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Friday, Much 23, 2012

THISDAY, Vol. 17 No, 6178, Page 33


consumer reports

Food Security: Stakeholders Want Prioritisation of Agric Sector


Envoy from SOlilh

ArnClln CommluKJa.

IIEah Mr

IdloIIii C~ and • DePUIY DneclOr In !he RqJubIIo; of IJIIbIesta. Mr lI..,r,.oIO. haYe called on Gu>'\'mlnena and people 01 f'.; 1JI:I"UI 10 pnonuse agncul I~ and reduoe oYn depm

SpeaI.Jn& 10 newanen 1ft i..q(», .. l1li r:YCIIl 10 herald the maJdeu Clhllon of Apx:e.tpolFoodbexl

dtncc on

'"lCuhural Lnpuu from Nip. was bcm& used In the: S05 10 €A 10 pow «.OnOaUCS of mllll)' W01. Afncan countncs, lIdtJull that Iwncu&na the AIfl"'IhunJ poII:flIU.b of lhe IWIOn ""'OI.dd help pow

011 10


economy 1;xloY.mS !he sallie line, Mr Olen, Yo Fu of Tal .... .,.


bnt.»y wd

'FN Iw. •

numba of Agrx: roIlec1lORS

,""""""'" ......

thai CW\JIOt be

~ In Ibt;

E.hlbllKlm, Coknan. an Econoouc CwIUCIor In the commliStoCI. recaned bow

the mlNlf.aunng 5CICU

Halogen Sets Agenda for Improved National Security


ne 0/ r-;"cna'" leadlnr mh:!!,,,,ed



Set:WII)' ('"ompua) ulIllled. ha bpreued .....l>.! ..."boo <If

the ~I 04 IrwJ.ocry endonot me.. of II.) IIlldhp lind pR' " ' _ ~unt) M:O'lQ't

1bc: II:JlJ,ln.~lIIml "". dune b) nu",cruu ~urporalc pt!)lope.. h lIo.J pncrnrncnl IIbIIiUlIOfI

""00 ,'wled lhe

I.ump..t) " ,Wk.I • ~-un..:IUtkd

the: J"'"

IntematlOl"lal hre

Ind So.;unly boblbitJOlI


Cunre:reoc<; IIFSECI .... e:M Afnca :!O 12 In U,1Mo MltaBIII, Dmaor Ind


of lhe: company. Mr

WAle Ol..Jyc, ~ the: WICW ",,1uk spc:aboc 011 Iu5 CIOnlf*lY'. capenenc:e M the: C1lutIIUon ID ~y " We .we p/e:Mc:d wlm the:

o\la"lll<hc:lmlDI ax:epanoc: 01 COf])OfIIlI: Ind IJWllullonal p.nnc:n reconIed by our eutnpany al the: ~ c:onclnd cd IF'SI:£ Weg Afnca cablb!· 11OI~ .

-Q:xwdmn! the: JeCunly ID!JOnuo,u t}u.1 we hawc dumpMlned Ul dw; marld, _ we: more asurcd of the IlRInI foothokJ chit ,,"III con llnue .., ilIppOf1 tbc: wvc:nc: corpont£, l",hvld.,.1 and )J'IhIM: IedOr cltc:nr.s tbiIl we IiI:rW Ul




""'" -JIUI kI mmllOIIa few,ow IrlnoUU"C offennp 10 OUt mar\.c:c loclude: the: Ilann S)'r

lelm pin..... Ind compkt.e ... Ith



rtSpOniC wppon. $CCunty CkOft MId prt*ICOI 1ef\olCdo,

-J..&round chc:cu IIICludlnl

the: UIc: of pol)' &nIJh ile: dc:Iet::. kit tJ'III:ltl~. doled CuaJd kievu,KNl tCCTV) 'yAe:m t.dcd up by UJldIIF'l DVR lIlIi)lJC:I, KCC$$ 0ClIIlf0I Ind


and 1*ly ~ ha~ muoouc:cd c:berrucal weapons InIHerror ')'Ue:ffiIO I i wdl U Inlffer dop (or dc:1CC1I0I1 of Iwd

drup II1d upb.tva - 11 thaefon: ac- wilhoul Ayll'll that III a full Je/'Y1Cc: 5CCUnt)' compaay In·lune With eml:rJlIIl IeChnoIop::aI Innov.IIOft and ahead of en'Ic:fJlOI securuy thmus, we: lin: _11 JIO' 10 suppon 0 . chc:oI)C and ~

With our ndJ eapc:rwe and &Jot-I compc:tmee:,- he: AkJ

0I1O)'e: liso added thai W1th the: rum, c:rimc: /1Ue and "'I1Il, anacu In one: pIrU of Ihc: counlly, ~ 11 need few ClClOOI::I'1Cd dfons .., IOIYe Ibc: nauooaJ

"""-' I k WJCd It. £OYenlfJlI:nI

lOaoll 10

i0oi. be)ond ""'"

Ina or prudUo.;b 10 proccsw:n,

and pM:1.... lrlg. duo:klied thai: I~ had aped 10 he:lp l"uJCf1J In the: aru of IRlnml 01 her people: and wpply of a,,,,,.'uRunt! rnad1mmc:s 'to Fu, "00 daspIa)'cd Ius coumry's calendar, .. hlCh


acne eoIlccuon In

ThWlfl, pou1ltId OUI that 11'1' in, the nature of Nllena weather Ind numm of aPl' cultul'1ll llerm I.,.dlbk:, NIJeflI coukJ do bener III the: sccu.- 10 ~ her CICOI1Omy 1Nu! any other ICCUW l..trtll:f JI1 hIS speech, the Nlgl:.nan. Bnll)h




(N BlK:), Mr TC Awagu, I\ad Wiled IIw the furthconung Agncupo would for;us 011 IlflcullUt. . . hlle 1-oodbcJ.1

would dwdl on fmMut fOOtb 1100 bc-.erlfC r-odllCb lie AkJ thou II would be: the: bt~ and ftnt ..... CSt Afncan



iJlC'lftcally dedi

CItIt'd kI the: IJIlCUllltral aOO 100.1 beverage tndlb1ry WillE cal1ml on ~ 10 rue 10 the: ~ton

of food tniCCUfll) tn wbSaharIn Afnca , he: lamentc:d that Jb unnuJICDI lhn:aI hr&Io pn:tc:ntc:d • dWknge 10 fO" emmenli aao6Io the: repoo and III ~lIln1:3R1nl Ind1V1d uab. Inciudlos COfpOnIt:


'The preslJenl urged NIJ'Cn.tIlllo 10 pn Praklenl Goodllll.l.. JOOI.Ihan, In hl~ qUOIlo re\OIUltUIll'oC agn.."U1 1W"e ano.Ithat I:\'ny qmenc of lhe 'IIlIe chatn mu)1 be flvouBbly 1wnt:s"Cd f(lf II Iotal"", of abe




l·".mnl II UUS ~k"'~


~ry tllne: A)o.:en..tlO .... Itoen'

over usn btilloo I) ..pem aruIYally on food 1fnpDf11 l'I ",leNly una.:cqMllbk: £\1:') WlppotI mu~ be: II~ 10 1o.1O;al

producIk.fl \'~ 5UtJdry .:eIVI 111:1 01 , \'emmenl and pn

--~ -So'.

lht-.alvlttesofthe of 'A,nculturc, under Jt,. 1e~lenlllp or 1>t AllII .... ,U! Albina , ihow a


Cf"elltv.. IllllUnllll1CllllO IpI CUlllflll .bd.~ru -.J If lhe: let lpo. Ib JU$, our IIl'lI;ul'ull " III "1Inc:a reJll vc::ilOIJton lUll: nean:s.t future HOY>'e\..- the ~lsJom I); tIw the to'o::JllfrlCl1l cannoc do II all alo..'e \0 lnooqxnuon of pnUIe " lor Inllaatt\'a mao the: !dllli n <.trIlt'I)' nll\ b a loICp In m' n 1,1 d,recll('lll.- he w~

Mea" "Io:.the:rcpn:~~ II\~ ,,' De u,lfereAl U,IltO tnc:\. v.t.. aIlollkJ the: ~clll prornboJIl " ... lbthao p.uh.1 p8nlll'IOil the.r o"'nlna


and other go\tJ1Ullc:nl loO,:unl) IIpparllU) In ~

J>Nl:c:» \,r ~)In, thedt.a11mJc of &emlO)m ,n the I;UUn!f) Oft lhe ~ful peruuplltOO lOf Ihe 1."OI!'IpIQ) II IFSl:.C 2012. f..I.eculI~ I>t.ttl~ lOpc:rlhons), Mr lkaun Sown)I.

"'..t. -Fa.- w.

II oomparty. our pat'tll.lpI lion II IfSl:.(' 20IllS another ,rc:lII 51ntJe lunod II oousoil cial"'IOW Indlblry rc:1ev.mcc "Ai one of the majOr lpOO loOr of the: Imc:malJOOll ~. ncu ihow Ie the c.r.hlbtllon~. lIa1.o&en ~lblllOn pO,,1l """D I beehlWC of -=11'1"_ by ulillnl Ind JIfO'PIIClIVC climb and our JUM(b wa-c: aD "

UqUIIIU: ICCrte 10 behold ewm III thc:u untforml, they


wa-c: abo ronvlDClnl for the: of cruung a ~~ I«hnl that we art:; known (~

',bc: high human ttaffx: only aboul the pcdl I l~ brand III of liWdtnl t:u abo U I of our new offer IRI~ In dettromc 5CCUnly Iec:bnoloo' We can only conuml kI do tnCft bcausc



&fCC of lhe: the




"""" On Iw. pan, TechnolOJY Manlier,



OmSlI'" AJlYI, fOfeiCd I future for 11alo&en With lIS d)'1WnX: uw:rfacc With caw· In, and fII:'Ir dK'l\ls II public uhlblllOll

"Our prucnoe .. IJ--SEC b III ample opponunll) fot builnc:» devcklpmenl and con~obdllClOn on OUI older 1OC(lUQlJ. Mort: people: wa-c: able 10 5ee ow new U'CbnoIoand I behewc we haYe ilICCCCded 11'1 OOI1vlocIIII all ttw IlaJocm bu lILlea ICaIn Iy lOIullOIIlln ourW~ Afnca ::b.:f1Oll 10 !he neal level,"


Grand Oak Introduces New Offering


~tkl OiU.. lntroduces New

Orrenn. Grand Oal.. Inle:mll-w BrllllIs Lmukd (OOiBL). a subudllr)' of Gnind Oat Luruted and IfIOI'IIOI'5 of!he: F.a:omtum While Gil canll.,.1 hc:kI reoent.Iy In J....Icw: has lnuo-





UopoId Raffin (LR) 0llpIIC Innd tnIO the: NI&aWl nw


GOIBL, abo dcscnbc:d


1I011JC of prellllUm IlIIemJ-

brInds of

and lpmlli, ClIme Into bt:lng In liOnal


2010, pnll....)y 10 It'nIOe the upper and nuddle c:l_ of lhe: NlpMI OOflSUlntn. It IS one oIlhc: fin! truI)' Indtgr: now. compMlQ, wlIh I full oneOt.li1Oll set up 10 pnWlde lOp ntngc and mIcr naltonal bnuxb III YJ:r)' dIS cernlnl 4'01a5Ufnc:ni Miilr.U1J'~on

the: new tnnd, 0ccpaI.. KalIU GeocBl Manlgu, GO IBL upOOncd dill dte: _ LR Capac brand 0011_ from the: hen ...e of Lac he (1UIU1y, ... htcli 0""" l2 hc:aam iJ(

Dufil Launches Fresh Promo for Trade fartners Jornedu. . .., _ and ..,1Iwl1lourCXlrlStllltc:Qand_ o'"""""', ......... cd' - the 0ufiI Pnn. Foodi pnId .., be: won 10 bebe¥e IhaI: dq wiD IlIIl;e full




Pte, rnMen of Indoauc: ~

lIOOdb, has IIIIrOduccd 'Stad.. .t: Wm Promo' olfer 10 fta1bc:r cnoourap:


Acconbna 10 Pl.tbllC Rebuonl and E~ Mana&a, Dulil Pnmtt F''OOlk PIc, Mr "TCnuIOpEAsbJ....JlI, pMnetS J*uciplie III the promo would have t:he 0f1IXWIUruly of WIfIIlIIlI ~

J!IU ~ _


ihouId IllVUlve ~ pro-

........ """""'- """'" .., wppon men of the II1IICd


8y 01001" 0 lu5mo

lottUnI) IInli

mJ. roJu..11On lOIutKIfb

lie saKi, -NIJCOI IS lei AJr1CUIlUrai lOOdy and _ ihould be nundful cI t:he thae Ap-..:ullwal <bclopmeal ~ 10 Manuf.:euonl To !Ius end, we need to c:noour I&C development cl the sector and JNlY lltenuoq 10 In(~· AtUCturil ~Iupmmt so lhat IlIIISpOrtIlJOO from ~ Ina JlOUIIIO pomt 0( saki Will not be: d lfflCUlt,In hIS rc:marl: II the: OCCI' 1)()fI, Mr lI..,f Iianyanlo, .. ho WJCd SlllL.c::boIdm. In the

AWWlJU IWC:d thai: the: plan is to enMII'I: !hal eYI:f)'OnC

mcludc: seu 01 .5 brIIIded, brandrd s&ccI roop,

tw.dcd IitC:d n.u, car10IIli 01 lndomIc • wdI.1C\'e1'1J IXJIt-



I k: c.a:pWnotJ thII the: tomf*1Y 1$ a1wayl lM.JIlI eACWllJ k:atbslIlP 10k WI !he: dfOJU 10 tMpII'I: aoIOntc:Q. The promo he suused is Jat cl JUi tomnutmenI III

ronJlIndy ~ ,


mlt\ut and CI'ClYe UCaaemt:nl rOl" t:he trade: Jat ~

-We arc always o;CIlc:d when S&dI ~teI come

advaruee f:I die:


• tbey did WI the: preY'IIU years We 00IIiMda II ., obh,. IbOO fICII "'" .., Cl.OIe Ihem bile

5how Iillme appn:aatJOn of thl:U" loyallY, pau-onllg£ and


c:oomutmenl 10 Indorruc:-, he oddol

l ie: howona caplatnc:d that any AIel; out.Ic:t or Ihop WIth I ,000 dISplay of cat10N of Indomx ~oodICj ...1.11 be:: lfISUDdy ~ bya Elm of JlIOP"ICllCft spud ImlU lite: mwlLt, ........ that IUCf\ ak:s oudc:t "",0 t.¥e

COCDlt:, '"OpttllUl UtXuied a new brand tdetol.ll)"Iabc:) and 1*=1.."I'nl lic:I. 91 1bc: lwu Idlcni LR " 1"1: lhi; heart DI the: n::dcSi,~. 100jelhll:l" "lIh. 1..1.. ) In )'ellow bI~ .IIJ "-«0 lhey mAc up the: ne-.. ","~'I}' . hc: Wk1 IJreknlOUl, lilt brand 10 JUCSb oil the WrulC GI'~. M, Kailloo SI>d the: _ brand IS I rello. lIOn tJf hIrd worL and ,..~t.d.J01 IIftc:nIIOn 10 dePt! '11 c ,.~ uloid ClUJ. de HC un blended " ' lib cern pblty anJ dehcacy .., bnlll aboul "1 tdc:al ""'lance: betwocn 110\\0 ..Id finesse:. .... Ih Illn of mocha and do::ot..le· hc: Slid

lie ft"w;tJed "Ita tnnJI. on the: 00181. SiAbIc 10 IN:Iude JUnI Rotoen Wlu..I..-y, ...." 12 yun Scotch. Sotc:pb Pcmc:r (haoJ-.rte. MIIX: MonlOll ho.I 01 Winca _ \o\xI.a h _, and 878a Merlo!,

))eo Rftn'\O'r, rtnCI M.thI, Lussa.; 51 1!mllltOn, Saml VillCa\l (Ir1Od VcnIICt and hqueur 5Lo.:tt u Grapp. and )}ombardllO

The: C.cnc:rli Manager e:mpbauIN 1M the: COIJ1f*1... oITen ... In.umen; ~capen' encc dwOL ~)'I of Brands In Prcwlunl &tid SuPC' PR:mluln Iqmc:nts 01 lhe Wines olI"" Spll1b MM'leI

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