THISDAY, 22 MAY, 2012

Page 1

Page 24, THISDAY, Vol . 17 No. 6238

Tuesday, May 2.2,. 20U

ft BusinessW0RLD


FG Plans Lagos-Kano Rail Route Take-off June [



~. was noe cost dfecHe e;II;plaml'd \hat TehabiliUIting ~ ~ of rail ca;t 1Iboul600 million 15" Ipinst 1m nillicn doIt.s for a::nstruttqI:. new 115 kiIcme-



awarded by the ObasanJO "Irunisuauon was brokaI down imJ IU Iedicns on scandalone: bIsa ror cxecWJn. He said tNt the cffoo IS tries


_ ...............

!he counuy



pdltM; by mb:ing the ro!il of lnIl!5pOl1.inB theIr goods and

sorre scMa::s II'C Ihea:fy beq ptMtb:I abl& the IWlIe Emodl expWncd that the ~c:haIe 1ordN!bilila Ihcexisung mrRJWrnllway 1m mslIe:Idoi consuur:nng newones

ua; 0( railway line:!; He abo disc:Io§cd !hat !he OrtiIShl rl\OCI' pan will 1000 be


c:omrrus5IIJnI: .. part of !he developmcnl of the Inland

w...w.,..dthebY.wNigc:rhlls _"'" "" dredging He sui IbIl the MIfU5tty bas nared It. !he ~ns pcm

wm: noI ~. aplaimng thai Itu:s "'.. "'ily II ~ mlO pIIItncsillP wilh SlIII: goyc:mments 10 sa tip new deep

sea pons



thr twfI!ly



_Is can come tnIO theClDUlllJ)'. Emodi also di!JcIo5td Ihat 24 hom; pan ~ion5 ha\'r; been pullIl pbn 10 ~Ie r~ flaw of bJsineg .ai\ibcs Itld eM)' tnOYCI11CI'It eX goods 10 aU !he

INDuSTRY He said It.- the~, v.f1dl v.uuld be IUJlPDf1C'd by the EcxnxnK: Comnuuty d WcsI: Afnam Sta:s fECOWAS) ... 0Ih0" Iderr'IIDonII pnlCft. IS being hdd 1O*'Ull! OIta:rdunp Inn" the fOlRhng fathas of ECOWAS, most cI whom f t IWJ IonF in poIibaI olIic:a, fa thetrroleslfl the~ ~ ~ of Afrtca. IIId c:speaaIIy for the." roles 1ft the debt canr:dlalion ofAflic:lncourrtnes by the Paris Debt Oub.. !-Ie di!do!cd IIYl the NEPAD Busme5I Group. which deals WIth pmw !IC'Ctt ccmponenI5 such lIS . .~ and human


~ IhII tIE SdlIJIg

upofl newJQt in the: J...ekkj me Tf'IdI: Zoor. has atn:.Iy been irduda:I mItE pmJe IOd

IrO'e peltS W'lll ebo be buik the COUIlby. Including 0000, Cross-RiYocr. Markudi,


.....,."""". He • !he

pt"'3Ie 5tiCIOJ

wuh panmcnt ., de\dop inland mnwner depots and abo ., cxme IIId deYdop the rJilWll)' Xdor with high speed I11IlSS rnmillines IhaI wiU c:m1llIlle br:rw!:aI LIgo5 IIId AhIj1 under 3-41un. He abo lOki dan !hal the eastern ~ to Aba) IS abo IIfdher lqhIyrommercial I'OUle v.tuch an be I3kcn IltvIIUgr; of Cor pm_ iIMlJI· mcnt lid dcYcIopmcnt_ Meanwhile. millen have 10 partncf

~ a IoonuIlJ lb:Iine in QpIClty for !he sector with the

del;ision of the r"Cdcral GcMmmM kI &naeage IlflO1 ddy m wtxa £rom S 10 ~ percent with effect fiun July I. - The millen lOki the Mml5ler of Trade and InvestmmI, Dr Oluscgun Apnga. • the , . a;n:JudI!d

forom wt~ he dwg«I ntdustrulists 10 ~ rot on the chaIIcnga; v.'hich they facr In thar- daily qocg to bo!J5t

CIpCICIly U\ liE inItmnaI $CCIIX. The Managmg I:>m:a:J'" of

Nigerian Flour Mills Me, Mr.

~"'P.'"-'''''''' !he f('lm1 IhaI. if !be goyc:m. men gees ahr;ad 10 up !he duly on ",,'heal by Juty I. !he cost incvJllIbly will be pao;scd 00 10 the bakm who will in rum p1Sh it 10 !he c:onsumm:•• siruaUon


..iUdI may nI kl I loaf 01 mat nowlldlinJrort201'IIIII1I bemg 50Id • 200 naira He ~iat!d Ihar. tIus sittJa.lion may IeMI ID ~ of mat WlImIfI!!haI whm tha hIppcm. it muJd IeMlIO loss of .JObs f« I lei of peopk. which is 0IltnlJy 10 gtM:Inmcnt's policy on CIIpIICiry building lie abo caUcxI ror I more n2h5uc ~ ";'III••ds JOY' ~', direI:o\Ot 10 II1CJude 4() pcrt'Cft of ca:ssm !lou' III

aa:epabIe tasUng tRm IIotudl


N'IFfWl5 ea. ~ are.stakddders Bnd we ncallo speak PM IIOl pst for lG but abo for lIE N"1BJICNIl tunSWfDS boca1t dEy lie dE 0I"a \loW will eIIl the breId and dcadc whaI ~ IS 1IIXepI""'. ,b« " "" """ _ . brCId bftkm will ltd dawn aM

wt.:n bakcn lie IlOl III IJustnc55 then millers will abo stu down

tus:inI::u:' he reasoned.

He abo noccd thM the ~

who have inYesIr:d in ~n8

flour \loin aho lose their it shcuId be I pUJaI poccss deternullft! by !he Ie¥d ol oonsuoa"s IICCepQI5SI\1I

IIM:5UnCd.. . .

""""Give us


recipe let us try

~ the ru:tpc. !he millers wiD vt:rj nu:h __ I) PJPPOfl the

bakas 10 kam 00w 10 produa:


breId with 40 pcrtat

InsuruIe fI:r II'1lpCI1AgncullU~

5ChooIs;- he saJd.

([ITA).all dEmlilllrblkas.a1J the millers.1O Ihow 115 how !hey IITMid III 40 pem::nl b:ause 10

!he qJIdrty of quaiity

"We WIlnI: !he: Ink:mElIJOnSl

~ 4() pen:ent wuh CtiSa\'I. IS nee

of wheal the map

dung. v.-tw " ttnpOItIIIIlS


!he baker can prodlXC III




Ib.II' Ihrough ox v.nlUS bakins He also

rdld IhII nghl now CMSaVa

prodta:r.d in the country CWI only W5lI1in 3-4 ~ lIrlBion In tR:ad ~ are we JO"18 10 FI the baIarre (kQ-


GOOD .•.

taaUICCS ~. aims 10 hanoonise dE ini'tm'III JCCIOr • !he up::onung Global




SMEDAN', expertise In the ~ofnucu.smaJI


medium entcrpucs (5M&)


woukI be needed 10 tnc::r*.W' pw~ The ~ IIXOfding 10 hun. WOtIId Il~ lte !lCOIrily $lUllinArriat.cuminemecxlernaJ debI5 d AfriauJ QOllItne5.


adilrc::ss~tt1U/UIIg ErOU tx.d, e:slIbI~ rnenIO'--mcnICC telMionshipJ as


well as profile and pmmocc SMEDAN·'lUCX.'CSSrul tr.U1lCC:'l Based on the lax! down obFl'ves of thI: evalt. thI: Gm.Ip boB JOOgft SMEDAN", SUJ"IIllI1 rn !he _ rl gnnmg me GmupacasstoSMEDAN's ~p~1ICft)ISS

the CXIUfIIJ)'. ~ ICChmcai SUJlIDt ., SM& and ItnkJnc them 10 cmiiI tolIRlCS {ftndinI IIld insuntooc) • .nM: priIIUCIJlalion rn die pqlIIIBIlOIl for II1d auendan:c • thI: pIanncd evert.

HP Plans to Cut 30,000 Jobs cw,en _Packard', Chid Executive OfflCef


(CEO), Mq

'sinessTEAM r..:tI!! ..... E4:r WX1YE<lBE

Srix C'.mMpgnd"1I:t

. . .-'. 1llRJ_ RN£B< N<INIBl.lJ



I.NlI\ EfDIOSEI..E A8IXUI (QIpW AeO E.OJF<J<>U<E ....... ..w.ES BE.J:) (HabI' CIpQrf CEtfit.QtMA (IobI8y



plans 10 WI 30.000 Of rnrne jobs thiS Wttk, arxoro· tllg 10 officials famililll' willi the plan Her pl. they &ald. was to

spend the money she iaved. on iOCf'!aSlng the efficteocy of the COOlpany'S !!ales foree alld

00 creating new prodttelS Whltmm. the CEO 51I'l0l: ~ September. Ili said 10 be rocwcd on efficiency Ind new The exccutivo, IIC("()f{jrng """'~" Ul a report by !.be Jlttata Post.

said last Friday thaI UP IIt'OtIkI seek Ilyoffs Ind voluntary ~1I~lIlenlS

from ICI'OM the oumpany. The total could be

much as 10 pcr.::enlort-lP's 32·HXIO·strang w\rR rora" Onnl. one of HP's hlga grov.'th areas, will probably be Sparal.1S will illi rnearclt and dcvelopment clJOftS




jobs. or IboI.lI 6 per CCflt of illi

By undQ Eroktl wi10 .-:r"-'

The CUIli nmlt arnong the largest by biB US compamcs SInce the financIal crisis gcred a l'C'CCS!ion in 2008,


lICCOftiing 10 thcoolplaccmenl firm ChaJlcnJCr Gray &: OulSlmas Cillgroup hid CUI 5ODOO wor\er5 In NO\-embcr 2(X)8 . CircULI CiIY SloreS got nd of 34.000 rn Janull')' 2U09. General MOCOfS eliminated 47 roo,.lObs III February 2009. and BanJ... of America CUI .30.000 worl<m m Seplembcr 18,1 year. Other i«bnolog). com~·

mcs haV'e shed IIf!C numbcn: of employees Sony Slid 1151 month Ihat II woo!..! elimInate about 10JXlO

WI« CISOO Syw:111!i IlISt year cui 6.'iOO jobs, about 9 per CCflI of Its workforce. and sold off I (aclory IIw employed

about .oditional people, Whunuln ~is lJying 10 bulk!

new company-, one senior ucculive said of the job cuts Consrdcrrd I ~1ow-l11OYlng pant in the ICCh industry, liP hid ~nue of S 111 billiOflln the last fiscal year, bul nel earnings of just $1.1 billion While il has a leading pmi.


lton in the salcsofiov.-margtn ~I ~en. . HP hM

beoen lille or unt'JIXlI!SSful In many recent Icd1 trends such as proYKhng cloud comptumg ~iCeJ (or bIg compames and 5martphoncs and tIIbla r:omptJlcrs. WhitnUUl1 new HP seems unliLely 10 IIMndon Illy of Illi

mapr Mmcues, whtch besides Pes and prinlcn. Includes selllnB comPUier se~

Ind data



1mU. COIlsull1ng. and provxlrng

low-end scrvK:e5 like

n.naglng call ccnlCD Whllman hu said (M'mng many Ilrge buSmC5$e5 enatMes HP 10 acquuucmponentJ eheapy lhrouJh one of the IIrJCSl supply chams in hl,h Icchnology. and to pr0-


vide lone-stop shop for cor-

ponlC Icch. CntlCS charge II encumben. HP. partICUlarly al a lIme of rapid ehange Some of HP's problems ~lem rrom CllCCUIIW';





Apochekcr sc:rvai leu lhan I

yur, durillg IIt'rurn U~ lhe company I05t about 43 per cent of Its share pOo: , or ~ lhiIn 532 billion in martet caPIl.a1i5lltlOfl.

Accon:bng 10 the repor1 , an Cllpcnslve Kql!lSIlIOll , unsuc-

cessful produru like I tablel computer and ronfuscd nJe!isages led 10 hiS dlJmls:s;a1

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