I'age 30, T FII S DAY, Vol 16, N o. 5904
Thu rs day, June 23, 2011
~3 BusinessWORLD I
African Youth Devt Must Be Anchored on leT'
ana!in g Director of Technolog} Oistnbuuons Limited (TO). III(" nllmbel' 0IlC ICf Diwibutor 111 West Africa. 1\11"$ Chiom.l Ekch h~ ~resr.ed Ih.11tilt' <k\elopment of African )'OU1h~ milS! Ix Imchored on
[uroonntlC'n COtTllllUllicmiolls Techllolo<.;y (10).
Beh told n IlSDI\Y thai
lJy Efem Nkallga 111l'rt: was an lI~ t ncal to the: resliveness of unc:m· ployal )·olll.hs in Africa but U1iI1 such an empowermenl must bet!in with the provision of leT am=;I.
W'Bank: Why Lagos Commercial Agric Must Succeed he \\""kJ Bililk ~ Irnked the: <;uC'CC5:!I ofCommm:illl J\pxulwre 1):1't'lopmenl
Projec, [C"DP) to ' he
0( IlCh~'tment. \\1l1ch
.he Bank ~ Ihe I..a~ State (ioo.-emment reeds to !eCOId in lhe pI'OJf'Cllmplementation The WCIIId Blink ProgrnHU'ne Coordiu:ltor. Malem Van Niewko0l'. g3\e Ihe hinl dunn,!! lite recent nnplentemalioo f'('\'ie\\' of the ~lI1e co"lInen:i~1 agric1Jltul't' rrojet., while a 'earn of th:: Bank omc:i"110 the Sla'e. Inskill,!! the stille I:'()\-emment 10 .. Ike IKh'al1~ of Ihe rro.ject. Speaking :If the f'('\'iew !;CS. .'Il00. Ihe (lfO!JllI nme COOItfin:tlor ~id lhe comnlCltial ~nricul lure rn~" mighl noI5llCCttd In Nigena if it dele:! noI socceed In I...agos. though he COl1unended Ihe Siale g<l\'emmenl for Ihe progrcssmadeJCI far.",ying Ihe SI:de has done: wdl ba.<aI on the R'pOIt the B:If1L. recelled. N~I.:('<lP also e~r~'inrd lhat the \ isit W;'l! nt'CCSSo.".... due 10 \\ I ~II he de!;cnbed as tI,e ,ft'tlto lou/.. :II !he slrong pPitll flf tB! gO\'emmem'~ CADP im[JIt:mentallOl1 :mil tu haw a dirKt ,nl<:l1lt'1l01'1 \11th Ihc farmen '10 asK> ntaL.e the necc:o>s'II)' reeom· melld.lIlO11~.
AccunlU11! «> hill. , "11001 we 1 ~'I'e ~
fl" in Lagos and COInpcmeru 11 h.,t \It' han:: ini.ially ror .he pt\ijecI. we S.1\1 inll:lilmelll and approach It) the [JI"(\ject fillom.:ing which II~ I"CI')' Sood"' TIll' f'l'ogmmme courUtn:Jlor Further expllllned thai the ~ of tI'IC pmjc:c1 "r.. ~i call~ to stn::nstool :tSricullur:t1 b) improl'lng food pruduclion and also address II'IC issues of food serurity. 11\C. implement:llIOll ~ p!t'SCnIm to us 00 the CAPD impiemeruatlOl1 In I...a~ Slate «)
CIU!i..~ Rl\'er~
~"C:Iledtll:ltthe~'emmel1lh:ls hu~e ml~l'e$t In
would accelerate.he 1ll.t.'Ulmm! of the MOOs. '11M:: AU.~
ing to her should make it IT13ndatOl)' for its member states
10 gil't' the p!Ul'isioo of leT products prioril)' ntlention and use the Pttr RC\,~, policy 10 nudge IT1f:mbets 10 compliance. SIll' al<;o nOled Ih;u Africal15 ~hourd be perliu:1ded and mll.<t COO5i~lelllly buy products mOOe \\ il hin 11M:: re,ion 10 enslltt:: n~tional de\'tlopmer1l. In addilion she said that the AU 5houkl honour Afnell11 in\-estOOi who tn.'Ike.wb5tan tial im-estmcnlS in Africa. She S3ldTO bl::1iC\T5 th;tl 'he c;(pGIlsion indigenous tn~i IteSSeS arn:l5lI n3\ion.,1 boundaries should be C'JlC'Ul.Ir.lged llnll promoted by I II rde'o"3nt aulhori.1t:S in rUlther.mce of the African Union's obja:tilt'S of
ap;rulrure. BUI 0llJ" judgment is noI going 10 be basa.I on the P"fIl'I"" "'POll ito;clfthal I why we will vi!it the farm il.sclf and look ru till' ~ on ground:mll nlso ha\l:: a firslh..-utd interaction with the fannefli" Niewt.:oop
"" """"""'"
Dqp!dY [..."m RuH• • ft@9fS AB"'BOlAAKOSILf FRANCIS UGWQ!(E
OllKAAA'ANZE-M'IACHUKU Mr!!imr Editor .DiN l1"iORI AqibutinIM A nd!1II'Y Editgt
"""'" """. CmJnI"irerXm
Umon Summu fi~ for the DnJ of JUIIC-Isl of July, 2011 al !\.Ial~bo Equll!oo~1 Guinea T O has used llle African Digilal A~l(Ja 10 bccorn:: an industry berx:hmarl.: for d~·nilITlism. e/flCit'ncy and compe'il il-=~ in lhe \\'est African It'SIOfl \1 hik impOlClmg on local man.:el5 ;to; follol\s - incTt';lsin!, the range of [Cf br.md~ a\OIi!abk 10 consumer<; tooos,ill11 compelition 10 e ul13 .....-e con":: ~mer vallie; p:uronisin~ local profes~iOl1:1b aoo othef ~icr
prol,dlm: employmg. and dC\doping Ioc:o.l skill~ in prod. uct supponI' l1:IUlICnanc'e; ane COfltnhoting 10 n:tllonaJ tt::\Ct1ue Ihrou,h ta~ p.'ynx:11lS
Also speaking at the n:... iew Bank CAD r T.tsk Or. Lucas Akapa, uplaintd the pmjt'ct \1"3$ lb't'loped to SOt'Ilgthcn agricullur.ll l\CS.~lon . the
pnxIuctioo sysh:m and to link fanl'leB 10 nl:\rl;et.
Aa:tlnJing 10 till' tEl: bier. '1here :R; tlua: Slr.I,egic crtlJlS. We rue 1ooL.ing at Aqua Cultun: ~ ....p. is clore It>"-;Er poolU) :mtJ ria: farming. These
an:: till' Ihrtoe Sb;ltegic COITlIJD..Ii, ~ tin \\'e art: \\u\:ing on 10 msun: th:u. we intprO\t' produc~ lion. redtJCt': cost. gc-nerale 0llplo}l,1I('nl and contrihJte 10 crononur ptJ\\·th N the COUll--tl) " .
l\lnpa also aUdo1 tllal the commercial ngrirultun: pmjt'ct ··i~ Ctmt'nlly at the b"t'l of f"l'"
liding ~rtr..~ 10 fi n30ce ralTning and (lfOI·idin~ infraSlnlCUJlt'$ tl131 \\'oukl aid their protIllCtlOll in Ihe COIJntry-. Pt::1TlUI1C11l S«recllrY UgOll 51mr Ministryor Agriculmrt!. Dr OlllJtUe Basoron. who n:ccil-ed
ti..::: Icam. tt::ileratod Ihe gOI-emme1l1 eOllirnitmenllo r nsurinl.! a ~lJl.'l.'r'S5 flll impkmentillioll -o( the pru.JCd. Bashorun armourced pl;ms by the Bank to establish a fish f.·VTII egale in Epe: [JOUttr)' estate til [korodu. and a vegetable in Bad.1gry. among Olher intetwntions the stltI:: go-onn,nenl has made in tlte agricultural secIOf.
"1Al; 1'"1<Y r rrsidn,t, .'illf'{liy Clwn 1)j,uitm, Urfll~ Slid SlIJllIIUn AlrictJ, Mr. JtJJ Tall.lI lDiCEO. I~/a~ Cr",cllt 11~11'CO Nit I'k . ,\fr:. Somy AbtkIkstkr. lltad oJ SlIppiy C IHriIl l)i,uitJII. Lnlmre m i l'CD, ,1ft:. KnID Olorml.:ur mod 1Imt1 01 T"mJ(lOtY Standnrrliwioll FRSC. UIgm. Co",nUllld" SI/IIMY,\jiJ;njl1la m ille tm",c/,;nr ofIot;Wic Stdny IIrnrdhoolr and 'lit TfOlI$por1tr5'!onml ;n /..arof.- ~lIIly " lOm: 11_ \j:ob
UN, Partners Collaborate against Drugs, Crime in W' Africa nlled NaliClI1S offiCials. l11ini51etS 1I1td representlllil"es 0( Interpol h3''e plcdget.l to wor\: logether 111 the figlU a~ainst drug Im/flCking and org"m.-.ed crinl(" in West Afrie:l, \\h ich 11:IS bcamc: ... key lransit 1'01111 for the shipmenl of eocllne from lalin America to Eu~. At a IllCCling in Dakar. Senegal. pmicip1l1l5 discuS5Cd 110\\' 10 ~Iine their efTon.~ agrullSl drugs IUId tTln1l(' in the rcgioo. \lith tiM:: pruduc11Of1 of ~, nltdicines ;n:I till'
smu,!! Iing
cigarecles also
ill ici.
Caoi!a! Mil"'!; Ed!!9r GCmYEGEJ£ Sen!qr Cormporrdtrds RAl-£EM AKING6a..U (~&.Yar"""'J
omE[1) ElE
lI-IJA EROKE (I..at.r;uj ERadOSElE~ (CIpQI~
EJIOfOP..AlI:E (Enrow.I JAMES aEJO (N;JrJo:I1sCa*1 OBHIA Q;t.1A I~bl!y 1.-fa-bO SNA AOEC-€E jAa:U;bt EDbf
Ir:lfficl.:ing. organised
mme and dnl!! abuse RIIlQIlg
By A bill/bola A kosile
from the UN OffICI! on Ortlgs and Crin~ (UNOOC). \lhich tt::\'C!l1ed tIl-'II 1111(' 1-ru1lC 0( iII icll fky.' s in the region .sometlnlC." su~ tlte countries· Grus..~ Dornc5tic Product (GOP) Cigan:ne smuggling III Wcs Africa. for UilITlp!e. ~IC:S abouI. IDS million. n1CJfe th:In the GOP of the Garllbia, \I hill" the nde 111 countmeit :lnlim3I:IriaJ tlbIC1S surp:lS5CS lhe GOP ofGulllea-BISS:IU.
itlenlifled 115 I1101jor problems. a
UN rde35C disclosed. 1ne inaugural session of the High-I...eIt'1 l'oIicy Convnillee or the West Africa Coast Inili:llil'C W35 chaired boo' Said Djinnil. the Sccmary-<kncr.ll·s Sp«:iaI R~ for Wcs Africa. 'The meeting follo....s a regiooal action plan adoped ill 2009 with the :JIm 0( I3d1mg
"""'_ ThaI. pl::u, followed a rt'f'OI'
tt::'IC"ed recent lIluial1\"t':'i in Slerr.t J..eone . Ld)Crlll al1d GlIinea- Biss.1l1 and also discussed Ihe imp:K:t ttl" 1111(' ra-rnl po5t-eleclioll cnSls in COle d·!I"OItt::. 1ne ~ inl;:IOOcd fl1JfCsenlalil-e.s of lhe UN. tl1I(' Economic COII11110l1lt)' of Wcs Afric:an Slales (KUWt\SI . 1hc: African Union (AU). tile Eu~an Union CEUI ilIKI Inlerpol. 1$ \I'ell 35 ~ or IIllenor minis,efli from Cc)(c
d·h·oire. GlIin::a-B i~. Liberia and Sierra l.eone
Expert Proffers Solution for Food Security he ExKlIIil"e Ch:llm"lan .
rqiooal cooper.llion. II1tegralion anti devclopmem. She rcc:t.11ed Ih.,t TO partnc:tttItheAfrican Union \\hen i. dl:l;laT\"d Ihe Icr 5a1or :IS a ~secl or of lOp priOrHY". SlIbsequently. in 2010 TD adopled Ihe Afnean Digilal Agenda. pll)[laglllet.l by Ihe Arrican Union CommissiCIIl Il~ a cohett::nl and in!~grl1let.1 ~h for till' implemenlalion and rollow-up on lhe le t' decIJr.l' ion. a.' Ihe pI:llfl')fT11 for her oper.Itioll','i 111 \\'~. Afnca. 1ne Heads of St.1te of Ihe African Umon ha\"e adopted " Youth I!m[JO\\ermcm fot Smt:unable DeI-clopment"- 3."1: tlte then1l(' lhe 171h African
50 years cementing Nigeria
Oy GbuJt'ga Akill su"", j
[..mel! HUH""
lools If1 a.Uer 10 be sustam:iliie. lie urgrd lhe ~t eads ofScrue ortllCMricnrt Unioo meeling in Malabo EqUluorial GlIinea 10 i0oi.: beyond fiscal credil as means of empoll"em":::11llUld.'iCf in place policies designed to ac hiC\'C Ihe oll'ocrship or IC I' protIUClS like PCs. printm. and imemet I'ICCt':SS for tile majority uf Mrican youths SI1I(' said 1111(' choice ofYoolh ErnpollenllClll was .imely. commendable. aoo a hright rc:spon.o;c If' the Arab spring Ekrh said I)\IIner~hip of
Ac ruc
H o<pnahl~
Holding~ Limiteti. Mr. Ra'\hced Yll\SUf. h.""lS $.'lioJ pmffered ~11l(' viml ~1I1iotu ror Il~ rt'ali5allull of rOf'(! .;a.-un,y 111 Nigeria. Sl\)·il1g tl te Issue i~ I1l't as Ilorrisume a.~ widel)' brliel('ll Spe.:l.~lI1g 10 TH ISDAY 111 1 ~t'iJ . L31C>\ ~nll\ . lte c,;"bil1ed 11m. ahhor.l ~h li te COUn1~ t~ blo<.e-J ~·llh- Clt'!)Ihlll,!!. the ("llIla!.> are l:u~ III t~lI' " rUlilt"lII;1. Ilhat GoJ IlOJ'. bk<""<..-d thr.-nl II ith "X'gtIID i, jtN.J Lv~ ,1,1\.Inll"l and tlla!. i, all \\~ halo! hld:nl If'!" jc..., '-I..... " .. ~ ·.T 'II"nu
8 y Chillawr Mcguo/II t\lU bks...ru ano.i)ct \\"e an: poor. I mn ~1king [rom weallh of e"Ik.Ticnce lind
I"et) J;1~~1
\\C h~lt' L~II land ~I)Ij CI'Cr-.·-
tllIlll!. bu,- llo'I'C rt'fll<ed 10 uSc our ;ntU:ltll'C:' 11I(' s:ud
Noll." th.,t Go;! '" nl'l gcotl!! 10 till Ute land f(ll"" :'oiil!!.'rill. YIl~wr ",m;scd Ih:1I IllI! - i".<1'" ~w.r.l ld noll l'{'me- Ilr :II all ~ dlC' l,..'t~IIr-. II:>' I!'"~.!l \It:~,he,.ont.I
men \l1f,'C:IIl ~~,;I1;' 'I "~ . Ht-
quiddy .-..kIed Itlo1l lhe pobIeIn is that the IlUllruh'e r.; noI bl::ms
ml..en. ACCO"din!! 10 hun. " If you don 'l liU )1."ll.lr 1:mIl and '10\\ a <.ecd. how 011 yoo e.~pecl loeat" f"t."OJ o;crurily It1 NI~~ ~houkl 1101 Clen COflll": up I Cln underS1:lnd olllt'r COUI1l~ talk ing
aboul it ~ally because I~' 11;11'C peculiar prohIcnt". l.mtd in Saudi Amboa i~ amble of COU~ anJ tlJaI I ~ \\h~ lmpt lUf1 j. !f)lIlg 00 II~ btI."':IU.>C~. pl.-.nniug a/I(";d"
(""",inum;. he hn1!,:d 111.31 In ~i~~ \\hr.-re th~t ., 1,~TlIb: I'~~:uod ).'Tr" " l'r~llIer \\ 1It-;>hI.: t... ~j>ell ~'lk . .!I1 ,,( ~III .III.'
looL.ing I~ d .... !'il '«tor 3nd nol. IlgllClIlrurt' "If CI'eI)budy is Iook.i~ ru oil in food o;ccunh·. 'hcn \It' h;r.c: 10 IiIke llJ;llcIJIWtl: «'f1(1ll.~Iy. Ap.m frum \Ihm fonl1l('r ("l(Ilen1("ll" BlIL.ola S'lr.lki dl(! III K\\"3r.l b} bI;IlJlng in .111(' Znnb:tbwt'an [1U"TTlC"fl; In {"OIll(".tnt.! , 1:111 -..oono: tllII13tl l ·e.~ there. :unl plait! ShOlli'3I Fllml~ . C\CI) I:>rd~ e!<c I~ itllereo;tcd It1 <lI1:' tr-..noJ HCI'lc·'-er. )u...;uf:td .,<al til(" 1:tnOlK tuTI\> " f QT.-em~i.' and tl' CIlI7C1~ :,.. \\011..- l!fll.... Ih.:1f le<f"'Il~;!'!1tl"-'" He 4UltI:!..! til(' !"I('I"'tbr. n.·I!.~1 r Ir"a I.~ mat' U~'\I"l ,do.'''l!1 ' lUI .t.."C"