THISDAY, 22 MAY, 2012

Page 1

Page 32, THlSDAY, Vol. 17 No. 6238

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

• BusinessWORLD ag~ic World Bank Partners Govt to Develop Agrie Infrastructure


he WorM BlIIlk , panncnllp ... Ith



In tbe


State Guvernment, ha\'e complded he rrhabll-

10 I uml axaJ roads totaling ~ 2.19 kilo-

nallon of

mCl~ IOOS$

tilt $t.e in a concencd efTOII towards de';'cloping t gricultuBl

Infimtruclult' The prnjed., which was coordinated by Commercial .\&rieullu~ Devclopmenl Project (CADP) With Ltc mandate 10 dcYdop nlllll ihfrastruclure mod enhance agneuhur-



through provisi!Jn of IICIworts of funn ~s roads and 1\11'111 ena:gy. was commissioned by the Sl3le ~. Babalunde

Raji Fa,o;hola _ 1be ~\'d'7lor I)()ted thai the country was: on its way 10 sunnouD tinl ils ~ nomic chaJlengn wilh this kind of p;wtners lip. while glvmg assuran.:c of Ihe

oommiunent of his administnlliOll 10 ronl inue in its Slride 10 mllvil0rate agrlca:ttI~

He chili nged the youths in the Ille to be It'!aIJy to wort. Of l the farms. st.lng Ihat MOIJr land IS 100 grectl for US ' 0 "e hungry8 The point of cnmwnlal commission ing was the Ikorodu Fish Flro. Estate's

Stories by Crusoe OSllgie 4 65 Kilometer road SCfV1 CI1Ig 179 commercial Iish furmm IDI processors with II producuon capactty of 294.42 metric lonnes of tabte fish per annum. over 100,000 Improved Iingerlings (fish 5CICd) per month and 3OS .6Ir::g per yea- of smoked fish . The MlniSler of SlIII.e for AgnCIIItU~, M r, Bukar lijani, in his remartr: noted thBl the Lagos Stile Agn0111ural policy tallies wilh the Federal Government '5 trans form. l ion Agenda of ensuring food securily. Be said the fedcral government will continue to do more when it comes to Agricultural commcmaJisBlioo in its bid to make food sufficient .KJ improve agriatltural value chains. He pr.uscd the stale govemmCl'lt for its investment in the proj«1 intCf'lentions which be described as the adminisualion's response 10 mecung the people's aspiralion . In his f~llllllb during [be oommisslontng ocrcmony, the Task Team Leader CADf'. "'. Luas AUpo. tqlR:SCnllng the Country Din:ctor %rld Bri . Ms FrancoIS Mane Ncllelptn-

awed the supp,," of l...agos Statt GoYmlmml In the Implementauon of Commercial Agricultu~





Ue noted thai the sup~

has st.,ed to manifest tn fomu of lsKlable pm-

jects stx:h as the oommissioned road fdlllbilitltlion proJOClS and CIIergy interventions 10 Suppott agro proassmg tcdmology mel enhance Other 5 U~pro­ JCClS .

He ISSumt the. Lagos Slate Clo¥cmmcllI of the: World Bank's amtinued suppon in implementing the pnJjccCs dcYdopmcot

lie funhcr dISclosed th_ the proJt'd has supponed fish fanners in the estate in the nrea.<i of Improved Iish S«d , floating fish fcaJ , high prodUCIng blOOdstock and Iish fcaJ produong u:c:hnology, besides C!p1Cit, building which the

fimlm h3Ve also benefitted fium . Nelle nOied that the aJmu lll ive clTca of the int.cnClltions hIlS R:!;ultcd in production in~, sales incrcase IIfKI enhanad productivity overall because pnOf to the projca intC3'VCIIlion, the eslRLe was



value cham The Commissionet" of Agricultural and Coopcnltives, Prince Gholahan lAwaI, said lhat the collaboration with the Federal Govcmmcnt and the World Bank In the Commercial Agrimltural Dl:Ydopmcnt Projcas (CADP) has continued on • fJuitful path

e5pectaJl ) In the IIfeilS 01 improving the bU!!i tne.~~ CDVllunmcot for Igncultult'

by ao;sisttng participating small and n.edium scale oommcn:::tal I'armcn 10 the


Other pIOJf!Cts oommls:Jloned included the Poultry Estate with proocssmg faollty at Erikorodo, Ii.orodu and the 2O,()(X) mctnc lonnes capacity Ri lZ Mill at Imota when: CADP is panncring with the S tate Ministry of Agricultu~


FG Hands off Fertiliser Distribution

bilitlllion of IDlC!IS roads in the cstlfle has dta.'ltiClllly rodllCCd the cost and time

From Tunde Sllnni



of tnlvd while improving


dtmituJon, only II pem:d of

the productiyit, of the Fish F.-m Estate. He aJso noted thai


Ihc Ia05$ !be CIOIlIW}' who!c. inIetal was 10 be ICf'I'ed by Ihc ~ ~ bale-

patronage has been enhanced and m.,y alloIces who hilhc:rto abandoned theIr rams have moved b d 10 the Es'ale 10 oommence production as a result of the now improved road netwodlo . He disdosed Ihlll the road inlc:rvenlion is a>mplimenllng InVe5tmenLS already made in an:Il"i of technology by the pmjca:.

He .tded dill: the po5IlOI Iharpty wlltn the: distribJIion . . . hRIkd by piYlUC IXInOmI ",iIicb midi: 94 ~ oI"the'lllO bmd"n !"rom the distribttion, He ~PIamed IhM the diniIOO a11hc ~ 10 allow the dimibulion of die: commodily 10 pqs throup privuc lWllanisarions ,... .,.n or the apicuhunJ mormacioa IIgn1lb of PTaidmt Goodlud

It was as a .auh of !he developmenl, accordin! 10 Nqcdu IhM informed !be tramin! aIlitkd °Fcnilizu KnJw~ .nd HIndIing for ~ Crop PtoIb:rxJn" f(W the dc2Icrs ill !he ~ poducts. He added "our-cxllnpm)' is one of rn.jor IUtili=pnlduan in Ihc c:ountr)'0 lie ~ IbM the I'oola J)'$II:01 cl disuibwon In wInch only • Tqli~ ~ 0( fumm. in the: country had actt5S 10 fa111im- did IlOl .ugur

weD fur pn:dJCbon d Ihc prod-"sanc:e Ihe fakr.d

1It1_ ~fin!.

"""""'"' _ •. ""-" I'IO\fI! left 10 nwlcet our pnxIucu on our

fertihzer, we .-.::




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Cooperatives 10 support pnV1lle sector opa-.OI"5_

prognunmes for agricu ll uR: in the state.. He stated that the rm.




earth road that impakd easy mO\"Cment of fllml Inputs and produce within the estate. which oonstl tuted • mlJOr dislnV'CSlment in the Aquaculture


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