Fuel Scarcity May Persist till March the Atas CO\oe-M05lffiJ IlniI! lhIIt feeds fl\>"e depots and .aounts for products ..... pply 10 tI"e whole cI d-e South-wet region and aha contnbute 10 abou t 60 per cent of tot»J bridging 10 the North. Some markden abo posit dwt If.." f'QW pn*r • stuiItJm ~ NNPc will import and ~ 10 them for dmiJubon .It tMi r I\"Wl outkts. -All we need 10 do to tlus caw is to just mark up our little marpn on the poet. to basally it ill rNX'e pmlitaNe to aJ10w NNPC import and dcllve- to U5 01" for us to wU .ncr NNPC wiD bmr the mil 01 importJUon wt.dl will f'QW In!e us from Ihr t.lb ad thr huge interet tNt see Into Je"ricing loans. But unfottu·
Mobile Court Convicts 53 forTraffic Offences Toba SuI~lman In
nAdo-BuU About 53 people
a' the
waobntanwb!od by. ~ o:u1l'1 EldIi bIcM~ ....... ~ inYoMmmt In QI1OU!I
traffic o&nte 11\ the
pthtn!d thlt 61
II waI ~ ~
..tally tritd Dl Ihr nnw wt.h 53 INft'e f'\"ft1haDy C'OI1Vined reM nifw;: o6mc&, whalr dlM!
n.. ofkncrs ~ from • <nlIIbroII: rut tyreO La' 01 twdIets "",hilt dnYIf1A; .nd ndmg WIthout
a...t_. -..
0Vft' !he mobile rowt. wuntd the offmdm to desiSt from ~ tnlffk rWe.nd ~ hi tIq' pilY their f~ Spn.kmg With IO'1mali5l! during the rourt'. ~ the
Sedor Cmunardef 01 the r-ei"'" Rood Sokty CoonnuoOoo ("-RSC) in the IQ~. Mr R.T Kumv.,-n. !lind the nOIl-t1lle 01 . . belt!! by dm'en rd ~ 01 motorcydes without a-ash htfmrt ~ iI IlYJO'" oIfenca ~ comnutted in 1M Ita~ He abo IMnmted the U!Ir of obIcu~ numbn pLltes by soml' ~ 5tIealg dW: III "".. making it diH'...wt lor t.w a4uew'kd IIgt'flI5 to n.d the idenbfication d such vftude iltild~
MNnwhilr. the ZonaJ C~ of the FRSC In dwpo 01 Baa. K_...t kvp State,. Mr KduntW Addeyto. N:s ~ted .11 the !«lor tu •• ,.duilln
thrZlll'lt not 10 tnXr ~ -rr ...J BduatD\ In lheu ar1!lil5 01 opcnbQna. A~ sbted this In Ado-EJub dunng .. mectmg he hdd with all !«tor .nd urut ronunanden In the ZCIlY
Adesina: We Are Not Experiencing Food Crisis
Minlster of State fOf Federal Capital Territory, Olajumoke Aklnjlde (rrMddl e~ with schoo( children during the Childreno UNICEF Road to AwartMSS Walk In Abuja_ weekend I .....lil .. "'" 'AI
FG Moves to Boost Non-Oil Export
Amaechi to Enforce Free Education in 2013
the flItion'S Io!i!i to mfonNll
Veml Aklnsuyl ~AbJja
export and lnaccur.lll!!' data
aptunn,.; of Ihr In its bid to .ddreu the problftll of smuggling • .! wc.U at enNRtt the- ~~I ~ country, the~~thu
expon powthtn
I!!'xpo". Abyu 5I.i& "With
the mH.!ure NiSftia will be beun off " ~
abo.lhr ccm~
and' ~Innan of the )oint pluts to eublish 1'IooWro! ....
conchaded mtftNtioN.l border rnMkeb In sl. lontloM KroM the
CornmitW 01 the cmlemn, h-mi f!oyodt._ f1!ft _
"-tant of
St.t~ T~de
.nd Invnt-
di.scIORd lhl.! In Abu;" • • t • pl'ftl brlcling on Ihr thud Nlg~nl Non· Oil Export Confl!!'TftlCI!!', Exhibition .nd AWlrd (NNECEA) 2012 He ald · ~ ministry his I!rudy imtillN I ~ of nt.blWling border INIrkcu in SUI k1atkms to fonNlhw INo actlVitin of I!!'lporten of """_, prodUCb 1hII!' ~I dU1'(1or. who MJd Itw ~~ WM 10 ~ ., I _ 01 tonn.bsIn& Ihr mfo rTMl trade, noted that · Ihr mIfU:Stry will be woriung WIth III thl!!' mbhoklll!'f'S M) tNt the quantum of tndII!' an the JKtOr will be apturecl-
men t of the non-oilll!'ltport I II!!' s~nd Ihr ~y
confm!nc:II!' lCheduied 10 hold bmYftn f>b,~4111d 6 _ bonw out of c:oncen tNt the Ntion tur'V'IQl on no Ionge" be gUllranteN bMed on the crudl!!' 0111 II!'ltport
"Crude oil is • reotJl'CII!' 10 which _ ha"e low contribu· bca\ WI!!' do not havII!''''y bmd lIl~the~
rra ard _an! so ~
to uUltJe'ICII!' the .mount of bonol .,.,....., ''In fKt for MJII'W of us the dl«"O'"mng 01 od tws bee-. • rurse Ihan. ~ I pmmaUy beUroied tNt 95 Pu celt of the problems we M\ e in
thts country can be pn:bbly tr"acNbW: to. the ~'1I!'f)' 01