether thIS IS I suwnn· .bk WIly,,, reed ~r UO mllhon people MlnlUtt of AVQlltu~ . 01 Akmwunnu ~IJQ. rt!Ccnt.I y cned out OYer 'fP1I -I WI UlUmllbie food Import bdl. Ifthn, out nund bot·
'~. not~1 ~
0YCtC00lIftI challcnSCS
Of ~
Prudlidnl! . 1 I.Mtalkld CaplCk1 Noun eommenoed produclJOn 01 ammon.. III January 2009 and p1IOUW urea In Marm 20 10 N<Mtn has actuevcd apEltyof IIlI factory through I R'1Wbtshment MIl opcn!lionaI acdlenc:c ~ It l'\ItR"IIllypnxluca 1,SOO.ooo mctnc klnncs CtofT)ofamn» 011 and SOOJXX) MT of urea annually 1\ de-boulencckmg aerCI~ IS planned ror Q2. 2013 whiCh ";11 further IncteI5C OUlpul
&h~ S&aldllCl
" In 2010
"',,nc. M
he UJd. " Nll!etlll spen! N63S bIIhon 00
NJ.56 bllllOO on Import of nce. N211 billion on
.... """"
Durill,. tour o(!he rtam by Adcs.na "'-ttlend. Nolon: noccd thar II has .:h1CYCd 98 per (%ftC ClfIK'Ily UlibllllJOll for AmrnoruI produclJOll UId 100 percent for Urea. and theoompany ....111 pr0duce 6(X).ooo mr:tnc: tOMeS of fcrtilatcr In the curTeIIl year Manapn, o.~ and ChlCf Ea.eeutl\"C of the contpNI), OnaJile Okoloko, .. ho ~aICd 1hII, sud Noto-c now uporu: fcrt lldCf 10 Clmc:nxxa. TOIO. 1Il0l)' Coat, Fnocc _ UfUJUI}. SencpI and Aop llus. ax:onI"" 10 him. MIS proof of the IntcmllK.JnJI standard .... qua./ily of our producu" N~IC'C()UIIU for 100 pcrccncoflhe Urcamartcl In Ntrcna bcauJe ~ of the hli IIl1pOflCn of Urea no lancer unpon II The COO'IfIMy', NPK rt-u ..... bunched rew monlhI bid Bated 08 Uus. !he compu1y poucs:8C5 I huac ~ 0( me mar
"'Widl 1In.n and nnI ~ 10 10 80 per of Ih::.. In.:ome 011 food. lire 15 unbe.-abIe for ITWIY." he
"The M nlJler ClIpialtlCd lhal the country can 00 klnan continue 10 «pend on opm!lf\'"C rood unporu.oo Ihm YOIaIIIe Pob-I .".uu to nut Its food requ.remenu IrWlltaim"l thai III the cvmt5 ni U~lIJ unfokkd _ tndiuonaJ food ClIpor1l11' 0)UJI(neS pol! b.1IIS on rood uportS -n.w e¥r'l If importm, OOUlltnes !uve the resoura:s 10 r~ food 1mf!OI1.'I. the food may IIOiI be Ihm:: he adJed. Aooont"" 10 hun. food KOInty III NIJCN 15 fKI'W' a mIUtt 0( -.onaI lItCUflIy. 1U1In, thai Nigena mujl learn from AsiAn oountric:s by IIIII'IM' 11110 all faOllItU 01 Its fanoc:rs xrou the ""JOn and ddrvninl a JrCCfI WIOIulion IhM .,11 lnakc N1Ffll Ilelf-sufflCleOI In food productJOn "We liliiii Nm NiFNI mIO a tnad ba5l.eI a JlO"'~ hou5e ror food pnx1uct1CJf' To do 10. we musI make a rundamenW ~ dI,m duft " ,ncukure 15 a Mlneft . not a ~1opmenI: pro.... mme II m~A be wuaured. deYeIoped. resowced and rtnMCUlllla bl..Jtneu .~ he said One wre _ 1 10 Ktue~ the mlmsiel"" food sclf-lUrrKttnC)' .,.. IS lhe . tronomlCal ~ In farm 0UIflUI thai c:omrs WIth !he.scqu. __ 0( feruhser and dll5 I' ...t~ NOUR Chmucal unmed lhe fay clOrnpany thai manufactures I"c:ruh~ In Afnca.. . .Jlh of the "ill..,. mdudu'l Sooth Afnca coukt cualy pass as !be mosIlhouVdld tlYYCSUncnt In Nilma In !he pesI dcade.1d
Otoklko ftIOCrIll y Slak'd need 10 cnacndcr an Impor15UbsUlu 1100 propammc In such allll.';Iy thar ~_ aclually ~ for o", local TOIftec and the ClICZS$ only I1\tt the local marLd hili
r...,.. output "I N'IUl' coukl easJly be 20 llmCI of ",hal. 11 curJaIlly d if ~Jber 15 atUMibie 10 ranDen III Niaem eYCf)' lime and UI)timc Bue beillJ one 01 !he comm()l:hllel around whiCh much ctlmIpIIlOfl thrived," bad been I near Irttp('lIUibthty for real farmers 10 £d fcrulucr "'ItheM rtnl &OInl Ihrough ponfolio f..mers and poI.ucwu All dat non-r.mi"l rcniJucr mcrdMnts -=re inl~ In _the,...~ smanment subPdy thar ~itd the commodity, _tuck of OOUI"IC. never p kJ IICIUaI t.mm III the f...nuns rur1ll oonnIunitie:s "",tErC IDO$l of !hem lived IlIMl ranned. ~fU"1. the MOl')' tocby d diffCfCfll bcaIu5e all I (.-rna necdslObaw_ls_llttle .NI2000Uld he would !uYCI Ik, ~ ore fertil ..... (or hd IlUtncnI-hunlJ)' crupi 1.5 it .~ JVII'. lhe only pooPc \hal qualtry (or ..". fonn of JUbsMIy are 1001c. .....ho have m\Ukd in lhe kx:aI prodllctJOn of !tus dcs!Jleflllc!y neal commodny beallK they can talily nnsru lhe .oidy 10 f.JOneB .. 1th c:heIpcr fcrtihtcr pnca. Fornes onrJe wroIC of !he ~ IftgocnIOUlIITJCSlInrrI. AlYIIII= "1Yom IlJOC" III'IC' , ...."C wdl ","lie mml-profiles of ouwandin, A(nan ooml*llCI. whiCh ~ oonstlotly proYlChnl aJdaaous .net lftilOQllY-! iOlutlDllJ 10 lOme of lhe continent'. most cbunt'"I chaI\enF'. -rod:ly, ... (" N<*R OemitaJ 111Ckulnes, . ptOnCCnttl ""ipan Fert,IRfConlpllly!Nt IS booIunl AfT1C:ll', rInD ylClds md worimr -.duously ~ ..::a:IeratIDI the contInent-,
..... """""""'. ~I f Arncan
If;ncultural yiddl could be rll1C<i kI European lev-
dI_ II ..... ould be po55lb1c (Of !be eonuncnt 10 ~idc It IICa5t
percml nlore ffwlhan" ~ydocs , Bill II takC$ feniliserkl ~ Ibd haJ'pt"n Currently, NoIrn O.cmICII lodostncJ. a $400 miUion (1'CYe'r:ur.$) NiJCOM COIOJII'!Y IS me OIIly pnJdueer of' w-ea femllllCl" In ItIb-Sahann A(nca.. I-=".h"l SDutb "frica ~UfClllllby ~ oIlheoll and III induruy, ""hlda Iion,Nde Ignculnft 15 NiJefll's othcr"fMJOf lodu!o'y. By mat"" fulLIisa _ acn:uibk eo flfllltn throoJh IIlI supply cham and P"JOIII- HeM ore IS helpml 'D Allnulale !he loaf PruductIOll of foods ~h nee UId Rip. mcreasll'l Idf' 5UfflClCnC)' and fUM:1lll1he I:OOl!ncnf. dependence on importS ~And it is 'O~ dcpendmef: - w. yar aIone. "'nan Q)IIntrIES !penl O\Cf SJO biliJOll Impor1'"l food Seven out 0( \IeII Af~ cam ttcu ItYln, from (.-min, Yd. __ ar ltlls time of' taJh ~yanent_ famun, mnams I Iow-mput and Ioow-output.cntapnsc. llnpopular With the 10011' - . critJcal mlballlJCe wfuch Noecn 1 1111:1 10 redress ",iu, edueah()fl progrwnlnCl lnd 1JaJJUft, ,~ Xi Ila&cd
woIumc \hal way we (:all coruenoe r(Rlp' QC~ 1II NIJUlI, and bqln 10 em! fOR'I," ochinJe rmm Uly Mklihonll ea:pon 0015ide whal IS demantkd In the local markel lnd '""'" lhe COUll try Into one or !he leading cconormes m !he ~ 2020: he sui I..istmIM company'. ICtueYcmcats 10 date funher. OkoloLo RId, ~We partICipated in the federal pooemmenI rcrttmcr supply tD 2009. 1010 and 2011 \\c wutcd With !he IIIIeJ'1\ItJOnII Fcruhter Development C~ (lFDC) "PropCom. Irt" . lhe ""orkin ... and Alilancc lot. G:=!' ~lJOII III AfT1C:ll (AGRA). ~"h I woOd cl_ supply chain network supporunllpO-dealen and vdlarc ~ scheme and COIJlrIJCIJCt!IIUd busllICA". he sud Okc:**o oplaultd the 00DCqJI of eornmm:aal rilmlIJll UId WbslSlenCe ranmnl MA lot of ~ belleYC that c:ommcrcw fanmnl rncaru Iarze ,,;:ale rlmUn, Yes. in I way !hat II nght But ~ Ire C'CfUJnly different Iypes 0("'I1OIlS that have ccnAia Iypes of f.nun,1tnJCtun:S " In Amenca 01 In the ftnl world. you can IICNIlly have ba, c:onuncraal r.rmen But III IfeaJ likc OIiJlll. India. Thailand P:lkilWi , wtErc ranmlll loeby has R'adltd oornrncraaI leveR, Ihuac farmlands Ire III smlIlhokIer rlfml $O'UCIU1'e5 The baa ea:poru thaII come. 10 lIS heR; III I'liJefll are products fA Ihcx smallholder rarmen put toFthcr. he.1dded "The MlftlSlef of A~ lind RIlI'1lI DeYdopmcnI eorn mended NoIore for III JOOd suuctun: and (or bel"4 I well-ron eornpanr lie noccd In pMlCUlar IIW NoIore appropnIICly h.. III Its mlS.SlOll stalemenl • improvml the Ina of pcq* ..What IS Important III qnculnare g 11l1f'"I"'I'II \be b'IU of' pcopIe.~ he
ImJ'OlY"Jfl. and, des{otee the: hIIac f11If11'1C ft:S(lUI't'CI . 'PCn' N97 bt.UIOII . nportml fllb """1 is ...11 r...ally. crooomlCall) Of poIlttcaily SUJC.luIIbIe NiJcna II ell llII beyund kl means While we aJlsmlle u weal nee ever') day, Nigman rice fMmerJ cry as the: importS under11\IM. dorlldl oc production Our fWTnM toW In hope but tnp in ae.J . as "heap tom! Imponl dMh thrlf hopH of better pnca Of tae:OmeI ~ Ihe ~ stre:s.ed He: Dkd It. • NIPlIIIlIflON food from the ,lobi! martet all it 15" dUI"f a. Importln,lnn<lllon lie aided thai low producIlvily 1'1 donlrtllC production ! y5lelnJ I~ pnoes of noatrabbIc roo.l crops I<JSdha Ie.ting 10 "Ie PI rood pnc:e infla-
A~ _ a ,.,.,. -f {IIolort C.-plu OalW, Rims S-1IIfII N,*,"'I Oro., C.'t/ Encahf'fl Olflnr. M,. 0...,« O~. ad_WI NIII4In'. Iq ..... -.! Urr. for-
ti/is~, .
• -hlt. leU for 0,,1.1 Nll0
Noton Supp'y Chain ~ l"tCaIlty m:ci\'Cd IICC'ObIb fc. IU mnoYI!JOII -.t effCCtJ~ •• the EmsIII. YOUftI'. StnIIep::Growth fUum In AfJ'lCl. wtuch ... hdd II Cape Town. South AfT1C:ll_ A JqJOf1 n:!ieHed by the orprIUCfS of the rorum ~ !hat N<*R ..... picked IS In u~ 0( bus;ncu lMOYatJOll oed-
~. durin& I pMel JeMIM titled ' Tramfomuns your supply chain: betIer, futa". ~ acrou Afna UId beyond' t\CCordinllO rqIOrU from the. ,1oobaI CYCnl_ 5UpJlIy dwn IDCI 1otJ5lJCS u'pc11S dclibef1lkd 011 how cffcctJ~ IUpply chain malt· 18C'ment can be a cntkal diffcrenlla«Jr '" !he (lICe or poor mr,.
"Noun's chatn proccu was featured """""" wiltwIlc:ac5bldy on 'lf1flO'ftlJOII III Surply Cha&n .. AfT1C:ll' In ~1
all5UCC'C:U IlOr)'
bulldinl ilS diwibulJOllIICtW'OJ't , Noon works wrth a numberof' ard"ully ICIecIcd pumcn 10 paranlCe dle IY1lIiabilily and ffiIlIn· tamlhe qualllY of pmducu to all commumtles naionwkIe II has ~Iopcd pruductJ III sius(lkl. lOki, and nil and ptlClD' thallddrcss !he uruquc needs fA CKh U5a": lhe confcrcnce IIOICd Ju pan of efforts 10 Cf\5ure It. Afnca COOIC$ lop ImOIIllhe r~ growm, caJOOnllCS oYer !he nul riYC yean. ErMt .t: Y()Una I'tICCIltly broup c::EOI, duef financial off~, IeadUlI entrqImIeUn. IItYftiIOfJ IIId Industry opens kJFlhcr ThIS _ J*t of Ihc Etmt.t- )'ounl SuaIcpc Cir0¥01h Fonam CYeJlI tome5 Accorwding 10 lhe orpniiCfS. '"the CACJlinI ~1opnmt:I m Arm are malin, a buliJICM mvlmnmcnl ndI """tu, orpor1UJIIUC5 and the ume IS ope ror !he IIUI{)Y:IIIYC IU'IIICIIC confercrw:e Ihaned ' UnIoW", value 10 pow beyond !he poI5iblc'" "The lwo-dly OOIlfemK:oC ..med at rrovtdi", lOp CACalIn'a. business and ~ leaden the opponunlly 10 IMre !bell' 11UIO\~¥e ClIpmcnca and dl'JCUJI challenp, and idnIllflCd the ~I role NOICft has pIa)'cd III Id\-ancmg the quiet ~ Tn'OlutJOn thar it ldlna; off in "fnca lndanl rnanaacmcnl pniCtIOCS for hIp I""\"th huSlneues ~ deblI:ed as -..til as lttOI"I III 011 how Ihc conuoenl c:oukt unIooek .... uc 10 achlcYe ill rull poknlIaI Amonl !he forum ', speakm and presc:nICfI WCfC, CEO, F.cobMk Group, Mr. Arnold Etpe: MDI'CEO. Hank of Industry. ~b Evdl1' <>PUll!: Saud! AfT1C:ll" Depu'l I'moKknI. KpIcma MOlbmhe: ~ Central 8anL 01 Nlacna_ Mallam s...as. laoudo SInUS!. and Group CEQ'MD, Noae, Mr Onajitc
Ol;oIoLo, declared dIC INIUIUfai wlnnrr cl!he Enw: & You", Entrrprencul of !he YeaT A....-.nI In lhe i!maKln, Eatrcprmew cuqory for Ihe Wac Arne. rqioP . ... iml&ed 10 ~pMC III I ~ion pucllUi dunn,!he coarcm.::e. Ik shaRd Ius ClIpa1.I~ dunn, • plenary .... .le5S1OII bllcd ' I~yc busirICSI modcl~ Idapin, and UJIIOnIi"l for me Afncan marktt' . durin, ..he he and ocher pMelllJU <hued !heIr Ihoughu 011 lhe ways in .... hiCh SUlXftJful puwth in Afne. ot\cn rewires new and iMOYJtive wa .... 01 ~hinI: JIUIItClJ or
u .._
"The IIIlDisler faulled me claun in cawn quancn IhIII fenil ... er t:aIISQ _lot of CflVlronmer1tal problem III Afnca therefOR' "",hit ArnCli ~ "illow mpul 0.- in fact no H1JJIII .. III ~No.1hIII d flOC true The IQJOII \be)'IC1ds Ire """ lSI AfOCI If not bccaIsoe we are blISUSlIIl reruhSCf. it g bcau:sc we Ire flOC lllma fertil.dCl" lit all "The dcfCRShtlOll rille. In AfT1C:llIOday d 200 per t'nIt 0( Ihe IIoblI ~ ju5I bec:au5c. we are flOC usm, ferW
"So. mo5I or !he prodUClJOn loeby comes OUI or me CApAlldl'" cull~ 1rCI.. not from JnCrCa5C III yidd UI\II 1rCI.. And then: 15 110 ....y "'"C can oontIIIue "'Ith ...... N1rcna 1lIM lS not mva--
ronmenlally IOUnd 01' JU5Wnabk So for us 10 feed ourJCl'IU as I Q)IIntry. III."C must fundamentally change the ~ fA KCCk, the U50e 01 fcrulllCt'5 , Ind ....... : he ~ On the I55UC of KCdI. he. COfMIenIIcd No!ore for Its fony uoo seed bus_ ~lI(e. of qncuillft S&IIU "'1m seeds_" he. sui ~Wc arc USlnllOday m Nipta 8CJX) meb1C IOIIncs 0( J«ds for I populaoon 0( ISO million people Kenya'5 popubtJOn is 4() million and lbey produce Ind UK 40.000 metnc klnnCS of KCds 11Ic fundamental R'amnl ..... hy our ylClds Irc one of !he low cst III !he workllJ I:accIu$oe we are noc U5ml ImJ"U"'C'd secds . And I am dctennmcd thai dunn, my Icrm III Mtnllfa' or Ar;ncultun: ;n !hIS ~ we wtIl pow the xed ICICIOf m I l'Cf)' ~p:: way: he. added Nocorc Chemical limned acqUIR'd tM former NltlQftll Fer'hlder Company 0( NiFfia ( NAFCON) (or $1.52 rrulholl III 200.5. 1nd uJRCd I 20 yew p i plan m 2006 ",,,h ilCfllll 0Compmy. In 2007_" rII~ $122. millK» in ddJI fmm I 000l0'lIum 01 NiF"lll bub.. NoIon: RftIIlly 5ipcd a IcdlnK:al .lCf'l1Ot IgJ1lCf!1CftI ""IItt bta Chcmab of IndUi. As 1cdw!1CII P-flncr. 'lMa will help NOKn in mectin, its medium lema ClIpMlllJOn JIlans- Ifwough Ihe optllJ\lSllJOll of ib opcnlIDII5 In <>nne, RlYCfl ~tMC The IoeCtwclI J*tnCDhIp ~ II I sipurlalll IIIOYe for NOI.ore,_it5eC IOClIPMd by ~OIItheCllpertIX ofdIC IT\I~ of one 01 !he moM effJClCfiI fertiliser planl In Ihe