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Sunday, Febnlary 26, 2012

Revamping Dams for Agriculture Recen tly, Ihe federal governmellt throllgh ils rell!VflIIl MOAs embarked all an all the spot assessmel/ t of all dalll plVjects in Ihe cOll I/ try, I/ot ol/Iy 10 ascertaill Iheir present cOlldiliol/s Ullilo fast track their utilisation, especially for agriC/lltllral de-ve/opmelll, wriles Malachy Agbo

on illl' deb\'t!!)' of the ptqtrt AIuk_ ~>d d'litl the st* IS ~ U1 n>pUcabng the ~ 11'1 other b:31!p""mlmt'ntS, stressmg lhallhit> 'iti)~ f'M'nlment IS detennmed to fn'IIU~ tNt the dam wor\.o; ..Ie called 00 the fedt'raJ SO"'\.'ITlIllen11o rome 10 titL utol lhe~lIe.


Dr l.Isman a!RIn.'<I dlP of ~ go'-"l'TIl" menl '5 pn路patl.,:h~ 10 aJWvule tile suff.!rl,,~ 01 f'il'IA"l farmen IrI the ruuntry and the ~t ~\lrustrabono; plans 10 maJ..e ~ th ... dnver 01 the emnom,

" Experts were of the opinion that the projects have the potential for huge success and quick wins for the t n sformation agenda programme of the present adminis~ tration ~~

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